path: root/pyanaconda/storage/formats/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyanaconda/storage/formats/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1433 deletions
diff --git a/pyanaconda/storage/formats/ b/pyanaconda/storage/formats/
deleted file mode 100644
index b472e8727..000000000
--- a/pyanaconda/storage/formats/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1433 +0,0 @@
-# Filesystem classes for anaconda's storage configuration module.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
-# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
-# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
-# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
-# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
-# Red Hat, Inc.
-# Red Hat Author(s): Dave Lehman <>
-# David Cantrell <>
-""" Filesystem classes for use by anaconda.
- - bug 472127: allow creation of tmpfs filesystems (/tmp, /var/tmp, &c)
-import math
-import os
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import selinux
-from ..errors import *
-from . import DeviceFormat, register_device_format
-from .. import util
-from .. import platform
-from ..flags import flags
-from parted import fileSystemType
-from ..storage_log import log_method_call
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("storage")
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
- lost_and_found_context = selinux.matchpathcon("/lost+found", 0)[1]
-except OSError:
- lost_and_found_context = None
-# these are for converting to/from SI for ntfsresize
-mb = 1000 * 1000.0
-mib = 1024 * 1024.0
-fs_configs = {}
-def get_kernel_filesystems():
- fs_list = []
- for line in open("/proc/filesystems").readlines():
- fs_list.append(line.split()[-1])
- return fs_list
-global kernel_filesystems
-kernel_filesystems = get_kernel_filesystems()
-def fsConfigFromFile(config_file):
- """ Generate a set of attribute name/value pairs with which a
- filesystem type can be defined.
- The following config file would define a filesystem identical to
- the static Ext3FS class definition:
- type = ext3
- mkfs = "mke2fs"
- resizefs = "resize2fs"
- labelfs = "e2label"
- fsck = "e2fsck"
- packages = ["e2fsprogs"]
- formattable = True
- supported = True
- resizable = True
- linuxNative = True
- maxSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024
- minSize = 0
- defaultFormatOptions = "-t ext3"
- defaultMountOptions = "defaults"
- """
- lines = open(config_file).readlines()
- fs_attrs = {}
- for line in lines:
- (key, value) = [t.strip() for t in line.split("=")]
- if not hasattr(FS, "_" + key):
- print "invalid key: %s" % key
- continue
- fs_attrs[key] = value
- if not fs_attrs.has_key("type"):
- raise ValueError, _("filesystem configuration missing a type")
- # XXX what's the policy about multiple configs for a given type?
- fs_configs[fs_attrs['type']] = fs_attrs
-class FS(DeviceFormat):
- """ Filesystem class. """
- _type = "Abstract Filesystem Class" # fs type name
- _mountType = None # like _type but for passing to mount
- _name = None
- _mkfs = "" # mkfs utility
- _modules = [] # kernel modules required for support
- _resizefs = "" # resize utility
- _labelfs = "" # labeling utility
- _fsck = "" # fs check utility
- _fsckErrors = {} # fs check command error codes & msgs
- _infofs = "" # fs info utility
- _defaultFormatOptions = [] # default options passed to mkfs
- _defaultMountOptions = ["defaults"] # default options passed to mount
- _defaultLabelOptions = []
- _defaultCheckOptions = []
- _defaultInfoOptions = []
- _existingSizeFields = []
- _fsProfileSpecifier = None # mkfs option specifying fsprofile
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Create a FS instance.
- Keyword Args:
- device -- path to the device containing the filesystem
- mountpoint -- the filesystem's mountpoint
- label -- the filesystem label
- uuid -- the filesystem UUID
- mountopts -- mount options for the filesystem
- size -- the filesystem's size in MiB
- exists -- indicates whether this is an existing filesystem
- """
- if self.__class__ is FS:
- raise TypeError("FS is an abstract class.")
