# test conf file. it will be generated in the future # common abrt settings [ Common ] # With this option set to "yes", # only crashes in signed packages will be analyzed. OpenGPGCheck = no # GPG keys OpenGPGPublicKeys = /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora # blacklisted packages BlackList = # enabled plugins # there has to be exactly one database plugin EnabledPlugins = SQLite3, CCpp, Logger, Kerneloops, KerneloopsScanner, KerneloopsReporter, Bugzilla, Python #, Mailx # Database Database = SQLite3 # max size for crash storage [MiB] MaxCrashReportsSize = 1000 # vector of actions and reporters which are activated immediately after a crash occurs # ActionsAndReporters = Mailx("[abrt] new crash was detected") # reporters association with analyzers [ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ] Kerneloops = KerneloopsReporter CCpp = Bugzilla, Logger Python = Bugzilla, Logger # CCpp : xorg-x11-apps = RunApp("date", "RunApp") # repeated calling of Action plugins [ Cron ] # h:m - at h:m an action plugin is activated # s - every s seconds is an action plugin activated 120 = KerneloopsScanner