#!/usr/bin/python import sys import time from retrace import * LOG = None def retrace_run(errorcode, cmd): "Runs cmd using subprocess.Popen and kills script with errorcode on failure" try: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) process.wait() output = process.stdout.read() process.stdout.close() except Exception as ex: process = None output = "An unhandled exception occured: %s" % ex if not process or process.returncode != 0: LOG.write("Error %d:\n=== OUTPUT ===\n%s\n" % (errorcode, output)) LOG.close() sys.exit(errorcode) return output if __name__ == "__main__": starttime = time.time() if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s task_id\n" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(11) taskid = sys.argv[1] try: int(taskid) except: sys.stderr.write("Task ID may only contain digits.\n") sys.exit(12) savedir = workdir = "%s/%s" % (CONFIG["SaveDir"], taskid) if CONFIG["UseWorkDir"]: workdir = "%s/%s" % (CONFIG["WorkDir"], taskid) if not os.path.isdir(savedir): sys.stderr.write("Task '%s' does not exist.\n" % workdir) sys.exit(13) try: LOG = logger(taskid) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write("Unable to start logging for task '%s': %s.\n" % (taskid, ex)) sys.exit(14) # check the crash directory for required files for required_file in REQUIRED_FILES: if not os.path.isfile("%s/crash/%s" % (savedir, required_file)): LOG.write("Crash directory does not contain required file '%s'.\n" % required_file) LOG.close() sys.exit(15) # read architecture from coredump arch = guess_arch("%s/crash/coredump" % savedir) if not arch: LOG.write("Unable to read architecture from 'coredump' file.\n") LOG.close() sys.exit(16) # read package file try: package_file = open("%s/crash/package" % savedir, "r") crash_package = package_file.read() package_file.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Unable to read crash package from 'package' file: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(17) # read release, distribution and version from release file release_path = "%s/crash/os_release" % savedir if not os.path.isfile(release_path): release_path = "%s/crash/release" % savedir try: release_file = open(release_path, "r") release = release_file.read() release_file.close() version = distribution = None for distro in RELEASE_PARSERS.keys(): match = RELEASE_PARSERS[distro].match(release) if match: version = match.group(1) distribution = distro break if not version or not distribution: raise Exception, "Release '%s' is not supported.\n" except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Unable to read distribution and version from 'release' file: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.write("Trying to guess distribution and version... ") distribution, version = guess_release(crash_package) if distribution and version: LOG.write("%s-%s\n" % (distribution, version)) else: LOG.write("Failure\n") LOG.close() sys.exit(18) # read package file try: package_file = open("%s/crash/package" % savedir, "r") crash_package = package_file.read() package_file.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Unable to read crash package from 'package' file: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(19) packages = crash_package # read required packages from coredump try: # ToDo: deal with not found build-ids pipe = Popen(["/usr/share/abrt-retrace/coredump2packages.py", "%s/crash/coredump" % savedir, "--repos=retrace-%s-%s-%s*" % (distribution, version, arch)], stdout=PIPE).stdout section = 0 crash_package_or_component = None for line in pipe.readlines(): if line == "\n": section += 1 continue elif 0 == section: crash_package_or_component = line.strip() elif 1 == section: packages += " %s" % line.rstrip("\n") elif 2 == section: # Missing build ids pass pipe.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Unable to obtain packages from 'coredump' file: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(20) # create mock config file try: mockcfg = open("%s/mock.cfg" % savedir, "w") mockcfg.write("config_opts['root'] = 'chroot'\n") mockcfg.write("config_opts['target_arch'] = '%s'\n" % arch) mockcfg.write("config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install %s shadow-utils