- DeviceFormat.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.mountpoint = kwargs.get("mountpoint")
- self.mountopts = kwargs.get("mountopts")
- self.label = kwargs.get("label")
- self.fsprofile = kwargs.get("fsprofile")
- # filesystem size does not necessarily equal device size
- self._size = kwargs.get("size", 0)
- self._minInstanceSize = None # min size of this FS instance
- self._mountpoint = None # the current mountpoint when mounted
- if self.exists:
- self._size = self._getExistingSize()
- foo = self.minSize # force calculation of minimum size
- self._targetSize = self._size
- if self.supported:
- self.loadModule()
- def __repr__(self):
- s = DeviceFormat.__repr__(self)
- s += (" mountpoint = %(mountpoint)s mountopts = %(mountopts)s\n"
- " label = %(label)s size = %(size)s"
- " targetSize = %(targetSize)s\n" %
- {"mountpoint": self.mountpoint, "mountopts": self.mountopts,
- "label": self.label, "size": self._size,
- "targetSize": self.targetSize})
- return s
- @property
- def desc(self):
- s = "%s filesystem" % self.type
- if self.mountpoint:
- s += " mounted at %s" % self.mountpoint
- return s
- @property
- def dict(self):
- d = super(FS, self).dict
- d.update({"mountpoint": self.mountpoint, "size": self._size,
- "label": self.label, "targetSize": self.targetSize,
- "mountable": self.mountable})
- return d
- def _setTargetSize(self, newsize):
- """ Set a target size for this filesystem. """
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem has not been created")
- if newsize is None:
- # unset any outstanding resize request
- self._targetSize = self._size
- return
- if not self.minSize <= newsize < self.maxSize:
- raise ValueError("invalid target size request")
- self._targetSize = newsize
- def _getTargetSize(self):
- """ Get this filesystem's target size. """
- return self._targetSize
- targetSize = property(_getTargetSize, _setTargetSize,
- doc="Target size for this filesystem")
- def _getSize(self):
- """ Get this filesystem's size. """
- size = self._size
- if self.resizable and self.targetSize != size:
- size = self.targetSize
- return size
- size = property(_getSize, doc="This filesystem's size, accounting "
- "for pending changes")
- def _getExistingSize(self):
- """ Determine the size of this filesystem. Filesystem must
- exist. Each filesystem varies, but the general procedure
- is to run the filesystem dump or info utility and read
- the block size and number of blocks for the filesystem
- and compute megabytes from that.
- The loop that reads the output from the infofsProg is meant
- to be simple, but take in to account variations in output.
- The general procedure:
- 1) Capture output from infofsProg.
- 2) Iterate over each line of the output:
- a) Trim leading and trailing whitespace.
- b) Break line into fields split on ' '
- c) If line begins with any of the strings in
- _existingSizeFields, start at the end of
- fields and take the first one that converts
- to a long. Store this in the values list.
- d) Repeat until the values list length equals
- the _existingSizeFields length.
- 3) If the length of the values list equals the length
- of _existingSizeFields, compute the size of this
- filesystem by multiplying all of the values together
- to get bytes, then convert to megabytes. Return
- this value.
- 4) If we were unable to capture all fields, return 0.
- The caller should catch exceptions from this method. Any
- exception raised indicates a need to change the fields we
- are looking for, the command to run and arguments, or
- something else. If you catch an exception from this method,
- assume the filesystem cannot be resized.
- """
- size = self._size
- if self.infofsProg and self.exists and not size and \
- util.find_program_in_path(self.infofsProg):
- try:
- values = []
- argv = self._defaultInfoOptions + [ self.device ]
- buf = util.capture_output([self.infofsProg] + argv)
- for line in buf.splitlines():
- found = False
- line = line.strip()
- tmp = line.split(' ')
- tmp.reverse()
- for field in self._existingSizeFields:
- if line.startswith(field):
- for subfield in tmp:
- try:
- values.append(long(subfield))
- found = True
- break
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if found:
- break
- if len(values) == len(self._existingSizeFields):
- break
- if len(values) != len(self._existingSizeFields):
- return 0
- size = 1
- for value in values:
- size *= value
- # report current size as megabytes
- size = math.floor(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0)
- except Exception as e:
- log.error("failed to obtain size of filesystem on %s: %s"
- % (self.device, e))
- return size
- @property
- def currentSize(self):
- """ The filesystem's current actual size. """
- size = 0
- if self.exists:
- size = self._size
- return float(size)
- @property
- def free(self):
- free = 0
- if self.exists:
- if self.currentSize and self.minSize and \
- self.currentSize != self.minSize:
- free = int(max(0, self.currentSize - self.minSize)) # truncate
- return free
- def _getFormatOptions(self, options=None):
- argv = []
- if options and isinstance(options, list):
- argv.extend(options)
- argv.extend(self.defaultFormatOptions)
- if self._fsProfileSpecifier and self.fsprofile:
- argv.extend([self._fsProfileSpecifier, self.fsprofile])
- argv.append(self.device)
- return argv
- def doFormat(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Create the filesystem.
