import gtk from abrt_utils import _, log, log1, log2 class PluginSettingsUI(): def __init__(self, pluginfo, parent=None): #print "Init PluginSettingsUI" self.plugin_name = pluginfo.Name self.Settings = pluginfo.Settings self.pluginfo = pluginfo self.plugin_gui = None if pluginfo.getGUI(): self.plugin_gui = gtk.Builder() self.plugin_gui.add_from_file(pluginfo.getGUI()) self.dialog = self.plugin_gui.get_object("PluginDialog") if not self.dialog: raise Exception(_("Cannot find PluginDialog widget in the UI description!")) self.dialog.set_title("%s" % pluginfo.getName()) if parent: self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) else: # we shouldn't get here, but just to be safe log1("No UI for plugin %s" % pluginfo) raise Exception(_("No UI for the plugin %s, this is probably a bug.\n" "Please report it at " "" "") % pluginfo) return if parent: self.dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT) self.dialog.set_transient_for(parent) self.dialog.set_modal(True) def on_show_pass_toggled(self, button, entry=None): if entry: entry.set_visibility(button.get_active()) def hydrate(self): if self.plugin_gui: if self.pluginfo.Enabled == "yes": if self.Settings: #print "Hydrating %s" % self.plugin_name for key, value in self.Settings.iteritems(): #print "%s:%s" % (key,value) widget = self.plugin_gui.get_object("conf_%s" % key) if type(widget) == gtk.Entry: widget.set_text(value) if widget.get_visibility() == False: # if we find toggle button called the same name as entry and entry has # visibility set to False, connect set_visible to it # coz I guess it's toggle for revealing the password button = self.plugin_gui.get_object("cb_%s" % key) if type(button) == gtk.CheckButton: button.connect("toggled", self.on_show_pass_toggled, widget) elif type(widget) == gtk.CheckButton: widget.set_active(value == "yes") elif type(widget) == gtk.ComboBox: print _("Combo box is not implemented") else: #print "Plugin %s has no configuration." % self.plugin_name pass else: #print "Plugin %s is disabled." % self.plugin_name pass else: print _("Nothing to hydrate!") def dehydrate(self): #print "dehydrating %s" % self.pluginfo.getName() if self.Settings: for key in self.Settings.keys(): #print key #print "%s:%s" % (key,value) widget = self.plugin_gui.get_object("conf_%s" % key) if type(widget) == gtk.Entry: self.Settings[key] = widget.get_text() elif type(widget) == gtk.CheckButton: if widget.get_active(): self.Settings[key] = "yes" else: self.Settings[key] = "no" elif type(widget) == gtk.ComboBox: print _("Combo box is not implemented") def destroy(self): self.dialog.destroy() def run(self): return