from gtk import * from iw_gui import * import string import rpm import os from threading import * from translate import _ import sys class DoInstall (Thread): def __init__ (self, icw, todo): self.todo = todo self.icw = icw Thread.__init__ (self) def run (self): from exception import handleException try: rc = self.todo.doInstall () except SystemError, code: import os, signal print "shutting down" self.todo.intf.shutdown() print "shut down" os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) except SystemExit, code: import os, signal print "shutting down" self.todo.intf.shutdown() print "shut down" os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) except: import traceback list = apply(traceback.format_exception, sys.exc_info()) text = string.joinfields (list, "") print text threads_enter () handleException(self.todo, sys.exc_info()) threads_enter () if rc: self.icw.prevClicked () else: self.icw.nextClicked () threads_leave () class InstallProgressWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) ics.setTitle (_("Installing Packages")) ics.readHTML ("installing") ics.setPrevEnabled (FALSE) ics.setHelpButtonEnabled (FALSE) self.todo = ics.getToDo () self.numComplete = 0 self.sizeComplete = 0 def setPackageScale (self, amount, total): threads_enter () self.progress.update (float (amount) / total) # self.totalProgress.update (float (self.sizeComplete + amount) / self.totalSize) threads_leave () def completePackage(self, header, timer): def formatTime(amt): hours = amt / 60 / 60 amt = amt % (60 * 60) min = amt / 60 amt = amt % 60 secs = amt return "%01d:%02d:%02d" % (int(hours) ,int(min), int(secs)) threads_enter () self.numComplete = self.numComplete + 1 apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["completed"]["packages"] + ("%d" % self.numComplete,)) self.sizeComplete = self.sizeComplete + (header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE]/1024) apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["completed"]["size"] + ("%d M" % (self.sizeComplete/1024),)) apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["remaining"]["packages"] + ("%d" % (self.numTotal - self.numComplete),)) apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["remaining"]["size"] + ("%d M" % (self.totalSize/1024 - self.sizeComplete/1024),)) # check to see if we've started yet elapsedTime = timer.elapsed() if not elapsedTime: elapsedTime = 1 apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["completed"]["time"] + ("%s" % formatTime(elapsedTime),)) if self.sizeComplete != 0: finishTime = (float (self.totalSize) / self.sizeComplete) * elapsedTime else: finishTime = (float (self.totalSize) / (self.sizeComplete+1)) * elapsedTime apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["total"]["time"] + ("%s" % formatTime(finishTime),)) remainingTime = finishTime - elapsedTime apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["remaining"]["time"] + ("%s" % formatTime(remainingTime),)) self.totalProgress.update (float (self.sizeComplete) / self.totalSize) threads_leave () return self.timeCompleteW.setText("%12s" % formatTime(elapsedTime)) self.timeTotalW.setText("%12s" % formatTime(finishTime)) def setPackage(self, header): threads_enter () if len(self.pixmaps): pkgsPerImage = self.numTotal / len(self.pixmaps) if pkgsPerImage < 1: pkgsPerImage = 1 if not (self.numComplete) % pkgsPerImage: if self.numComplete: num = self.numComplete * len(self.pixmaps) / self.numTotal else: num = 0 im = self.ics.readPixmap (self.pixmaps[num]) im.render () pix = im.make_pixmap () self.adbox.remove (self.adpix) pix.set_alignment (0.5, 0.5) self.adbox.add (pix) self.adpix = pix self.adbox.show_all() self.curPackage["package"].set_text ("%s-%s-%s" % (header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])) size = str (header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] / 1024) if len (size) > 3: size = size [0:len(size) - 3] + ',' + size[len(size) - 3:] self.curPackage["size"].set_text (_("%s KBytes") % size) summary = header[rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY] if (summary == None): summary = "(none)" self.curPackage["summary"].set_text (summary) threads_leave () def setSizes (self, total, totalSize): threads_enter () self.numTotal = total self.totalSize = totalSize self.timeStarted = -1 apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["total"]["packages"] + (("%d" % total),)) apply (self.clist.set_text, self.status["total"]["size"] + (("%d M" % (totalSize/1024)),)) threads_leave () def allocate (self, widget, *args): if self.frobnicatingClist: return self.frobnicatingClist = 1 width = widget.get_allocation ()[2] - 50 for x in range (4): widget.set_column_width (x, width / 4) # InstallProgressWindow tag="installing" def getScreen (self): import glob files = [] if (os.environ.has_key('LANG')): try: shortlang = string.split(os.environ['LANG'], '_')[0] except: shortlang = '' pixmaps1 = glob.glob("/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" % shortlang) pixmaps2 = glob.glob("pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" % shortlang) if len(pixmaps1) > 0 or len(pixmaps2) > 0: if len(pixmaps1) < len(pixmaps2): files = pixmaps2 else: files = pixmaps1 else: files = ["progress_first.png"] #--Need to merge with if statement above...don't show ads in lowres if self.todo.intf.runres != '800x600': files = ["progress_first.png"] pixmaps = [] for pixmap in files: if string.find (pixmap, "progress_first.png") < 0: pixmaps.append(pixmap[string.find(pixmap, "rnotes/"):]) self.pixmaps = pixmaps table = GtkTable (3, 2) self.curPackage = { "package" : _("Package"), "size" : _("Size"), "summary" : _("Summary") } i = 0 for key in ("package", "size", "summary"): label = GtkLabel ("%s: " % (self.curPackage[key],)) label.set_alignment (0, 0) if key == "summary": fillopts = EXPAND|FILL else: fillopts = FILL table.attach (label, 0, 1, i, i+1, FILL, fillopts) label = GtkLabel () label.set_alignment (0, 0) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) if key == "summary": label.set_text ("\n\n") label.set_usize(450, 35) # label.set_usize(-1, 1) self.curPackage[key] = label table.attach (label, 1, 2, i, i+1, FILL, fillopts) i = i + 1 vbox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 10) vbox.pack_start (table, FALSE, FALSE) self.progress = GtkProgressBar () self.totalProgress = GtkProgressBar () progressTable = GtkTable (2, 2, FALSE) label = GtkLabel (_("Package Progress: ")) label.set_alignment (0, 0) progressTable.attach (label, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK) progressTable.attach (self.progress, 1, 2, 0, 1) label = GtkLabel (_("Total Progress: ")) label.set_alignment (0, 0) progressTable.attach (label, 0, 1, 1, 2, SHRINK) progressTable.attach (self.totalProgress, 1, 2, 1, 2) self.status = { "total" : { "packages" : (0, 1), "size" : (0, 2), "time" : (0, 3) }, "completed" : { "packages" : (1, 1), "size" : (1, 2), "time" : (1, 3) }, "remaining" : { "packages" : (2, 1), "size" : (2, 2), "time" : (2, 3) } } clist = GtkCList (4, (_("Status"), _("Packages"), _("Size"), _("Time"))) clist.column_titles_passive () clist.set_column_resizeable (0, FALSE) clist.set_column_resizeable (1, FALSE) clist.set_column_resizeable (2, FALSE) clist.set_column_resizeable (3, FALSE) clist.set_column_justification (0, JUSTIFY_LEFT) clist.set_column_justification (1, JUSTIFY_RIGHT) clist.set_column_justification (2, JUSTIFY_RIGHT) clist.set_column_justification (3, JUSTIFY_RIGHT) clist.append ((_("Total"), "0", "0 M", "0:00:00")) clist.append ((_("Completed"), "0", "0 M", "0:00:00")) clist.append ((_("Remaining"), "0", "0 M", "0:00:00")) self.frobnicatingClist = 0 clist.connect_after ("size_allocate", self.allocate) for x in range (4): clist.column_title_passive (x) for x in range (3): clist.set_selectable (x, FALSE) clist['can_focus'] = FALSE self.clist = clist # align = GtkAlignment (0.5, 0.5) # align.add (clist) # vbox.pack_start (align, FALSE) hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) vbox.pack_start (progressTable, FALSE) hbox.pack_start (clist, TRUE) vbox.pack_start (hbox, FALSE) im = self.ics.readPixmap ("progress_first.png") if im: frame = GtkFrame() frame.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_IN) im.render () box = GtkEventBox () self.adpix = im.make_pixmap () style = box.get_style ().copy ()[STATE_NORMAL] = style.white box.set_style (style) # self.adpix.set_alignment (0, 0) box.add (self.adpix) self.adbox = box frame.add (box) vbox.pack_start (frame); self.ics.getInstallInterface ().setPackageProgressWindow (self) ii = self.ics.getInstallInterface () icw = ii.icw worker = DoInstall (icw, self.todo) worker.start () vbox.set_border_width (5) return vbox