- Arguments:
- None
- Keyword Arguments:
- options -- list of options to pass to mkfs
- """
- log_method_call(self, type=self.mountType, device=self.device,
- mountpoint=self.mountpoint)
- options = kwargs.get("options")
- if self.exists:
- raise FormatCreateError("filesystem already exists", self.device)
- if not self.formattable:
- return
- if not self.mkfsProg:
- return
- if self.exists:
- return
- if not os.path.exists(self.device):
- raise FormatCreateError("device does not exist", self.device)
- argv = self._getFormatOptions(options=options)
- try:
- ret = util.run_program([self.mkfsProg] + argv)
- except OSError as e:
- raise FormatCreateError(e, self.device)
- if ret:
- raise FormatCreateError("format failed: %s" % ret.rc, self.device)
- self.exists = True
- self.notifyKernel()
- if self.label:
- self.writeLabel(self.label)
- @property
- def resizeArgs(self):
- argv = [self.device, "%d" % (self.targetSize,)]
- return argv
- def doResize(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Resize this filesystem to new size @newsize.
- Arguments:
- None
- """
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSResizeError("filesystem does not exist", self.device)
- if not self.resizable:
- raise FSResizeError("filesystem not resizable", self.device)
- if self.targetSize == self.currentSize:
- return
- if not self.resizefsProg:
- return
- if not os.path.exists(self.device):
- raise FSResizeError("device does not exist", self.device)
- self.doCheck()
- # The first minimum size can be incorrect if the fs was not
- # properly unmounted. After doCheck the minimum size will be correct
- # so run the check one last time and bump up the size if it was too
- # small.
- self._minInstanceSize = None
- if self.targetSize < self.minSize:
- self.targetSize = self.minSize
-"Minimum size changed, setting targetSize on %s to %s" \
- % (self.device, self.targetSize))
- try:
- ret = util.run_program([self.resizefsProg] + self.resizeArgs)
- except OSError as e:
- raise FSResizeError(e, self.device)
- if ret:
- raise FSResizeError("resize failed: %s" % ret, self.device)
- self.doCheck()
- # XXX must be a smarter way to do this
- self._size = self.targetSize
- self.notifyKernel()
- def _getCheckArgs(self):
- argv = []
- argv.extend(self.defaultCheckOptions)
- argv.append(self.device)
- return argv
- def _fsckFailed(self, rc):
- return False
- def _fsckErrorMessage(self, rc):
- return _("Unknown return code: %d.") % (rc,)
- def doCheck(self):
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem has not been created")
- if not self.fsckProg:
- return
- if not os.path.exists(self.device):
- raise FSError("device does not exist")
- try:
- ret = util.run_program([self.fsckProg] + self._getCheckArgs())
- except OSError as e:
- raise FSError("filesystem check failed: %s" % e)
- if self._fsckFailed(ret):
- hdr = _("%(type)s filesystem check failure on %(device)s: ") % \
- {"type": self.type, "device": self.device}
- msg = self._fsckErrorMessage(ret)
- raise FSError(hdr + msg)
- def loadModule(self):
- """Load whatever kernel module is required to support this filesystem."""
- global kernel_filesystems
- if not self._modules or self.mountType in kernel_filesystems:
- return
- for module in self._modules:
- try:
- rc = util.run_program(["modprobe", module])
- except OSError as e:
- log.error("Could not load kernel module %s: %s" % (module, e))
- self._supported = False
- return
- if rc:
- log.error("Could not load kernel module %s" % module)
- self._supported = False
- return
- # If we successfully loaded a kernel module, for this filesystem, we
- # also need to update the list of supported filesystems.
- kernel_filesystems = get_kernel_filesystems()
- def testMount(self, options=None):
- """ Try to mount the fs and return True if successful. """
- ret = False
- if self.status:
- raise RuntimeError("filesystem is already mounted")
- # create a temp dir
- prefix = "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(self.device), self.type)
- mountpoint = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
- # try the mount
- try:
- self.mount(mountpoint=mountpoint)
- except Exception as e:
-"test mount failed: %s" % e)
- else:
- self.unmount()
- ret = True
- finally:
- os.rmdir(mountpoint)
- return ret
- def mount(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Mount this filesystem.
