# autopart.py - auto partitioning logic
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Author(s): Jeremy Katz
import parted
import copy
import string, sys
import fsset
import lvm
import logging
from anaconda_log import logger, logFile
import cryptodev
import partedUtils
import partRequests
from constants import *
from errors import *
import iutil
import isys
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
import gettext
_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
# Add another logger for the LVM debugging, since there's a lot of that.
# Set DEBUG_LVM_GROW if you want to spew all this information to the log
# file. Otherwise it'll get ignored.
logger.addLogger ("anaconda.lvm", minLevel=logging.DEBUG)
lvmLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.lvm")
logger.addFileHandler (logFile, lvmLog, minLevel=logging.DEBUG)
lvmLog.setLevel (logging.CRITICAL)
logger.addFileHandler (logFile, lvmLog, minLevel=logging.CRITICAL)
# check that our "boot" partitions meet necessary constraints unless
# the request has its ignore flag set
def bootRequestCheck(req, diskset):
if not req.device or req.ignoreBootConstraints:
part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, req.device)
if not part:
if iutil.isEfi():
if req.mountpoint == "/boot":
if not part.fs_type.name.startswith("ext"):
return BOOT_NOT_EXT2
elif req.mountpoint == "/boot/efi":
if not part.fs_type.name in ["fat16", "fat32"]:
elif iutil.isAlpha():
return bootAlphaCheckRequirements(part)
elif (iutil.getPPCMachine() == "pSeries" or
iutil.getPPCMachine() == "iSeries"):
part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, req.device)
if part and ((part.geom.end * part.geom.dev.sector_size /
(1024.0 * 1024)) > 4096):
# Alpha requires a BSD partition to boot. Since we can be called after:
# - We re-attached an existing /boot partition (existing dev.drive)
# - We create a new one from a designated disk (no dev.drive)
# - We auto-create a new one from a designated set of disks (dev.drive
# is a list)
# it's simpler to get disk the partition belong to through dev.device
# Some other tests pertaining to a partition where /boot resides are:
# - There has to be at least 1 MB free at the begining of the disk
# (or so says the aboot manual.)
def bootAlphaCheckRequirements(part):
disk = part.disk
# Disklabel check
if not disk.type.name == "bsd":
# The first free space should start at the begining of the drive
# and span for a megabyte or more.
free = disk.next_partition()
while free:
if free.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
free = disk.next_partition(free)
if (not free or free.geom.start != 1L or
partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(free) < 1):
def printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest):
for req in newRequest.requests:
if req.type != REQUEST_NEW:
part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, req.device)
## print(req)
## print("Start Cyl:%s End Cyl: %s" % (partedUtils.start_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.dev, part.geom.start),
## partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(part.geom.dev, part.geom.end)))
def printFreespaceitem(part):
return partedUtils.get_partition_name(part), part.geom.start, part.geom.end, partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part)
def printFreespace(free):
print("Free Space Summary:")
for drive in free.keys():
print("On drive ", drive)
for part in free[drive]:
print("Freespace:", printFreespaceitem(part))
def findFreespace(diskset):
free = {}
for drive in diskset.disks.keys():
disk = diskset.disks[drive]
free[drive] = []
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
part = disk.next_partition(part)
return free
def bestPartType(disk, request):
numPrimary = len(partedUtils.get_primary_partitions(disk))
maxPrimary = disk.max_primary_partition_count
if numPrimary == maxPrimary:
raise PartitioningError, "Unable to create additional primary partitions on /dev/%s" % (disk.dev.path[5:])
if request.primary:
if ((numPrimary == (maxPrimary - 1)) and
not disk.extended_partition and
class partlist:
def __init__(self):
self.parts = []
def __str__(self):
retval = ""
for p in self.parts:
retval = retval + "\t%s %s %s\n" % (partedUtils.get_partition_name(p), partedUtils.get_partition_file_system_type(p), partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(p))
return retval
def reset(self):
dellist = []
for part in self.parts:
for part in dellist:
del part
self.parts = []
def getMinimumSector(disk):
if disk.type.name == 'sun':
start = long(disk.dev.sectors * disk.dev.heads)
start /= (1024 / disk.dev.sector_size)
return start + 1
return 0L
# first step of partitioning voodoo
# partitions with a specific start and end cylinder requested are
# placed where they were asked to go
def fitConstrained(diskset, requests, primOnly=0, newParts = None):
for request in requests.requests:
if request.type != REQUEST_NEW:
if request.device:
if primOnly and not request.primary and not requests.isBootable(request):
if request.drive and (request.start != None):
if not request.end and not request.size:
raise PartitioningError, "Tried to create constrained partition without size or end"
fsType = request.fstype.getPartedFileSystemType()
disk = diskset.disks[request.drive[0]]
if not disk: # this shouldn't happen
raise PartitioningError, "Selected to put partition on non-existent disk!"
startSec = partedUtils.start_cyl_to_sector(disk.dev, request.start)
if request.end:
endCyl = request.end
elif request.size:
endCyl = partedUtils.end_sector_to_cyl(disk.dev, ((1024L * 1024L * request.size) / disk.dev.sector_size) + startSec)
endSec = partedUtils.end_cyl_to_sector(disk.dev, endCyl)
if endSec > disk.dev.length:
raise PartitioningError, "Unable to create partition which extends beyond the end of the disk."
# XXX need to check overlaps properly here
minSec = getMinimumSector(disk)
if startSec < minSec:
startSec = minSec
if disk.type.check_feature(parted.DISK_TYPE_EXTENDED) and disk.extended_partition:
if (disk.extended_partition.geom.start < startSec) and (disk.extended_partition.geom.end >= endSec):
partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL
if request.primary: # they've required a primary and we can't do it
raise PartitioningError, "Cannot create another primary partition for %s." % request.mountpoint
# check to make sure we can still create more logical parts
if (len(partedUtils.get_logical_partitions(disk)) ==
raise PartitioningError, "Cannot create another logical partition for %s." % request.mountpoint
partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY
# XXX need a better way to do primary vs logical stuff
ret = bestPartType(disk, request)
if ret == parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY:
partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY
elif ret == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
newp = disk.partition_new(parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED, None, startSec, endSec)
constraint = disk.dev.constraint_any()
disk.add_partition(newp, constraint)
disk.maximize_partition (newp, constraint)
requests.nextUniqueID = requests.nextUniqueID + 1
partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL
else: # shouldn't get here
raise PartitioningError, "Impossible partition type to create"
newp = disk.partition_new (partType, fsType, startSec, endSec)
constraint = disk.dev.constraint_any ()
disk.add_partition (newp, constraint)
except parted.error, msg:
raise PartitioningError, str(msg)
for flag in request.fstype.getPartedPartitionFlags():
if not newp.is_flag_available(flag):
raise PartitioningError, ("requested FileSystemType needs "
"a flag that is not available.")
