#! /usr/bin/python -u # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # WARNING: python -u means unbuffered I/O without it the messages are # passed to the parent asynchronously which looks bad in clients.. from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys import os import time import getopt import shutil from yum import _, YumBase from yum.callbacks import DownloadBaseCallback # everything was ok RETURN_OK = 0 # serious problem, should be logged somewhere RETURN_FAILURE = 2 GETTEXT_PROGNAME = "abrt" import locale import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.lgettext(x) def init_gettext(): try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") except locale.Error: os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C' locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") gettext.bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PROGNAME, locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET)) gettext.bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PROGNAME, '/usr/share/locale') gettext.textdomain(GETTEXT_PROGNAME) def error_msg_and_die(s): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % s) os.exit(1) old_stdout = -1 def mute_stdout(): if verbose < 2: global old_stdout old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open("/dev/null", "w") def unmute_stdout(): if verbose < 2: if old_stdout != -1: sys.stdout = old_stdout else: print "ERR: unmute called without mute?" def ask_yes_no(prompt, retries=4): while True: try: response = raw_input(prompt) except EOFError: log1("got eof, probably executed from helper, assuming - yes") response = 'y' if response in ('y', 'Y'): return True if response in ('n', 'N', ''): return False retries = retries - 1 if retries < 0: break return False # TODO: unpack just required debuginfo and not entire rpm? # ..that can lead to: foo.c No such file and directory # files is not used... def unpack_rpm(package_nevra, files, tmp_dir, destdir, keeprpm): package_name = package_nevra + ".rpm" package_full_path = tmp_dir + "/" + package_name log1("Extracting %s to %s" % (package_full_path, destdir)) log2(files) print _("Extracting cpio from %s") % (package_full_path) unpacked_cpio_path = tmp_dir + "/unpacked.cpio" try: unpacked_cpio = open(unpacked_cpio_path, 'wb') except IOError, ex: print _("Can't write to '%s': %s") % (unpacked_cpio_path, ex) return RETURN_FAILURE rpm2cpio = Popen(["rpm2cpio", package_full_path], stdout = unpacked_cpio, bufsize = -1) retcode = rpm2cpio.wait() if retcode == 0: log1("cpio written OK") if not keeprpm: log1("keeprpms = False, removing %s" % package_full_path) #print _("Removing temporary rpm file") os.unlink(package_full_path) else: unpacked_cpio.close() print _("Can't extract package '%s'") % package_full_path return RETURN_FAILURE # close the file unpacked_cpio.close() # and open it for reading unpacked_cpio = open(unpacked_cpio_path, 'rb') print _("Caching files from %s made from %s") % ("unpacked.cpio", package_name) cpio = Popen(["cpio","-i", "-d", "--quiet"], stdin=unpacked_cpio, cwd=destdir, bufsize=-1) retcode = cpio.wait() if retcode == 0: log1("files extracted OK") #print _("Removing temporary cpio file") os.unlink(unpacked_cpio_path) else: print _("Can't extract files from '%s'") % unpacked_cpio_path return RETURN_FAILURE class MyDownloadCallback(DownloadBaseCallback): def __init__(self, total_pkgs): self.total_pkgs = total_pkgs self.downloaded_pkgs = 0 self.last_pct = 0 self.last_time = 0 DownloadBaseCallback.__init__(self) def updateProgress(self, name, frac, fread, ftime): pct = int(frac * 100) if pct == self.last_pct: log2("percentage is the same, not updating progress") return self.last_pct = pct # if run from terminal we can have fancy output if sys.stdout.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\033[sDownloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%\033[u" % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct) ) if pct == 100: print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%") % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct) ) # but we want machine friendly output when spawned from abrt-server else: t = time.time() if self.last_time == 0: self.last_time = t # update only every 10 seconds if pct == 100 or self.last_time > t or t - self.last_time >= 10: print (_("Downloading (%i of %i) %s: %3u%%") % (self.downloaded_pkgs + 1, self.total_pkgs, name, pct) ) self.last_time = t if pct == 100: self.last_time = 0 sys.stdout.flush() class DebugInfoDownload(YumBase): def __init__(self, cache, tmp, keep_rpms=False): self.cachedir = cache self.tmpdir = tmp self.keeprpms = keep_rpms YumBase.