- Arguments:
- None
- Keyword Arguments:
- options -- mount options (overrides all other option strings)
- chroot -- prefix to apply to mountpoint
- mountpoint -- mountpoint (overrides self.mountpoint)
- """
- options = kwargs.get("options", "")
- chroot = kwargs.get("chroot", "/")
- mountpoint = kwargs.get("mountpoint")
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem has not been created")
- if not mountpoint:
- mountpoint = self.mountpoint
- if not mountpoint:
- raise FSError("no mountpoint given")
- if self.status:
- return
- if not isinstance(self, NoDevFS) and not os.path.exists(self.device):
- raise FSError("device %s does not exist" % self.device)
- # XXX os.path.join is FUBAR:
- #
- # os.path.join("/mnt/foo", "/") -> "/"
- #
- #mountpoint = os.path.join(chroot, mountpoint)
- chrootedMountpoint = os.path.normpath("%s/%s" % (chroot, mountpoint))
- util.makedirs(chrootedMountpoint)
- if flags.selinux:
- ret = util.reset_file_context(mountpoint, chroot)
-"set SELinux context for mountpoint %s to %s" \
- % (mountpoint, ret))
- # passed in options override default options
- if not options or not isinstance(options, str):
- options = self.options
- if isinstance(self, BindFS):
- options = "bind," + options
- try:
- rc = util.mount(self.device, chrootedMountpoint,
- fstype=self.mountType,
- options=options)
- except Exception as e:
- raise FSError("mount failed: %s" % e)
- if rc:
- raise FSError("mount failed: %s" % rc)
- if flags.selinux and "ro" not in options.split(","):
- ret = util.reset_file_context(mountpoint, chroot)
-"set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem "
- "root at %s to %s" %(mountpoint, ret))
- util.set_file_context("%s/lost+found" % mountpoint,
- lost_and_found_context, chroot)
- self._mountpoint = chrootedMountpoint
- def unmount(self):
- """ Unmount this filesystem. """
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem has not been created")
- if not self._mountpoint:
- # not mounted
- return
- if not os.path.exists(self._mountpoint):
- raise FSError("mountpoint does not exist")
- rc = util.umount(self._mountpoint)
- if rc:
- raise FSError("umount failed")
- self._mountpoint = None
- def _getLabelArgs(self, label):
- argv = []
- argv.extend(self.defaultLabelOptions)
- argv.extend([self.device, label])
- return argv
- def writeLabel(self, label):
- """ Create a label for this filesystem. """
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem has not been created")
- if not self.labelfsProg:
- return
- if not os.path.exists(self.device):
- raise FSError("device does not exist")
- argv = self._getLabelArgs(label)
- rc = util.run_program([self.labelfsProg] + argv)
- if rc:
- raise FSError("label failed")
- self.label = label
- self.notifyKernel()
- def _getRandomUUID(self):
- uuid = util.capture_output(["uuidgen"]).strip()
- return uuid
- def writeRandomUUID(self):
- raise NotImplementedError("FS does not implement writeRandomUUID")
- @property
- def needsFSCheck(self):
- return False
- @property
- def mkfsProg(self):
- """ Program used to create filesystems of this type. """
- return self._mkfs
- @property
- def fsckProg(self):
- """ Program used to check filesystems of this type. """
- return self._fsck
- @property
- def resizefsProg(self):
- """ Program used to resize filesystems of this type. """
- return self._resizefs
- @property
- def labelfsProg(self):
- """ Program used to manage labels for this filesystem type. """
- return self._labelfs
- @property
- def infofsProg(self):
- """ Program used to get information for this filesystem type. """
- return self._infofs
- @property
- def utilsAvailable(self):
- # we aren't checking for fsck because we shouldn't need it
- for prog in [self.mkfsProg, self.resizefsProg, self.labelfsProg,
- self.infofsProg]:
- if not prog:
- continue
- if not util.find_program_in_path(prog):
- return False
- return True
- @property
- def supported(self):
- log_method_call(self, supported=self._supported)
- return self._supported and self.utilsAvailable
- @property
- def mountable(self):
- canmount = (self.mountType in kernel_filesystems) or \
- (os.access("/sbin/mount.%s" % (self.mountType,), os.X_OK))
- modpath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join("/lib/modules", os.uname()[2]))
- modname = "%s.ko" % self.mountType
- if not canmount and os.path.isdir(modpath):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(modpath):
- have = filter(lambda x: x.startswith(modname), files)
- if len(have) == 1 and have[0].startswith(modname):
- return True
- return canmount
- @property
- def resizable(self):
- """ Can formats of this filesystem type be resized? """
- return super(FS, self).resizable and self.utilsAvailable
- @property
- def defaultFormatOptions(self):
- """ Default options passed to mkfs for this filesystem type. """
- # return a copy to prevent modification
- return self._defaultFormatOptions[:]
- @property
- def defaultMountOptions(self):
- """ Default options passed to mount for this filesystem type. """
- # return a copy to prevent modification
- return self._defaultMountOptions[:]
- @property
- def defaultLabelOptions(self):
- """ Default options passed to labeler for this filesystem type. """
- # return a copy to prevent modification
- return self._defaultLabelOptions[:]
- @property
- def defaultCheckOptions(self):
- """ Default options passed to checker for this filesystem type. """
- # return a copy to prevent modification
- return self._defaultCheckOptions[:]
- def _getOptions(self):
- options = ",".join(self.defaultMountOptions)
- if self.mountopts:
- # XXX should we clobber or append?
