#!/usr/bin/python # # anaconda: The Red Hat Linux Installation program # # (in alphabetical order...) # # Brent Fox # Mike Fulbright # Jakub Jelinek # Jeremy Katz # Chris Lumens # Paul Nasrat # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # # ... And many others # # Copyright 1999-2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # This toplevel file is a little messy at the moment... import sys, os from optparse import OptionParser # keep up with process ID of miniwm if we start it miniwm_pid = None # Make sure messages sent through python's warnings module get logged. def AnacondaShowWarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=sys.stderr): log.warning("%s" % warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)) # start miniWM def startMiniWM(root='/'): (rd, wr) = os.pipe() childpid = os.fork() if not childpid: if os.access("./mini-wm", os.X_OK): cmd = "./mini-wm" elif os.access(root + "/usr/bin/mini-wm", os.X_OK): cmd = root + "/usr/bin/mini-wm" else: return None os.dup2(wr, 1) os.close(wr) args = [cmd, '--display', ':1'] os.execv(args[0], args) sys.exit (1) else: # We need to make sure that mini-wm is the first client to # connect to the X server (see bug #108777). Wait for mini-wm # to write back an acknowledge token. os.read(rd, 1) return childpid # function to handle X startup special issues for anaconda def doStartupX11Actions(): global miniwm_pid # now start up mini-wm try: miniwm_pid = startMiniWM() log.info("Started mini-wm") except: miniwm_pid = None log.error("Unable to start mini-wm") # test to setup dpi # cant do this if miniwm didnt run because otherwise when # we open and close an X connection in the xutils calls # the X server will exit since this is the first X # connection (if miniwm isnt running) if miniwm_pid is not None: import xutils try: if xutils.screenWidth() > 640: dpi = "96" else: dpi = "75" xutils.setRootResource('Xcursor.size', '24') xutils.setRootResource('Xcursor.theme', 'Bluecurve') xutils.setRootResource('Xcursor.theme_core', 'true') xutils.setRootResource('Xft.antialias', '1') xutils.setRootResource('Xft.dpi', dpi) xutils.setRootResource('Xft.hinting', '1') xutils.setRootResource('Xft.hintstyle', 'hintslight') xutils.setRootResource('Xft.rgba', 'none') except: sys.stderr.write("X SERVER STARTED, THEN FAILED"); raise RuntimeError, "X server failed to start" def doShutdownX11Actions(): global miniwm_pid if miniwm_pid is not None: try: os.kill(miniwm_pid, 15) os.waitpid(miniwm_pid, 0) except: pass # handle updates of just a single file in a python package def setupPythonUpdates(): import glob # get the python version. first of /usr/lib/python*, strip off the # first 15 chars pyvers = glob.glob("/usr/lib/python*") pyver = pyvers[0][15:] try: os.mkdir("/tmp/updates") except: pass for pypkg in ("rhpl", "yum", "rpmUtils", "urlgrabber", "pykickstart", "rhpxl"): if os.access("/mnt/source/RHupdates/%s" %(pypkg,), os.X_OK): try: os.mkdir("/tmp/updates/%s" %(pypkg,)) except: pass # symlink the existing ones for f in os.listdir("/mnt/source/RHupdates/%s" %(pypkg,)): os.symlink("/mnt/source/RHupdates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f), "/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f)) # get the libdir. *sigh* if os.access("/usr/lib64/python%s/site-packages/%s" %(pyver, pypkg), os.X_OK): libdir = "lib64" elif os.access("/usr/lib/python%s/site-packages/%s" %(pyver, pypkg), os.X_OK): libdir = "lib" else: # If the directory doesn't exist, there's nothing to link over. # This happens if we forgot to include one of the above packages # in the image, for instance. continue if os.access("/tmp/updates/%s" %(pypkg,), os.X_OK): for f in os.listdir("/usr/%s/python%s/site-packages/%s" %(libdir, pyver, pypkg)): if os.access("/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f), os.R_OK): continue elif (f.endswith(".pyc") and os.access("/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f[:-1]),os.R_OK)): # dont copy .pyc files we are replacing with updates continue else: os.symlink("/usr/%s/python%s/site-packages/%s/%s" %(libdir, pyver, pypkg, f), "/tmp/updates/%s/%s" %(pypkg, f)) def parseOptions(): def resolution_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser): global runres_override parser.values.runres = value runres_override = True def rootpath_cb (option, opt_str, value, parser): if value.startswith("cd:"): flags.livecd = True value = value[3:] parser.values.rootPath = os.path.abspath(value) flags.setupFilesystems = False flags.rootpath = True op = OptionParser() # Interface op.add_option("-C", "--cmdline", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="c") op.add_option("-G", "--graphical", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="g") op.add_option("-T", "--text", dest="display_mode", action="store_const", const="t") # Method of operation op.add_option("--autostep", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--expert", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--kickstart", dest="ksfile") op.add_option("-m", "--method", default=None) op.add_option("--rescue", dest="rescue", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("-r", "--rootpath", action="callback", callback=rootpath_cb, dest="rootPath", default="/mnt/sysimage", nargs=1, type="string") op.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", default=False) # Display op.add_option("--headless", dest="isHeadless", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--lowres", dest="resolution", action="store_const", const="640x480") op.add_option("--nofb") op.add_option("--resolution", action="callback", callback=resolution_cb, dest="runres", default="800x600", nargs=1, type="string") op.add_option("--serial", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--skipddc", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--usefbx", dest="useFBX", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--vesa", dest="forcevesa", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--virtpconsole") op.add_option("--vnc", action="store_true", default=False) op.add_option("--vncconnect") # Language op.add_option("--keymap") op.add_option("--kbdtype") op.add_option("--lang") # Obvious op.add_option("--loglevel") op.add_option("--syslog") op.add_option("--noselinux", dest="selinux", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--selinux", action="store_true") op.add_option("--nompath", dest="mpath", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--mpath", action="store_true") op.add_option("--nodmraid", dest="dmraid", action="store_false", default=True) op.add_option("--dmraid", action="store_true") op.add_option("--noiscsi", dest="iscsi", action="store_false", default=False) op.add_option("--iscsi", action="store_true") # Miscellaneous op.add_option("--module", action="append", default=[]) op.add_option("--nomount", dest="rescue_nomount", action="store_true", default=False) return op.parse_args() def setVNCFromKickstart(opts): from kickstart import pullRemainingKickstartConfig, KickstartError from kickstart import VNCHandlers from pykickstart.data import KickstartData from pykickstart.parser import KickstartParser global vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport try: rc = pullRemainingKickstartConfig(opts.ksfile) except KickstartError, msg: rc = msg except: rc = _("Unknown Error") if rc is not None: stdoutLog.critical(_("Error pulling second part of kickstart config: %s!") % rc) sys.exit(1) # now see if they enabled vnc via the kickstart file. Note that command # line options for password, connect host and port override values in # kickstart file vncksdata = KickstartData() ksparser = KickstartParser(vncksdata, VNCHandlers(vncksdata), missingIncludeIsFatal=False) ksparser.readKickstart(opts.ksfile) if vncksdata.vnc["enabled"]: flags.usevnc = 1 ksvncpasswd = vncksdata.vnc["password"] ksvnchost = vncksdata.vnc["host"] ksvncport = vncksdata.vnc["port"] if vncpassword == "": vncpassword = ksvncpasswd if vncconnecthost == "": vncconnecthost = ksvnchost if vncconnectport == "": vncconnectport = ksvncport return vncksdata.vnc def setupPythonPath(): # For anaconda in test mode if (os.path.exists('isys')): sys.path.append('isys') sys.path.append('textw') sys.path.append('iw') else: sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda') sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/textw') sys.path.append('/usr/lib/anaconda/iw') if (os.path.exists('booty')): sys.path.append('booty') sys.path.append('booty/edd') else: sys.path.append('/usr/lib/booty') sys.path.append('/usr/share/system-config-date') def setupTranslations(): if os.path.isdir("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po"): log.info("adding RHupdates/po") addPoPath("/mnt/source/RHupdates/po") if os.path.isdir("/tmp/updates/po"): log.info("adding /tmp/updates/po") addPoPath("/tmp/updates/po") textdomain("anaconda") def setupEnvironment(): # Silly GNOME stuff if os.environ.has_key('HOME') and not os.environ.has_key("XAUTHORITY"): os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.Xauthority' os.environ['HOME'] = '/tmp' os.environ['LC_NUMERIC'] = 