__init__(self) mute_stdout() #self.conf.cache = os.geteuid() != 0 # Setup yum (Ts, RPM db, Repo & Sack) try: # Saw this exception here: # cannot open Packages index using db3 - Permission denied (13) # yum.Errors.YumBaseError: Error: rpmdb open failed self.doConfigSetup() except Exception, e: unmute_stdout() print _("Error initializing yum (YumBase.doConfigSetup): '%s'") % str(e) #return 1 - can't do this in constructor exit(1) unmute_stdout() # return value will be used as exitcode. So 0 = ok, !0 - error def download(self, files): """ @files - """ installed_size = 0 total_pkgs = 0 todownload_size = 0 downloaded_pkgs = 0 # nothing to download? if not files: return #if verbose == 0: # # this suppress yum messages about setting up repositories # mute_stdout() # make yumdownloader work as non root user if not self.setCacheDir(): self.logger.error("Error: can't make cachedir, exiting") exit(50) # disable all not needed for repo in self.repos.listEnabled(): repo.close() self.repos.disableRepo(repo.id) # enable -debuginfo repos for repo in self.repos.findRepos(pattern="*debuginfo*"): #print repo repo.enable() rid = self.repos.enableRepo(repo.id) log1("enabled repo %s" % rid) setattr(repo, "skip_if_unavailable", True) self.repos.doSetup() # This is somewhat "magic", it unpacks the metadata making it usable. # Looks like this is the moment when yum talks to remote servers, # which takes time (sometimes minutes), let user know why # we have "paused": print _("Looking for needed packages in repositories") try: self.repos.populateSack(mdtype='metadata', cacheonly=1) except Exception, e: print _("Error retrieving metadata: '%s'") % str(e) return 1 try: # Saw this exception here: # raise Errors.NoMoreMirrorsRepoError, errstr # NoMoreMirrorsRepoError: failure: # repodata/7e6632b82c91a2e88a66ad848e231f14c48259cbf3a1c3e992a77b1fc0e9d2f6-filelists.sqlite.bz2 # from fedora-debuginfo: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. self.repos.populateSack(mdtype='filelists', cacheonly=1) except Exception, e: print _("Error retrieving filelists: '%s'") % str(e) return 1 #if verbose == 0: # # re-enable the output to stdout # unmute_stdout() not_found = [] package_files_dict = {} for debuginfo_path in files: log2("yum whatprovides %s" % debuginfo_path) pkg = self.pkgSack.searchFiles(debuginfo_path) # sometimes one file is provided by more rpms, we can use either of # them, so let's use the first match if pkg: if pkg[0] in package_files_dict.keys(): package_files_dict[pkg[0]].append(debuginfo_path) else: package_files_dict[pkg[0]] = [debuginfo_path] todownload_size += float(pkg[0].size) installed_size += float(pkg[0].installedsize) total_pkgs += 1 log2("found pkg for %s: %s" % (debuginfo_path, pkg[0])) else: log2("not found pkg for %s" % debuginfo_path) not_found.append(debuginfo_path) # connect our progress update callback dnlcb = MyDownloadCallback(total_pkgs) self.repos.setProgressBar(dnlcb) if verbose != 0 or len(not_found) != 0: print _("Can't find packages for %u debuginfo files") % len(not_found) if verbose != 0 or total_pkgs != 0: print _("Packages to download: %u") % total_pkgs print _("Downloading %.2fMb, installed size: %.2fMb") % ( todownload_size / (1024**2), installed_size / (1024**2) ) # ask only if we have terminal, because for now we don't have a way # how to pass the question to gui and the response back if noninteractive == False and sys.stdout.isatty(): if not ask_yes_no(_("Is this ok? [y/N] ")): return RETURN_OK for pkg, files in package_files_dict.iteritems(): dnlcb.downloaded_pkgs = downloaded_pkgs repo.cache = 0 remote = pkg.returnSimple('relativepath') local = os.path.basename(remote) if not os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): os.makedirs(self.tmpdir) if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir): os.makedirs(self.cachedir) local = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, local) pkg.localpath = local # Hack: to set the localpath we want ret = self.downloadPkgs(pkglist=[pkg]) # downloadPkgs return an non empty list on succes if ret: print (_("Downloading package %s failed") % pkg) else: # normalize the name # just str(pkg) doesn't work because it can have epoch pkg_nvra = (pkg.name +"-"+ pkg.version +"-"+ pkg.release +"."