/* MiddleWare.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include /* for std::find */ #include "abrtlib.h" #include "Daemon.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "rpm.h" #include "abrt_exception.h" #include "abrt_packages.h" #include "comm_layer_inner.h" #include "MiddleWare.h" using namespace std; /** * An instance of CPluginManager. When MiddleWare wants to do something * with plugins, it calls the plugin manager. * @see PluginManager.h */ CPluginManager* g_pPluginManager; /** * A map, which associates particular analyzer to one or more * action or reporter plugins. These are activated when a crash, which * is maintained by particular analyzer, occurs. */ typedef std::map map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t; static map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters; /** * A vector of one or more action or reporter plugins. These are * activated when any crash occurs. */ static vector_pair_string_string_t s_vectorActionsAndReporters; static void RunAnalyzerActions(const char *pAnalyzer, const char* pPackageName, const char *pDebugDumpDir, int force); static char* is_text_file(const char *name, ssize_t *sz) { /* We were using magic.h API to check for file being text, but it thinks * that file containing just "0" is not text (!!) * So, we do it ourself. */ int fd = open(name, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return NULL; /* it's not text (because it does not exist! :) */ /* Maybe 64k limit is small. But _some_ limit is necessary: * fields declared "text" may end up in editing fields and such. * We don't want to accidentally end up with 100meg text in a textbox! * So, don't remove this. If you really need to, raise the limit. */ off_t size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (size < 0 || size > 64*1024) { close(fd); return NULL; /* it's not a SMALL text */ } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); char *buf = (char*)xmalloc(*sz); ssize_t r = *sz = full_read(fd, buf, *sz); close(fd); if (r < 0) { free(buf); return NULL; /* it's not text (because we can't read it) */ } /* Some files in our dump directories are known to always be textual */ const char *base = strrchr(name, '/'); if (base) { base++; if (strcmp(base, FILENAME_BACKTRACE) == 0 || strcmp(base, FILENAME_CMDLINE) == 0 ) { return buf; } } /* Every once in a while, even a text file contains a few garbled * or unexpected non-ASCII chars. We should not declare it "binary". */ const unsigned RATIO = 50; unsigned total_chars = r + RATIO; unsigned bad_chars = 1; /* 1 prevents division by 0 later */ while (--r >= 0) { if (buf[r] >= 0x7f /* among control chars, only '\t','\n' etc are allowed */ || (buf[r] < ' ' && !isspace(buf[r])) ) { if (buf[r] == '\0') { /* We don't like NULs very much. Not text for sure! */ free(buf); return NULL; } bad_chars++; } } if ((total_chars / bad_chars) >= RATIO) return buf; /* looks like text to me */ free(buf); return NULL; /* it's binary */ } static void load_crash_data_from_debug_dump(struct dump_dir *dd, map_crash_data_t& data) { char *short_name; char *full_name; dd_init_next_file(dd); while (dd_get_next_file(dd, &short_name, &full_name)) { ssize_t sz = 4*1024; char *text = NULL; bool editable = is_editable_file(short_name); if (!editable) { text = is_text_file(full_name, &sz); if (!text) { add_to_crash_data_ext(data, short_name, CD_BIN, CD_ISNOTEDITABLE, full_name ); free(short_name); free(full_name); continue; } } char *content; if (sz < 4*1024) /* is_text_file did read entire file */ content = xstrndup(text, sz); //TODO: can avoid this copying if is_text_file() adds NUL else /* no, need to read it all */ content = dd_load_text(dd, short_name); free(text); add_to_crash_data_ext(data, short_name, CD_TXT, editable ? CD_ISEDITABLE : CD_ISNOTEDITABLE, content ); free(short_name); free(full_name); free(content); } } /** * Transforms a debugdump directory to inner crash * report form. This form is used for later reporting. * @param pDebugDumpDir A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. * @param pCrashData A created crash report. */ static bool DebugDumpToCrashReport(const char *pDebugDumpDir, map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { VERB3 log(" DebugDumpToCrashReport('%s')", pDebugDumpDir); struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, pDebugDumpDir, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) return false; const char *const *v = must_have_files; while (*v) { if (!dd_exist(dd, *v)) { dd_close(dd); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "DebugDumpToCrashReport(): important file '%s' is missing", *v); } v++; } load_crash_data_from_debug_dump(dd, pCrashData); dd_close(dd); return true; } /** * Get a local UUID from particular analyzer plugin. * @param pAnalyzer A name of an analyzer plugin. * @param pDebugDumpDir A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. * @return A local UUID. */ static std::string GetLocalUUID(const char *pAnalyzer, const char *pDebugDumpDir) { CAnalyzer* analyzer = g_pPluginManager->GetAnalyzer(pAnalyzer); if (analyzer) { return analyzer->GetLocalUUID(pDebugDumpDir); } throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "Error running '%s'", pAnalyzer); } /** * Get a global UUID from particular analyzer plugin. * @param pAnalyzer A name of an analyzer plugin. * @param pDebugDumpDir A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. * @return A global UUID. */ static std::string GetGlobalUUID(const char *pAnalyzer, const char *pDebugDumpDir) { CAnalyzer* analyzer = g_pPluginManager->GetAnalyzer(pAnalyzer); if (analyzer) { return analyzer->GetGlobalUUID(pDebugDumpDir); } throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "Error running '%s'", pAnalyzer); } /** * Take care of getting all additional data needed * for computing UUIDs and creating a report for particular analyzer * plugin. This report could be send somewhere afterwards. * @param pAnalyzer A name of an analyzer plugin. * @param pDebugDumpPath A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. */ static void run_analyser_CreateReport(const char *pAnalyzer, const char *pDebugDumpDir, int force) { CAnalyzer* analyzer = g_pPluginManager->GetAnalyzer(pAnalyzer); if (analyzer) { analyzer->CreateReport(pDebugDumpDir, force); } /* else: GetAnalyzer() already complained, no need to handle it here */ } /* * Called in three cases: * (1) by StartJob dbus call -> CreateReportThread(), in the thread * (2) by CreateReport dbus call * (3) by daemon if AutoReportUID is set for this user's crashes */ mw_result_t CreateCrashReport(const char *crash_id, long caller_uid, int force, map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { VERB2 log("CreateCrashReport('%s',%ld,result)", crash_id, caller_uid); CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); struct db_row *row = database->GetRow(crash_id); database->DisConnect(); if (!row) { error_msg("crash '%s' is not in database", crash_id); return MW_IN_DB_ERROR; } char caller_uid_str[sizeof(long) * 3 + 2]; sprintf(caller_uid_str, "%li", caller_uid); if (caller_uid != 0 /* not called by root */ && row->db_inform_all[0] != '1' && strcmp(caller_uid_str, row->db_uid) != 0 ) { error_msg("crash '%s' can't be accessed by user with uid %ld", crash_id, caller_uid); db_row_free(row); return MW_IN_DB_ERROR; } mw_result_t r = MW_OK; try { struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, row->db_dump_dir, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) { db_row_free(row); return MW_ERROR; } load_crash_data_from_debug_dump(dd, pCrashData); dd_close(dd); std::string analyzer = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, FILENAME_ANALYZER); const char* package = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(pCrashData, FILENAME_PACKAGE); char* package_name = get_package_name_from_NVR_or_NULL(package); // TODO: explain what run_analyser_CreateReport and RunAnalyzerActions are expected to do. // Do they potentially add more files to dump dir? // Why we calculate dup_hash after run_analyser_CreateReport but before RunAnalyzerActions? // Why do we reload dump dir's data via DebugDumpToCrashReport? VERB3 log(" run_analyser_CreateReport('%s')", analyzer.c_str()); run_analyser_CreateReport(analyzer.c_str(), row->db_dump_dir, force); std::string dup_hash = GetGlobalUUID(analyzer.c_str(), row->db_dump_dir); VERB3 log(" DUPHASH:'%s'", dup_hash.c_str()); VERB3 log(" RunAnalyzerActions('%s','%s','%s',force=%d)", analyzer.c_str(), package_name, row->db_dump_dir, force); RunAnalyzerActions(analyzer.c_str(), package_name, row->db_dump_dir, force); free(package_name); if (DebugDumpToCrashReport(row->db_dump_dir, pCrashData)) { add_to_crash_data_ext(pCrashData, CD_UUID , CD_SYS, CD_ISNOTEDITABLE, row->db_uuid); add_to_crash_data_ext(pCrashData, CD_DUPHASH, CD_TXT, CD_ISNOTEDITABLE, dup_hash.c_str()); } else { db_row_free(row); error_msg("Error loading crash data"); return MW_ERROR; } db_row_free(row); } catch (CABRTException& e) { r = MW_CORRUPTED; error_msg("%s", e.what()); if (e.type() == EXCEP_PLUGIN) { r = MW_PLUGIN_ERROR; } } VERB3 log("CreateCrashReport() returns %d", r); return r; } void RunAction(const char *pActionDir, const char *pPluginName, const char *pPluginArgs) { CAction* action = g_pPluginManager->GetAction(pPluginName); if (!action) { /* GetAction() already complained */ return; } try { action->Run(pActionDir, pPluginArgs, /*force:*/ 0); } catch (CABRTException& e) { error_msg("Execution of '%s' was not successful: %s", pPluginName, e.what()); } } void RunActionsAndReporters(const char *pDebugDumpDir) { vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_ar = s_vectorActionsAndReporters.begin(); map_plugin_settings_t plugin_settings; for (; it_ar != s_vectorActionsAndReporters.end(); it_ar++) { const char *plugin_name = it_ar->first.c_str(); try { VERB3 log("RunActionsAndReporters: checking %s", plugin_name); plugin_type_t tp = g_pPluginManager->GetPluginType(plugin_name); if (tp == REPORTER) { CReporter* reporter = g_pPluginManager->GetReporter(plugin_name); /* can't be NULL */ map_crash_data_t crashReport; if (DebugDumpToCrashReport(pDebugDumpDir, crashReport)) { VERB2 log("%s.Report(...)", plugin_name); reporter->Report(crashReport, plugin_settings, it_ar->second.c_str()); } else error_msg("Activation of plugin '%s' was not successful: Error converting crash data", plugin_name); } else if (tp == ACTION) { CAction* action = g_pPluginManager->GetAction(plugin_name); /* can't be NULL */ VERB2 log("%s.Run('%s','%s')", plugin_name, pDebugDumpDir, it_ar->second.c_str()); action->Run(pDebugDumpDir, it_ar->second.c_str(), /*force:*/ 0); } } catch (CABRTException& e) { error_msg("Activation of plugin '%s' was not successful: %s", plugin_name, e.what()); } } } // Do not trust client_report here! // dbus handler passes it from user without checking report_status_t Report(const map_crash_data_t& client_report, const vector_string_t &reporters, map_map_string_t& settings, long caller_uid) { // Get ID fields const char *UID = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, CD_UID); const char *UUID = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, CD_UUID); if (!UID || !UUID) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "Report(): UID or UUID is missing in client's report data"); } string crash_id = ssprintf("%s:%s", UID, UUID); // Retrieve corresponding stored record map_crash_data_t stored_report; mw_result_t r = FillCrashInfo(crash_id.c_str(), stored_report); if (r != MW_OK) { return report_status_t(); } // Is it allowed for this user to report? if (caller_uid != 0 // not called by root && get_crash_data_item_content(stored_report, CD_INFORMALL) != "1" && strcmp(to_string(caller_uid).c_str(), UID) != 0 ) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "Report(): user with uid %ld can't report crash %s", caller_uid, crash_id.c_str()); } const std::string& pDumpDir = get_crash_data_item_content(stored_report, CD_DUMPDIR); // Save comment, "how to reproduce", backtrace //TODO: we should iterate through stored_report and modify all //modifiable fields which have new data in client_report const char *comment = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, FILENAME_COMMENT); const char *reproduce = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, FILENAME_REPRODUCE); const char *backtrace = get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, FILENAME_BACKTRACE); if (comment || reproduce || backtrace) { struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (dd_opendir(dd, pDumpDir.c_str(), 0)) { if (comment) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_COMMENT, comment); add_to_crash_data_ext(stored_report, FILENAME_COMMENT, CD_TXT, CD_ISEDITABLE, comment); } if (reproduce) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_REPRODUCE, reproduce); add_to_crash_data_ext(stored_report, FILENAME_REPRODUCE, CD_TXT, CD_ISEDITABLE, reproduce); } if (backtrace) { dd_save_text(dd, FILENAME_BACKTRACE, backtrace); add_to_crash_data_ext(stored_report, FILENAME_BACKTRACE, CD_TXT, CD_ISEDITABLE, backtrace); } } dd_close(dd); } /* Remove BIN filenames from stored_report if they are not present in client's data */ map_crash_data_t::const_iterator its = stored_report.begin(); while (its != stored_report.end()) { if (its->second[CD_TYPE] == CD_BIN) { std::string key = its->first; if (get_crash_data_item_content_or_NULL(client_report, key.c_str()) == NULL) { /* client does not have it -> does not want it passed to reporters */ VERB3 log("Won't report BIN file %s:'%s'", key.c_str(), its->second[CD_CONTENT].c_str()); its++; /* move