- options = self.mountopts
- return options
- def _setOptions(self, options):
- self.mountopts = options
- options = property(_getOptions, _setOptions)
- @property
- def mountType(self):
- if not self._mountType:
- self._mountType = self._type
- return self._mountType
- # These methods just wrap filesystem-specific methods in more
- # generically named methods so filesystems and formatted devices
- # like swap and LVM physical volumes can have a common API.
- def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem already exists")
- DeviceFormat.create(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return self.doFormat(*args, **kwargs)
- def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """ Mount the filesystem.
- The filesystem will be mounted at the directory indicated by
- self.mountpoint.
- """
- return self.mount(**kwargs)
- def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return self.unmount(*args, **kwargs)
- @property
- def status(self):
- # FIXME check /proc/mounts or similar
- if not self.exists:
- return False
- return self._mountpoint is not None
- def sync(self, root="/"):
- pass
-class Ext2FS(FS):
- """ ext2 filesystem. """
- _type = "ext2"
- _mkfs = "mke2fs"
- _modules = ["ext2"]
- _resizefs = "resize2fs"
- _labelfs = "e2label"
- _fsck = "e2fsck"
- _fsckErrors = {4: _("File system errors left uncorrected."),
- 8: _("Operational error."),
- 16: _("Usage or syntax error."),
- 32: _("e2fsck cancelled by user request."),
- 128: _("Shared library error.")}
- _packages = ["e2fsprogs"]
- _formattable = True
- _supported = True
- _resizable = True
- _linuxNative = True
- _maxSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024
- _minSize = 0
- _defaultFormatOptions = []
- _defaultMountOptions = ["defaults"]
- _defaultCheckOptions = ["-f", "-p", "-C", "0"]
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _infofs = "dumpe2fs"
- _defaultInfoOptions = ["-h"]
- _existingSizeFields = ["Block count:", "Block size:"]
- _fsProfileSpecifier = "-T"
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["ext2"]
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.dirty = False
- self.errors = False
- super(Ext2FS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def _fsckFailed(self, rc):
- for errorCode in self._fsckErrors.keys():
- if rc & errorCode:
- return True
- return False
- def _fsckErrorMessage(self, rc):
- msg = ''
- for errorCode in self._fsckErrors.keys():
- if rc & errorCode:
- msg += "\n" + self._fsckErrors[errorCode]
- return msg.strip()
- def writeRandomUUID(self):
- if not self.exists:
- raise FSError("filesystem does not exist")
- err = None
- try:
- rc = util.run_program(["tune2fs", "-U", "random", self.device])
- except OSError as e:
- err = str(e)
- else:
- if rc:
- err = rc
- if err:
- raise FSError("failed to set UUID for %s: %s" % (self.device, err))
- @property
- def minSize(self):
- """ Minimum size for this filesystem in MB. """
- if self._minInstanceSize is None:
- # try once in the beginning to get the minimum size for an
- # existing filesystem.
- size = self._minSize
- blockSize = None
- if self.exists and os.path.exists(self.device):
- # get block size
- buf = util.capture_output([self.infofsProg, "-h", self.device])
- for line in buf.splitlines():
- if line.startswith("Block size:"):
- blockSize = int(line.split(" ")[-1])
- if line.startswith("Filesystem state:"):
- self.dirty = "not clean" in line
- self.errors = "with errors" in line
- if blockSize is None:
- raise FSError("failed to get block size for %s filesystem "
- "on %s" % (self.mountType, self.device))
- # get minimum size according to resize2fs
- buf = util.capture_output([self.resizefsProg,
- "-P", self.device])
- for line in buf.splitlines():
- if "minimum size of the filesystem:" not in line:
- continue
- # line will look like:
- # Estimated minimum size of the filesystem: 1148649
- #
- # NOTE: The minimum size reported is in blocks. Convert
- # to bytes, then megabytes, and finally round up.
