# This special script is placed in # /usr/local/lib/pythonNNN/site-packages/sitecustomize.py # and python interpreter runs it automatically everytime # some python script is executed config = None conf = {} try: config = open("/etc/abrt/pyhook.conf","r") except: #silently ignore if file doesn't exist pass try: if config: # we expect config in form # key = value # Enabled = yes # this should strip line = config.readline().lower().replace(' ','').strip('\n').split('=') conf[line[0]] = line[1] except: # ignore silently everything, because we don't want to bother user if this hook doesn't work pass if conf.has_key("enabled"): if conf["enabled"] == "yes": try: from abrt_exception_handler import * installExceptionHandler(debug = 1) except Exception, e: # FIXME don't print anything, write it to some log file print e pass