'C' os.environ["GCONF_GLOBAL_LOCKS"] = "1" # In theory, this gets rid of our LVM file descriptor warnings os.environ["LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS"] = "1" # we can't let the LD_PRELOAD hang around because it will leak into # rpm %post and the like. ick :/ if os.environ.has_key("LD_PRELOAD"): del os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] def setupLoggingFromOpts(opts): if opts.loglevel and logLevelMap.has_key(opts.loglevel): log.setHandlersLevel(logLevelMap[opts.loglevel]) if opts.syslog: if opts.syslog.find(":") != -1: (host, port) = opts.syslog.split(":") logger.addSysLogHandler(log, host, port=int(port)) else: logger.addSysLogHandler(log, opts.syslog) def getInstClass(opts): # if we're not doing a kickstart install, figure out instClass from args if opts.ksfile: from kickstart import Kickstart return Kickstart(opts.ksfile, opts.serial) else: from installclass import DefaultInstall, availableClasses retval = DefaultInstall(flags.expert) allavail = availableClasses(showHidden = 1) avail = availableClasses(showHidden = 0) if len(avail) == 1: (cname, cobject, clogo) = avail[0] log.info("%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,)) retval = cobject(flags.expert) elif len(allavail) == 1: (cname, cobject, clogo) = allavail[0] log.info("%s is only installclass, using it" %(cname,)) retval = cobject(flags.expert) return retval # ftp installs pass the password via a file in /tmp so # ps doesn't show it def expandFTPMethod(opts): filename = opts.method[1:] opts.method = open(filename, "r").readline() opts.method = opts.method[:len(opts.method) - 1] os.unlink(filename) def runVNC(vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport, vncStartedCB=None): pidfile = "/tmp/vncshell.pid" def addpid(pidnum): pf = open(pidfile, "a") pf.write("%s\n" %(pidnum)) pf.close() def removepid(pidnum): pf = open(pidfile, "r") pidlist = pf.readlines() pf.close() pf = open(pidfile, "w") for pid in pidlist: if not int(pid) == pidnum: pf.write("%s" %(pid)) pf.close() # dont run vncpassword if in test mode if flags.test: vncpassword = "" vnc.startVNCServer(vncpassword=vncpassword, vncconnecthost=vncconnecthost, vncconnectport=vncconnectport, vncStartedCB=vncStartedCB) child = os.fork() if child == 0: def conthandler(signum, frame): print "\n" signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, conthandler) # wait for parent to write pid (parent will send SIGCONT) signal.pause() while 1: print _("Press for a shell") sys.stdin.readline() shpid = os.fork() if shpid == 0: for p in ('/mnt/source/RHupdates/pyrc.py', \ '/tmp/updates/pyrc.py', \ '/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pyrc.py'): if os.access(p, os.R_OK|os.X_OK): os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = p break iutil.execWithRedirect("/bin/sh", [], stdout="/dev/console", stderr="/dev/console") else: addpid(shpid) os.waitpid(shpid, 0) removepid(shpid) else: addpid(child) os.kill(child, signal.SIGCONT) def checkMemory(opts): if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_RAM: from snack import SnackScreen, ButtonChoiceWindow screen = SnackScreen() ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('Fatal Error'), _('You do not have enough RAM to install %s ' 'on this machine.\n' '\n' 'Press to reboot your system.\n') %(product.productName,), buttons = (_("OK"),)) screen.finish() sys.exit(0) # override display mode if machine cannot nicely run X if not flags.test: if iutil.memInstalled() < isys.MIN_GUI_RAM: stdoutLog.warning(_("You do not have enough RAM to use the graphical " "installer. Starting text mode.")) opts.display_mode = 't' time.sleep(2) def probeHW(opts, x_already_set): videohw = None monitorhw = None mousehw = None xcfg = None if not opts.isHeadless: # # Probe what is available for X and setup a hardware state # # try to probe interesting hw skipddcprobe = (opts.skipddc or (x_already_set and flags.test)) skipmouseprobe = not (not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or flags.setupFilesystems) (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw) = xserver.probeHW(skipDDCProbe=skipddcprobe, skipMouseProbe=skipmouseprobe, forceVesa=opts.forcevesa) # if the len(videocards) is zero, then let's assume we're isHeadless if len(videohw.videocards) == 0: stdoutLog.info (_("No video hardware found, assuming headless")) videohw = None monitorhw = None mousehw = None opts.isHeadless = 1 else: # setup a X hw state for use later with configuration. try: xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState(defcard=videohw, defmon=monitorhw) except Exception, e: stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object.")) xcfg = None # keyboard kbd = keyboard.Keyboard() if opts.keymap: kbd.set(opts.keymap) # floppy floppyDevice = floppy.probeFloppyDevice() return (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, xcfg, kbd, floppyDevice) def setupGraphicalLinks(): for i in ( "imrc", "im_palette.pal", "gtk-2.0", "pango", "fonts", "fb.modes"): try: if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/%s" %(i,)): os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i) except: pass class Anaconda: def __init__(self): self.intf = None self.dir = None self.id = None self.method = None self.methodstr = None self.backend = None self.rootPath = None self.dispatch = None self.isKickstart = False self.rescue_mount = True self.rescue = False def setDispatch(self): self.dispatch = dispatch.Dispatcher(self) def setInstallInterface(self, display_mode): # setup links required by graphical mode if installing and verify display mode if display_mode == 'g': stdoutLog.info (_("Starting graphical installation...")) if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems: setupGraphicalLinks() try: from gui import InstallInterface except Exception, e: stdoutLog.error("Exception starting GUI installer: %s" %(e,)) if flags.test: sys.exit(1) # if we're not going to really go into GUI mode, we need to get # back to vc1 where the text install is going to pop up. if not x_already_set: isys.vtActivate (1) stdoutLog.warning("GUI installer startup failed, falling back to text mode.") display_mode = 't' if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ.keys(): del os.environ['DISPLAY'] time.sleep(2) if display_mode == 't': from text import InstallInterface if not os.environ.has_key("LANG"): os.environ["LANG"] = "en_US.UTF-8" if display_mode == 'c': from cmdline import InstallInterface self.intf = InstallInterface() def setMethod(self): if self.methodstr.startswith('cdrom://'): from image import CdromInstallMethod self.method = CdromInstallMethod(self.methodstr, self.rootPath, self.intf) elif self.methodstr.startswith('nfs:/'): from image import NfsInstallMethod self.method = NfsInstallMethod(self.methodstr, self.rootPath, self.intf) elif self.methodstr.startswith('nfsiso:/'): from image import NfsIsoInstallMethod self.method = NfsIsoInstallMethod(self.methodstr, self.rootPath, self.intf) elif self.methodstr.startswith('ftp://') or self.methodstr.startswith('http://'): from urlinstall import UrlInstallMethod self.method = UrlInstallMethod(self.methodstr, self.rootPath, self.intf) elif self.methodstr.startswith('hd://'): from harddrive import HardDriveInstallMethod self.method = HardDriveInstallMethod(self.methodstr, self.rootPath, self.intf) else: self.method = None if __name__ == "__main__": anaconda = Anaconda() setupPythonPath() # Allow a file to be loaded as early as possible try: import updates_disk_hook except ImportError: pass # Set up logging as early as possible. import logging from anaconda_log import logger, logLevelMap log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout") # pull this in to get product name and versioning import product # this handles setting up RHupdates for pypackages to minimize the set needed setupPythonUpdates() import signal, traceback, string, isys, iutil, time from exception import handleException import dispatch import warnings import rhpl import vnc import users from flags import flags from rhpl.translate import _, textdomain, addPoPath if rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and os.access("/dev/tty3", os.W_OK): logger.addFileHandler ("/dev/tty3", log) warnings.showwarning = AnacondaShowWarning setupTranslations() # reset python's default SIGINT handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGSEGV, isys.handleSegv) setupEnvironment() # we need to do this really early so we make sure its done before rpm # is imported iutil.writeRpmPlatform() extraModules = [] # XXX: this would be better as a callback runres_override = False graphical_failed = 0 instClass = None # the install class to use # # xcfg - xserver info (?) # mousehw - mouseinfo info # videohw - videocard info # monitorhw - monitor info # xcfg = None monitorhw = None videohw = None mousehw = None kbd = None vncpassword = "" vncconnecthost = "" vncconnectport = "" (opts, args) = parseOptions() # Now that we've got arguments, do some extra processing. instClass = getInstClass(opts) setupLoggingFromOpts(opts) anaconda.rootPath = opts.rootPath # Default is to prompt to mount the installed system. anaconda.rescue_mount = not opts.rescue_nomount if opts.method: anaconda.methodstr = opts.method if opts.method: if opts.method[0] == '@': expandFTPMethod(opts) anaconda.methodstr = opts.method if opts.module: for mod in opts.module: (path, name) = string.split(mod, ":") extraModules.append((path, name)) if opts.test: flags.test = 1 flags.setupFilesystems = 0 if opts.vnc: flags.usevnc = 1 opts.display_mode = 'g' vncpassword = vnc.getVNCPassword() if opts.vncconnect: cargs = string.split(opts.vncconnect, ":") vncconnecthost = cargs[0] if len(cargs) > 1: if len(cargs[1]) > 0: vncconnectport = cargs[1] if opts.iscsi: flags.iscsi = 1 # set dmraid and mpath flags flags.dmraid = opts.dmraid flags.mpath = opts.mpath if opts.serial: flags.serial = 1 # probing for hardware on an s390 seems silly... if rhpl.getArch() == "s390": opts.isHeadless = True users.createLuserConf(anaconda.rootPath) # setup links required for all install types for i in ( "services", "protocol", "nsswitch.conf", "joe", "selinux"): try: if os.path.exists("/mnt/runtime/etc/" + i): os.symlink ("../mnt/runtime/etc/" + i, "/etc/" + i) except: pass # # must specify install, rescue mode # if opts.rescue: anaconda.rescue = True if not anaconda.methodstr: sys.stderr.write('--method required for rescue mode\n') sys.exit(1) import rescue, instdata anaconda.id = instdata.InstallData([], "fd0", anaconda.methodstr, opts.display_mode) rescue.runRescue(anaconda) # shouldn't get back here sys.exit(1) else: if not anaconda.methodstr: sys.stderr.write('no install method specified\n') sys.exit(1) # # Here we have a hook to pull in second half of kickstart file via https # if desired. # if opts.ksfile: anaconda.isKickstart = True vncksdata = setVNCFromKickstart(opts) # # Determine install method - GUI or TUI # # use GUI by default except for install methods that were traditionally # text based due to the requirement of a small stage 2 # # if display_mode wasnt set by command line parameters then set default # if not opts.display_mode: if (anaconda.methodstr and anaconda.methodstr.startswith('ftp://') or anaconda.methodstr.startswith('http://')): opts.display_mode = 't' else: opts.display_mode = 'g' if opts.debug: flags.debug = True import pdb pdb.set_trace() import instdata import floppy if not opts.isHeadless: try: import xsetup import rhpxl.xhwstate as xhwstate import rhpxl.xserver as xserver import rhpxl.monitor except ImportError: opts.isHeadless = 1 import rhpl.keyboard as keyboard log.info("Display mode = %s", opts.display_mode) log.info("Method = %s", anaconda.methodstr) checkMemory(opts) # create character device nodes if we're not running in test mode - have # to do this early sine it's used for Synaptics, etc. if not flags.test: iutil.makeCharDeviceNodes() # this lets install classes force text mode instlls if instClass.forceTextMode: stdoutLog.info(_("Install class forcing text mode installation")) opts.display_mode = 't' # # find out what video hardware is available to run installer # # XXX kind of hacky - need to remember if we're running on an existing # X display later to avoid some initilization steps if os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and opts.display_mode == 'g': x_already_set = 1 else: x_already_set = 0 (videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, xcfg, kbd, floppyDevice) = probeHW(opts, x_already_set) # # delay to let use see status of attempt to probe hw # time.sleep(3) # # now determine if we're going to run in GUI or TUI mode # # if no X server, we have to use text mode if not (flags.test or flags.rootpath) and (rhpl.getArch() != "s390" and not os.access("/mnt/runtime/usr/bin/Xorg", os.X_OK)): stdoutLog.warning(_("Graphical installation not available... " "Starting text mode.")) time.sleep(2) opts.display_mode = 't' if opts.isHeadless: # s390/iSeries checks if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not (os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') or flags.usevnc): stdoutLog.warning(_("DISPLAY variable not set. Starting text mode!")) opts.display_mode = 't' graphical_failed = 1 time.sleep(2) # if DISPLAY not set either vnc server failed to start or we're not # running on a redirected X display, so start local X server if opts.display_mode == 'g' and not os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and not flags.usevnc: modes = rhpxl.monitor.Modes() if