path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 52353833f..463a9e229 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -23,11 +23,313 @@ import isys
import product
import iutil
import socket
+import subprocess
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
-# return -1 to use text mode, None for no vncpass, or vncpass otherwise
+class VncServer:
+ def __init__(self, display="1", root="/", ip=None, name=None,
+ desktop="Desktop", password="", vncconnecthost="",
+ vncconnecport="", log_file="/tmp/vncserver.log",
+ pw_file="/tmp/vncpassword", pw_init_file="/tmp/vncpassword.dat"):
+ self.display = display
+ self.root = root
+ self.ip = ip
+ = name
+ self.desktop = desktop
+ self.password = password
+ self.vncconnecthost = vncconnecthost
+ self.vncconnecport = vncconnecport
+ self.log_file = log_file
+ self.pw_file = pw_file
+ self.pw_init_file = pw_init_file
+ #self.connxinfo =":"+self.display
+ self.log = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
+ def recoverVNCPassword(self):
+ """Rescue the vncpassword from where loader left it
+ We are not to check for validity yet, if there is a file
+ pass it to the variable, if there is not, set the var
+ to ''. We will check valididty later.
+ """
+ # see if there is a vnc password file
+ try:
+ pfile = open(self.pw_init_file, "r")
+ self.password=pfile.readline().strip()
+ pfile.close()
+ os.unlink(self.pw_init_file)
+ except:
+ self.password=""
+ def setVNCPassword(self):
+ """Change the vnc server password. Output to file. """
+ if len(self.password) == 0:
+ self.setVNCParam("SecurityTypes", "None")
+ self.setVNCParam("rfbauth","0")
+ return
+ # If there is a password the SecurityTypes = VncAuth for all connections.
+ self.setVNCParam("SecurityTypes", "VncAuth")
+ self.setVNCParam("rfbauth",self.pw_file)
+ # password input combination.
+ pwinput = "%s\n%s\n" % (self.password, self.password)
+ vnccommand = [self.root+"/usr/bin/vncpasswd", self.pw_file]
+ vncpswdo = subprocess.Popen(vnccommand, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)# We pipe the output
+ # so the user does not see it.
+ (out, err) = vncpswdo.communicate(input=pwinput)
+ return vncpswdo.returncode
+ def initialize(self):
+ """Here is were all the relative vars get initialized. """
+ # try to load /tmp/netinfo and see if we can sniff out network info
+ netinfo = network.Network()
+ # Look for the first configured interface and use its IP address for
+ # the computer to connect to.
+ dev = netinfo.getFirstDeviceName()
+ try:
+ self.ip = isys.getIPAddress(dev)
+"ip of %s is %s" % (dev, self.ip))
+ if self.ip == "" or self.ip == "::1":
+ self.ip = None
+ except Exception, e:
+ log.warning("Got an exception trying to get the self.ip addr "
+ "of %s: %s" % (dev, e))
+ # If we have a real hostname that resolves against configured DNS
+ # servers, use that for the name to connect to.
+ if netinfo.hostname != "localhost.localdomain":
+ if netinfo.lookupHostname() is not None:
+ = netinfo.hostname
+ elif self.ip is None:
+ # If we get here and there's no valid IP address, just use the
+ # hostname and hope for the best (better than displaying nothing)
+ = netinfo.hostname
+ if is not None:
+ self.connxinfo = "%s:%s" % (, self.display)
+ if self.ip is not None:
+ try:
+ tmp = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.ip)
+ family = socket.AF_INET6
+ except socket.error:
+ family = socket.AF_INET
+ if family == socket.AF_INET6:
+ ipstr = "[%s]" % self.ip
+ else:
+ ipstr = self.ip
+ if self.connxinfo is None:
+ self.connxinfo = "%s:%s" % (ipstr, self.display)
+ else:
+ self.connxinfo += " (%s)" % ipstr
+ # figure out product info
+ if is not None:
+ self.desktop = _("%s %s installation on host %s") % (product.productName, product.productVersion,
+ else:
+ self.desktop = _("%s %s installation") % (product.productName, product.productVersion)
+ def setVNCParam(self, param, value):
+ """Set a parameter in the Xvnc server.
