diff options
authorMatt Wilson <>1999-09-14 22:11:04 +0000
committerMatt Wilson <>1999-09-14 22:11:04 +0000
commit1d5cd06af5ec9ef67b9119c71c0d81282b8a1bc4 (patch)
parent4468c7a95669feb2c25b87af9780493091a59d60 (diff)
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 3e9dd08dc..35750b1d8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1070,4 +1070,238 @@ class ToDo:
if (todo.instClass.x):
todo.x = todo.instClass.x
+ def getSkipPartitioning(self):
+ return self.instClass.skipPartitioning
+ def getPartitionWarningText(self):
+ return self.instClass.clearPartText
+ def manuallyPartition(self):
+ self.instClass.skipPartitioning = 0
+ self.instClass.clearPartText = None
+ self.instClass.removeFromSkipList("partition")
+ self.instClass.removeFromSkipList("format")
+ # List of (accountName, fullName, password) tupes
+ def setUserList(todo, users):
+ todo.users = users
+ def getUserList(todo):
+ return todo.users
+ def createAccounts(todo):
+ if not todo.users: return
+ for (account, name, password) in todo.users:
+ devnull ="/dev/null", os.O_RDWR)
+ argv = [ "/usr/sbin/useradd", account ]
+ iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath,
+ stdout = devnull)
+ argv = [ "/usr/bin/chfn", "-f", name, account]
+ iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath,
+ stdout = devnull)
+ argv = [ "/usr/bin/passwd", "--stdin", account ]
+ p = os.pipe()
+ os.write(p[1], password + "\n")
+ iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath,
+ stdin = p[0], stdout = devnull)
+ os.close(p[0])
+ os.close(p[1])
+ os.close(devnull)
+ def createCdrom(self):
+ list = isys.cdromList()
+ count = 0
+ for device in list:
+ (device, descript) = device
+ cdname = "cdrom"
+ if (count):
+ cdname = "%s%d" % (cdname, count)
+ count = count + 1
+ os.symlink(device, self.instPath + "/dev/" + cdname)
+ mntpoint = "/mnt/" + cdname
+ self.mounts[mntpoint] = (cdname, "iso9660", 0)
+ def setDefaultRunlevel (self):
+ inittab = open (self.instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'r')
+ lines = inittab.readlines ()
+ inittab.close ()
+ inittab = open (self.instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'w')
+ for line in lines:
+ if len (line) > 3 and line[:3] == "id:":
+ fields = string.split (line, ':')
+ fields[1] = str (self.initlevel)
+ line = string.join (fields, ':')
+ inittab.write (line)
+ inittab.close ()
+ def doInstall(self):
+ # make sure we have the header list and comps file
+ self.getHeaderList()
+ self.getCompsList()
+ if self.x.server:
+ self.selectPackage ('XFree86-' + self.x.server)
+ # make sure that all comps that include other comps are
+ # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn
+ # on the children
+ if self.setupFilesystems:
+ if not self.upgrade:
+ if (self.ddruidAlreadySaved):
+ self.makeFilesystems (createSwap = 0)
+ else:
+ ()
+ self.makeFilesystems ()
+ else:
+ (drives, raid) = self.ddruid.partitionList()
+ self.mountFilesystems ()
+ if self.upgrade:
+ w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Rebuilding"),
+ _("Rebuilding RPM database..."))
+ rc = rpm.rebuilddb (self.instPath)
+ w.pop ()
+ if rc:
+ intf.messageWindow (_("Error"),
+ _("Rebuild of RPM "
+ "database failed. You may be out of disk space?"));
+ # XXX do something sane here.
+ raise RuntimeError, "panic"
+ self.method.targetFstab (self.mounts)
+ if not self.installSystem:
+ return
+ for i in [ '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev' ]:
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(self.instPath + i)
+ except os.error, (errno, msg):
+ # self.intf.messageWindow("Error", "Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg))
+ pass
+ db = rpm.opendb(1, self.instPath)
+ ts = rpm.TransactionSet(self.instPath, db)
+ total = 0
+ totalSize = 0
+ if self.upgrade:
+ how = "u"
+ else:
+ how = "i"
+ for p in self.hdList.selected():
+ ts.add(p.h, (p.h, self), how)
+ total = total + 1
+ totalSize = totalSize + p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE]
+ ts.order()
+ if self.upgrade:
+ logname = '/tmp/upgrade.log'
+ else:
+ logname = '/tmp/install.log'
+ self.instLog = open(self.instPath + logname, "w+")
+ syslog = Syslogd(root = self.instPath, output = self.instLog)
+ ts.scriptFd = self.instLog.fileno ()
+ # the transaction set dup()s the file descriptor and will close the
+ # dup'd when we go out of scope
+ p = self.intf.packageProgressWindow(total, totalSize)
+ if self.upgrade:
+ self.modeText = _("Upgrading %s.\n")
+ else:
+ self.modeText = _("Installing %s.\n")
+ def instCallback(what, amount, total, key, intf):
+ if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE):
+ (h, self) = key
+ intf.setPackage(h)
+ intf.setPackageScale(0, 1)
+ self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME],))
+ self.instLog.flush ()
+ fn = self.method.getFilename(h)
+ self.rpmFD =, os.O_RDONLY)
+ fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn)
+ return self.rpmFD
+ elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS):
+ intf.setPackageScale(amount, total)
+ elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE):
+ (h, self) = key
+ os.close (self.rpmFD)
+ intf.completePackage(h)
+ else:
+ pass
+ rpm.errorSetCallback (self.rpmError)
+ # XXX FIXME FIXME: -1 IGNORES all problems
+, -1, instCallback, p)
+ self.method.filesDone ()
+ del p
+ self.instLog.close ()
+ w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Post Install"),
+ _("Performing post install configuration..."))
+ if not self.upgrade:
+ self.createCdrom()
+ self.writeFstab ()
+ self.writeLanguage ()
+ self.writeMouse ()
+ self.writeKeyboard ()
+ self.writeNetworkConfig ()
+ self.writeRootPassword ()
+ self.setupAuthentication ()
+ self.createAccounts ()
+ self.writeTimezone()
+ if (self.instClass.defaultRunlevel):
+ self.initlevel = self.instClass.defaultRunlevel
+ self.setDefaultRunlevel ()
+ pcmcia.createPcmciaConfig(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia")
+ self.copyConfModules ()
+ if not self.x.skip and self.x.server:
+ self.x.write (self.instPath + "/etc/X11/XF86Config")
+ os.symlink ("../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_" + self.x.server,
+ self.instPath + "/etc/X11/X")
+ self.setDefaultRunlevel ()
+ self.installLilo ()
+ if self.instClass.postScript:
+ if self.instClass.postInChroot:
+ path = self.instPath + "/tmp/ks-script"
+ else:
+ path = "/tmp/ks-script"
+ f = open(path, "w")
+ f.write("#!/bin/sh\n\n")
+ f.write(self.instClass.postScript)
+ f.close()
+ if self.instClass.postInChroot:
+ iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh",
+ "/tmp/ks-script" ], root = self.instPath)
+ else:
+ iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh",
+ "/tmp/ks-script"])
+ os.unlink(path)
+ del syslog
+ w.pop ()