newp.set_flag(flag, 1)
request.device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(newp).getDevice()
request.currentDrive = request.drive[0]
# get the list of the "best" drives to try to use...
# if currentdrive is set, use that, else use the drive list, or use
# all the drives
def getDriveList(request, diskset):
if request.currentDrive:
drives = request.currentDrive
elif request.drive:
drives = request.drive
drives = diskset.disks.keys()
if not type(drives) == type([]):
drives = [ drives ]
return drives
# fit partitions of a specific size with or without a specific disk
# into the freespace
def fitSized(diskset, requests, primOnly = 0, newParts = None):
todo = {}
for request in requests.requests:
if request.type != REQUEST_NEW:
if request.device:
if primOnly and not request.primary and not requests.isBootable(request):
if request.size == 0 and request.requestSize == 0:
request.requestSize = 1
if requests.isBootable(request):
drives = getDriveList(request, diskset)
numDrives = 0 # allocate bootable requests first
# FIXME: this is a hack to make sure prep boot is even more first
if request.fstype == fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("PPC PReP Boot"):
numDrives = -1
if request.fstype == fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("Apple Bootstrap"):
numDrives = -1
if request.fstype == fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("efi"):
numDrives = -1
drives = getDriveList(request, diskset)
numDrives = len(drives)
if not todo.has_key(numDrives):
todo[numDrives] = [ request ]
number = todo.keys()
free = findFreespace(diskset)
for num in number:
for request in todo[num]:
# print("\nInserting ->", request)
if requests.isBootable(request):
isBoot = 1
isBoot = 0
largestPart = (0, None)
drives = getDriveList(request, diskset)
lvmLog.debug("Trying drives to find best free space out of %s" %(free,))
for drive in drives:
# this request is bootable and we've found a large enough
# partition already, so we don't need to keep trying other
# drives. this keeps us on the first possible drive
if isBoot and largestPart[1]:
## print("Trying drive", drive)
disk = diskset.disks[drive]
numPrimary = len(partedUtils.get_primary_partitions(disk))
numLogical = len(partedUtils.get_logical_partitions(disk))
# if there is an extended partition add it in
if disk.extended_partition:
numPrimary = numPrimary + 1
maxPrimary = disk.max_primary_partition_count
maxLogical = partedUtils.get_max_logical_partitions(disk)
for part in free[drive]:
# if this is a free space outside extended partition
# make sure we have free primary partition slots
if not part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL:
if numPrimary == maxPrimary:
if numLogical == maxLogical:
lvmLog.debug( "Trying partition %s" % (printFreespaceitem(part),))
partSize = partedUtils.getPartSizeMB(part)
# figure out what the request size will be given the
# geometry (#130885)
requestSectors = long((request.requestSize * 1024L * 1024L) / part.disk.dev.sector_size) - 1
requestSizeMB = long((requestSectors * part.disk.dev.sector_size) / 1024L / 1024L)
lvmLog.debug("partSize %s request %s" % (partSize, request.requestSize))
if partSize >= requestSizeMB and partSize > largestPart[0]:
if not request.primary or (not part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL):
largestPart = (partSize, part)
if isBoot:
if not largestPart[1]:
# if the request has a size of zero, it can be allowed to not
# exist without any problems
if request.size > 0:
raise PartitioningError, "Not enough space left to create partition for %s" % request.mountpoint
request.device = None
request.currentDrive = None
# raise PartitioningError, "Can't fulfill request for partition: \n%s" %(request)
lvmLog.debug("largestPart is %s" % (largestPart,))
freespace = largestPart[1]
freeStartSec = freespace.geom.start
freeEndSec = freespace.geom.end
dev = freespace.geom.dev
disk = freespace.disk
startSec = freeStartSec
# For alpha reserve space at the begining of disk
if iutil.isAlpha() and startSec < long((1024L * 1024L)/disk.dev.sector_size):
startSec = long((2 * 1024L * 1024L)/disk.dev.sector_size)
endSec = startSec + long(((request.requestSize * 1024L * 1024L) / disk.dev.sector_size)) - 1
if endSec > freeEndSec:
endSec = freeEndSec
if startSec < freeStartSec:
startSec = freeStartSec
if freespace.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL:
partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL
# XXX need a better way to do primary vs logical stuff
ret = bestPartType(disk, request)
if ret == parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY:
partType = parted.PARTITION_PRIMARY
elif ret == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
newp = disk.partition_new(parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED, None, startSec, endSec)
constraint = dev.constraint_any()
disk.add_partition(newp, constraint)
disk.maximize_partition (newp, constraint)
requests.nextUniqueID = requests.nextUniqueID + 1
partType = parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL
# now need to update freespace since adding extended
# took some space
found = 0
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
if part.geom.start > freeStartSec and part.geom.end <= freeEndSec:
found = 1
freeStartSec = part.geom.start
freeEndSec = part.geom.end
part = disk.next_partition(part)
if not found:
raise PartitioningError, "Could not find free space after making new extended partition"
startSec = freeStartSec
endSec = startSec + long(((request.requestSize * 1024L * 1024L) / disk.dev.sector_size)) - 1
if endSec > freeEndSec:
endSec = freeEndSec
if startSec < freeStartSec:
startSec = freeStartSec
else: # shouldn't get here
raise PartitioningError, "Impossible partition to create"
fsType = request.fstype.getPartedFileSystemType()
lvmLog.debug("creating newp with start=%s, end=%s, len=%s" % (startSec, endSec, endSec - startSec))
newp = disk.partition_new (partType, fsType, startSec, endSec)
constraint = dev.constraint_any ()
disk.add_partition (newp, constraint)
except parted.error, msg:
raise PartitioningError, str(msg)
for flag in request.fstype.getPartedPartitionFlags():
if not newp.is_flag_available(flag):
raise PartitioningError, ("requested FileSystemType needs "
"a flag that is not available.")