+ Possible values for param and value. param=(values)
+ SecurityTypes=(VncAuth,None)
+ """
+ vncconfigcommand = [self.root+"/usr/bin/vncconfig", "-display", ":%s"%self.display , "-set" , "%s=%s" %(param, value)]
+ vncconfo = subprocess.Popen(vncconfigcommand)# we dont want output
+ return vncconfo.returncode
+ def openlogfile(self):
+ try:
+ err =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
+ if err < 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("error opening %s\n", log)
+ return None
+ else:
+ return err
+ except:
+ return None
+ def connectToView(self):
+ """Attempt to connect to self.vncconnecthost"""
+ maxTries = 10
+"Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s...") % (self.vncconnecthost,))
+ if self.vncconnecport != "":
+ hostarg = self.vncconnecthost + ":" + self.vncconnecport
+ else:
+ hostarg = self.vncconnecthost
+ vncconfigcommand = [self.root+"/usr/bin/vncconfig", "-display", ":%s"%self.display, "-connect", hostarg]
+ for i in range(maxTries):
+ vncconfp = subprocess.Popen(vncconfigcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # vncconfig process
+ (out, err) = vncconfp.communicate()
+ if err == '':
+ return True
+ elif err.startswith("connecting") and err.endswith("failed\n"):
+"Will try to connect again in 15 seconds..."))
+ time.sleep(15)
+ continue
+ else:
+ log.critical(err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.log.error(_("Giving up attempting to connect after %d tries!\n" % maxTries ))
+ return False
+ def VNCListen(self):
+ """Put the server in listening mode.
+ We dont really have to do anything for the server to listen :)
+ """
+ if self.connxinfo != None:
+"Please manually connect your vnc client to %s to begin the install.") % (self.connxinfo,))
+ else:
+"Please manually connect your vnc client to begin the install."))
+ def startServer(self, vncStartedCB=None):
+ log.error("Im just testing somenhitng:)
+"Starting VNC..."))
+ # Lets call it from here for now.
+ self.initialize()
+ # Lets start the xvnc regardless of vncconnecthost and password.
+ # We can change the configuration on the fly later.
+ xvnccommand = [ self.root + "/usr/bin/Xvnc", ":%s" % self.display, "-nevershared",
+ "-depth", "16", "-geometry", "800x600", "-br",
+ "IdleTimeout=0", "-auth", "/dev/null", "-once",
+ "DisconnectClients=false", "desktop=%s" % (self.desktop,),
+ "SecurityTypes=None"]
+ try:
+ xvncp = subprocess.Popen(xvnccommand, stdout=self.openlogfile(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except:
+ log.critical("Could not start the VNC server. Aborting.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Lets give the xvnc time to initialize
+ time.sleep(1)
+ # Make sure it hasn't blown up
+ if xvncp.poll() != None:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+"The VNC server is now running."))
+ # Lets look at the password stuff
+ if self.password == "":
+ pass
+ elif len(self.password) < 6:
+ self.changeVNCPasswdWindow()
+ # Create the password file.
+ self.setVNCPassword()
+ # Lets tell the user what we are going to do.
+ if self.vncconnecthost != "":
+ self.log.warning(_("\n\nYou chose to connect to a listening vncviewer. \n"
+ "This does not require a password to be set. If you \n"
+ "set a password, it will be used in case the connection \n"
+ "to the vncviewer is unsuccessful\n\n"))
+ elif self.password == "":
+ self.log.warning(_("\n\nWARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD!\n"
+ "You can use the self.password=<password> boot option\n"
+ "if you would like to secure the server.\n\n"))
+ elif self.password != "":
+ self.log.warning(_("\n\nYou chose to execute vnc with a password. \n\n"))
+ else:
+ self.log.warning(_("\n\nUnknown Error. Aborting. \n\n"))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Lets try to configure the vnc server to whatever the user specified
+ if self.vncconnecthost != "":
+ connected = self.connectToView()
+ if not connected:
+ self.VNCListen()
+ else:
+ self.VNCListen()
+ os.environ["DISPLAY"]=":%s" % self.display
+ if vncStartedCB:
+ vncStartedCB()
+ def changeVNCPasswdWindow(self):
+ """ Change the password to a sane parameter.
