800 500 True vertical 750 True 0 5 True False 0 True 0 5 Press 'Forward' to proceed with analyzing and reporting this problem. False 1 True True True True automatic automatic True True True Details 2 800 500 750 400 True 10 vertical True 0 Select how you would like to analyze the problem: True 0 True vertical 1 800 500 True 10 vertical 750 True 0 5 Analyzing did not start yet True True False 0 True True automatic True True False False 1 800 500 True 10 vertical 750 True 0 Select how you would like to report the problem: True fill True 0 True vertical 1 800 500 Use this button to generate more informative backtrace after you installed additional debug packages True 10 vertical 750 True 0 0 3 Backtrace provides developers with details of the crash, helping them track down the source of the problem. Please review it and remove any sensitive data you would rather not share: True False 0 True True automatic automatic True True word 1 True 5 True True True gtk-dialog-warning 6 False False 0 True vertical 1 0 True vertical True True True gtk-find False 0 True vertical True up 0 True down 1 False False 1 False False 0 Regenerate backtrace True True True Can create more informative backtrace if you installed additional debug packages False False 1 False False end 1 False 2 I agree with submitting the backtrace True True False True False 3 800 500 True 10 vertical True vertical 5 True vertical True 1.1175871339474952e-09 0 5 How did this crash happen (step-by-step)? How can it be reproduced? False 0 True True automatic automatic True True word 1 0 True vertical True 0 0 Are there any comments you would like to share with the software maintainers? False 0 True True automatic automatic True True word 1 1 0 True 0 0 5 <b>Your comments are not private.</b> They may be included into publicly visible problem reports. True False 1 800 500 True 10 vertical 750 True Below is the information to be reported, please review it. fill True False False 0 True 10 4 2 10 True 0 Size: right 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 # files: 2 3 GTK_FILL True 0 ETA to upload: 3 4 GTK_FILL True 0 Reporter(s): right GTK_FILL True 0 Bugzilla, Logger 1 2 True 0 328kB 1 2 1 2 True 0 27 1 2 2 3 True 0 2 minutes 1 2 3 4 False False 1 800 500 True 10 vertical 750 True 0 5 Reporting did not start yet True True False 0 True True automatic True True False False 1