diff options
authorPaul Nasrat <>2005-08-19 20:05:54 +0000
committerPaul Nasrat <>2005-08-19 20:05:54 +0000
commit8befff4dbed16fd3815674daca34a123f40e923d (patch)
parent6f4ddb4581a1af2665227937706fa030eb40bcaf (diff)
Extract InstallCallback
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 1a02c7f79..ecb71c311 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -226,161 +226,6 @@ def setSaneXSettings(xsetup):
xsetup.imposed_sane_default = 1
-class InstallCallback:
- def packageDownloadCB(self, state, amount):
- self.progress.setPackageStatus(state, amount)
- def cb(self, what, amount, total, h, (param)):
- # first time here means we should pop the window telling
- # user to wait until we get here
- if not self.beenCalled:
- self.beenCalled = 1
- self.initWindow.pop()
- if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START):
- # step 6 is the bulk of the transaction set
- # processing time
- if amount == 6:
- self.progressWindow = \
- self.progressWindowClass (_("Processing"),
- _("Preparing to install..."),
- total)
- try:
- self.incr = total / 10
- except:
- pass
- if self.progressWindow and amount > self.lastprogress + self.incr:
- self.progressWindow.set (amount)
- self.lastprogress = amount
- if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow):
- self.progressWindow.pop ()
- if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE):
- # We don't want to start the timer until we get to the first
- # file.
- self.pkgTimer.start()
- self.progress.setPackage(h)
- self.progress.setPackageScale(0, 1)
- self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME],
- h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH]))
- self.instLog.flush ()
- self.rpmFD = -1
- self.size = h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE]
- while self.rpmFD < 0:
- try:
- fn = self.method.getRPMFilename(h, self.pkgTimer,
- callback=self.packageDownloadCB)
- self.rpmFD =, os.O_RDONLY)
- # Make sure this package seems valid
- try:
- hdr = self.ts.hdrFromFdno(self.rpmFD)
- os.lseek(self.rpmFD, 0, 0)
- # if we don't have a valid package, throw an error
- if not hdr:
- raise SystemError
- except:
- try:
- os.close(self.rpmFD)
- except:
- pass
- self.rpmFD = -1
- raise FileCopyException
- except Exception, e:
- log.critical("exception was %s for %s-%s-%s"
- %(e, h['name'], h['version'], h['release']))
- self.method.unmountCD()
- rc = self.messageWindow(_("Error"),
- _("The package %s-%s-%s cannot be opened. This is due "
- "to a missing file or perhaps a corrupt package. "
- "If you are installing from CD media this usually "
- "means the CD media is corrupt, or the CD drive is "
- "unable to read the media.\n\n"
- "Press <return> to try again.") % (h['name'],
- h['version'],
- h['release']),
- type="custom",
- custom_icon="error",
- custom_buttons = [ _("Re_boot"),
- _("_Retry") ])
- if rc == 0:
- rc = self.messageWindow(_("Warning"),
- _("If you reboot, your system "
- "will be left in an "
- "inconsistent state that "
- "will likely require "
- "reinstallation. Are you "
- "sure you wish to "
- "continue?"),
- type = "custom",
- custom_icon="warning",
- custom_buttons = [_("_Cancel"),
- _("_Reboot")])
- if rc == 1:
- sys.exit(0)
- self.progress.setPackageStatus(_("Installing..."), None)
- fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn)
- return self.rpmFD
- elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS):
- # RPM returns strange values sometimes
- if amount > total:
- amount = total
- if not total or total == 0 or total == "0":
- total = amount
- self.progress.setPackageScale(amount, total)
- elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE):
- os.close (self.rpmFD)
- self.progress.completePackage(h, self.pkgTimer)
- self.progress.processEvents()
- elif ((what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR) or
- (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR)):
- # we may want to make this error more fine-grained at some
- # point
- pkg = "%s-%s-%s" % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME],
- self.messageWindow(_("Error Installing Package"),
- _("There was an error installing %s. This "
- "can indicate media failure, lack of disk "
- "space, and/or hardware problems. This is "
- "a fatal error and your install will be "
- "aborted. Please verify your media and try "
- "your install again.\n\n"
- "Press the OK button to reboot "
- "your system.") % (pkg,))
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- pass
- self.progress.processEvents()
- def __init__(self, messageWindow, progress, pkgTimer, method,
- progressWindowClass, instLog, modeText, ts):
- self.messageWindow = messageWindow
- self.progress = progress
- self.pkgTimer = pkgTimer
- self.method = method
- self.progressWindowClass = progressWindowClass
- self.progressWindow = None
- self.lastprogress = 0
- self.incr = 20
- self.instLog = instLog
- self.modeText = modeText
- self.beenCalled = 0
- self.initWindow = None
- self.ts = ts
def sortPackages(first, second):
# install packages in cd order (cd tag is 1000002)
one = None