newp.set_flag(flag, 1)
request.device = fsset.PartedPartitionDevice(newp).getDevice()
drive = newp.geom.dev.path[5:]
request.currentDrive = drive
free = findFreespace(diskset)
# grow logical partitions
# do this ONLY after all other requests have been allocated
# we just go through and adjust the size for the logical
# volumes w/o rerunning process partitions
def growLogicalVolumes(diskset, requests):
if requests is None or diskset is None:
# iterate over each volume group, grow logical volumes in each
for vgreq in requests.requests:
if vgreq.type != REQUEST_VG:
lvmLog.info("In growLogicalVolumes, considering VG %s", vgreq)
lvreqs = requests.getLVMLVForVG(vgreq)
if lvreqs is None or len(lvreqs) < 1:
lvmLog.info("Apparently it had no logical volume requests, skipping.")
# come up with list of logvol that are growable
growreqs = []
for lvreq in lvreqs:
if lvreq.grow:
# bail if none defined
if len(growreqs) < 1:
lvmLog.info("No growable logical volumes defined in VG %s.", vgreq)
lvmLog.info("VG %s has these growable logical volumes: %s", vgreq.volumeGroupName, reduce(lambda x,y: x + [y.uniqueID], growreqs, []))
# get remaining free space
vgfree = lvm.getVGFreeSpace(vgreq, requests, diskset)
lvmLog.debug("Free space in VG after initial partition formation = %s", (vgfree,))
# store size we are starting at
initsize = {}
cursize = {}
for req in growreqs:
size = req.getActualSize(requests, diskset)
size = lvm.clampPVSize(size, vgreq.pesize)
initsize[req.logicalVolumeName] = size
cursize[req.logicalVolumeName] = size
if req.maxSizeMB:
req.maxSizeMB = lvm.clampPVSize(req.maxSizeMB, vgreq.pesize)
lvmLog.debug("init sizes for %s: %s",req.logicalVolumeName, size)
# now dolly out free space to all growing LVs
bailcount = 0
while 1:
nochange = 1
completed = []
for req in growreqs:
lvmLog.debug("considering %s, start size = %s",req.logicalVolumeName, req.getStartSize())
# get remaining free space
vgfree = lvm.getVGFreeSpace(vgreq, requests, diskset)
lvmLog.debug("Free space in VG = %s",vgfree)
# compute fraction of remaining requests this
# particular request represents
totsize = 0.0
for otherreq in growreqs:
if otherreq in completed:
lvmLog.debug("adding in %s %s %s", otherreq.logicalVolumeName, otherreq.getStartSize(), otherreq.maxSizeMB)
size = otherreq.getActualSize(requests, diskset)
if otherreq.maxSizeMB:
if size < otherreq.maxSizeMB:
totsize = totsize + otherreq.getStartSize()
lvmLog.debug("%s is now at %s, and passed maxsize of %s", otherreq.logicalVolumeName, size, otherreq.maxSizeMB)
totsize = totsize + otherreq.getStartSize()
lvmLog.debug("totsize -> %s",totsize)
# if totsize is zero we have no growable reqs left
if totsize == 0:
fraction = float(req.getStartSize())/float(totsize)
newsize = lvm.clampPVSize(vgfree*fraction, vgreq.pesize)
newsize += cursize[req.logicalVolumeName]
if req.maxSizeMB:
newsize = min(newsize, req.maxSizeMB)
req.size = newsize
if req.size != cursize[req.logicalVolumeName]:
nochange = 0
cursize[req.logicalVolumeName] = req.size
lvmLog.debug("Name, size, cursize, vgfree, fraction = %s %s %s %s %s", req.logicalVolumeName, req.size, cursize[req.logicalVolumeName], vgfree, fraction)
if nochange:
lvmLog.info("In growLogicalVolumes, no changes in size so breaking")
bailcount = bailcount + 1
if bailcount > 10:
lvmLog.info("In growLogicalVolumes, bailing after 10 interations.")
# grow partitions
def growParts(diskset, requests, newParts):
# returns free space segments for each drive IN SECTORS
def getFreeSpace(diskset):
free = findFreespace(diskset)
freeSize = {}
largestFree = {}
# find out the amount of free space on each drive
for key in free.keys():
if len(free[key]) == 0:
del free[key]
freeSize[key] = 0
largestFree[key] = 0
for part in free[key]:
sz = partedUtils.getPartSize(part)
freeSize[key] += sz
if sz > largestFree[key]:
largestFree[key] = sz
return (free, freeSize, largestFree)
# start of growParts
newRequest = requests.copy()
## print("new requests")
## printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, requests)
## print("orig requests")
## printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest)
## print("\n\n\n")
(free, freeSize, largestFree) = getFreeSpace(diskset)
# find growable partitions
growable = {}
growSize = {}
origSize = {}
for request in newRequest.requests:
if request.type != REQUEST_NEW or not request.grow:
origSize[request.uniqueID] = request.requestSize
if not growable.has_key(request.currentDrive):
growable[request.currentDrive] = [ request ]
