# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import pwd import getopt from abrt_utils import _, init_logging, log, log1, log2 import gobject gobject.set_prgname(_("Automatic Bug Reporting Tool")) import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") try: import gtk except RuntimeError,e: # rhbz#552039 print e sys.exit() import gtk.glade from ConfBackend import getCurrentConfBackend, ConfBackendInitError import CCDBusBackend from CC_gui_functions import * from CCDumpList import getDumpList from CCDump import * # FILENAME_xxx, CD_xxx from CCReporterDialog import ReporterDialog, ReporterSelector from CReporterAssistant import ReporterAssistant from PluginsSettingsDialog import PluginsSettingsDialog from SettingsDialog import SettingsDialog from PluginList import getPluginInfoList import ABRTExceptions class MainWindow(): ccdaemon = None def __init__(self, daemon): self.theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() self.updates = "" self.ccdaemon = daemon #Set the Glade file self.gladefile = "%s/ccgui.glade" % sys.path[0] self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(self.gladefile) #Get the Main Window, and connect the "destroy" event self.window = self.wTree.get_widget("main_window") if self.window: self.window.set_default_size(600, 700) self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event_cb) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.window.connect("focus-in-event", self.focus_in_cb) self.wTree.get_widget("vp_details").modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL,gtk.gdk.color_parse("#FFFFFF")) #init the dumps treeview self.dlist = self.wTree.get_widget("tvDumps") #rows of items with: STATUS_COL = 0 APP_NAME_COL = 1 TIME_STR_COL = 2 HOSTNAME_COL = 3 UNIX_TIME_COL = 4 DUMP_OBJECT_COL = 5 #is_reported, application_name, hostname, date, time_in_sec ?object? self.dumpsListStore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, int, object) self.dlist.set_model(self.dumpsListStore) # add pixbuff separatelly icon_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Reported")) icon_column.cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() #icon_column.cell.set_property('cell-background', "#C9C9C9") n = self.dlist.append_column(icon_column) icon_column.pack_start(icon_column.cell, True) icon_column.set_attributes(icon_column.cell, stock_id=(n-1))# cell_background_set=6) # =============================================== columns = [] columns.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Application"))) columns[-1].set_sort_column_id(APP_NAME_COL) columns.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Hostname"))) columns[-1].set_sort_column_id(HOSTNAME_COL) columns.append(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Latest Crash"))) columns[-1].set_sort_column_id(UNIX_TIME_COL) # add cells to colums and bind cells to the liststore values for column in columns: n = self.dlist.append_column(column) column.cell = gtk.CellRendererText() column.pack_start(column.cell, False) column.set_attributes(column.cell, text=(n-1)) column.set_resizable(True) #connect signals self.dlist.connect("cursor-changed", self.on_tvDumps_cursor_changed) self.dlist.connect("row-activated", self.on_dumpRowActivated) self.dlist.connect("button-press-event", self.on_popupActivate) self.wTree.get_widget("bDelete").connect("clicked", self.on_bDelete_clicked, self.dlist) self.wTree.get_widget("bReport").connect("clicked", self.on_bReport_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("b_close").connect("clicked", self.on_bQuit_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("b_copy").connect("clicked", self.on_b_copy_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("b_help").connect("clicked", self.on_miAbout_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miQuit").connect("activate", self.on_bQuit_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miAbout").connect("activate", self.on_miAbout_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miPlugins").connect("activate", self.on_miPreferences_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miPreferences").connect("activate", self.on_miSettings_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miReport").connect("activate", self.on_bReport_clicked) self.wTree.get_widget("miDelete").connect("activate", self.on_bDelete_clicked, self.dlist) # connect handlers for daemon signals self.ccdaemon.connect("crash", self.on_data_changed_cb, None) self.ccdaemon.connect("abrt-error", self.error_cb) #self.ccdaemon.connect("update", self.update_cb) # for now, just treat them the same (w/o this, we don't even see daemon warnings in logs!): #self.ccdaemon.connect("warning", self.update_cb) self.ccdaemon.connect("show", self.show_cb) self.ccdaemon.connect("daemon-state-changed", self.on_daemon_state_changed_cb) self.ccdaemon.connect("report-done", self.on_report_done_cb) self.pluginlist = None def on_report_done_cb(self, daemon, result): self.hydrate() def on_daemon_state_changed_cb(self, widget, state): if state == "up": self.hydrate() # refresh crash list #self.window.set_sensitive(True) # abrtd might just die on timeout, it's not fatal #elif state == "down": # self.window.set_sensitive(False) def on_popupActivate(self, widget, event): menu = self.wTree.get_widget("popup_menu") # 3 == right mouse button if event.button == 3: menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) def on_miAbout_clicked(self, widget): dialog = self.wTree.get_widget("about") result = dialog.run() dialog.hide() def on_miPreferences_clicked(self, widget): dialog = PluginsSettingsDialog(self.window,self.ccdaemon) dialog.hydrate() dialog.show() def on_miSettings_clicked(self, widget): dialog = SettingsDialog(self.window, self.ccdaemon) try: dialog.hydrate() except Exception, ex: gui_error_message(_("Cannot show the settings dialog.