- (text, sep, minSize) = line.partition(": ")
- size = long(minSize) * blockSize
- size = math.ceil(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0)
- break
- if size is None:
- log.warning("failed to get minimum size for %s filesystem "
- "on %s" % (self.mountType, self.device))
- else:
- orig_size = size
- size = min(size * 1.1, size + 500, self.currentSize)
- if orig_size < size:
- log.debug("padding min size from %d up to %d" % (orig_size, size))
- else:
- log.debug("using current size %d as min size" % size)
- self._minInstanceSize = size
- return self._minInstanceSize
- @property
- def needsFSCheck(self):
- return self.dirty or self.errors
- @property
- def resizeArgs(self):
- argv = ["-p", self.device, "%dM" % (self.targetSize,)]
- return argv
-class Ext3FS(Ext2FS):
- """ ext3 filesystem. """
- _type = "ext3"
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-t", "ext3"]
- _modules = ["ext3"]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["ext3"]
- # It is possible for a user to specify an fsprofile that defines a blocksize
- # smaller than the default of 4096 bytes and therefore to make liars of us
- # with regard to this maximum filesystem size, but if they're doing such
- # things they should know the implications of their chosen block size.
- _maxSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
- @property
- def needsFSCheck(self):
- return self.errors
-class Ext4FS(Ext3FS):
- """ ext4 filesystem. """
- _type = "ext4"
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-t", "ext4"]
- _modules = ["ext4"]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["ext4"]
-class FATFS(FS):
- """ FAT filesystem. """
- _type = "vfat"
- _mkfs = "mkdosfs"
- _modules = ["vfat"]
- _labelfs = "dosfslabel"
- _fsck = "dosfsck"
- _fsckErrors = {1: _("Recoverable errors have been detected or dosfsck has "
- "discovered an internal inconsistency."),
- 2: _("Usage error.")}
- _supported = True
- _formattable = True
- _maxSize = 1024 * 1024
- _packages = [ "dosfstools" ]
- _defaultMountOptions = ["umask=0077", "shortname=winnt"]
- # FIXME this should be fat32 in some cases
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["fat16"]
- def _fsckFailed(self, rc):
- if rc >= 1:
- return True
- return False
- def _fsckErrorMessage(self, rc):
- return self._fsckErrors[rc]
-class EFIFS(FATFS):
- _type = "efi"
- _mountType = "vfat"
- _modules = ["vfat"]
- _name = "EFI System Partition"
- _minSize = 50
- @property
- def supported(self):
- return (isinstance(platform.platform, platform.EFI) and
- self.utilsAvailable)
-class BTRFS(FS):
- """ btrfs filesystem """
- _type = "btrfs"
- _mkfs = "mkfs.btrfs"
- _modules = ["btrfs"]
- _resizefs = "btrfsctl"
- _formattable = True
- _linuxNative = True
- _maxLabelChars = 256
- _supported = True
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _packages = ["btrfs-progs"]
- _minSize = 256
- _maxSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
- # FIXME parted needs to be taught about btrfs so that we can set the
- # partition table type correctly for btrfs partitions
- # partedSystem = fileSystemType["btrfs"]
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(BTRFS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.volUUID = kwargs.pop("volUUID", None)
- def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # filesystem creation is done in storage.devicelibs.btrfs.create_volume
- pass
- def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs):
- # filesystem creation is done in storage.devicelibs.btrfs.delete_volume
- pass
- def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
- log_method_call(self, type=self.mountType, device=self.device,
- mountpoint=self.mountpoint)
- if not self.mountpoint and "mountpoint" not in kwargs:
- # Since btrfs vols have subvols the format setup is automatic.
- # Don't try to mount it if there's no mountpoint.