# there aren't any drives with growable partitions, this is easy!
if not growable.keys():
## print("new requests before looping")
## printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, requests)
## print("\n\n\n")
# loop over all drives, grow all growable partitions one at a time
grownList = []
for drive in growable.keys():
# no free space on this drive, so can't grow any of its parts
if not free.has_key(drive):
# process each request
# grow all growable partitions on this drive until all can grow no more
donegrowing = 0
outer_iter = 0
lastFreeSize = None
while not donegrowing and outer_iter < 20:
# if less than one sector left, we're done
# if drive not in freeSize.keys() or freeSize[drive] == lastFreeSize:
if drive not in freeSize.keys():
# print("leaving outer loop because no more space on %s\n\n" % drive)
## print("\nAt start:")
## print(drive,freeSize.keys())
## print(freeSize[drive], lastFreeSize)
## print("\n")
## print(diskset.diskState())
outer_iter = outer_iter + 1
donegrowing = 1
# pull out list of requests we want to grow on this drive
growList = growable[drive]
sector_size = diskset.disks[drive].dev.sector_size
cylsectors = diskset.disks[drive].dev.sectors*diskset.disks[drive].dev.heads
# sort in order of request size, consider biggest first
n = 0
while n < len(growList):
for request in growList:
if request.size < growList[n].size:
tmp = growList[n]
index = growList.index(request)
growList[n] = request
growList[index] = tmp
n = n + 1
# recalculate the total size of growable requests for this drive
# NOTE - we add up the ORIGINAL requested sizes, not grown sizes
growSize[drive] = 0
for request in growList:
if request.uniqueID in grownList:
growSize[drive] = growSize[drive] + origSize[request.uniqueID]
thisFreeSize = getFreeSpace(diskset)[1]
# loop over requests for this drive
for request in growList:
# skip if we've finished growing this request
if request.uniqueID in grownList:
if drive not in freeSize.keys():
donegrowing = 1
# print("leaving inner loop because no more space on %s\n\n" % drive)
## print("\nprocessing ID",request.uniqueID, request.mountpoint)
## print("growSize, freeSize = ",growSize[drive], freeSize[drive])
donegrowing = 0
# get amount of space actually used by current allocation
part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, request.device)
startSize = partedUtils.getPartSize(part)
# compute fraction of freespace which to give to this
# request. Weight by original request size
percent = origSize[request.uniqueID] / (growSize[drive] * 1.0)
growby = long(percent * thisFreeSize[drive])
if growby < cylsectors:
growby = cylsectors;
maxsect = startSize + growby
## print(request)
## print("percent, growby, maxsect, free", percent, growby, maxsect,freeSize[drive], startSize, lastFreeSize)
## print("max is ", maxsect)
imposedMax = 0
if request.maxSizeMB:
# round down a cylinder, see comment below
tmpint = request.maxSizeMB*1024.0*1024.0/sector_size
tmpint = long(tmpint / cylsectors)
maxUserSize = tmpint * cylsectors
if maxsect > maxUserSize:
maxsect = long(maxUserSize)
imposedMax = 1
# XXX HACK enforce silent limit for swap otherwise it
# can grow up to 2TB!
if request.fstype.name == "swap":
(xxxint, tmpint) = iutil.swapSuggestion(quiet=1)
# convert to sectors
tmpint = tmpint*1024*1024/sector_size
tmpint = long(tmpint / cylsectors)
maxsugswap = tmpint * cylsectors
userstartsize = origSize[request.uniqueID]*1024*1024/sector_size
if maxsugswap >= userstartsize:
maxsect = maxsugswap
imposedMax = 1
lvmLog.warning("Enforced max swap size of %s based on suggested max swap", maxsect)
# round max fs limit down a cylinder, helps when growing
# so we don't end up with a free cylinder at end if
# maxlimit fell between cylinder boundaries
tmpint = request.fstype.getMaxSizeMB()*1024.0*1024.0/sector_size
tmpint = long(tmpint / cylsectors)
maxFSSize = tmpint * cylsectors
if maxsect > maxFSSize:
maxsect = long(maxFSSize)
imposedMax = 1
maxfree = largestFree[drive]
if maxsect > maxfree + startSize:
maxsect = long(maxfree) + startSize
imposedMax = 1
# print("freesize, max, maxfree = ",freeSize[drive],maxsect, maxfree)
# print("freeSizeMB, maxMB = ", freeSize[drive] * sector_size/(1024.0 * 1024.0), maxsect * sector_size/(1024.0*1024.0), largestFree[drive] * sector_size/(1024.0*1024.0))
# print("startsize = ", startSize)
min = startSize
max = maxsect
diff = max - min
cur = max - (diff / 2)
lastDiff = 0
# binary search
## print("start min, max, cur, diffs = ",min,max,cur,diff,lastDiff)
inner_iter = 0
ret = PARTITION_SUCCESS # request succeeded with initial size
while (max != min) and (lastDiff != diff) and (inner_iter < 2000):
## printNewRequestsCyl(diskset, newRequest)
# XXX need to request in sectors preferably, more accurate
## print("trying cur=%s" % cur)
request.requestSize = (cur*sector_size)/1024.0/1024.0
# try adding
processPartitioning(diskset, newRequest, newParts)
min = cur
except PartitioningError, msg:
max = cur
## print("!!!!!!!!!!! processPartitioning failed - %s" % msg)
lastDiff = diff
diff = max - min
# print(min, max, diff, cylsectors)
# print(diskset.diskState())
cur = max - (diff / 2)
inner_iter = inner_iter + 1
# print("sizes at end of loop - cur: %s min:%s max:%s diff:%s lastDiff:%s" % (cur,min,max,diff,lastDiff))
# freeSize[drive] = freeSize[drive] - (min - startSize)
# print("shrinking freeSize to ",freeSize[drive], lastFreeSize)
# if freeSize[drive] < 0:
# print("freesize < 0!")
# freeSize[drive] = 0
# we could have failed on the last try, in which case we
# should go back to the smaller size
# print("growing finally failed at size", min)
request.requestSize = min*sector_size/1024.0/1024.0
processPartitioning(diskset, newRequest, newParts)
# print("end min, max, cur, diffs = ",min,max,cur,diff,lastDiff)
# print("%s took %s loops" % (request.mountpoint, inner_iter))
lastFreeSize = freeSize[drive]
(free, freeSize, largestFree) = getFreeSpace(diskset)
# print(Freespace(free))
if ret == PARTITION_FAIL or (max == maxsect and imposedMax):
# print("putting ",request.uniqueID,request.mountpoint," in grownList")
growSize[drive] = growSize[drive] - origSize[request.uniqueID]
if growSize[drive] < 0:
# print("growsize < 0!")
growSize[drive] = 0
def setPreexistParts(diskset, requests):
for request in requests:
if request.type != REQUEST_PREEXIST:
if not diskset.disks.has_key(request.drive):
lvmLog.info("pre-existing partition on non-native disk %s, ignoring" %(request.drive,))
disk = diskset.disks[request.drive]
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
if part.geom.start == request.start and part.geom.end == request.end:
if partedUtils.isEfiSystemPartition(part) and \
request.fstype.name == "vfat":
request.fstype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("efi")
# if the partition is being resized, we do that now
if request.targetSize is not None:
startSec = part.geom.start
endSec = part.geom.start + long(((request.targetSize * 1024L * 1024L) / disk.dev.sector_size)) - 1
g = part.geom.duplicate()
constraint = g.constraint_exact()
part.set_geometry(constraint, startSec, endSec)
except parted.error, msg:
log.error("error setting geometry for partition %s: %s" %(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part), msg))
raise PartitioningError, _("Error resizing partition %s.\n\n%s") %(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part), msg)
if startSec != part.geom.start:
raise PartitioningError, _("Start of partition %s was moved when resizing") %(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part),)
request.device = partedUtils.get_partition_name(part)
if request.fstype:
if request.fstype.getName() != request.origfstype.getName():
if part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_RAID):
if request.fstype.getName() == "software RAID":
part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 1)
part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID, 0)
if part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_LVM):
if request.fstype.getName() == "physical volume (LVM)":
part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM, 1)
part.set_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM, 0)
partedUtils.set_partition_file_system_type(part, request.fstype)
part = disk.next_partition(part)
def deletePart(diskset, delete):
disk = diskset.disks[delete.drive]
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
if part.geom.start == delete.start and part.geom.end == delete.end:
part = disk.next_partition(part)
def processPartitioning(diskset, requests, newParts):
# collect a hash of all the devices that we have created extended
# partitions on. When we remove these extended partitions the logicals
# (all of which we created) will be destroyed along with it.
extendeds = {}
for part in newParts.parts:
if part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED:
extendeds[part.geom.dev.path] = None
# Go through the list again and check for each logical partition we have.
# If we created the extended partition on the same device as the logical
# partition, remove it from out list, as it will be cleaned up for us
# when the extended partition gets removed.
dellist = []
for part in newParts.parts:
if (part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL
and extendeds.has_key(part.geom.dev.path)):
for part in dellist:
# Finally, remove all of the partitions we added in the last try from
# the disks. We'll start again from there.
for part in newParts.parts:
for request in requests.requests:
if request.type == REQUEST_NEW:
request.device = None
setPreexistParts(diskset, requests.requests)
# sort requests by size
# partitioning algorithm in simplistic terms
# we want to allocate partitions such that the most specifically
# spelled out partitions get what they want first in order to ensure
# they don't get preempted. first conflict found returns an error
# which must be handled by the caller by saying that the partition
# add is impossible (XXX can we get an impossible situation after delete?)
# potentially confusing terms
# type == primary vs logical
# order to allocate:
# start and end cylinders given (note that start + size & !grow is equivalent)
# drive, partnum
# drive, type
# drive
# priority partition (/boot or /)
# size
# run through with primary only constraints first
fitConstrained(diskset, requests, 1, newParts)
except PartitioningError, msg:
raise PartitioningError, _("Could not allocate cylinder-based partitions as primary partitions.\n") + str(msg)
fitSized(diskset, requests, 1, newParts)
except PartitioningError, msg:
raise PartitioningError, _("Could not allocate partitions as primary partitions.\n") + str(msg)
fitConstrained(diskset, requests, 0, newParts)
except PartitioningError, msg:
raise PartitioningError, _("Could not allocate cylinder-based partitions.\n") + str(msg)
# Don't need to handle the exception here since we leave the message alone.
fitSized(diskset, requests, 0, newParts)
for request in requests.requests:
# set the unique identifier for raid and lvm devices
if request.type == REQUEST_RAID and not request.device:
request.device = str(request.uniqueID)
if request.type == REQUEST_VG and not request.device:
request.device = str(request.uniqueID)
# anything better we can use for the logical volume?
if request.type == REQUEST_LV and not request.device:
request.device = str(request.uniqueID)
if not request.device:
raise PartitioningError, "Unsatisfied partition request\n%s" % request
# get the sizes for raid devices, vgs, and logical volumes
for request in requests.requests:
if request.type == REQUEST_RAID:
request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset)
elif request.type == REQUEST_VG:
request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset)
elif request.type == REQUEST_LV:
if request.grow:
request.size = request.getActualSize(requests, diskset)
elif request.preexist:
# we need to keep track of the max size of preexisting partitions
# FIXME: we should also get the max size for LVs at some point
part = partedUtils.get_partition_by_name(diskset.disks, request.device)
request.maxResizeSize = partedUtils.getMaxAvailPartSizeMB(part)
## print("disk layout after everything is done")
## print(diskset.diskState())
def doPartitioning(diskset, requests, doRefresh = 1):
for request in requests.requests:
request.requestSize = request.size
request.currentDrive = None
if doRefresh:
# XXX - handle delete requests
for delete in requests.deletes:
if isinstance(delete, partRequests.DeleteSpec):
deletePart(diskset, delete)
# FIXME: do we need to do anything with other types of deletes??
newParts = partlist()
processPartitioning(diskset, requests, newParts)
except PartitioningError, msg:
raise PartitioningError, "Partitioning failed: %s" % msg
growParts(diskset, requests, newParts)
for req in requests.getBootableRequest() or []:
ret = bootRequestCheck(req, diskset)
raise PartitioningWarning, _("Boot partition %s doesn't belong to a BSD disk label. SRM won't be able to boot from this partition. Use a partition belonging to a BSD disk label or change this device disk label to BSD.") %(req.mountpoint,)
raise PartitioningWarning, _("Boot partition %s doesn't belong to a disk with enough free space at its beginning for the bootloader to live on. Make sure that there's at least 5MB of free space at the beginning of the disk that contains /boot") %(req.mountpoint,)
elif ret == BOOTEFI_NOT_VFAT:
raise PartitioningError, _("Boot partition %s isn't a VFAT partition. EFI won't be able to boot from this partition.") %(req.mountpoint,)
raise PartitioningError, _("The boot partition must entirely be in the first 4GB of the disk. OpenFirmware won't be able to boot this installation.")
