path: root/pyanaconda/storage/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/pyanaconda/storage/ b/pyanaconda/storage/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8f96f204..000000000
--- a/pyanaconda/storage/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-# Device modification action classes for anaconda's storage configuration
-# module.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
-# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
-# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
-# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
-# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
-# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
-# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
-# Red Hat, Inc.
-# Red Hat Author(s): Dave Lehman <>
-from udev import *
-import math
-from devices import StorageDevice
-from devices import PartitionDevice
-from devices import LVMLogicalVolumeDevice
-from formats import getFormat
-from errors import *
-from parted import partitionFlag, PARTITION_LBA
-import gettext
-_ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x)
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger("storage")
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-def progress_report_stub(message):
- yield
- from pyanaconda.progress import progress_report
-except ImportError:
- progress_report = progress_report_stub
-# The values are just hints as to the ordering.
-# Eg: fsmod and devmod ordering depends on the mod (shrink -v- grow)
-action_strings = {ACTION_TYPE_NONE: "None",
-object_strings = {ACTION_OBJECT_NONE: "None",
-resize_strings = {RESIZE_SHRINK: "Shrink",
- RESIZE_GROW: "Grow"}
-def action_type_from_string(type_string):
- if type_string is None:
- return None
- for (k,v) in action_strings.items():
- if v.lower() == type_string.lower():
- return k
- return resize_type_from_string(type_string)
-def action_object_from_string(type_string):
- if type_string is None:
- return None
- for (k,v) in object_strings.items():
- if v.lower() == type_string.lower():
- return k
-def resize_type_from_string(type_string):
- if type_string is None:
- return None
- for (k,v) in resize_strings.items():
- if v.lower() == type_string.lower():
- return k
-class DeviceAction(object):
- """ An action that will be carried out in the future on a Device.
- These classes represent actions to be performed on devices or
- filesystems.
- The operand Device instance will be modified according to the
- action, but no changes will be made to the underlying device or
- filesystem until the DeviceAction instance's execute method is
- called. The DeviceAction instance's cancel method should reverse
- any modifications made to the Device instance's attributes.
- If the Device instance represents a pre-existing device, the
- constructor should call any methods or set any attributes that the
- action will eventually change. Device/DeviceFormat classes should verify
- that the requested modifications are reasonable and raise an
- exception if not.
- Only one action of any given type/object pair can exist for any
- given device at any given time. This is enforced by the
- DeviceTree.
- Basic usage:
- a = DeviceAction(dev)
- a.execute()
- OR
- a = DeviceAction(dev)
- a.cancel()
- XXX should we back up the device with a deep copy for forcibly
- cancelling actions?
- The downside is that we lose any checking or verification that
- would get done when resetting the Device instance's attributes to
- their original values.
- The upside is that we would be guaranteed to achieve a total
- reversal. No chance of, eg: resizes ending up altering Device
- size due to rounding or other miscalculation.
- _id = 0
- def __init__(self, device):
- if not isinstance(device, StorageDevice):
- raise ValueError("arg 1 must be a StorageDevice instance")
- self.device = device
- # Establish a unique id for each action instance. Making shallow or
- # deep copyies of DeviceAction instances will require __copy__ and
- # __deepcopy__ methods to handle incrementing the id in the copy
- = DeviceAction._id
- DeviceAction._id += 1
- def execute(self):
- """ perform the action """
- pass
- def cancel(self):
- """ cancel the action """
- pass
- @property
- def isDestroy(self):
- return self.type == ACTION_TYPE_DESTROY
- @property
- def isCreate(self):
- return self.type == ACTION_TYPE_CREATE
- @property
- def isResize(self):
- return self.type == ACTION_TYPE_RESIZE
- @property
- def isShrink(self):
- return (self.type == ACTION_TYPE_RESIZE and self.dir == RESIZE_SHRINK)
- @property
- def isGrow(self):
- return (self.type == ACTION_TYPE_RESIZE and self.dir == RESIZE_GROW)
- @property
- def isDevice(self):
- return self.obj == ACTION_OBJECT_DEVICE
- @property
- def isFormat(self):
- return self.obj == ACTION_OBJECT_FORMAT
- @property
- def format(self):
- return self.device.format
- def __str__(self):
- s = "[%d] %s %s" % (, action_strings[self.type],
- object_strings[self.obj])
- if self.isResize:
- s += " (%s)" % resize_strings[self.dir]
- if self.isFormat:
- s += " %s on" % self.format.desc
- s += " %s %s (id %d)" % (self.device.type,,
- return s
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action. """
- return False
- def obsoletes(self, action):
- """ Return True is self obsoletes action.