\n%s" % ex)) return dialog.show() def error_cb(self, daemon, message=None): gui_error_message(_("Unable to finish the current task!\n%s" % message), parent_dialog=self.window) def update_cb(self, daemon, message): self.updates += message if self.updates[-1] != '\n': self.updates += '\n' message = message.replace('\n',' ') self.wTree.get_widget("lStatus").set_text(message) buff = gtk.TextBuffer() buff.set_text(self.updates) end = buff.get_insert() tvUpdates = self.wTree.get_widget("tvUpdates") tvUpdates.set_buffer(buff) tvUpdates.scroll_mark_onscreen(end) def get_username_from_uid(self, uid): # if uid == None or "" return it back if not uid: return uid user = "N/A" if uid != "-1": # compat: only abrt <= 1.0.9 used UID = -1 try: user = pwd.getpwuid(int(uid))[0] except Exception, ex: user = "UID: %s" % uid return user def hydrate(self): n = None self.dumpsListStore.clear() try: dumplist = getDumpList(self.ccdaemon, refresh=True) except Exception, ex: # there is something wrong with the daemon if we cant get the dumplist gui_error_message(_("Error while loading the dumplist.\n%s" % ex)) # so we shouldn't continue.. sys.exit() for entry in dumplist[::-1]: n = self.dumpsListStore.append([["gtk-no","gtk-yes"][entry.getMessage() != ""], entry.getExecutable(), entry.get_hostname(), entry.getTime("%c"), entry.getTime(), entry]) # activate the first row if any.. if n: # we can use (0,) as path for the first row, but what if API changes? self.dlist.set_cursor(self.dumpsListStore.get_path(self.dumpsListStore.get_iter_first())) def filter_dumps(self, model, miter, data): # for later.. return True def dumplist_get_selected(self): selection = self.dlist.get_selection() if selection: # returns (dumpsListStore, path) tuple dumpsListStore, path = selection.get_selected_rows() return dumpsListStore, path else: return None, None def on_tvDumps_cursor_changed(self, treeview): dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() if not path: self.wTree.get_widget("bDelete").set_sensitive(False) self.wTree.get_widget("bReport").set_sensitive(False) self.wTree.get_widget("b_copy").set_sensitive(False) # create an empty dump to fill the labels with empty strings self.wTree.get_widget("sw_details").hide() return else: self.wTree.get_widget("sw_details").show() self.wTree.get_widget("bDelete").set_sensitive(True) self.wTree.get_widget("bReport").set_sensitive(True) self.wTree.get_widget("b_copy").set_sensitive(True) # this should work until we keep the row object in the last position dump = dumpsListStore.get_value(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0]), dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) try: icon = get_icon_for_package(self.theme, dump.getPackageName()) except: icon = None i_package_icon = self.wTree.get_widget("i_package_icon") if icon: i_package_icon.set_from_pixbuf(icon) else: i_package_icon.set_from_icon_name("application-x-executable", gtk.ICON_SIZE_DIALOG) l_heading = self.wTree.get_widget("l_detail_heading") l_heading.set_markup(_("%s Crash\n%s") % (dump.getPackageName().title(),dump.getPackage())) # process the labels in sw_details # hide the fields that are not filled by daemon - e.g. comments # and how to reproduce for field in dump.not_required_fields: self.wTree.get_widget("l_%s" % field.lower()).hide() self.wTree.get_widget("l_%s_heading" % field.lower()).hide() # fill the details # read attributes from CCDump object and if a corresponding label is # found, then the label text is set to the attribute's value # field names in glade file: # heading label: l__heading # text label: l_ for att in dump.__dict__: label = self.wTree.get_widget("l_%s" % str(att).lower()) if label: label.show() if att in dump.not_required_fields: try: lbl_heading = self.wTree.get_widget("l_%s_heading" % str(att).lower()) lbl_heading.show() except: # we don't care if we fail to show the heading, it will # break the gui a little, but it's better then exit log2("failed to show the heading for >%s< : %s" % (att,e)) pass if dump.__dict__[att] != None: label.set_text(dump.__dict__[att]) else: label.set_text("") self.wTree.get_widget("l_date").set_text(dump.getTime("%c")) self.wTree.get_widget("l_user").set_text(self.get_username_from_uid(dump.getUID())) #move this to Dump class hb_reports = self.wTree.get_widget("hb_reports") lReported = self.wTree.get_widget("l_message") if dump.getMessage() != "": hb_reports.show() report_label_raw = "" report_label = "" # plugin message follows, but at least in case of kerneloops, # it is not informative (no URL to the report) for message in dump.getMessage().split(';'): if message: report_message = tag_urls_in_text(message) report_label += "%s\n" % report_message report_label_raw += "%s\n" % message log2("setting markup '%s'", report_label) # Sometimes (!) set_markup() fails with # "GtkWarning: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing # markup: Unknown tag 'a'" If it does, then set_text() # in "fill the details" above acts as a fallback lReported.set_markup(report_label) else: hb_reports.hide() def mark_last_selected_row(self, dump_list_store, path, iter, last_selected_DumpDir): # Get dump object from list (in our list it's in last col) dump = dump_list_store.get_value(iter, dump_list_store.get_n_columns()-1) if dump.getDumpDir() == last_selected_DumpDir: self.dlist.set_cursor(dump_list_store.get_path(iter)[0]) return True # done, stop iteration return False def on_bDelete_clicked(self, button, treeview): dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() if not path: return # this should work until we keep the dump object in the last position dump = dumpsListStore.get_value(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0]), dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) next_iter = dumpsListStore.iter_next(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0])) last_dump = None if next_iter: last_dump = dumpsListStore.get_value(next_iter, dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) try: self.ccdaemon.DeleteDebugDump(dump.getDumpDir()) self.hydrate() if last_dump: # we deleted the selected line, so we want to select the next one dumpsListStore.foreach(self.mark_last_selected_row, last_dump.getDumpDir()) treeview.emit("cursor-changed") except Exception, ex: print ex def dumplist_get_selected_values(self): dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() if path and dumpsListStore: return dumpsListStore.get_value(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0]), dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) return None def on_b_copy_clicked(self, button): clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get() dump = self.dumplist_get_selected_values() if not dump: gui_info_dialog(_("You have to select a crash to copy."), parent=self.window) return # dictionaries are not sorted, so we need this as a workaround dumpinfo = [("Package:", dump.package), ("Latest Crash:", dump.date), ("Command:", dump.cmdline), ("Reason:", dump.reason), ("Comment:", dump.comment), ("Bug Reports:", dump.Message), ] dumpinfo_text = "" for line in dumpinfo: dumpinfo_text += ("%-12s\t%s" % (line[0], line[1])).replace('\n','\n\t\t') dumpinfo_text += '\n' clipboard.set_text(dumpinfo_text) def destroy(self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit() def on_data_changed_cb(self, *_args): # FIXME mark the new entry somehow.... # remember the selected row last_dump = None dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() if path and dumpsListStore: last_dump = dumpsListStore.get_value(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0]), dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) self.hydrate() if last_dump: # re-select the line that was selected before a new crash happened dumpsListStore.foreach(self.mark_last_selected_row, last_dump.getDumpDir()) def on_bReport_clicked(self, button): dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() self.on_dumpRowActivated(self.dlist, None, path, None) def on_dumpRowActivated(self, treeview, it, path, user_data=None): dumpsListStore, path = self.dumplist_get_selected() if not path: return dump = dumpsListStore.get_value(dumpsListStore.get_iter(path[0]), dumpsListStore.get_n_columns()-1) # Do we want to let user decide which UI they want to use? #rs = ReporterSelector(dump, self.ccdaemon, parent=self.window) #rs.show() assistant = ReporterAssistant(dump, self.ccdaemon, parent=self.window) assistant.hydrate() def delete_event_cb(self, widget, event, data=None): gtk.main_quit() def focus_in_cb(self, widget, event, data=None): self.window.set_urgency_hint(False) def on_bQuit_clicked(self, widget): try: gtk.main_quit() except: # prevent "RuntimeError: called outside of a mainloop" sys.exit() def show(self): self.window.show() def show_cb(self, daemon): if self.window: if self.window.is_active(): return self.window.set_urgency_hint(True) self.window.present() if __name__ == "__main__": verbose = 0 crashid = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["help", "report="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) # prints something like "option -a not recognized" sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-v": verbose += 1 elif opt == "--report": crashid=arg elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): print _("Usage: abrt-gui [OPTIONS]" "\n\t-v[vv]\t\t\tVerbose" "\n\t--report=CRASH_ID\tDirectly report crash with CRASH_ID" ) sys.exit() init_logging("abrt-gui", verbose) log1("log level:%d", verbose) try: daemon = CCDBusBackend.DBusManager() except ABRTExceptions.IsRunning: # another instance is running, so exit quietly sys.exit() except Exception, ex: # show error message if connection fails gui_error_message("%s" % ex) sys.exit() if crashid: dumplist = getDumpList(daemon) crashdump = dumplist.getDumpByCrashID(crashid) if not crashdump: gui_error_message(_("No such crash in the database, probably wrong crashid." "\ncrashid=%s" % crashid)) sys.exit() assistant = ReporterAssistant(crashdump, daemon, parent=None) assistant.hydrate() # Do we want to let the users to decide which UI to use? # rs = ReporterSelector(crashdump, daemon, parent=None) # rs.show() else: cc = MainWindow(daemon) cc.hydrate() cc.show() gtk.main()