elif req == BOOT_NOT_EXT2:
raise PartitioningError, _("Boot partition %s is not a Linux filesystem, such as ext3. The system won't be able to boot from this partition.") %(req.mountpoint,)
# more specific message?
raise PartitioningWarning, _("Boot partition %s may not meet booting constraints for your architecture.") %(req.mountpoint,)
# now grow the logical partitions
growLogicalVolumes(diskset, requests)
# make sure our logical volumes still fit
# XXXX should make all this used lvm.getVGFreeSpace() and
# lvm.getVGUsedSpace() at some point
vgused = {}
for request in requests.requests:
if request.type == REQUEST_LV:
size = int(request.getActualSize(requests, diskset, True))
if vgused.has_key(request.volumeGroup):
vgused[request.volumeGroup] = (vgused[request.volumeGroup] +
vgused[request.volumeGroup] = size
for vg in vgused.keys():
request = requests.getRequestByID(vg)
lvmLog.info("Used size vs. available for vg %s: %s %s", request.volumeGroupName, vgused[vg], request.getActualSize(requests, diskset))
if vgused[vg] > request.getActualSize(requests, diskset):
raise PartitioningError, _("Adding this partition would not "
"leave enough disk space for already "
"allocated logical volumes in "
"%s." % (request.volumeGroupName))
# given clearpart specification execute it
# probably want to reset diskset and partition request lists before calling
# this the first time
def doClearPartAction(anaconda, partitions, diskset):
type = partitions.autoClearPartType
cleardrives = partitions.autoClearPartDrives
initAll = partitions.reinitializeDisks
linuxOnly = 1
elif type == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL:
linuxOnly = 0
raise ValueError, "Invalid clear part type in doClearPartAction"
drives = diskset.disks.keys()
for drive in drives:
# skip drives not in clear drive list
if (cleardrives and len(cleardrives) > 0 and not drive in cleardrives) or \
drive in diskset.skippedDisks:
disk = diskset.disks[drive]
part = disk.next_partition()
while part:
if (not part.is_active() or (part.type == parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED) or
(part.disk.type.name == "mac" and part.num == 1 and part.get_name() == "Apple")):
part = disk.next_partition(part)
if part.fs_type:
ptype = partedUtils.get_partition_file_system_type(part)
ptype = None
# we want to do the clearing if
# 1) clearAll is set
# 2) there's a fsystem on the partition and it's a "native" fs
# 3) there's not fsystem but the numeric id of partition is native
# 4) the ptable doesn't support numeric ids, but it appears to be
# a RAID or LVM device (#107319)
# 5) the drive contains protected partitions and initAll is set
if ((linuxOnly == 0) or (ptype and ptype.isLinuxNativeFS()) or
(initAll and
partedUtils.hasProtectedPartitions(drive, anaconda)) or
(not ptype and
partedUtils.isLinuxNativeByNumtype(part.native_type)) or
((part.native_type == -1) and # the ptable doesn't have types
((part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_RAID) and part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID)) or # this is a RAID
(part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_LVM) and part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_LVM)) or # or an LVM
(iutil.isMactel() and not ptype)))): # or we're on a mactel and have a blank partition from bootcamp #FIXME: this could be dangerous...
old = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part))
if old.getProtected():
part = disk.next_partition(part)
drive = partedUtils.get_partition_drive(part)
delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, part.geom.start,
# EFI autopartitioning is strange as /boot/efi is efi (which is
# really vfat) --
# if linuxonly and have an msdos partition and it has the
# bootable flag set, do not delete it and make it our
# /boot/efi as it could contain system utils.
# doesn't apply on kickstart installs or if no boot flag
if iutil.isEfi() and linuxOnly == 1 and (not anaconda.isKickstart):
if partedUtils.isEfiSystemPartition(part):
req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part))
other = partitions.getRequestByMountPoint("/boot/efi")
if not other:
req.mountpoint = "/boot/efi"
req.format = 0
req.fstype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("efi")
request = None
for req in partitions.autoPartitionRequests:
if req.mountpoint == "/boot/efi":
request = req
if request:
# hey, what do you know, pseries is weird too. *grumble*
elif (((iutil.getPPCMachine() == "pSeries") or
(iutil.getPPCMachine() == "iSeries"))
and (linuxOnly == 1)
and (not anaconda.isKickstart) and
part.is_flag_available(parted.PARTITION_BOOT) and
(part.native_type == 0x41) and
req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(part))
req.mountpoint = None
req.format = 0
request = None
for req in partitions.autoPartitionRequests:
if req.fstype == fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("PPC PReP Boot"):
request = req
if request:
part = disk.next_partition(part)
# set the diskset up
doPartitioning(diskset, partitions, doRefresh = 1)
except PartitioningError: # if we get an error here, it isn't overly relevant
for drive in drives:
if (cleardrives and len(cleardrives) > 0 and not drive in cleardrives) or \
drive in diskset.skippedDisks:
disk = diskset.disks[drive]
ext = disk.extended_partition
# if the extended is empty, blow it away
if ext and len(partedUtils.get_logical_partitions(disk)) == 0:
delete = partRequests.DeleteSpec(drive, ext.geom.start,
old = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(partedUtils.get_partition_name(ext))
deletePart(diskset, delete)
def doAutoPartition(anaconda):
instClass = anaconda.id.instClass
diskset = anaconda.id.diskset
partitions = anaconda.id.partitions
if anaconda.isKickstart:
if anaconda.dir == DISPATCH_BACK:
partitions.autoPartitionRequests = []
# if no auto partition info in instclass we bail
if len(partitions.autoPartitionRequests) < 1:
# XXX if we noop, then we fail later steps... let's just make it
# the workstation default. should instead just never get here
# if no autopart info
instClass.setDefaultPartitioning(partitions, doClear = 0)
# reset drive and request info to original state
# XXX only do this if we're dirty
## id.diskset.refreshDevices()
## id.partrequests = PartitionRequests(id.diskset)
doClearPartAction(anaconda, partitions, diskset)
# XXX clearpartdrives is overloaded as drives we want to use for linux
drives = []
initial_free = findFreespace(diskset)
initial_free_keys = initial_free.keys()
if partitions.autoClearPartDrives:
for drive in filter (lambda d: d in initial_free_keys, partitions.autoClearPartDrives):
free = 0
for f in initial_free[drive]:
size = f.geom.end - f.geom.start
# don't count any partition smaller than 1M
if (size > 2048):
free += size
for req in partitions.deletes:
if isinstance(req, partRequests.DeleteSpec) and req.drive == drive:
size = req.end - req.start
# don't count any partition smaller than 1M
if (size > 2048):
free += size
# If there's less than 10M free, forget it.
if free > 20480:
del initial_free
for request in partitions.autoPartitionRequests:
if (isinstance(request, partRequests.PartitionSpec) and
# get the preexisting partition they want to use
req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(request.device)
if not req or not req.type or req.type != REQUEST_PREEXIST:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Requested Partition Does Not Exist"),
_("Unable to locate partition %s to use "
"for %s.\n\n"
"Press 'OK' to exit the installer.")