- DeviceAction instances obsolete other DeviceAction instances with
- lower id and same device.
- """
- return ( == and
- self.type == action.type and
- self.obj == action.obj and
- >
-class ActionCreateDevice(DeviceAction):
- """ Action representing the creation of a new device. """
- def __init__(self, device):
- if device.exists:
- raise ValueError("device already exists")
- # FIXME: assert device.fs is None
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- def execute(self):
- self.device.create()
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- Device create actions require other actions when either of the
- following is true:
- - this action's device depends on the other action's device
- - both actions are partition create actions on the same disk
- and this partition has a higher number
- """
- rc = False
- if self.device.dependsOn(action.device):
- rc = True
- elif (action.isCreate and action.isDevice and
- isinstance(self.device, PartitionDevice) and
- isinstance(action.device, PartitionDevice) and
- self.device.disk == action.device.disk):
- # create partitions in ascending numerical order
- selfNum = self.device.partedPartition.number
- otherNum = action.device.partedPartition.number
- if selfNum > otherNum:
- rc = True
- elif (action.isCreate and action.isDevice and
- isinstance(self.device, LVMLogicalVolumeDevice) and
- isinstance(action.device, LVMLogicalVolumeDevice) and
- == and
- action.device.singlePV and not self.device.singlePV):
- rc = True
- return rc
-class ActionDestroyDevice(DeviceAction):
- """ An action representing the deletion of an existing device. """
- def __init__(self, device):
- # XXX should we insist that device.fs be None?
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- if device.exists:
- device.teardown()
- def execute(self):
- self.device.destroy()
- # Make sure libparted does not keep cached info for this device
- # and returns it when we create a new device with the same name
- if self.device.partedDevice:
- try:
- self.device.partedDevice.removeFromCache()
- except Exception:
- pass
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- Device destroy actions require other actions when either of the
- following is true:
- - the other action's device depends on this action's device
- - both actions are partition create actions on the same disk
- and this partition has a lower number
- """
- rc = False
- if action.device.dependsOn(self.device) and action.isDestroy:
- rc = True
- elif (action.isDestroy and action.isDevice and
- isinstance(self.device, PartitionDevice) and
- isinstance(action.device, PartitionDevice) and
- self.device.disk == action.device.disk):
- # remove partitions in descending numerical order
- selfNum = self.device.partedPartition.number
- otherNum = action.device.partedPartition.number
- if selfNum < otherNum:
- rc = True
- elif (action.isDestroy and action.isFormat and
- ==
- # device destruction comes after destruction of device's format
- rc = True
- return rc
- def obsoletes(self, action):
- """ Return True if self obsoletes action.
- - obsoletes all actions w/ lower id that act on the same device,
- including self, if device does not exist
- - obsoletes all but ActionDestroyFormat actions w/ lower id on the
- same device if device exists
- """
- rc = False
- if ==
- if >= and not self.device.exists:
- rc = True
- elif > and \
- self.device.exists and \
- not (action.isDestroy and action.isFormat):
- rc = True
- return rc
-class ActionResizeDevice(DeviceAction):
- """ An action representing the resizing of an existing device. """
- def __init__(self, device, newsize):
- if not device.resizable:
- raise ValueError("device is not resizable")
- if long(math.floor(device.currentSize)) == newsize:
- raise ValueError("new size same as old size")
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- if newsize > long(math.floor(device.currentSize)):
- self.dir = RESIZE_GROW
- else:
- self.dir = RESIZE_SHRINK
- if device.targetSize > 0:
- self.origsize = device.targetSize
- else:
- self.origsize = device.size
- self.device.targetSize = newsize
- def execute(self):
- self.device.resize()
- def cancel(self):
- self.device.targetSize = self.origsize
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- A device resize action requires another action if:
- - the other action is a format resize on the same device and
- both are shrink operations
- - the other action grows a device (or format it contains) that
- this action's device depends on
- - the other action shrinks a device (or format it contains)
- that depends on this action's device
- """
- retval = False
- if action.isResize:
- if == and \
- self.dir == action.dir and \
- action.isFormat and self.isShrink:
- retval = True
- elif action.isGrow and self.device.dependsOn(action.device):
- retval = True
- elif action.isShrink and action.device.dependsOn(self.device):
- retval = True
- return retval
-class ActionCreateFormat(DeviceAction):
- """ An action representing creation of a new filesystem. """
- def __init__(self, device, format=None):