iutil.getPPCMachine() == "PMac": opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres, modes, runres_override, onPMac=True) else: opts.runres = xhwstate.get_valid_resolution(videohw, monitorhw, opts.runres, modes, runres_override) # make sure we can write log to ramfs if os.access("/tmp/ramfs", os.W_OK): xlogfile = "/tmp/ramfs/X.log" else: xlogfile = None try: xcfg = xserver.startX(opts.runres, videohw, monitorhw, mousehw, kbd, logfile = xlogfile, xStartedCB = doStartupX11Actions, xQuitCB = doShutdownX11Actions, useFB = opts.useFBX) except RuntimeError: stdoutLog.warning(" X startup failed, falling back to text mode") opts.display_mode = 't' graphical_failed = 1 time.sleep(2) if opts.display_mode == 't' and graphical_failed and not opts.ksfile: ret = vnc.askVncWindow() if ret != -1: opts.display_mode = 'g' flags.usevnc = 1 if ret is not None: vncpassword = ret # if they want us to use VNC do that now if opts.display_mode == 'g' and flags.usevnc: runVNC(vncpassword, vncconnecthost, vncconnectport, doStartupX11Actions) anaconda.setInstallInterface(opts.display_mode) # imports after setting up the path if anaconda.methodstr: anaconda.setMethod() if not anaconda.method: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Unknown install method"), _("You have specified an install method " "which isn't supported by anaconda.")) log.critical (_("unknown install method: %s"), opts.method) sys.exit(1) from yuminstall import YumBackend anaconda.backend = YumBackend(anaconda.method, anaconda.rootPath) # create device nodes for detected devices if we're not running in test mode if not flags.test and flags.setupFilesystems: iutil.makeDriveDeviceNodes() anaconda.id = instClass.installDataClass(extraModules, floppyDevice, anaconda.methodstr, opts.display_mode, anaconda.backend) anaconda.id.x_already_set = x_already_set if mousehw: anaconda.id.setMouse(mousehw) if videohw: anaconda.id.setVideoCard(videohw) if monitorhw: anaconda.id.setMonitor(monitorhw) # # not sure what to do here - somehow we didn't detect anything # if xcfg is None and not opts.isHeadless: try: xcfg = xhwstate.XF86HardwareState() except Exception, e: stdoutLog.error (_("Unable to instantiate a X hardware state object.")) xcfg = None if xcfg is not None: xsetup = xsetup.XSetup(xcfg) # HACK - if user overrides resolution then use it and disable # choosing a sane default for them if runres_override: xsetup.imposed_sane_default = 1 anaconda.id.setXSetup(xsetup) if kbd: anaconda.id.setKeyboard(kbd) anaconda.id.setDisplayMode(opts.display_mode) instClass.setInstallData(anaconda) # We need to copy the VNC-related kickstart stuff into the new ksdata if opts.ksfile is not None: instClass.ksdata.vnc = vncksdata anaconda.setDispatch() if opts.lang: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("language", permanent = 1) instClass.setLanguage(anaconda.id, opts.lang) instClass.setLanguageDefault(anaconda.id, opts.lang) if opts.keymap: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("keyboard", permanent = 1) instClass.setKeyboard(anaconda.id, opts.keymap) # Skip the disk options in rootpath mode if flags.rootpath: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partitionobjinit", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("parttype", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partition", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partitiondone", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("bootloaderadvanced", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("upgbootloader", permanent = 1) # we need bootloader on livecds if flags.rootpath and not flags.livecd: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("bootloadersetup", permanent = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("instbootloader", permanent = 1) # set up the headless case if opts.isHeadless == 1: anaconda.id.setHeadless(opts.isHeadless) instClass.setAsHeadless(anaconda.dispatch, opts.isHeadless) instClass.setSteps(anaconda.dispatch) # comment out the next line to make exceptions non-fatal sys.excepthook = lambda type, value, tb, anaconda=anaconda: handleException(anaconda, (type, value, tb)) try: anaconda.intf.run(anaconda) except SystemExit, code: anaconda.intf.shutdown() except: handleException(anaconda, sys.exc_info()) # remove our libuser.conf try: os.unlink(os.environ["LIBUSER_CONF"]) except: pass if anaconda.isKickstart and instClass.ksdata.reboot["eject"]: isys.flushDriveDict() for drive in isys.cdromList(): log.info("attempting to eject %s" % drive) isys.ejectCdrom(drive) del anaconda.intf