off the element we will erase */ stored_report.erase(key); continue; } } its++; } const std::string& analyzer = get_crash_data_item_content(stored_report, FILENAME_ANALYZER); std::string dup_hash = GetGlobalUUID(analyzer.c_str(), pDumpDir.c_str()); VERB3 log(" DUPHASH:'%s'", dup_hash.c_str()); add_to_crash_data_ext(stored_report, CD_DUPHASH, CD_TXT, CD_ISNOTEDITABLE, dup_hash.c_str()); // Run reporters VERB3 { log("Run reporters"); log_map_crash_data(client_report, " client_report"); log_map_crash_data(stored_report, " stored_report"); } #define client_report client_report_must_not_be_used_below map_crash_data_t::const_iterator its_PACKAGE = stored_report.find(FILENAME_PACKAGE); std::string packageNVR = its_PACKAGE->second[CD_CONTENT]; char * packageName = get_package_name_from_NVR_or_NULL(packageNVR.c_str()); // analyzer with package name (CCpp:xorg-x11-app) has higher priority char* key = xasprintf("%s:%s",analyzer.c_str(),packageName); free(packageName); map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t::iterator end = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.end(); map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t::iterator keyPtr = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.find(key); if (keyPtr == end) { VERB3 log("'%s' not found, looking for '%s'", key, analyzer.c_str()); // if there is no such settings, then try default analyzer keyPtr = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.find(analyzer); } free(key); bool at_least_one_reporter_succeeded = false; report_status_t ret; std::string message; if (keyPtr != end) { VERB2 log("Found AnalyzerActionsAndReporters for '%s'", analyzer.c_str()); vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_r = keyPtr->second.begin(); for (; it_r != keyPtr->second.end(); it_r++) { const char *plugin_name = it_r->first.c_str(); /* Check if the reporter is in the input list of allowed reporters. */ if (reporters.end() == std::find(reporters.begin(), reporters.end(), plugin_name)) { continue; } try { if (g_pPluginManager->GetPluginType(plugin_name) == REPORTER) { CReporter* reporter = g_pPluginManager->GetReporter(plugin_name); /* can't be NULL */ map_plugin_settings_t plugin_settings = settings[plugin_name]; std::string res = reporter->Report(stored_report, plugin_settings, it_r->second.c_str()); ret[plugin_name].push_back("1"); // REPORT_STATUS_IDX_FLAG ret[plugin_name].push_back(res); // REPORT_STATUS_IDX_MSG if (message != "") message += ";"; message += res; at_least_one_reporter_succeeded = true; } } catch (CABRTException& e) { ret[plugin_name].push_back("0"); // REPORT_STATUS_IDX_FLAG ret[plugin_name].push_back(e.what()); // REPORT_STATUS_IDX_MSG update_client("Reporting via '%s' was not successful: %s", plugin_name, e.what()); } } // for } // if if (at_least_one_reporter_succeeded) { CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); report_status_t::iterator ret_it = ret.begin(); while (ret_it != ret.end()) { const string &plugin_name = ret_it->first; const vector_string_t &v = ret_it->second; if (v[REPORT_STATUS_IDX_FLAG] == "1") { database->SetReportedPerReporter(crash_id.c_str(), plugin_name.c_str(), v[REPORT_STATUS_IDX_MSG].c_str()); } ret_it++; } database->SetReported(crash_id.c_str(), message.c_str()); database->DisConnect(); } return ret; #undef client_report } /** * Check whether particular debugdump directory is saved * in database. This check is done together with an UID of an user. * @param uid * An UID of an user. * @param debug_dump_dir * A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. * @return * It returns true if debugdump dir is already saved, otherwise * it returns false. * @todo * Use database query instead of dumping all rows and searching in them. */ static bool is_debug_dump_saved(long uid, const char *debug_dump_dir) { CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); GList *table = database->GetUIDData(uid); database->DisConnect(); bool found = false; for (GList *li = table; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { struct db_row *row = (struct db_row*)li->data; if (0 == strcmp(row->db_dump_dir, debug_dump_dir)) { found = true; break; } } db_list_free(table); return found; } /** * Get a package name from executable name and save * package description to particular debugdump directory of a crash. * @param pExecutable A name of crashed application. * @param pDebugDumpDir A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. * @return It return results of operation. See