path: root/
diff options
authorMatt Wilson <>2001-06-20 04:39:53 +0000
committerMatt Wilson <>2001-06-20 04:39:53 +0000
commitc4249bbe06e028e95f6514adb7f90ae11ab3b43b (patch)
tree408350beb14885893b86938d27a46688c4986003 /
parent8a566ec58b79dc8c583a4610a27a5182b31bacb8 (diff)
merge dispatch to HEAD
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583752156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+import copy
+import string
+import kudzu
+import iutil
+import isys
+from log import log
+Video_cardslist = {}
+def Video_cardsDBLookup(thecard):
+ card = Video_cardslist[thecard]
+ origcard = copy.copy(card)
+ count = 0
+ while count < 16 and card.has_key ("SEE"):
+ card = Video_cardslist[card["SEE"]]
+ count = count + 1
+ if count >= 16:
+ raise RunTimeError, "Could not find card ",origcard
+ return card
+class VideoCard:
+# This class represents the base data about a videocard. These are
+# the internal members - PLEASE use methods to access values!
+# device - if framebuffer running on card this is entry in /dev (string)
+# descr - human readable description (string)
+# server - X server to use (string)
+# probedcard - value returned for kudzu containing 'Card:........'
+# cardManf - name of manufacturer (string)
+# vidRam - amount of video ram (in kB) (string)
+# cardData - record from X card database, contains a dictionary of
+# key/values.
+# devID - ID from ddcprobe (string)
+# fbmodes - if framebuffer running, video mode in use (string)
+# fbbpp - if framebuffer running, pixel depth in use (string)
+# These values will be None if undefined or not applicable.
+ def __str__ (self):
+ return "device: %s\ndescr : %s\nserver: %s\ncardManf: %s\nvidRam: %s\ncarddata: %s\ndevID: %s\nfbmodes: %s\nfbbpp: %s\n" % (self.device, self.descr, self.server, self.cardManf, self.vidRam, self.cardData, self.devID, self.fbmodes, self.fbbpp)
+ def __init__ (self):
+ self.device = None
+ self.probedcard = None
+ self.descr = None
+ self.server = None
+ self.cardManf = None
+ self.vidRam = None
+ self.cardData = None
+ self.devID = None
+ self.fbmodes = None
+ self.fbbpp = None
+ def setDevice(self, device):
+ self.device = device
+ def setDescription(self, descr):
+ self.descr = descr
+ def setProbedCard(self, card):
+ self.probedcard = card
+ def setXServer(self, server):
+ self.server = server
+ def setVideoRam(self, vidRam):
+ self.vidRam = vidRam
+ def setCardData(self, card):
+ self.cardData = card
+ def setDevID(self, devid):
+ self.devID = devid
+ def setCardManf(self, manf):
+ self.cardManf = manf
+ def setFBModes(self, fbmodes):
+ self.fbmodes = fbmodes
+ def setFBBpp(self, bpp):
+ self.fbbpp = bpp
+ def getProbedCard(self):
+ return self.probedcard
+ def getVideoRam(self):
+ return self.vidRam
+ def getDescription(self):
+ return self.descr
+ def getDevice(self):
+ return self.device
+ def getDevID(self):
+ return self.devID
+ def getXServer(self):
+ return self.server
+ def getFBBpp(self):
+ return self.fbbpp
+ def shortDescription(self):
+ if self.devID and self.devID != "":
+ return self.devID
+ else:
+ return _("Unable to probe")
+ # dontResolve = 1 tells us to not follow 'SEE' records to find
+ # true card definition
+ def getCardData(self, dontResolve = 0):
+ if dontResolve:
+ return self.cardData
+ else:
+ return Video_cardsDBLookup(self.cardData["NAME"])
+ def canTestSafely(self):
+ cardData = self.getCardData()
+ if cardData.has_key("DRIVER"):
+ curdriver = cardData["DRIVER"]
+ noprobedriverList = ("i810", "tdfx")
+ for adriver in noprobedriverList:
+ if curdriver == adriver:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+class VideoCardInfo:
+# This class represents the video cards on the system.
