/* Copyright (C) 2011 ABRT Team Copyright (C) 2011 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "abrtlib.h" GHashTable *g_event_config_list; static GHashTable *g_event_config_symlinks; event_option_t *new_event_option(void) { return xzalloc(sizeof(event_option_t)); } event_config_t *new_event_config(void) { return xzalloc(sizeof(event_config_t)); } void free_event_option(event_option_t *p) { if (!p) return; free(p->name); free(p->value); free(p->label); //free(p->description); //free(p->allowed_value); free(p); } void free_event_config(event_config_t *p) { if (!p) return; free(p->screen_name); //free(p->title); //free(p->action); free(p->description); for (GList *opt = p->options; opt; opt = opt->next) free_event_option(opt->data); g_list_free(p->options); free(p); } static int cmp_event_option_name_with_string(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return strcmp(((event_option_t *)a)->name, (char *)b); } event_option_t *get_event_option_from_list(const char *name, GList *options) { GList *elem = g_list_find_custom(options, name, &cmp_event_option_name_with_string); if (elem) return (event_option_t *)elem->data; return NULL; } static void load_config_files(const char *dir_path) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dent; /* Load .conf files */ dir = opendir(dir_path); if (!dir) return; while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char *ext = strrchr(dent->d_name, '.'); if (!ext) continue; if (strcmp(ext + 1, "conf") != 0) continue; char *fullname = concat_path_file(dir_path, dent->d_name); *ext = '\0'; event_config_t *event_config = get_event_config(dent->d_name); bool new_config = (!event_config); if (new_config) event_config = new_event_config(); map_string_h *keys_and_values = new_map_string(); load_conf_file(fullname, keys_and_values, /*skipKeysWithoutValue:*/ false); free(fullname); /* Insert or replace every key/value from keys_and_values to event_config->option */ GHashTableIter iter; char *name; char *value; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, keys_and_values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void**)&name, (void**)&value)) { event_option_t *opt; GList *elem = g_list_find_custom(event_config->options, name, &cmp_event_option_name_with_string); if (elem) { opt = elem->data; // log("conf: replacing '%s' value:'%s'->'%s'", name, opt->value, value); free(opt->value); } else { // log("conf: new value %s='%s'", name, value); opt = new_event_option(); opt->name = xstrdup(name); } opt->value = xstrdup(value); if (!elem) event_config->options = g_list_append(event_config->options, opt); } free_map_string(keys_and_values); if (new_config) g_hash_table_replace(g_event_config_list, xstrdup(dent->d_name), event_config); } closedir(dir); } /* (Re)loads data from /etc/abrt/events/foo.{xml,conf} and ~/.abrt/events/foo.conf */ void load_event_config_data(void) { free_event_config_data(); if (!g_event_config_list) g_event_config_list = g_hash_table_new_full( /*hash_func*/ g_str_hash, /*key_equal_func:*/ g_str_equal, /*key_destroy_func:*/ free, /*value_destroy_func:*/ (GDestroyNotify) free_event_config ); if (!g_event_config_symlinks) g_event_config_symlinks = g_hash_table_new_full( /*hash_func*/ g_str_hash, /*key_equal_func:*/ g_str_equal, /*key_destroy_func:*/ free, /*value_destroy_func:*/ free ); DIR *dir; struct dirent *dent; /* Load .xml files */ dir = opendir(EVENTS_DIR); if (!dir) return; while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char *ext = strrchr(dent->d_name, '.'); if (!ext) continue; if (strcmp(ext + 1, "xml") != 0) continue; char *fullname = concat_path_file(EVENTS_DIR, dent->d_name); *ext = '\0'; struct stat buf; if (0 != lstat(fullname, &buf)) continue; if (S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)) { GError *error = NULL; gchar *link = g_file_read_link(fullname, &error); if (error != NULL) error_msg_and_die("Error reading symlink '%s': %s", fullname, error->message); gchar *target = g_path_get_basename(link); char *ext = strrchr(target, '.'); if (!ext || 0 != strcmp(ext + 1, "xml")) error_msg_and_die("Invalid event symlink '%s': expected it to" " point to another xml file", fullname); *ext = '\0'; g_hash_table_replace(g_event_config_symlinks, xstrdup(dent->d_name), target); g_free(link); /* don't free target, it is owned by the hash table now */ continue; } event_config_t *event_config = get_event_config(dent->d_name); bool new_config = (!event_config); if (new_config) event_config = new_event_config(); load_event_description_from_file(event_config, fullname); free(fullname); if (new_config) g_hash_table_replace(g_event_config_list, xstrdup(dent->d_name), event_config); } closedir(dir); load_config_files(EVENTS_DIR); char *HOME = getenv("HOME"); if (!HOME || !HOME[0]) return; HOME = concat_path_file(HOME, ".abrt/events"); load_config_files(HOME); free(HOME); } /* Frees all loaded data */ void free_event_config_data(void) { if (g_event_config_list) { g_hash_table_destroy(g_event_config_list); g_event_config_list = NULL; } if (g_event_config_symlinks) { g_hash_table_destroy(g_event_config_symlinks); g_event_config_symlinks = NULL; } } event_config_t *get_event_config(const char *name) { if (!g_event_config_list) return NULL; if (g_event_config_symlinks) { char *link = g_hash_table_lookup(g_event_config_symlinks, name); if (link) name = link; } return g_hash_table_lookup(g_event_config_list, name); } GList *export_event_config(const char *event_name) { GList *env_list = NULL; event_config_t *config = get_event_config(event_name); if (config) { for (GList *lopt = config->options; lopt; lopt = lopt->next) { event_option_t *opt = lopt->data; if (!opt->value) continue; char *var_val = xasprintf("%s=%s", opt->name, opt->value); VERB3 log("Exporting '%s'", var_val); env_list = g_list_prepend(env_list, var_val); putenv(var_val); } } return env_list; } void unexport_event_config(GList *env_list) { while (env_list) { char *var_val = env_list->data; VERB3 log("Unexporting '%s'", var_val); safe_unsetenv(var_val); env_list = g_list_remove(env_list, var_val); free(var_val); } }