+ pkg.arch) unpack_result = unpack_rpm(pkg_nvra, files, self.tmpdir, self.cachedir, keeprpms) if unpack_result == RETURN_FAILURE: # recursively delete the temp dir on failure print _("Unpacking failed, aborting download...") clean_up() return RETURN_FAILURE downloaded_pkgs += 1 if not self.keeprpms and os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): print (_("All downloaded packages have been extracted, removing %s") % self.tmpdir) try: os.rmdir(self.tmpdir) except OSError: print _("Can't remove %s, probably contains an error log") % self.tmpdir verbose = 0 def log1(message): """ prints log message if verbosity > 0 """ if verbose > 0: print "LOG1:", message def log2(message): """ prints log message if verbosity > 1 """ if verbose > 1: print "LOG2:", message def build_ids_to_path(build_ids): """ build_id1=${build_id:0:2} build_id2=${build_id:2} file="usr/lib/debug/.build-id/$build_id1/$build_id2.debug" """ return ["/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/%s/%s.debug" % (b_id[:2], b_id[2:]) for b_id in build_ids] # beware this finds only missing libraries, but not the executable itself .. def filter_installed_debuginfos(build_ids, cache_dir): # 1st pass -> search in /usr/lib missing_di = [] files = build_ids_to_path(build_ids) for debuginfo_path in files: cache_debuginfo_path = cache_dir + debuginfo_path log2("checking path: %s" % debuginfo_path) if os.path.exists(debuginfo_path): log2("found: %s" % debuginfo_path) continue if os.path.exists(cache_debuginfo_path): log2("found: %s" % cache_debuginfo_path) continue log2("not found: %s" % (cache_debuginfo_path)) missing_di.append(debuginfo_path) return missing_di tmpdir = None def clean_up(): try: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) except OSError, ex: print _("Can't remove '%s': %s") % (tmpdir, ex) def sigterm_handler(signum, frame): clean_up() exit(RETURN_OK) def sigint_handler(signum, frame): clean_up() print "\n", _("Exiting on user command") exit(RETURN_OK) import signal if __name__ == "__main__": # abrt-server can send SIGTERM to abort the download signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) # ctrl-c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) fbuild_ids = "build_ids" cachedir = None tmpdir = None keeprpms = False noninteractive = False b_ids = [] # localization init_gettext() ABRT_VERBOSE = os.getenv("ABRT_VERBOSE") if (ABRT_VERBOSE): try: verbose = int(ABRT_VERBOSE) except: pass progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) help_text = _("Usage: %s [-i ] [--tmpdir=TMPDIR] " "[--cache=CACHEDIR] [--keeprpms]") % progname try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vyhi:", ["help", "cache=", "tmpdir=","keeprpms"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) # prints something like "option -a not recognized" exit(RETURN_FAILURE) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): print help_text exit(0) elif opt == "-v": verbose += 1 elif opt == "-y": noninteractive = True elif opt == "-i": fbuild_ids = arg elif opt in ("--cache"): cachedir = arg elif opt in ("--tmpdir"): tmpdir = arg elif opt in ("--keeprpms"): keeprpms = True if not cachedir: cachedir = "/var/cache/abrt-di" if not tmpdir: # security people prefer temp subdirs in app's private dir, like /var/run/abrt # for now, we use /tmp... tmpdir = "/tmp/abrt-tmp-debuginfo-%s.%u" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), os.getpid()) try: fin = open(fbuild_ids, "r") except IOError, ex: print _("Can't open %s: %s" % (fbuild_ids, ex)) exit(RETURN_FAILURE) for line in fin.readlines(): b_ids.append(line.strip('\n')) if not b_ids: exit(RETURN_FAILURE) missing = filter_installed_debuginfos(b_ids, cachedir) if missing: log2(missing) print _("Coredump references %u debuginfo files, %u of them are not installed") % (len(b_ids), len(missing)) downloader = DebugInfoDownload(cache=cachedir, tmp=tmpdir) try: result = downloader.download(missing) except Exception, ex: error_msg_and_die("Can't download debuginfos: %s", ex) missing = filter_installed_debuginfos(b_ids, cachedir) for bid in missing: print _("Missing debuginfo file: %s") % bid exit(result) print _("All %u debuginfo files are available") % len(b_ids) exit(RETURN_OK)