% (request.device, request.mountpoint),
# now go through and set things from the request to the
# preexisting partition's request... ladeda
if request.mountpoint:
req.mountpoint = request.mountpoint
if request.uniqueID: # for raid to work
req.uniqueID = request.uniqueID
if request.fsopts:
req.fsopts = request.fsopts
if not request.format:
req.format = 0
req.format = 1
req.fstype = request.fstype
# XXX whee! lots of cut and paste code lies below
elif (isinstance(request, partRequests.RaidRequestSpec) and
request.preexist == 1):
req = partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(request.device)
if not req or req.preexist == 0:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Requested Raid Device Does Not Exist"),
_("Unable to locate raid device %s to use "
"for %s.\n\n"
"Press 'OK' to exit the installer.")
% (request.device,
# now go through and set things from the request to the
# preexisting partition's request... ladeda
if request.mountpoint:
req.mountpoint = request.mountpoint
if request.uniqueID: # for raid to work
req.uniqueID = request.uniqueID
if request.fsopts:
req.fsopts = request.fsopts
if not request.format:
req.format = 0
req.format = 1
req.fstype = request.fstype
# XXX not copying the raid bits because they should be handled
# automagically (actually, people probably aren't specifying them)
elif (isinstance(request, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec) and
request.preexist == 1):
# get the preexisting partition they want to use
req = partitions.getRequestByVolumeGroupName(request.volumeGroupName)
if not req or req.preexist == 0 or req.format == 1:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Requested Volume Group Does Not Exist"),
_("Unable to locate volume group %s to use "
"for %s.\n\n"
"Press 'OK' to exit the installer.")
% (request.volumeGroupName,
oldid = None
# now go through and set things from the request to the
# preexisting partition's request... ladeda
if request.physicalVolumes:
req.physicalVolumes = request.physicalVolumes
if request.pesize:
req.pesize = request.pesize
if request.uniqueID: # for raid to work
oldid = req.uniqueID
req.uniqueID = request.uniqueID
if request.fsopts:
req.fsopts = request.fsopts
if not request.format:
req.format = 0
req.format = 1
# we also need to go through and remap everything which we
# previously found to our new id. yay!
if oldid is not None:
for lv in partitions.getLVMLVForVGID(oldid):
lv.volumeGroup = req.uniqueID
elif (isinstance(request, partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec) and
request.preexist == 1):
# get the preexisting partition they want to use
req = partitions.getRequestByLogicalVolumeName(request.logicalVolumeName)
if not req or req.preexist == 0:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Requested Logical Volume Does Not Exist"),
_("Unable to locate logical volume %s to use "
"for %s.\n\n"
"Press 'OK' to exit the installer.")
% (request.logicalVolumeName,
# now go through and set things from the request to the
# preexisting partition's request... ladeda
if request.volumeGroup:
req.volumeGroup = request.volumeGroup
if request.mountpoint:
req.mountpoint = request.mountpoint
if request.uniqueID: # for raid to work
req.uniqueID = request.uniqueID
if request.fsopts:
req.fsopts = request.fsopts
if not request.format:
req.format = 0
req.format = 1
req.fstype = request.fstype
req = copy.copy(request)
if req.type == REQUEST_NEW and not req.drive:
req.drive = drives
# this is kind of a hack, but if we're doing autopart encryption
# and the request is a PV, encrypt it
if partitions.autoEncrypt and req.type == REQUEST_NEW and \
isinstance(req.fstype, fsset.lvmPhysicalVolumeDummyFileSystem):
req.encryption = cryptodev.LUKSDevice(passphrase=partitions.encryptionPassphrase, format=1)
# if this is a multidrive request, we need to create one per drive
if req.type == REQUEST_NEW and req.multidrive:
if not req.drive:
req.drive = diskset.disks.keys()
for drive in req.drive:
r = copy.copy(req)
r.encryption = copy.deepcopy(req.encryption)
r.drive = [ drive ]
if (isinstance(req, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec)):
# if the number of physical volumes requested is zero, then
# add _all_ physical volumes we can find
if ((len(req.physicalVolumes) == 0)
or (not req.physicalVolumes)):
req.physicalVolumes = []
for r in partitions.requests:
if isinstance(r.fstype,
valid = 0
if ((not partitions.autoClearPartDrives) or
len(partitions.autoClearPartDrives) == 0):
valid = 1
if not isinstance(r, partRequests.RaidRequestSpec):
for d in r.drive:
if d in partitions.autoClearPartDrives:
valid = 1
if not isinstance(r, partRequests.RaidRequestSpec):
if not r.multidrive:
valid = 0
if valid:
# FIXME: this is a hack so that autopartition'd vgs
# can have a unique name
if req.autoname == 1 and req.volumeGroupName == "lvm":
n = lvm.createSuggestedVGName(partitions)
req.volumeGroupName = n
if (isinstance(req, partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec)):
# if the volgroup is set to a string, we probably need
# to find that volgroup and use it's id
if type(req.volumeGroup) == type(""):
r = None
if req.volumeGroup == "lvm":
for p in partitions.requests:
if isinstance(p, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec) and p.autoname == 1:
r = p
r = partitions.getRequestByVolumeGroupName(req.volumeGroup)
if r is not None:
req.volumeGroup = r.uniqueID
raise RuntimeError, "Unable to find the volume group for logical volume %s" %(req.logicalVolumeName,)
# Remove all preexisting VG requests that reference nonexistant PV
# requests. These VGs should only be present on installs where we're
# using preexisting partitions that already have LVM information. We
# need to do the same thing for preexisting RAID requests, as well.
removeReqs = []
for req in partitions.requests:
if isinstance(req, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec):
lst = req.physicalVolumes
elif isinstance(req, partRequests.RaidRequestSpec):
lst = req.raidmembers
if len(filter (lambda id: partitions.getRequestByID(id) != None, lst)) == 0:
for req in removeReqs:
removeReqs = []
