/* PluginManager.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "abrtlib.h" #include "abrt_exception.h" #include "PluginManager.h" using namespace std; /** * CLoadedModule class. A class which contains a loaded plugin. */ class CLoadedModule { private: /* dlopen'ed library */ void *m_pHandle; const plugin_info_t *m_pPluginInfo; CPlugin* (*m_pFnPluginNew)(); public: CLoadedModule(void *handle, const char *mod_name); ~CLoadedModule() { dlclose(m_pHandle); } int GetMagicNumber() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_nMagicNumber; } const char *GetVersion() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sVersion; } const char *GetName() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sName; } const char *GetDescription() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sDescription; } const char *GetEmail() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sEmail; } const char *GetWWW() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sWWW; } const char *GetGTKBuilder() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_sGTKBuilder; } plugin_type_t GetType() { return m_pPluginInfo->m_Type; } CPlugin *PluginNew() { return m_pFnPluginNew(); } }; CLoadedModule::CLoadedModule(void *handle, const char *mod_name) { m_pHandle = handle; /* All errors are fatal */ #define LOADSYM(fp, handle, name) \ do { \ fp = (typeof(fp)) (dlsym(handle, name)); \ if (!fp) \ error_msg_and_die("'%s' has no %s entry", mod_name, name); \ } while (0) LOADSYM(m_pPluginInfo, handle, "plugin_info"); LOADSYM(m_pFnPluginNew, handle, "plugin_new"); #undef LOADSYM } /** * Text representation of plugin types. */ static const char *const plugin_type_str[] = { "Analyzer", "Action", "Reporter", "Database" }; CPluginManager::CPluginManager() {} CPluginManager::~CPluginManager() {} void CPluginManager::LoadPlugins() { DIR *dir = opendir(PLUGINS_LIB_DIR); if (dir != NULL) { struct dirent *dent; while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (!is_regular_file(dent, PLUGINS_LIB_DIR)) continue; char *ext = strrchr(dent->d_name, '.'); if (!ext || strcmp(ext + 1, PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION) != 0) continue; *ext = '\0'; if (strncmp(dent->d_name, PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX, sizeof(PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX)-1) != 0) continue; LoadPlugin(dent->d_name + sizeof(PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX)-1, /*enabled_only:*/ true); } closedir(dir); } } void CPluginManager::UnLoadPlugins() { map_loaded_module_t::iterator it_module; while ((it_module = m_mapLoadedModules.begin()) != m_mapLoadedModules.end()) { UnLoadPlugin(it_module->first.c_str()); } } CPlugin* CPluginManager::LoadPlugin(const char *pName, bool enabled_only) { map_plugin_t::iterator it_plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (it_plugin != m_mapPlugins.end()) { return it_plugin->second; /* ok */ } map_string_t plugin_info; plugin_info["Name"] = pName; const char *conf_name = pName; if (strncmp(pName, "Kerneloops", sizeof("Kerneloops")-1) == 0) { /* Kerneloops{,Scanner,Reporter} share the same .conf file */ conf_name = "Kerneloops"; } map_plugin_settings_t pluginSettings; string conf_fullname = ssprintf(PLUGINS_CONF_DIR"/%s."PLUGINS_CONF_EXTENSION, conf_name); LoadPluginSettings(conf_fullname.c_str(), pluginSettings); m_map_plugin_settings[pName] = pluginSettings; /* If settings are empty, most likely .conf file does not exist. * Don't mislead the user: */ VERB3 if (!pluginSettings.empty()) log("Loaded %s.conf", conf_name); if (enabled_only) { map_plugin_settings_t::iterator it = pluginSettings.find("Enabled"); if (it == pluginSettings.end() || !string_to_bool(it->second.c_str())) { plugin_info["Enabled"] = "no"; string empty; plugin_info["Type"] = empty; plugin_info["Version"] = empty; plugin_info["Description"] = empty; plugin_info["Email"] = empty; plugin_info["WWW"] = empty; plugin_info["GTKBuilder"] = empty; VERB3 log("Plugin %s: 'Enabled' is not set, not loading it (yet)", pName); return NULL; /* error */ } } string libPath = ssprintf(PLUGINS_LIB_DIR"/"PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX"%s."PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION, pName); void *handle = dlopen(libPath.c_str(), RTLD_NOW); if (!handle) { error_msg("Can't load '%s': %s", libPath.c_str(), dlerror()); return NULL; /* error */ } CLoadedModule *module = new CLoadedModule(handle, pName); if (module->GetMagicNumber() != PLUGINS_MAGIC_NUMBER || module->GetType() < 0 || module->GetType() > MAX_PLUGIN_TYPE ) { error_msg("Can't load non-compatible plugin %s: magic %d != %d or type %d is not in [0,%d]", pName, module->GetMagicNumber(), PLUGINS_MAGIC_NUMBER, module->GetType(), MAX_PLUGIN_TYPE); delete module; return NULL; /* error */ } VERB3 log("Loaded plugin %s v.%s", pName, module->GetVersion()); CPlugin *plugin = NULL; try { plugin = module->PluginNew(); plugin->Init(); plugin->SetSettings(pluginSettings); } catch (CABRTException& e) { error_msg("Can't initialize plugin %s: %s", pName, e.what() ); delete plugin; delete module; return NULL; /* error */ } plugin_info["Enabled"] = "yes"; plugin_info["Type"] = plugin_type_str[module->GetType()]; //plugin_info["Name"] = module->GetName(); plugin_info["Version"] = module->GetVersion(); plugin_info["Description"] = module->GetDescription(); plugin_info["Email"] = module->GetEmail(); plugin_info["WWW"] = module->GetWWW(); plugin_info["GTKBuilder"] = module->GetGTKBuilder(); m_mapLoadedModules[pName] = module; m_mapPlugins[pName] = plugin; log("Registered %s plugin '%s'", plugin_type_str[module->GetType()], pName); return plugin; /* ok */ } void CPluginManager::UnLoadPlugin(const char *pName) { map_loaded_module_t::iterator it_module = m_mapLoadedModules.find(pName); if (it_module != m_mapLoadedModules.end()) { map_plugin_t::iterator it_plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (it_plugin != m_mapPlugins.end()) /* always true */ { it_plugin->second->DeInit(); delete it_plugin->second; m_mapPlugins.erase(it_plugin); } log("UnRegistered %s plugin %s", plugin_type_str[it_module->second->GetType()], pName); delete it_module->second; m_mapLoadedModules.erase(it_module); } } CAction* CPluginManager::GetAction(const char *pName, bool silent) { CPlugin *plugin = LoadPlugin(pName); if (!plugin) { error_msg("Plugin '%s' is not registered", pName); return NULL; } if (m_mapLoadedModules[pName]->GetType() != ACTION) { if (!silent) error_msg("Plugin '%s' is not an action plugin", pName); return NULL; } return (CAction*)plugin; } plugin_type_t CPluginManager::GetPluginType(const char *pName) { CPlugin *plugin = LoadPlugin(pName); if (!plugin) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "Plugin '%s' is not registered", pName); } map_loaded_module_t::iterator it_module = m_mapLoadedModules.find(pName); return it_module->second->GetType(); }