gdb'\n" % packages) mockcfg.write("config_opts['basedir'] = '%s'\n" % workdir) mockcfg.write("config_opts['plugin_conf']['ccache_enable'] = False\n") mockcfg.write("config_opts['plugin_conf']['yum_cache_enable'] = False\n") mockcfg.write("config_opts['plugin_conf']['root_cache_enable'] = False\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("config_opts['yum.conf'] = \"\"\"\n") mockcfg.write("[main]\n") mockcfg.write("cachedir=/var/cache/yum\n") mockcfg.write("debuglevel=1\n") mockcfg.write("reposdir=/dev/null\n") mockcfg.write("logfile=/var/log/yum.log\n") mockcfg.write("retries=20\n") mockcfg.write("obsoletes=1\n") mockcfg.write("gpgcheck=0\n") mockcfg.write("assumeyes=1\n") mockcfg.write("syslog_ident=mock\n") mockcfg.write("syslog_device=\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("#repos\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[fedora]\n") mockcfg.write("name=fedora\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[fedora-debuginfo]\n") mockcfg.write("name=fedora-debuginfo\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s-debuginfo/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[updates]\n") mockcfg.write("name=updates\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s-updates/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[updates-debuginfo]\n") mockcfg.write("name=updates-debuginfo\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s-updates-debuginfo/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[updates-testing]\n") mockcfg.write("name=updates-testing\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s-updates-testing/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("[updates-testing-debuginfo]\n") mockcfg.write("name=updates-testing-debuginfo\n") mockcfg.write("baseurl=file://%s/%s-%s-%s-updates-testing-debuginfo/\n" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch)) mockcfg.write("failovermethod=priority\n") mockcfg.write("\n") mockcfg.write("\"\"\"\n") mockcfg.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Unable to create mock config file: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(21) # get count of tasks running before starting prerunning = len(get_active_tasks()) - 1 # run retrace mockr = "../../%s/mock" % savedir LOG.write("Initializing virtual root... ") retrace_run(25, ["mock", "init", "-r", mockr]) retrace_run(26, ["mock", "-r", mockr, "--copyin", "%s/crash" % savedir, "/var/spool/abrt/crash"]) retrace_run(27, ["touch", "%s/chroot/root/var/spool/abrt/crash/time" % workdir]) # if uid file is not present, create it uidpath = "%s/chroot/root/var/spool/abrt/crash/uid" % workdir; if not os.path.isfile(uidpath): try: uid = open(uidpath, "w") uid.write("500") uid.close() except: LOG.write("Unable to create uid file.\n") LOG.close() sys.exit(28) LOG.write("OK\n") try: rootfile = open("%s/chroot/result/root.log" % workdir, "r") rootlog = rootfile.read() rootfile.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Error reading root log: %s.\n" % ex) rootlog = "Not found" # generate backtrace LOG.write("Generating backtrace... ") backtrace = run_gdb(savedir) if not backtrace: LOG.write("Error\n") LOG.close() sys.exit(29) try: bt_file = open("%s/backtrace" % savedir, "w") bt_file.write(backtrace) bt_file.close() except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Error: %s.\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(30) LOG.write("OK\n") chroot_size = dir_size("%s/chroot/root" % workdir) # clean up temporary data LOG.write("Cleaning up... ") retrace_run(31, ["mock", "-r", mockr, "--scrub=all"]) retrace_run(32, ["rm", "-rf", "%s/mock.cfg" % savedir, "%s/crash" % savedir]) # ignore error: workdir = savedir => workdir is not empty if CONFIG["UseWorkDir"]: try: os.rmdir(workdir) except: pass LOG.write("OK\n") # save crash statistics LOG.write("Saving crash statistics... ") duration = int(time.time() - starttime) package_match = PACKAGE_PARSER.match(crash_package) if not package_match: package = crash_package version = "unknown" release = "unknown" else: package = package_match.group(1) version = package_match.group(2) release = package_match.group(4) crashstats = { "taskid": int(taskid), "package": package, "version": version, "release": release, "arch": arch, "starttime": int(starttime), "duration": duration, "prerunning": prerunning, "postrunning": len(get_active_tasks()) - 1, "chrootsize": chroot_size } if not init_crashstats_db() or not save_crashstats(crashstats): LOG.write("Error: %s\n" % crashstats) else: LOG.write("OK\n") # publish bactkrace and log LOG.write("Finishing task... ") try: os.rename("%s/backtrace" % savedir, "%s/retrace_backtrace" % savedir) except Exception as ex: LOG.write("Error: %s\n" % ex) LOG.close() sys.exit(35) LOG.write("OK\n") LOG.write("Retrace took %d seconds.\n" % duration) LOG.write("\n=== ROOT LOG ===\n%s\n" % rootlog) LOG.close()