# Now that we've removed bad VGs, remove all LVs that would have
# resided on those VGs.
for req in filter (lambda r: isinstance(r, partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec), partitions.requests):
if partitions.getRequestByID(req.volumeGroup) == None:
for req in removeReqs:
# sanity checks for the auto partitioning requests; mostly only useful
# for kickstart as our installclass defaults SHOULD be sane
for req in partitions.requests:
errors = req.sanityCheckRequest(partitions)
if errors:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Automatic Partitioning Errors"),
_("The following errors occurred with your "
"Press 'OK' to exit the installer.") %
(errors,), custom_icon='error')
doPartitioning(diskset, partitions, doRefresh = 0)
except PartitioningWarning, msg:
if not anaconda.isKickstart:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Warnings During Automatic Partitioning"),
_("Following warnings occurred during automatic "
"partitioning:\n\n%s") % (msg,),
except PartitioningError, msg:
# restore drives to original state
if not anaconda.isKickstart:
extra = ""
anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 0)
extra = _("\n\nPress 'OK' to exit the installer.")
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error Partitioning"),
_("Could not allocate requested partitions: \n\n"
"%s.%s") % (msg, extra), custom_icon='error')
if anaconda.isKickstart:
# now do a full check of the requests
(errors, warnings) = partitions.sanityCheckAllRequests(diskset)
if warnings:
for warning in warnings:
if errors:
errortxt = string.join(errors, '\n')
if anaconda.isKickstart:
extra = _("\n\nPress 'OK' to exit the installer.")
extra = _("\n\nPress 'OK' to choose a different partitioning option.")
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Automatic Partitioning Errors"),
_("The following errors occurred with your "
"This can happen if there is not enough "
"space on your hard drive(s) for the "
"installation. %s")
% (errortxt, extra),
# XXX if in kickstart we reboot
if anaconda.isKickstart:
anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Unrecoverable Error"),
_("Your system will now be rebooted."))
def autoCreatePartitionRequests(autoreq):
"""Return a list of requests created with a shorthand notation.
Mainly used by installclasses; make a list of tuples of the form
(mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format, asvol)
mntpt = None for non-mountable, otherwise is mount point
fstype = None to use default, otherwise a string
minsize = smallest size
maxsize = max size, or None means no max
grow = 0 or 1, should partition be grown
format = 0 or 1, whether to format
asvol = 0 or 1, whether or not it should be a logical volume (ignored)
requests = []
for (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format, asvol) in autoreq:
if fstype:
ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet(fstype)
ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGetDefault()
newrequest = partRequests.PartitionSpec(ptype,
mountpoint = mntpt,
size = minsize,
maxSizeMB = maxsize,
grow = grow,
format = format)
return requests
def autoCreateLVMPartitionRequests(autoreq):
"""Return a list of requests created with a shorthand notation using LVM.
Mainly used by installclasses; make a list of tuples of the form
(mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format)
mntpt = None for non-mountable, otherwise is mount point
fstype = None to use default, otherwise a string
minsize = smallest size
maxsize = max size, or None means no max
grow = 0 or 1, should partition be grown
format = 0 or 1, whether to format
asvol = 0 or 1, whether or not it should be a logical volume
requests = []
nr = partRequests.PartitionSpec(fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("physical volume (LVM)"),
mountpoint = None,
size = 0,
maxSizeMB = None,
grow = 1,
format = 1,
multidrive = 1)
nr = partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec(fstype = None,
vgname = "lvm",
physvols = [],
format = 1)
nr.autoname = 1
volnum = 0
for (mntpt, fstype, minsize, maxsize, grow, format, asvol) in autoreq:
if fstype:
ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGet(fstype)
ptype = fsset.fileSystemTypeGetDefault()
if not asvol:
newrequest = partRequests.PartitionSpec(ptype,
mountpoint = mntpt,
size = minsize,
maxSizeMB = maxsize,
grow = grow,
format = format)
newrequest = partRequests.LogicalVolumeRequestSpec(ptype,
mountpoint = mntpt,
size = minsize,
maxSizeMB = maxsize,
grow = grow,
format = format,
lvname = "LogVol%02d" %(volnum,),
volgroup = "lvm")
volnum += 1
return requests
def getAutopartitionBoot(partitions):
"""Return the proper shorthand for the boot dir (arch dependent)."""
if iutil.isEfi():
ret = [ ["/boot/efi", "efi", 50, 200, 1, 1, 0] ]
for req in partitions.requests:
if req.fstype == fsset.fileSystemTypeGet("efi") \
and not req.mountpoint:
req.mountpoint = "/boot/efi"
ret = []
ret.append(("/boot", None, 200, None, 0, 1, 0))
return ret
elif (iutil.getPPCMachine() == "pSeries"):
return [ (None, "PPC PReP Boot", 4, None, 0, 1, 0),
("/boot", None, 200, None, 0, 1, 0) ]
elif (iutil.getPPCMachine() == "iSeries") and not iutil.hasiSeriesNativeStorage():
return [ (None, "PPC PReP Boot", 16, None, 0, 1, 0) ]
elif (iutil.getPPCMachine() == "iSeries") and iutil.hasiSeriesNativeStorage():
return []
elif (iutil.getPPCMachine() == "PMac") and iutil.getPPCMacGen() == "NewWorld":
return [ ( None, "Apple Bootstrap", 1, 1, 0, 1, 0),
("/boot", None, 200, None, 0, 1, 0) ]
return [ ("/boot", None, 200, None, 0, 1, 0) ]
# XXX hack but these are common strings to TUI and GUI
PARTMETHOD_TYPE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Automatic Partitioning sets partitions "
"based on the selected installation type. "
"You also "
"can customize the partitions once they "
"have been created.\n\n"
"The manual disk partitioning tool, Disk Druid, "
"allows you "
"to create partitions in an interactive "
"environment. You can set the file system "
"types, mount points, partition sizes, and more.")
AUTOPART_DISK_CHOICE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Before automatic partitioning can be "
"set up by the installation program, you "
"must choose how to use the space on "
"your hard drives.")
CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Remove all partitions on this system")
CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Remove all Linux partitions on this system")
CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE_DESCR_TEXT = N_("Keep all partitions and use existing free space")