+# Currently we only care about the primary card on the system.
+# This can be found by using the VideoCardInfo::primaryCard() function.
+# NOTE - X configuration is not represented here. This class is
+# intended only to reprsent the available hardware on the system
+ def primaryCard(self, useProbed = 0):
+ if useProbed:
+ if self.orig_videocards and self.orig_primary < len(self.orig_videocards):
+ return self.orig_videocards[self.orig_primary]
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ if self.videocards and self.primary < len(self.videocards):
+ return self.videocards[self.primary]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def possible_ram_sizes(self):
+ #--Valid video ram sizes--
+ return [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536]
+ def possible_depths(self):
+ #--Valid bit depths--
+ return ["8", "16", "24", "32"]
+ def manufacturerDB(self):
+ return ["3DLabs",
+ "ABit", "AOpen", "ASUS", "ATI", "Actix", "Ark Logic", "Avance Logic",
+ "Compaq", "Canopus", "Cardex", "Chaintech",
+ "Chips & Technologies", "Cirrus", "Creative Labs",
+ "DFI", "DSV", "DataExpert", "Dell", "Diamond", "Digital",
+ "ELSA", "EONtronics", "Epson", "ExpertColor",
+ "Gainward", "Genoa", "Guillemot",
+ "Hercules",
+ "Intel",
+ "Jaton",
+ "LeadTek",
+ "MELCO", "MachSpeed", "Matrox", "Miro",
+ "NVIDIA", "NeoMagic", "Number Nine",
+ "Oak", "Octek", "Orchid",
+ "Paradise", "PixelView",
+ "Quantum",
+ "RIVA", "Real3D", "Rendition",
+ "S3", "Sharp", "SNI", "SPEA", "STB", "SiS",
+ "Sierra", "Sigma", "Silicon Motion", "Soyo", "Spider", "Sun",
+ "TechWorks", "Toshiba", "Trident",
+ "VideoLogic", "ViewTop", "Voodoo",
+ "WD", "Weitek", "WinFast"]
+ def readCardsDB (self):
+ # all the straight servers
+ for server in [ "3DLabs", "8514", "FBDev", "I128",
+ "Mach8", "Mach32", "Mach64", "Mono",
+ "P9000", "S3", "S3V", "SVGA", "W32", "VGA16" ]:
+ Video_cardslist["Generic " + server] = { "SERVER" : server,
+ "NAME" : "Generic " + server }
+ db = open ('/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards')
+ lines = db.readlines ()
+ db.close ()
+ card = {}
+ name = None
+ for line in lines:
+ line = string.strip (line)
+ if not line and name:
+ Video_cardslist[name] = card
+ card = {}
+ name = None
+ continue
+ if line and line[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ if len (line) > 4 and line[0:4] == 'NAME':
+ name = line[5:]
+ info = string.splitfields (line, ' ')
+ if card.has_key (info[0]):
+ card[info[0]] = card[info[0]] + '\n' + (string.joinfields (info[1:], ' '))
+ else:
+ card[info[0]] = string.joinfields (info[1:], ' ')
+ return
+ def cardsDB(self):
+ return Video_cardslist
+ def __str__(self):
+ retstr = "primary: %s\nvidCards: %s\n" % (self.primary, self.videocards)
+ if self.primaryCard():
+ retstr = retstr + ("Primary Video Card Info:\n%s" % (str(self.primaryCard())))
+ return retstr
+ def reset(self):
+ self.videocards = copy.deepcopy(self.orig_videocards)
+ self.primary = self.orig_primary
+ def __init__ (self, skipDDCProbe = 0):
+ cards = kudzu.probe (kudzu.CLASS_VIDEO,
+ kudzu.BUS_UNSPEC,
+ kudzu.PROBE_ALL);
+ # just use first video card we recognize
+ # store as a list of class VideoCard
+ self.videocards = []
+ self.primary = None
+ self.readCardsDB()
+ for card in cards:
+ (device, server, descr) = card
+ if len (server) > 9 and server[0:10] == "Server:Sun" and descr[0:4] == "Sun|":