mw_result_t. */ static mw_result_t SavePackageDescriptionToDebugDump(const char *pDebugDumpDir) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror_msg("fork"); return MW_ERROR; } if (pid == 0) /* child */ { char *argv[5]; /* abrt-action-save-package-data [-s] -d DIR NULL */ char **pp = argv; *pp++ = (char*)"abrt-action-save-package-data"; if (logmode & LOGMODE_SYSLOG) *pp++ = (char*)"-s"; *pp++ = (char*)"-d"; *pp++ = (char*)pDebugDumpDir; *pp = NULL; execvp(argv[0], argv); perror_msg_and_die("Can't execute '%s'", argv[0]); } /* parent */ int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); return (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) ? MW_OK : MW_ERROR; } bool analyzer_has_InformAllUsers(const char *analyzer_name) { CAnalyzer* analyzer = g_pPluginManager->GetAnalyzer(analyzer_name); if (!analyzer) { return false; } map_plugin_settings_t settings = analyzer->GetSettings(); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it = settings.find("InformAllUsers"); if (it == settings.end()) return false; return string_to_bool(it->second.c_str()); } bool analyzer_has_AutoReportUIDs(const char *analyzer_name, const char *uid_str) { CAnalyzer* analyzer = g_pPluginManager->GetAnalyzer(analyzer_name); if (!analyzer) { return false; } map_plugin_settings_t settings = analyzer->GetSettings(); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it = settings.find("AutoReportUIDs"); if (it == settings.end()) return false; vector_string_t logins; parse_args(it->second.c_str(), logins); uid_t uid = xatoi_u(uid_str); unsigned size = logins.size(); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) { struct passwd* pw = getpwnam(logins[ii].c_str()); if (!pw) continue; if (pw->pw_uid == uid) return true; } return false; } void autoreport(const pair_string_string_t& reporter_options, const map_crash_data_t& crash_report) { CReporter* reporter = g_pPluginManager->GetReporter(reporter_options.first.c_str()); if (!reporter) { return; } map_plugin_settings_t plugin_settings; /*std::string res =*/ reporter->Report(crash_report, plugin_settings, reporter_options.second.c_str()); } /** * Execute all action plugins, which are associated to * particular analyzer plugin. * @param pAnalyzer A name of an analyzer plugin. * @param pDebugDumpPath A debugdump dir containing all necessary data. */ static void RunAnalyzerActions(const char *pAnalyzer, const char *pPackageName, const char *pDebugDumpDir, int force) { map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t::iterator analyzer; if (pPackageName != NULL) { /*try to find analyzer:component first*/ char *analyzer_component = xasprintf("%s:%s", pAnalyzer, pPackageName); analyzer = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.find(analyzer_component); /* if we didn't find an action for specific package, use the generic one */ if (analyzer == s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.end()) { VERB2 log("didn't find action for %s, trying just %s", analyzer_component, pAnalyzer); map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t::iterator analyzer = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.find(pAnalyzer); } free(analyzer_component); } else { VERB2 log("no package name specified, trying to find action for: %s", pAnalyzer); analyzer = s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.find(pAnalyzer); } if (analyzer != s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.end()) { vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_a = analyzer->second.begin(); for (; it_a != analyzer->second.end(); it_a++) { const char *plugin_name = it_a->first.c_str(); CAction* action = g_pPluginManager->GetAction(plugin_name, /*silent:*/ true); if (!action) { /* GetAction() already complained if no such plugin. * If plugin exists but isn't an Action, it's not an error. */ continue; } try { action->Run(pDebugDumpDir, it_a->second.c_str(), force); } catch (CABRTException& e) { update_client("Action performed by '%s' was not successful: %s", plugin_name, e.what()); } } } } /** * Save a debugdump into database. If saving is * successful, then crash info is filled. Otherwise the crash info is * not changed. * @param pUUID A local UUID of a crash. * @param pUID An UID of an user. * @param pTime Time when a crash occurs. * @param pDebugDumpPath A debugdump path. * @param pCrashData A filled crash info. * @return It return results of operation. See mw_result_t. */ static mw_result_t SaveDebugDumpToDatabase(const char *crash_id, bool inform_all_users, const char *pTime, const