- return
- return self.mount(*args, **kwargs)
- def _getFormatOptions(self, options=None):
- argv = []
- if options and isinstance(options, list):
- argv.extend(options)
- argv.extend(self.defaultFormatOptions)
- if self.label:
- argv.extend(["-L", self.label])
- argv.append(self.device)
- return argv
- @property
- def resizeArgs(self):
- argv = ["-r", "%dm" % (self.targetSize,), self.device]
- return argv
-class GFS2(FS):
- """ gfs2 filesystem. """
- _type = "gfs2"
- _mkfs = "mkfs.gfs2"
- _modules = ["dlm", "gfs2"]
- _formattable = True
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-j", "1", "-p", "lock_nolock", "-O"]
- _linuxNative = True
- _supported = False
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _packages = ["gfs2-utils"]
- # FIXME parted needs to be thaught about btrfs so that we can set the
- # partition table type correctly for btrfs partitions
- # partedSystem = fileSystemType["gfs2"]
- @property
- def supported(self):
- """ Is this filesystem a supported type? """
- supported = self._supported
- if flags.gfs2:
- supported = self.utilsAvailable
- return supported
-class JFS(FS):
- """ JFS filesystem """
- _type = "jfs"
- _mkfs = "mkfs.jfs"
- _modules = ["jfs"]
- _labelfs = "jfs_tune"
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-q"]
- _defaultLabelOptions = ["-L"]
- _maxLabelChars = 16
- _maxSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024
- _formattable = True
- _linuxNative = True
- _supported = False
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _infofs = "jfs_tune"
- _defaultInfoOptions = ["-l"]
- _existingSizeFields = ["Aggregate block size:", "Aggregate size:"]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["jfs"]
- @property
- def supported(self):
- """ Is this filesystem a supported type? """
- supported = self._supported
- if flags.jfs:
- supported = self.utilsAvailable
- return supported
-class ReiserFS(FS):
- """ reiserfs filesystem """
- _type = "reiserfs"
- _mkfs = "mkreiserfs"
- _resizefs = "resize_reiserfs"
- _labelfs = "reiserfstune"
- _modules = ["reiserfs"]
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-f", "-f"]
- _defaultLabelOptions = ["-l"]
- _maxLabelChars = 16
- _maxSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
- _formattable = True
- _linuxNative = True
- _supported = False
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _packages = ["reiserfs-utils"]
- _infofs = "debugreiserfs"
- _defaultInfoOptions = []
- _existingSizeFields = ["Count of blocks on the device:", "Blocksize:"]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["reiserfs"]
- @property
- def supported(self):
- """ Is this filesystem a supported type? """
- supported = self._supported
- if flags.reiserfs:
- supported = self.utilsAvailable
- return supported
- @property
- def resizeArgs(self):
- argv = ["-s", "%dM" % (self.targetSize,), self.device]
- return argv
-class XFS(FS):
- """ XFS filesystem """
- _type = "xfs"
- _mkfs = "mkfs.xfs"
- _modules = ["xfs"]
- _labelfs = "xfs_admin"
- _defaultFormatOptions = ["-f"]
- _defaultLabelOptions = ["-L"]
- _maxLabelChars = 16
- _maxSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
- _formattable = True
- _linuxNative = True
- _supported = True
- _dump = True
- _check = True
- _packages = ["xfsprogs"]
- _infofs = "xfs_db"
- _defaultInfoOptions = ["-c", "\"sb 0\"", "-c", "\"p dblocks\"",
- "-c", "\"p blocksize\""]
- _existingSizeFields = ["dblocks =", "blocksize ="]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["xfs"]
- def _getLabelArgs(self, label):
- argv = []
- argv.extend(self.defaultLabelOptions)
- argv.extend([label, self.device])
- return argv
- def sync(self, root='/'):
- """ Ensure that data we've written is at least in the journal.
- This is a little odd because xfs_freeze will only be
- available under the install root.
- """
- if not self.status or not self._mountpoint.startswith(root):
- return
- try:
- util.run_program(["xfs_freeze", "-f", self.mountpoint], root=root)
- except OSError as e:
- log.error("failed to run xfs_freeze: %s" % e)
- try:
- util.run_program(["xfs_freeze", "-u", self.mountpoint], root=root)
- except OSError as e:
- log.error("failed to run xfs_freeze: %s" % e)
-class HFS(FS):
- _type = "hfs"
- _mkfs = "hformat"
- _modules = ["hfs"]
- _formattable = True
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["hfs"]
-class AppleBootstrapFS(HFS):
- _type = "appleboot"
- _mountType = "hfs"
- _name = "Apple Bootstrap"
- _minSize = 800.00 / 1024.00
- _maxSize = 1
- @property
- def supported(self):
- return (isinstance(platform.platform, platform.NewWorldPPC)
- and self.utilsAvailable)
-class HFSPlus(FS):
- _type = "hfs+"
- _modules = ["hfsplus"]
- _udevTypes = ["hfsplus"]
- _mkfs = "mkfs.hfsplus"
- _fsck = "fsck.hfsplus"
- _packages = ["hfsplus-tools"]
- _formattable = True
- _mountType = "hfsplus"
- _minSize = 1
- _maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024
- _check = True
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["hfs+"]
-class NTFS(FS):
- """ ntfs filesystem. """
- _type = "ntfs"
- _resizefs = "ntfsresize"
- _fsck = "ntfsresize"
- _resizable = True
- _minSize = 1
- _maxSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
- _defaultMountOptions = ["defaults", "ro"]
- _defaultCheckOptions = ["-c"]
- _packages = ["ntfsprogs"]
- _infofs = "ntfsinfo"
- _defaultInfoOptions = ["-m"]
- _existingSizeFields = ["Cluster Size:", "Volume Size in Clusters:"]
- partedSystem = fileSystemType["ntfs"]
- @property
- def mountable(self):
- return False
- def _fsckFailed(self, rc):
- if rc != 0:
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def minSize(self):
- """ The minimum filesystem size in megabytes. """
- if self._minInstanceSize is None:
- # we try one time to determine the minimum size.