+ server = "Card:Sun " + descr[4:]
+ if len (server) > 5 and server[0:5] == "Card:":
+# info = self.cardsDBLookup (server[5:])
+ info = Video_cardslist [server[5:]]
+ if len (server) > 7 and server[0:7] == "Server:":
+ info = { "NAME" : "Generic " + server[7:],
+ "SERVER" : server[7:] }
+ if info:
+ vc = VideoCard()
+ vc.setProbedCard(server)
+ vc.setDevice(device)
+ vc.setDescription(descr)
+ vc.setCardData (info)
+ vc.setDevID (info["NAME"])
+ if (vc.getCardData().has_key("DRIVER") and
+ not vc.getCardData().has_key("UNSUPPORTED")):
+ server = "XFree86"
+ else:
+ server = "XF86_" + vc.getCardData()["SERVER"]
+ vc.setXServer(server)
+ self.videocards.append(vc)
+ if len(self.videocards) == 0:
+ return
+ # default primary card to be the first card found
+ self.primary = 0
+ # VESA probe for videoram, etc.
+ # for now assume fb corresponds to primary video card
+ if not skipDDCProbe:
+ try:
+ probe = string.split (iutil.execWithCapture ("/usr/sbin/ddcprobe", ['ddcprobe']), '\n')
+ for line in probe:
+ if line and line[:9] == "OEM Name:":
+ cardManf = string.strip (line[10:])
+ self.primaryCard().setCardManf(cardManf)
+ self.primaryCard().getCardData()["VENDOR"] = cardManf
+ if line and line[:16] == "Memory installed":
+ memory = string.split (line, '=')
+ self.primaryCard().setVideoRam(string.strip (memory[2][:-2]))
+ except:
+ log("ddcprobe failed")
+ pass
+ # try to get frame buffer information if we don't know video ram
+ if not self.primaryCard().getVideoRam() and self.primaryCard().getDevice():
+ try:
+ (vidram, depth, mode, monitor) = isys.fbconProbe("/dev/" + self.primaryCard().getDevice())
+ if vidram:
+ self.primaryCard().setVideoRam("%d" % vidram)
+ if depth:
+ self.primaryCard().setFBModes({ "%d" % depth : [ mode ] })
+ self.primaryCard().setFBBpp( "%d" % depth )
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if isys.fbinfo() != None:
+ x, y, depth = isys.fbinfo()
+ self.primaryCard().setFBBpp(depth)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # kludge to handle i810 displays which require at least 16 Meg
+ if (self.primaryCard().getCardData()).has_key("DRIVER"):
+ cardData = self.primaryCard().getCardData()
+ if cardData["DRIVER"] == "i810":
+ self.primaryCard().setVideoRam("16384")
+ # save so we can reset
+ self.orig_videocards = copy.deepcopy(self.videocards)
+ self.orig_primary = self.primary
+# XXX needed for kickstart only (via
+# some useful routines for setting videocard in various ways
+# needs to be ported to new VideoCard object
+ # pass videocard object for desired card; this sets card to be
+ # primary card
+ def setVidcard (self, videocard):
+ self.primary = self.videocards.index(videocard)
+ # find the appropriate videocard object for the requested card name
+ # this will only find the first instance of any card
+ def locateVidcardByName (self, card):
+ for vc in self.videocards:
+ print vc.getDescription()
+ if (vc.getDescription() == card):
+ return vc
+ raise RuntimeError, "Could not find valid video card driver"
+ # find the appropriate videocard object for the requested server name
+ # this will only find the first instance of any card
+ def locateVidcardByServer (self, server):
+ for vc in self.videocards:
+ if (vc.getXServer() == server):
+ return vc
+ raise RuntimeError, "Could not find valid video card driver."