#!/usr/bin/python import os import re import ConfigParser import random import sqlite3 from webob import Request from subprocess import * REQUIRED_FILES = ["architecture", "coredump", "release"] DF_BIN = "/bin/df" DU_BIN = "/usr/bin/du" TAR_BIN = "/bin/tar" XZ_BIN = "/usr/bin/xz" TASKID_PARSER = re.compile("^.*/([0-9]+)/*$") PACKAGE_PARSER = re.compile("^(.+)-([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*-[0-9]+)\.([^-]+)$") DF_OUTPUT_PARSER = re.compile("^([^ ^\t]*)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+%)[ \t]+(.*)$") DU_OUTPUT_PARSER = re.compile("^([0-9]+)") XZ_OUTPUT_PARSER = re.compile("^totals[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)[ \t]+([^ ^\t]+)[ \t]+([0-9]+)") URL_PARSER = re.compile("^/([0-9]+)/?") RELEASE_PARSERS = { "fedora": re.compile("^Fedora[^0-9]+([0-9]+)[^\(]\(([^\)]+)\)$"), } TASKPASS_ALPHABET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/abrt/retrace.conf" CONFIG = { "TaskIdLength": 9, "TaskPassLength": 32, "MaxParallelTasks": 10, "MaxPackedSize": 30, "MaxUnpackedSize": 600, "MinStorageLeft": 10240, "DeleteTaskAfter": 120, "LogDir": "/var/log/abrt-retrace", "RepoDir": "/var/cache/abrt-retrace", "SaveDir": "/var/spool/abrt-retrace", "WorkDir": "/tmp/abrt-retrace", "UseWorkDir": False, "DBFile": "stats.db", } def read_config(): parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() parser.read(CONFIG_FILE) for key in CONFIG.keys(): vartype = type(CONFIG[key]) if vartype is int: get = parser.getint elif vartype is bool: get = parser.getboolean elif vartype is float: get = parser.getfloat else: get = parser.get try: CONFIG[key] = get("retrace", key) except: pass def free_space(path): pipe = Popen([DF_BIN, path], stdout=PIPE).stdout for line in pipe.readlines(): match = DF_OUTPUT_PARSER.match(line) if match: pipe.close() return 1024 * int(match.group(4)) pipe.close() return None def dir_size(path): pipe = Popen([DU_BIN, "-s", path], stdout=PIPE).stdout for line in pipe.readlines(): match = DU_OUTPUT_PARSER.match(line) if match: pipe.close() return 1024 * int(match.group(1)) pipe.close() return 0 def unpacked_size(archive): pipe = Popen([XZ_BIN, "--list", "--robot", archive], stdout=PIPE).stdout for line in pipe.readlines(): match = XZ_OUTPUT_PARSER.match(line) if match: pipe.close() return int(match.group(4)) pipe.close() return None def gen_task_password(taskdir): generator = random.SystemRandom() taskpass = "" for j in xrange(CONFIG["TaskPassLength"]): taskpass += generator.choice(TASKPASS_ALPHABET) try: passfile = open("%s/password" % taskdir, "w") passfile.write(taskpass) passfile.close() except: return None return taskpass def get_task_est_time(taskdir): return 180 def new_task(): i = 0 newdir = CONFIG["SaveDir"] while os.path.exists(newdir) and i < 50: i += 1 taskid = random.randint(pow(10, CONFIG["TaskIdLength"] - 1), pow(10, CONFIG["TaskIdLength"]) - 1) newdir = "%s/%d" % (CONFIG["SaveDir"], taskid) try: os.mkdir(newdir) taskpass = gen_task_password(newdir) if not taskpass: Popen(["rm", "-rf", newdir]) raise Exception return taskid, taskpass, newdir except: return None, None, None def unpack(archive): pipe = Popen([TAR_BIN, "xJf", archive]) pipe.wait() return pipe.returncode def response(start_response, status, body="", extra_headers=[]): start_response(status, [("Content-Type", "text/plain"), ("Content-Length", "%d" % len(body))] + extra_headers) return [body] def get_active_tasks(): tasks = [] if CONFIG["UseWorkDir"]: tasksdir = CONFIG["WorkDir"] else: tasksdir = CONFIG["SaveDir"] for filename in os.listdir(tasksdir): if len(filename) != CONFIG["TaskIdLength"]: continue try: taskid = int(filename) except: continue path = "%s/%s" % (tasksdir, filename) if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.isfile("%s/retrace_log" % path): tasks.append(taskid) return tasks def init_crashstats_db(): try: con = sqlite3.connect("%s/%s" % (CONFIG["SaveDir"], CONFIG["DBFile"])) query = con.cursor() query.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS retracestats( taskid INT NOT NULL, package VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, release VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, arch VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, starttime INT NOT NULL, duration INT NOT NULL, prerunning TINYINT NOT NULL, postrunning TINYINT NOT NULL, chrootsize BIGINT NOT NULL ) """) con.commit() con.close() return True except: return False def save_crashstats(crashstats): try: con = sqlite3.connect("%s/%s" % (CONFIG["SaveDir"], CONFIG["DBFile"])) query = con.cursor() query.execute(""" INSERT INTO retracestats(taskid, package, version, release, arch, starttime, duration, prerunning, postrunning, chrootsize) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (crashstats["taskid"], crashstats["package"], crashstats["version"], crashstats["release"], crashstats["arch"], crashstats["starttime"], crashstats["duration"], crashstats["prerunning"], crashstats["postrunning"], crashstats["chrootsize"]) ) con.commit() con.close() return True except: return False class logger(): def __init__(self, taskid): "Starts logging into savedir." self._logfile = open("%s/%s/log" % (CONFIG["SaveDir"], taskid), "w") def write(self, msg): "Writes msg into log file." if not self._logfile.closed: self._logfile.write(msg) self._logfile.flush() def close(self): "Finishes logging and renames file to retrace_log." if not self._logfile.closed: self._logfile.close() os.rename(self._logfile.name, self._logfile.name.replace("/log", "/retrace_log")) ### read config on import ### read_config()