/* Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "abrtlib.h" #include "abrt_packages.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "rpm.h" #include "parse_options.h" #define PROGNAME "abrt-action-save-package-data" /** * Returns the first full path argument in the command line or NULL. * Skips options are in form "-XXX". * Caller must delete the returned string using free(). */ static char *get_argv1_if_full_path(const char* cmdline) { const char *argv1 = strpbrk(cmdline, " \t"); while (argv1 != NULL) { /* we found space in cmdline, so it might contain * path to some script like: * /usr/bin/python [-XXX] /usr/bin/system-control-network */ argv1++; /* skip the space */ if (*argv1 == '-') { /* looks like -XXX in "perl -XXX /usr/bin/script.pl", skip */ argv1 = strpbrk(argv1, " \t"); continue; } if (*argv1 == ' ' || *argv1 == '\t') /* skip multiple spaces */ continue; if (*argv1 != '/') { /* if the string following the space doesn't start * with '/' it's probably not a full path to script * and we can't use it to determine the package name */ break; } /* cut the rest of cmdline arguments */ int len = strchrnul(argv1, ' ') - argv1; return xstrndup(argv1, len); } return NULL; } static bool is_path_blacklisted(const char *path) { for (GList *li = g_settings_setBlackListedPaths; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { if (fnmatch((char*)li->data, path, /*flags:*/ 0) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static int SavePackageDescriptionToDebugDump(const char *dump_dir_name) { struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, dump_dir_name, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) return 1; char *remote_str = dd_load_text(dd, FILENAME_REMOTE); bool remote = (remote_str[0] == '1'); free(remote_str); int error = 1; char *executable = dd_load_text(dd, FILENAME_EXECUTABLE); char *cmdline = dd_load_text(dd, FILENAME_CMDLINE); char *package_full_name = NULL; char *package_short_name = NULL; char *component = NULL; char *script_name = NULL; /* only if "interpreter /path/to/script" */ char *dsc = NULL; /* note: "goto ret" statements below free all the above variables, * but they don't dd_close(dd) */ if (strcmp(executable, "kernel") == 0) { component = xstrdup("kernel"); package_full_name = xstrdup("kernel"); package_short_name = xstrdup("kernel"); dsc = rpm_get_description(package_short_name); } else { /* Close dd while we query package database. It can take some time, * don't want to keep dd locked longer than necessary */ dd_close(dd); if (is_path_blacklisted(executable)) { log("Blacklisted executable '%s'", executable); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } package_full_name = rpm_get_package_nvr(executable); if (!package_full_name) { if (g_settings_bProcessUnpackaged || remote) { VERB2 log("Crash in unpackaged executable '%s', proceeding without packaging information", executable); dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, dump_dir_name, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_PACKAGE, ""); dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_DESCRIPTION, "Crashed executable does not belong to any installed package"); dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_COMPONENT, ""); //TODO: move hostname saving to a more logical place if (!remote) { char host[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1]; int ret = gethostname(host, HOST_NAME_MAX); if (ret < 0) { perror_msg("gethostname"); host[0] = '\0'; } host[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0'; dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_HOSTNAME, host); } goto ret0; /* no error */ } log("Executable '%s' doesn't belong to any package", executable); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } /* Check well-known interpreter names */ { const char *basename = strrchr(executable, '/'); if (basename) basename++; else basename = executable; /* Add more interpreters as needed */ if (strcmp(basename, "python") == 0 || strcmp(basename, "perl") == 0 ) { // TODO: we don't verify that python executable is not modified // or that python package is properly signed // (see CheckFingerprint/CheckHash below) /* Try to find package for the script by looking at argv[1]. * This will work only if the cmdline contains the whole path. * Example: python /usr/bin/system-control-network */ char *script_pkg = NULL; char *script_name = get_argv1_if_full_path(cmdline); if (script_name) { script_pkg = rpm_get_package_nvr(script_name); if (script_pkg) { /* There is a well-formed script name in argv[1], * and it does belong to some package. * Replace interpreter's package_full_name and executable * with data pertaining to the script. */ free(package_full_name); package_full_name = script_pkg; executable = script_name; /* executable has changed, check it again */ if (is_path_blacklisted(executable)) { log("Blacklisted executable '%s'", executable); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } } } if (!script_pkg && !g_settings_bProcessUnpackaged && !remote) { log("Interpreter crashed, but no packaged script detected: '%s'", cmdline); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } } } package_short_name = get_package_name_from_NVR_or_NULL(package_full_name); VERB2 log("Package:'%s' short:'%s'", package_full_name, package_short_name); for (GList *li = g_settings_setBlackListedPkgs; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { if (strcmp((char*)li->data, package_short_name) == 0) { log("Blacklisted package '%s'", package_short_name); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } } if (g_settings_bOpenGPGCheck && !remote) { if (rpm_chk_fingerprint(package_short_name)) { log("Package '%s' isn't signed with proper key", package_short_name); goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } /* We used to also check the integrity of the executable here: * if (!CheckHash(package_short_name.c_str(), executable)) BOOM(); * Checking the MD5 sum requires to run prelink to "un-prelink" the * binaries - this is considered potential security risk so we don't * do it now, until we find some non-intrusive way. */ } component = rpm_get_component(executable); dsc = rpm_get_description(package_short_name); dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, dump_dir_name, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) goto ret; /* return 1 (failure) */ } if (package_full_name) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_PACKAGE, package_full_name); } if (dsc) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_DESCRIPTION, dsc); } if (component) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_COMPONENT, component); } //TODO: move hostname saving to a more logical place if (!remote) { char host[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1]; int ret = gethostname(host, HOST_NAME_MAX); if (ret < 0) { perror_msg("gethostname"); host[0] = '\0'; } host[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0'; dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_HOSTNAME, host); } dd_close(dd); ret0: error = 0; ret: free(package_full_name); free(package_short_name); free(component); free(script_name); free(dsc); return error; } static const char *dump_dir_name = "."; static const char abrt_action_save_package_data_usage[] = PROGNAME" [options] -d DIR\n" "\n" "Query package database and save package name, component, and description"; enum { OPT_v = 1 << 0, OPT_d = 1 << 1, OPT_s = 1 << 2, }; /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */ static struct options abrt_action_save_package_data_options[] = { OPT__VERBOSE(&g_verbose), OPT_STRING('d', NULL, &dump_dir_name, "DIR", "Crash dump directory"), OPT_BOOL( 's', NULL, NULL, "Log to syslog"), OPT_END() }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *env_verbose = getenv("ABRT_VERBOSE"); if (env_verbose) g_verbose = atoi(env_verbose); unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, abrt_action_save_package_data_options, abrt_action_save_package_data_usage); putenv(xasprintf("ABRT_VERBOSE=%u", g_verbose)); msg_prefix = xasprintf(PROGNAME"[%u]", getpid()); if (opts & OPT_s) { openlog(msg_prefix, 0, LOG_DAEMON); logmode = LOGMODE_SYSLOG; } VERB1 log("Loading settings"); if (LoadSettings() != 0) return 1; /* syntax error (looged already by LoadSettings) */ VERB1 log("Initializing rpm library"); rpm_init(); for (GList *li = g_settings_setOpenGPGPublicKeys; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { VERB1 log("Loading GPG key '%s'", (char*)li->data); rpm_load_gpgkey((char*)li->data); } return SavePackageDescriptionToDebugDump(dump_dir_name); /* can call rpm_destroy but do we really need to bother? we are exiting! */ }