#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import os import pwd import sys from retrace import * sys.path = ["/usr/share/abrt-retrace"] + sys.path from plugins import * TARGET_USER = "abrt" if __name__ == "__main__": # parse arguments argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Retrace Server repository downloader") argparser.add_argument("distribution", type=str, help="Distribution name") argparser.add_argument("version", type=str, help="Release version") argparser.add_argument("architecture", type=str, help="CPU architecture") args = argparser.parse_args() distribution = args.distribution version = args.version arch = args.architecture if arch == "i686": arch = "i386" # drop privilegies if possible try: pw = pwd.getpwnam(TARGET_USER) os.setgid(pw.pw_gid) os.setuid(pw.pw_uid) print "Privilegies set to '%s'." % TARGET_USER except KeyError: print "User '%s' does not exist. Running with default privilegies." % TARGET_USER except OSError: print "Unable to switch UID or GID. Running with default privilegies." # load plugin plugin = None for iplugin in PLUGINS: if iplugin.distribution == distribution: plugin = iplugin break if not plugin: print "Unknown distribution: '%s'" % distribution sys.exit(1) lockfile = "/tmp/abrt-retrace-lock-%s-%s-%s" % (distribution, version, arch) if os.path.isfile(lockfile): print "Another process with repository download is running." sys.exit(2) # set lock if not lock(lockfile): print "Unable to set lock." sys.exit(3) null = open("/dev/null", "w") targetdir = "%s/%s-%s-%s" % (CONFIG["RepoDir"], distribution, version, arch) # run rsync for repo in plugin.repos: retcode = -1 for mirror in repo: repourl = mirror.replace("$ARCH", arch).replace("$VER", version) print "Running rsync on '%s'..." % repourl, sys.stdout.flush() if repourl.startswith("rsync://"): files = [repourl] else: files = [] try: for package in os.listdir(repourl): files.append("%s/%s" % (repourl, package)) except Exception as ex: print "Error: %s. Trying another mirror..." % ex continue pipe = Popen(["rsync", "-t"] + files + [targetdir], stdout=null, stderr=null) pipe.wait() retcode = pipe.returncode if retcode == 0: print "OK" break print "Error. Trying another mirror..." if retcode != 0: print "No more mirrors to try." # run createrepo print "Running createrepo on '%s'..." % targetdir, sys.stdout.flush() pipe = Popen(["createrepo", targetdir], stdout=null, stderr=null) pipe.wait() null.close() if pipe.returncode != 0: print "Failed" unlock(lockfile) sys.exit(4) print "OK" # remove lock if not unlock(lockfile): print "Unable to remove lock." sys.exit(5)