char *pDebugDumpDir, map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); /* note: if [UUID,UID] record exists, pDebugDumpDir is not updated in the record */ database->Insert_or_Update(crash_id, inform_all_users, pDebugDumpDir, pTime); struct db_row *row = database->GetRow(crash_id); database->DisConnect(); mw_result_t res = FillCrashInfo(crash_id, pCrashData); if (res == MW_OK) { const char *first = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, CD_DUMPDIR).c_str(); if (row && row->db_reported[0] == '1') { log("Crash is in database already (dup of %s) and is reported", first); db_row_free(row); return MW_REPORTED; } if (row && xatou(row->db_count) > 1) { db_row_free(row); log("Crash is in database already (dup of %s)", first); return MW_OCCURRED; } } db_row_free(row); return res; } mw_result_t SaveDebugDump(const char *pDebugDumpDir, map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { mw_result_t res; struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, pDebugDumpDir, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) return MW_ERROR; char *time = dd_load_text(dd, FILENAME_TIME); char *uid = dd_load_text(dd, CD_UID); char *analyzer = dd_load_text(dd, FILENAME_ANALYZER); dd_close(dd); /* Convert UID string to number uid_num. The UID string can be modified by user or wrongly saved (empty or non-numeric), so xatou() cannot be used here, because it would kill the daemon. */ char *endptr; errno = 0; unsigned long uid_num = strtoul(uid, &endptr, 10); if (errno || uid == endptr || *endptr != '\0' || uid_num > UINT_MAX) { error_msg("Invalid UID '%s' loaded from %s", uid, pDebugDumpDir); res = MW_ERROR; goto error; } if (is_debug_dump_saved(uid_num, pDebugDumpDir)) { res = MW_IN_DB; goto error; } res = SavePackageDescriptionToDebugDump(pDebugDumpDir); if (res != MW_OK) goto error; { std::string UUID = GetLocalUUID((analyzer) ? analyzer : "", pDebugDumpDir); std::string crash_id = ssprintf("%s:%s", uid, UUID.c_str()); /* Loads pCrashData (from the *first debugdump dir* if this one is a dup) * Returns: * MW_REPORTED: "the crash is flagged as reported in DB" (which also means it's a dup) * MW_OCCURRED: "crash count is != 1" (iow: it is > 1 - dup) * MW_OK: "crash count is 1" (iow: this is a new crash, not a dup) * else: an error code */ res = SaveDebugDumpToDatabase(crash_id.c_str(), analyzer_has_InformAllUsers(analyzer), time, pDebugDumpDir, pCrashData); } error: free(time); free(uid); free(analyzer); return res; } mw_result_t FillCrashInfo(const char *crash_id, map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); struct db_row *row = database->GetRow(crash_id); database->DisConnect(); if (!row) return MW_ERROR; struct dump_dir *dd = dd_init(); if (!dd_opendir(dd, row->db_dump_dir, DD_CLOSE_ON_OPEN_ERR)) { db_row_free(row); return MW_ERROR; } load_crash_data_from_debug_dump(dd, pCrashData); dd_close(dd); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_UID , row->db_uid ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_UUID , row->db_uuid ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_INFORMALL , row->db_inform_all ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_COUNT , row->db_count ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_REPORTED , row->db_reported ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_MESSAGE , row->db_message ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, CD_DUMPDIR , row->db_dump_dir ); add_to_crash_data(pCrashData, FILENAME_TIME , row->db_time ); db_row_free(row); return MW_OK; } void GetUUIDsOfCrash(long caller_uid, vector_string_t &result) { CDatabase* database = g_pPluginManager->GetDatabase(g_settings_sDatabase); database->Connect(); GList *rows = database->GetUIDData(caller_uid); database->DisConnect(); for (GList *li = rows; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { struct db_row *row = (struct db_row*)li->data; string crash_id = ssprintf("%s:%s", row->db_uid, row->db_uuid); result.push_back(crash_id); } // TODO: return GList db_list_free(rows); } void AddAnalyzerActionOrReporter(const char *pAnalyzer, const char *pAnalyzerOrReporter, const char *pArgs) { s_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters[pAnalyzer].push_back(make_pair(std::string(pAnalyzerOrReporter), std::string(pArgs))); } void AddActionOrReporter(const char *pActionOrReporter, const char *pArgs) { VERB3 log("AddActionOrReporter('%s','%s')", pActionOrReporter, pArgs); s_vectorActionsAndReporters.push_back(make_pair(std::string(pActionOrReporter), std::string(pArgs))); }