+ We ask user to input a password that len(password) > 6
+ or password == ''. Have to find a way to put askVncWindow
+ and this method together.
+ """
+ screen = SnackScreen()
+ grid = GridFormHelp(screen, _("VNC Configuration"),"vnc", 1, 10)
+ bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON,
+ (_("No password"), "nopass")))
+ text = _("A password will prevent unauthorized listeners "
+ "connecting and monitoring your installation progress. "
+ "Please enter a password to be used for the installation")
+ grid.add(TextboxReflowed(40, text), 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1))
+ entry1 = Entry (16, password = 1)
+ entry2 = Entry (16, password = 1)
+ passgrid = Grid (2, 2)
+ passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password:")), 0, 0, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1)
+ passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password (confirm):")), 0, 1, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1)
+ passgrid.setField (entry1, 1, 0)
+ passgrid.setField (entry2, 1, 1)
+ grid.add (passgrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1))
+ grid.add(bb, 0, 8, (0, 1, 1, 0), growx = 1)
+ while 1:
+ res =
+ rc = bb.buttonPressed(res)
+ if rc == "nopass":
+ screen.finish()
+ return ""
+ else:
+ pw = entry1.value()
+ cf = entry2.value()
+ if pw != cf:
+ ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Mismatch"),
+ _("The passwords you entered were "
+ "different. Please try again."),
+ buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ],
+ width = 50)
+ elif len(pw) < 6:
+ ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Length"),
+ _("The password must be at least "
+ "six characters long."),
+ buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ],
+ width = 50)
+ else:
+ screen.finish()
+ self.password = pw
+ return
+ entry1.set("")
+ entry2.set("")
+ continue
+ continue
def askVncWindow():
if not os.access('/usr/bin/Xvnc', os.X_OK):
return -1
@@ -125,234 +427,5 @@ def askVncWindow():
return -1
-def getVNCPassword():
- # see if there is a vnc password file
- try:
- pfile = open("/tmp/vncpassword.dat", "r")
- vncpassword=pfile.readline().strip()
- pfile.close()
- os.unlink("/tmp/vncpassword.dat")
- except:
- vncpassword=""
- pass
- # check length of vnc password
- if vncpassword != "" and len(vncpassword) < 6:
- screen = SnackScreen()
- ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('VNC Password Error'),
- _('You need to specify a vnc password of at least 6 characters long.\n\n'
- 'Press <return> to reboot your system.\n'),
- buttons = (_("OK"),))
- screen.finish()
- sys.exit(0)
- return vncpassword
-# startup vnc X server
-def startVNCServer(vncpassword="", root='/', vncconnecthost="",
- vncconnectport="", vncStartedCB=None):
- stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout")
- def set_vnc_password(root, passwd, passwd_file):
- (pid, fd) = os.forkpty()
- if not pid:
- os.execv(root + "/usr/bin/vncpasswd", [root + "/usr/bin/vncpasswd", passwd_file])
- sys.exit(1)
- # read password prompt
-, 1000)
- # write password
- os.write(fd, passwd + "\n")
- # read challenge again, and newline
-, 1000)
-, 1000)
- # write password again
- os.write(fd, passwd + "\n")
- # read remaining output
-, 1000)
- # wait for status
- try:
- (pid, status) = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
- except OSError, (errno, msg):
- print __name__, "waitpid:", msg
- return status
-"Starting VNC..."))
- # figure out host info
- connxinfo = None
- srvname = None
- ip = None
- # try to load /tmp/netinfo and see if we can sniff out network info
- netinfo = network.Network()
- # Look for the first configured interface and use its IP address for
- # the computer to connect to.
- dev = netinfo.getFirstDeviceName()
- try:
- ip = isys.getIPAddress(dev)
-"ip of %s is %s" % (dev, ip))
- if ip == "" or ip == "::1":
- ip = None
- except Exception, e:
- log.warning("Got an exception trying to get the ip addr "
- "of %s: %s" % (dev, e))
- # If we have a real hostname that resolves against configured DNS
- # servers, use that for the name to connect to.