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- if format:
- self.origFormat = device.format
- if self.device.format.exists:
- self.device.format.teardown()
- self.device.format = format
- else:
- self.origFormat = getFormat(None)
- def execute(self):
- msg = _("Creating %(type)s on %(device)s") % {"type": self.device.format.type, "device": self.device.path}
- with progress_report(msg):
- self.device.setup()
- if isinstance(self.device, PartitionDevice):
- for flag in partitionFlag.keys():
- # Keep the LBA flag on pre-existing partitions
- if flag in [ PARTITION_LBA, self.format.partedFlag ]:
- continue
- self.device.unsetFlag(flag)
- if self.format.partedFlag is not None:
- self.device.setFlag(self.format.partedFlag)
- if self.format.partedSystem is not None:
- self.device.partedPartition.system = self.format.partedSystem
- self.device.disk.format.commitToDisk()
- self.device.format.create(device=self.device.path,
- options=self.device.formatArgs)
- # Get the UUID now that the format is created
- udev_settle()
- self.device.updateSysfsPath()
- info = udev_get_block_device(self.device.sysfsPath)
- self.device.format.uuid = udev_device_get_uuid(info)
- def cancel(self):
- self.device.format = self.origFormat
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- Format create action can require another action if:
- - this action's device depends on the other action's device
- and the other action is not a device destroy action
- - the other action is a create or resize of this action's
- device
- """
- return ((self.device.dependsOn(action.device) and
- not (action.isDestroy and action.isDevice)) or
- (action.isDevice and (action.isCreate or action.isResize) and
- ==
- def obsoletes(self, action):
- """ Return True if this action obsoletes action.
- Format create actions obsolete the following actions:
- - format actions w/ lower id on this action's device, other
- than those that destroy existing formats
- """
- return ( == and
- self.obj == action.obj and
- not (action.isDestroy and action.format.exists) and
- >
-class ActionDestroyFormat(DeviceAction):
- """ An action representing the removal of an existing filesystem. """
- def __init__(self, device):
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- self.origFormat = self.device.format
- if device.format.exists:
- device.format.teardown()
- self.device.format = None
- def execute(self):
- """ wipe the filesystem signature from the device """
- self.device.setup(orig=True)
- self.format.destroy()
- udev_settle()
- self.device.teardown()
- def cancel(self):
- self.device.format = self.origFormat
- @property
- def format(self):
- return self.origFormat
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- Format destroy actions require other actions when:
- - the other action's device depends on this action's device
- and the other action is a destroy action
- """
- return action.device.dependsOn(self.device) and action.isDestroy
- def obsoletes(self, action):
- """ Return True if this action obsoletes action.
- Format destroy actions obsolete the following actions:
- - format actions w/ lower id on same device, including self if
- format does not exist
- - format destroy action on a non-existent format shouldn't
- obsolete a format destroy action on an existing one
- """
- return ( == and
- self.obj == action.obj and
- ( > or
- ( == and not self.format.exists)) and
- not (action.format.exists and not self.format.exists))
-class ActionResizeFormat(DeviceAction):
- """ An action representing the resizing of an existing filesystem.
- XXX Do we even want to support resizing of a filesystem without
- also resizing the device it resides on?
- """
- def __init__(self, device, newsize):
- if not device.format.resizable:
- raise ValueError("format is not resizable")
- if long(math.floor(device.format.currentSize)) == newsize:
- raise ValueError("new size same as old size")
- DeviceAction.__init__(self, device)
- if newsize > long(math.floor(device.format.currentSize)):
- self.dir = RESIZE_GROW
- else:
- self.dir = RESIZE_SHRINK
- self.origSize = self.device.format.targetSize
- self.device.format.targetSize = newsize
- def execute(self):
- msg = _("Resizing filesystem on %(device)s") % {"device": self.device.path}
- with progress_report(msg):
- self.device.setup(orig=True)
- self.device.format.doResize()
- def cancel(self):
- self.device.format.targetSize = self.origSize
- def requires(self, action):
- """ Return True if self requires action.
- A format resize action requires another action if:
- - the other action is a device resize on the same device and
- both are grow operations
- - the other action shrinks a device (or format it contains)
- that depends on this action's device
- - the other action grows a device (or format) that this
- action's device depends on
- """
- retval = False
- if action.isResize:
- if == and \
- self.dir == action.dir and \
- action.isDevice and self.isGrow:
- retval = True
- elif action.isShrink and action.device.dependsOn(self.device):
- retval = True
- elif action.isGrow and self.device.dependsOn(action.device):
- retval = True
- return retval