#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "probe.h" static int dac960GetDevices(struct knownDevices * devices); static int CompaqSmartArrayGetDevices(struct knownDevices * devices); static int sortDevices(const void * a, const void * b) { const struct kddevice * one = a; const struct kddevice * two = b; return strcmp(one->name, two->name); } static int deviceKnown(struct knownDevices * devices, char * dev) { int i; for (i = 0; i < devices->numKnown; i++) if (!strcmp(devices->known[i].name, dev)) return 1; return 0; } static void addDevice(struct knownDevices * devices, struct kddevice dev) { if (devices->numKnown == devices->numKnownAlloced) { devices->numKnownAlloced += 5; devices->known = realloc(devices->known, sizeof(*devices->known) * devices->numKnownAlloced); } devices->known[devices->numKnown++] = dev; } void kdAddDevice(struct knownDevices * devices, enum deviceClass devClass, char * devName, char * devModel) { struct kddevice new; new.class = devClass; new.name = devName; new.model = devModel; addDevice(devices, new); } void kdFree(struct knownDevices * devices) { if (devices->known) free(devices->known); devices->known = NULL; devices->numKnown = devices->numKnownAlloced = 0; } int kdFindNetList(struct knownDevices * devices, int code) { int fd; char buf[1024]; char * start, * end; struct kddevice newDevice; int s; if ((fd = open("/proc/net/dev", O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open /proc/net/dev!\n"); return 1; } s = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); close(fd); if (s < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error reading /proc/net/dev!\n"); return 1; } buf[s] = '\0'; /* skip the first two lines */ start = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (!start) return 0; start = strchr(start + 1, '\n'); if (!start) return 0; start++; while (start && *start) { while (isspace(*start)) start++; end = strchr(start, ':'); if (!end) return 0; *end = '\0'; if (strcmp(start, "lo")) { if (deviceKnown(devices, start)) continue; newDevice.name = strdup(start); newDevice.model = NULL; newDevice.class = CLASS_NETWORK; newDevice.code = code; addDevice(devices, newDevice); } start = strchr(end + 1, '\n'); if (start) start++; } qsort(devices->known, devices->numKnown, sizeof(*devices->known), sortDevices); return 0; } int kdFindIdeList(struct knownDevices * devices, int code) { DIR * dir; char path[80]; int fd, i; struct dirent * ent; struct kddevice device; if (access("/proc/ide", R_OK)) return 0; if (!(dir = opendir("/proc/ide"))) { return 1; } /* set errno to 0, so we can tell when readdir() fails */ errno = 0; while ((ent = readdir(dir))) { if (!deviceKnown(devices, ent->d_name)) { sprintf(path, "/proc/ide/%s/media", ent->d_name); if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { i = read(fd, path, 50); close(fd); path[i - 1] = '\0'; /* chop off trailing \n */ device.code = code; device.class = CLASS_UNSPEC; if (!strcmp(path, "cdrom")) device.class = CLASS_CDROM; else if (!strcmp(path, "disk")) device.class = CLASS_HD; else if (!strcmp(path, "floppy")) device.class = CLASS_FLOPPY; if (device.class != CLASS_UNSPEC) { device.name = strdup(ent->d_name); sprintf(path, "/proc/ide/%s/model", ent->d_name); if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { i = read(fd, path, 50); close(fd); path[i - 1] = '\0'; /* chop off trailing \n */ device.model = strdup(path); } addDevice(devices, device); } } } errno = 0; } closedir(dir); qsort(devices->known, devices->numKnown, sizeof(*devices->known), sortDevices); return 0; } #define SCSISCSI_TOP 0 #define SCSISCSI_HOST 1 #define SCSISCSI_VENDOR 2 #define SCSISCSI_TYPE 3 int kdFindScsiList(struct knownDevices * devices, int code) { int fd; char buf[16384]; char linebuf[80]; char typebuf[10]; int i, state = SCSISCSI_TOP; char * start, * chptr, * next, *end; char driveName = 'a'; char cdromNum = '0'; char tapeNum = '0'; struct kddevice device; if (access("/proc/scsi/scsi", R_OK)) { dac960GetDevices(devices); CompaqSmartArrayGetDevices(devices); return 0; } fd = open("/proc/scsi/scsi", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return 1; i = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (i < 1) { close(fd); return 1; } close(fd); buf[i] = '\0'; if (!strncmp(buf, "Attached devices: none", 22)) { dac960GetDevices(devices); CompaqSmartArrayGetDevices(devices); return 0; } start = buf; while (*start) { chptr = start; while (*chptr != '\n') chptr++; *chptr = '\0'; next = chptr + 1; switch (state) { case SCSISCSI_TOP: if (strcmp("Attached devices: ", start)) { return -1; } state = SCSISCSI_HOST; break; case SCSISCSI_HOST: if (strncmp("Host: ", start, 6)) { return -1; } start = strstr(start, "Id: "); if (!start) { return -1; } start += 4; /*id = strtol(start, NULL, 10);*/ state = SCSISCSI_VENDOR; break; case SCSISCSI_VENDOR: if (strncmp(" Vendor: ", start, 10)) { return -1; } start += 10; end = chptr = strstr(start, "Model:"); if (!chptr) { return -1; } chptr--; while (*chptr == ' ' && *chptr != ':' ) chptr--; if (*chptr == ':') { chptr++; *(chptr + 1) = '\0'; strcpy(linebuf,"Unknown"); } else { *(chptr + 1) = '\0'; strcpy(linebuf, start); } *linebuf = toupper(*linebuf); chptr = linebuf + 1; while (*chptr) { *chptr = tolower(*chptr); chptr++; } start = end; /* beginning of "Model:" */ start += 7; chptr = strstr(start, "Rev:"); if (!chptr) { return -1; } chptr--; while (*chptr == ' ') chptr--; *(chptr + 1) = '\0'; strcat(linebuf, " "); strcat(linebuf, start); state = SCSISCSI_TYPE; break; case SCSISCSI_TYPE: if (strncmp(" Type:", start, 7)) { return -1; } *typebuf = '\0'; if (strstr(start, "Direct-Access")) { sprintf(typebuf, "sd%c", driveName++); device.class = CLASS_HD; } else if (strstr(start, "Sequential-Access")) { sprintf(typebuf, "st%c", tapeNum++); device.class = CLASS_TAPE; } else if (strstr(start, "CD-ROM")) { sprintf(typebuf, "scd%c", cdromNum++); device.class = CLASS_CDROM; } if (*typebuf && !deviceKnown(devices, typebuf)) { device.name = strdup(typebuf); device.model = strdup(linebuf); device.code = code; /* Do we need this for anything? sdi[numMatches].bus = 0; sdi[numMatches].id = id; */ addDevice(devices, device); } state = SCSISCSI_HOST; } start = next; } dac960GetDevices(devices); CompaqSmartArrayGetDevices(devices); qsort(devices->known, devices->numKnown, sizeof(*devices->known), sortDevices); return 0; } struct knownDevices kdInit(void) { struct knownDevices kd; memset(&kd, 0, sizeof(kd)); return kd; } static int dac960GetDevices(struct knownDevices * devices) { struct kddevice newDevice; char ctl[50]; int ctlNum = 0; char buf[4096]; int fd; int i; char * start, * chptr; sprintf(ctl, "/proc/rd/c%d/current_status", ctlNum++); while ((fd = open(ctl, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { i = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[i] = '\0'; start = buf; while (start && (start = strstr(start, "/dev/rd/"))) { start += 5; chptr = strchr(start, ':'); *chptr = '\0'; if (!deviceKnown(devices, start)) { newDevice.name = strdup(start); start = chptr + 2; chptr = strchr(start, '\n'); *chptr = '\0'; newDevice.model = strdup(start); newDevice.class = CLASS_HD; addDevice(devices, newDevice); *chptr = '\n'; } else { *chptr = '\0'; } start = strchr(chptr, '\n'); if (start) start++; } sprintf(ctl, "/proc/rd/c%d/current_status", ctlNum++); } return 0; } static int CompaqSmartArrayGetDevices(struct knownDevices * devices) { struct kddevice newDevice; FILE *f; char buf[256]; char *ptr; int numMatches = 0, ctlNum = 0; char ctl[40]; sprintf(ctl, "/proc/array/ida%d", ctlNum++); while ((f = fopen(ctl, "r"))){ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, f)) { if (!strncmp(buf, "ida/", 4)) { ptr = strchr(buf, ':'); *ptr = '\0'; if (!deviceKnown(devices, buf)) { newDevice.name = strdup(buf); newDevice.model = strdup("Compaq RAID logical disk"); newDevice.class = CLASS_HD; addDevice(devices, newDevice); } } } sprintf(ctl, "/proc/array/ida%d", ctlNum++); } return 0; }