# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dbus import dbus.service import gobject from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop import gtk from dbus.exceptions import * import ABRTExceptions CC_NAME = 'com.redhat.abrt' CC_IFACE = 'com.redhat.abrt' CC_PATH = '/com/redhat/abrt' APP_NAME = 'com.redhat.abrt.gui' APP_PATH = '/com/redhat/abrt/gui' APP_IFACE = 'com.redhat.abrt.gui' class DBusManager(gobject.GObject): """ Class to provide communication with daemon over dbus """ # and later with policyKit bus = None uniq_name = None def __init__(self): session = None # binds the dbus to glib mainloop DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) class DBusInterface(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self, dbusmanager): self.dbusmanager = dbusmanager dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, dbus.SessionBus(), APP_PATH) @dbus.service.method(dbus_interface=APP_IFACE) def show(self): self.dbusmanager.emit("show") try: session = dbus.SessionBus() except Exception, e: print e try: app_proxy = session.get_object(APP_NAME,APP_PATH) app_iface = dbus.Interface(app_proxy, dbus_interface=APP_IFACE) # app is running, so make it show it self app_iface.show() raise ABRTExceptions.IsRunning() except DBusException, e: # cannot create proxy or call the method => gui is not running pass """ try: session = dbus.SessionBus() except: # FIXME: root doesn't have SessionBus pass if session: if session.request_name(APP_NAME, dbus.bus.NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE) != dbus.bus.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER: raise Exception("Name %s is taken,\nanother instance is already running." % APP_NAME) """ gobject.GObject.__init__(self) # signal emited when new crash is detected gobject.signal_new ("crash", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,()) # signal emited when new analyze is complete gobject.signal_new ("analyze-complete", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) # signal emited when smth fails gobject.signal_new ("error", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) # signal emited to update gui with current status gobject.signal_new ("update", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) # signal emited to show gui if user try to run it again gobject.signal_new ("show", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,()) # signal emited to show gui if user try to run it again gobject.signal_new ("daemon-state-changed", self ,gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,gobject.TYPE_NONE,(gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT,)) # export the app dbus interface if session: session.request_name(APP_NAME) iface = DBusInterface(self) self.connect_to_daemon() # disconnect callback def disconnected(*args): print "disconnect" def error_handler_cb(self,arg): self.emit("error",arg) def error_handler(self,arg): # used to silently ingore dbus timeouts pass def dummy(*args): # dummy function for async method call to workaround the timeout pass def crash_cb(self,*args): #FIXME "got another crash, gui should reload!" #for arg in args: # print arg #emit a signal #print "crash" self.emit("crash") def update_cb(self, dest, message): # FIXME: use dest instead of 0 once we implement it in daemon #if self.uniq_name == dest: self.emit("update", message) def analyze_complete_cb(self,dump): #for arg in args: # print "Analyze complete for: %s" % arg # emit signal to let clients know that analyze has been completed # FIXME - rewrite with CCReport class # self.emit("analyze-complete", dump) pass def owner_changed_cb(self,name, old_owner, new_owner): if(name == CC_NAME and new_owner): self.proxy = self.connect_to_daemon() self.emit("daemon-state-changed", "up") if(name == CC_NAME and not(new_owner)): self.proxy = None self.emit("daemon-state-changed", "down") def connect_to_daemon(self): if not self.bus: self.bus = dbus.SystemBus() self.bus.add_signal_receiver(self.owner_changed_cb,"NameOwnerChanged", dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus") self.uniq_name = self.bus.get_unique_name() if not self.bus: raise Exception("Can't connect to dbus") if self.bus.name_has_owner(CC_NAME): self.proxy = self.bus.get_object(CC_IFACE, CC_PATH) else: raise Exception("Please check if abrt daemon is running.") if self.proxy: self.cc = dbus.Interface(self.proxy, dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) #intr = dbus.Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable') # new crash notify self.proxy.connect_to_signal("Crash",self.crash_cb,dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) # BT extracting complete self.acconnection = self.proxy.connect_to_signal("AnalyzeComplete",self.analyze_complete_cb,dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) # Catch Errors self.acconnection = self.proxy.connect_to_signal("Error",self.error_handler_cb,dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) # watch for updates self.acconnection = self.proxy.connect_to_signal("Update",self.update_cb,dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) # watch for job-done signals self.acconnection = self.proxy.connect_to_signal("JobDone",self.jobdone_cb,dbus_interface=CC_IFACE) else: raise Exception("Please check if abrt daemon is running.") def addJob(self, job_id): pass #self.pending_jobs.append(job_id) def jobdone_cb(self, dest, job_id): if self.uniq_name == dest: dump = self.cc.GetJobResult(job_id) if dump: self.emit("analyze-complete", dump) else: self.emit("error","Daemon did't return valid report info\nDebuginfo is missing?") def getReport(self, UUID): try: # let's try it async # even if it's async it timeouts, so let's try to set the timeout to 60sec #self.cc.CreateReport(UUID, reply_handler=self.addJob, error_handler=self.error_handler, timeout=60) self.addJob(self.cc.CreateReport(UUID, timeout=60)) except dbus.exceptions.DBusException, e: raise Exception(e) def Report(self,report): # FIXME async return self.cc.Report(report) def DeleteDebugDump(self,UUID): return self.cc.DeleteDebugDump(UUID) def getDumps(self): row_dict = None rows = [] # FIXME check the arguments for row in self.cc.GetCrashInfos(): row_dict = {} for column in row: row_dict[column] = row[column] rows.append(row_dict); return rows