- if netinfo.hostname != "localhost.localdomain":
- if netinfo.lookupHostname() is not None:
- srvname = netinfo.hostname
- elif ip is None:
- # If we get here and there's no valid IP address, just use the
- # hostname and hope for the best (better than displaying nothing)
- srvname = netinfo.hostname
- if srvname is not None:
- connxinfo = "%s:1" % srvname
- if ip is not None:
- try:
- tmp = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
- family = socket.AF_INET6
- except socket.error:
- family = socket.AF_INET
- if family == socket.AF_INET6:
- ipstr = "[%s]" % ip
- else:
- ipstr = ip
- if connxinfo is None:
- connxinfo = "%s:1" % ipstr
- else:
- connxinfo += " (%s)" % ipstr
- # figure out product info
- if srvname is not None:
- desktopname = _("%s %s installation on host %s") % (product.productName, product.productVersion, srvname)
- else:
- desktopname = _("%s %s installation") % (product.productName, product.productVersion)
- vncpid = os.fork()
- if not vncpid:
- args = [ root + "/usr/bin/Xvnc", ":1", "-nevershared",
- "-depth", "16", "-geometry", "800x600", "-br",
- "IdleTimeout=0", "-auth", "/dev/null", "-once",
- "DisconnectClients=false", "desktop=%s" % (desktopname,)]
- # set passwd if necessary
- if vncpassword != "":
- try:
- rc = set_vnc_password(root, vncpassword, "/tmp/vncpasswd_file")
- except Exception, e:
- stdoutLog.error("Unknown exception setting vnc password.")
- log.error("Exception was: %s" %(e,))
- rc = 1
- if rc:
- stdoutLog.warning(_("Unable to set vnc password - using no password!"))
- stdoutLog.warning(_("Make sure your password is at least 6 characters in length."))
- else:
- args = args + ["-rfbauth", "/tmp/vncpasswd_file"]
- else:
- # needed if no password specified
- args = args + ["SecurityTypes=None",]
- tmplogFile = "/tmp/vncserver.log"
- try:
- err =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
- if err < 0:
- sys.stderr.write("error opening %s\n", tmplogFile)
- else:
- os.dup2(err, 2)
- os.close(err)
- except:
- # oh well
- pass
- try:
- os.execv(args[0], args)
- sys.exit (1)
- except OSError, e:
- stdoutLog.critical("Error running %s: %s" % (root + "/usr/bin/Xvnc", e.strerror))
- sys.exit(1)
- # Wait for a bit, then make sure the VNC server really started before
- # stating that it did.
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- (pid, status) = os.waitpid(vncpid, os.WNOHANG)
- except:
- stdoutLog.critical("Could not start the VNC server. Aborting.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) > 0:
- sys.exit(1)
- if vncpassword == "":
- stdoutLog.warning(_("\n\nWARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD!\n"
- "You can use the vncpassword=<password> boot option\n"
- "if you would like to secure the server.\n\n"))
-"The VNC server is now running."))
- if vncconnecthost != "":
-"Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s...") % (vncconnecthost,))
- if vncconnectport != "":
- hostarg = vncconnecthost + ":" + vncconnectport
- else:
- hostarg = vncconnecthost
- argv = ["-display", ":1", "-connect", hostarg]
- ntries = 0
- while 1:
- output = iutil.execWithCapture("/usr/bin/vncconfig", argv)
- if output == "":
- break
- elif output.startswith("connecting") and output.endswith("failed\n"):
- ntries += 1
- if ntries > 50:
- stdoutLog.error(_("Giving up attempting to connect after 50 tries!\n"))
- if connxinfo is not None:
-"Please manually connect your vnc client to %s to begin the install.") % (connxinfo,))
- else:
-"Please manually connect your vnc client to begin the install."))
- break
-"Will try to connect again in 15 seconds..."))
- time.sleep(15)
- continue
- else:
- stdoutLog.critical(output)
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if connxinfo is not None:
-"Please connect to %s to begin the install...") % (connxinfo,))
- else:
-"Please connect to begin the install..."))
- os.environ["DISPLAY"]=":1"
- if vncStartedCB:
- vncStartedCB()
if __name__ == "__main__":