- size = self._minSize
- if self.exists and os.path.exists(self.device) and \
- util.find_program_in_path(self.resizefsProg):
- minSize = None
- buf = util.run_program([self.resizefsProg, "-m", self.device])
- for l in buf.split("\n"):
- if not l.startswith("Minsize"):
- continue
- try:
- minSize = int(l.split(":")[1].strip()) # MB
- minSize *= (mb / mib) # MiB
- except (IndexError, ValueError) as e:
- minSize = None
- log.warning("Unable to parse output for minimum size on %s: %s" %(self.device, e))
- if minSize is None:
- log.warning("Unable to discover minimum size of filesystem "
- "on %s" %(self.device,))
- else:
- size = min(minSize * 1.1, minSize + 500, self.currentSize)
- if minSize < size:
- log.debug("padding min size from %d up to %d" % (minSize, size))
- else:
- log.debug("using current size %d as min size" % size)
- self._minInstanceSize = size
- return self._minInstanceSize
- @property
- def resizeArgs(self):
- # You must supply at least two '-f' options to ntfsresize or
- # the proceed question will be presented to you.
- # FIXME: This -1 is because our partition alignment calculations plus
- # converting back and forth between MiB and MB means the filesystem is
- # getting resized to be slightly larger than the partition holding it.
- # This hack just makes the filesystem fit.
- targetSize = (mib / mb) * (self.targetSize-1) # convert MiB to MB
- argv = ["-ff", "-s", "%dM" % (targetSize,), self.device]
- return argv
-# if this isn't going to be mountable it might as well not be here
-class NFS(FS):
- """ NFS filesystem. """
- _type = "nfs"
- _modules = ["nfs"]
- def _deviceCheck(self, devspec):
- if devspec is not None and ":" not in devspec:
- raise ValueError("device must be of the form <host>:<path>")
- @property
- def mountable(self):
- return False
- def _setDevice(self, devspec):
- self._deviceCheck(devspec)
- self._device = devspec
- def _getDevice(self):
- return self._device
- device = property(lambda f: f._getDevice(),
- lambda f,d: f._setDevice(d),
- doc="Full path the device this format occupies")
-class NFSv4(NFS):
- """ NFSv4 filesystem. """
- _type = "nfs4"
- _modules = ["nfs4"]
-class Iso9660FS(FS):
- """ ISO9660 filesystem. """
- _type = "iso9660"
- _formattable = False
- _supported = True
- _resizable = False
- _linuxNative = False
- _dump = False
- _check = False
- _defaultMountOptions = ["ro"]
-class NoDevFS(FS):
- """ nodev filesystem base class """
- _type = "nodev"
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- FS.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.exists = True
- self.device = self.type
- def _setDevice(self, devspec):
- self._device = devspec
- def _getExistingSize(self):
- pass
-class DevPtsFS(NoDevFS):
- """ devpts filesystem. """
- _type = "devpts"
- _defaultMountOptions = ["gid=5", "mode=620"]
-# these don't really need to be here
-class ProcFS(NoDevFS):
- _type = "proc"
-class SysFS(NoDevFS):
- _type = "sysfs"
-class TmpFS(NoDevFS):
- _type = "tmpfs"
-class BindFS(FS):
- _type = "bind"
- @property
- def mountable(self):
- return True
- def _getExistingSize(self):
- pass
-class SELinuxFS(NoDevFS):
- _type = "selinuxfs"
- @property
- def mountable(self):
- return flags.selinux and super(SELinuxFS, self).mountable
-class USBFS(NoDevFS):
- _type = "usbfs"