/* Copyright (C) 2010 ABRT team Copyright (C) 2010 RedHat Inc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Settings.h" #include "abrtlib.h" #include "abrt_types.h" #include "Polkit.h" #define SECTION_COMMON "Common" #define SECTION_ANALYZER_ACTIONS_AND_REPORTERS "AnalyzerActionsAndReporters" #define SECTION_CRON "Cron" /* Conf file has this format: * [ section_name1 ] * name1 = value1 * name2 = value2 * [ section_name2 ] * name = value */ /* Static data */ /* Filled by LoadSettings() */ /* map["name"] = "value" strings from [ Common ] section. * If the same name found on more than one line, * the values are appended, separated by comma: map["name"] = "value1,value2" */ static map_string_t s_mapSectionCommon; /* ... from [ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ] */ static map_string_t s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters; /* ... from [ Cron ] */ static map_string_t s_mapSectionCron; /* Public data */ /* Written out exactly in this order by SaveSettings() */ /* [ Common ] */ /* one line: "OpenGPGCheck = value" */ bool g_settings_bOpenGPGCheck = false; /* one line: "OpenGPGPublicKeys = value1,value2" */ set_string_t g_settings_setOpenGPGPublicKeys; set_string_t g_settings_setBlackListedPkgs; set_string_t g_settings_setBlackListedPaths; std::string g_settings_sDatabase; std::string g_settings_sWatchCrashdumpArchiveDir; unsigned int g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize = 1000; bool g_settings_bProcessUnpackaged = false; /* one line: "ActionsAndReporters = aa_first,bb_first(bb_second),cc_first" */ vector_pair_string_string_t g_settings_vectorActionsAndReporters; /* [ AnalyzerActionsAndReporters ] */ /* many lines, one per key: "map_key = aa_first,bb_first(bb_second),cc_first" */ map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t g_settings_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters; /* [ Cron ] */ /* many lines, one per key: "map_key = aa_first,bb_first(bb_second),cc_first" */ map_cron_t g_settings_mapCron; /* * Loading */ static set_string_t ParseList(const char* pList) { unsigned ii; std::string item; set_string_t set; for (ii = 0; pList[ii]; ii++) { if (pList[ii] == ',') { set.insert(item); item = ""; } else { item += pList[ii]; } } if (item != "") { set.insert(item); } return set; } /* Format: name, name(param),name("param with spaces \"and quotes\"") */ static vector_pair_string_string_t ParseListWithArgs(const char *pValue, int *err) { VERB3 log(" ParseListWithArgs(%s)", pValue); vector_pair_string_string_t pluginsWithArgs; std::string item; std::string action; bool is_quote = false; bool is_arg = false; for (int ii = 0; pValue[ii]; ii++) { if (is_quote && pValue[ii] == '\\' && pValue[ii + 1]) { ii++; item += pValue[ii]; continue; } if (pValue[ii] == '"') { is_quote = !is_quote; /*item += pValue[ii]; - wrong! name("param") must be == name(param) */ continue; } if (is_quote) { item += pValue[ii]; continue; } if (pValue[ii] == '(') { if (!is_arg) { action = item; item = ""; is_arg = true; } else { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Invalid syntax on column %d in \"%s\"", ii, pValue); } continue; } if (pValue[ii] == ')') { if (is_arg) { VERB3 log(" adding (%s,%s)", action.c_str(), item.c_str()); pluginsWithArgs.push_back(make_pair(action, item)); item = ""; is_arg = false; action = ""; } else { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Invalid syntax on column %d in \"%s\"", ii, pValue); } continue; } if (pValue[ii] == ',' && !is_arg) { if (item != "") { VERB3 log(" adding (%s,%s)", item.c_str(), ""); pluginsWithArgs.push_back(make_pair(item, "")); item = ""; } continue; } item += pValue[ii]; } if (is_quote) { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Unclosed quote in \"%s\"", pValue); } if (is_arg) { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Unclosed argument in \"%s\"", pValue); } else if (item != "") { VERB3 log(" adding (%s,%s)", item.c_str(), ""); pluginsWithArgs.push_back(make_pair(item, "")); } return pluginsWithArgs; } static int ParseCommon() { map_string_t::const_iterator end = s_mapSectionCommon.end(); map_string_t::const_iterator it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("OpenGPGCheck"); if (it != end) { g_settings_bOpenGPGCheck = string_to_bool(it->second.c_str()); } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("BlackList"); if (it != end) { g_settings_setBlackListedPkgs = ParseList(it->second.c_str()); } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("BlackListedPaths"); if (it != end) { g_settings_setBlackListedPaths = ParseList(it->second.c_str()); } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("Database"); if (it != end) { g_settings_sDatabase = it->second; } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("WatchCrashdumpArchiveDir"); if (it != end) { g_settings_sWatchCrashdumpArchiveDir = it->second; } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("MaxCrashReportsSize"); if (it != end) { g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize = xatoi_u(it->second.c_str()); } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("ActionsAndReporters"); if (it != end) { int err = 0; g_settings_vectorActionsAndReporters = ParseListWithArgs(it->second.c_str(), &err); if (err) return err; } it = s_mapSectionCommon.find("ProcessUnpackaged"); if (it != end) { g_settings_bProcessUnpackaged = string_to_bool(it->second.c_str()); } return 0; /* no error */ } static int ParseCron() { map_string_t::iterator it = s_mapSectionCron.begin(); for (; it != s_mapSectionCron.end(); it++) { int err = 0; vector_pair_string_string_t actionsAndReporters = ParseListWithArgs(it->second.c_str(), &err); if (err) return err; g_settings_mapCron[it->first] = actionsAndReporters; } return 0; /* no error */ } static set_string_t ParseKey(const char *Key, int *err) { unsigned int ii; std::string item; std::string key; set_string_t set; bool is_quote = false; for (ii = 0; Key[ii]; ii++) { if (Key[ii] == '\"') { is_quote = !is_quote; } else if (Key[ii] == ':' && !is_quote) { key = item; item = ""; } else if (isspace(Key[ii]) && !is_quote) { continue; } else if ((Key[ii] == ',') && !is_quote) { if (!key.empty()) { set.insert(key + ":" + item); item = ""; } else { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Invalid syntax on column %d in \"%s\"", ii, Key); } } else { item += Key[ii]; } } if (is_quote) { *err = 1; error_msg("Parser error: Unclosed quote in \"%s\"", Key); } else if (item != "") { if (key == "") { set.insert(item); } else { set.insert(key + ":" + item); } } return set; } static int ParseAnalyzerActionsAndReporters() { map_string_t::iterator it = s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.begin(); for (; it != s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.end(); it++) { int err = 0; set_string_t keys = ParseKey(it->first.c_str(), &err); vector_pair_string_string_t actionsAndReporters = ParseListWithArgs(it->second.c_str(), &err); if (err) return err; set_string_t::iterator it_keys = keys.begin(); for (; it_keys != keys.end(); it_keys++) { VERB2 log("AnalyzerActionsAndReporters['%s']=...", it_keys->c_str()); g_settings_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters[*it_keys] = actionsAndReporters; } } return 0; /* no error */ } static void LoadGPGKeys() { FILE *fp = fopen(CONF_DIR"/gpg_keys", "r"); if (fp) { /* every line is one key * FIXME: make it more robust, it doesn't handle comments */ char line[512]; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { if (line[0] == '/') // probably the begining of path, so let's handle it as a key { strchrnul(line, '\n')[0] = '\0'; g_settings_setOpenGPGPublicKeys.insert(line); } } fclose(fp); } } /** * Reads configuration from file to s_mapSection* static variables. * The file must be opened for reading. */ static int ReadConfigurationFromFile(FILE *fp) { char line[512]; std::string section; int lineno = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) { strchrnul(line, '\n')[0] = '\0'; ++lineno; bool is_key = true; bool is_section = false; bool is_quote = false; unsigned ii; std::string key, value; for (ii = 0; line[ii] != '\0'; ii++) { if (is_quote && line[ii] == '\\' && line[ii + 1]) { value += line[ii]; ii++; value += line[ii]; continue; } if (isspace(line[ii]) && !is_quote) { continue; } if (line[ii] == '#' && !is_quote && key == "") { break; } if (line[ii] == '[' && !is_quote) { is_section = true; section = ""; continue; } if (line[ii] == '"') { is_quote = !is_quote; value += line[ii]; continue; } if (is_section) { if (line[ii] == ']') break; section += line[ii]; continue; } if (line[ii] == '=' && !is_quote) { is_key = false; key = value; value = ""; continue; } value += line[ii]; } if (is_quote) { error_msg("abrt.conf: Invalid syntax on line %d", lineno); return 1; /* error */ } if (is_section) { if (line[ii] != ']') /* section not closed */ { error_msg("abrt.conf: Section not closed on line %d", lineno); return 1; /* error */ } continue; } if (is_key) { if (!value.empty()) /* the key is stored in value */ { error_msg("abrt.conf: Invalid syntax on line %d", lineno); return 1; /* error */ } continue; } else if (key.empty()) /* A line without key: " = something" */ { error_msg("abrt.conf: Invalid syntax on line %d", lineno); return 1; /* error */ } if (section == SECTION_COMMON) { if (s_mapSectionCommon[key] != "") s_mapSectionCommon[key] += ","; s_mapSectionCommon[key] += value; } else if (section == SECTION_ANALYZER_ACTIONS_AND_REPORTERS) { if (s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters[key] != "") s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters[key] += ","; s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters[key] += value; } else if (section == SECTION_CRON) { if (s_mapSectionCron[key] != "") s_mapSectionCron[key] += ","; s_mapSectionCron[key] += value; } else { error_msg("abrt.conf: Ignoring entry in invalid section [%s]", section.c_str()); return 1; /* error */ } } return 0; /* success */ } /* abrt daemon loads .conf file */ int LoadSettings() { int err = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(CONF_DIR"/abrt.conf", "r"); if (fp) { err = ReadConfigurationFromFile(fp); fclose(fp); } else error_msg("Unable to read configuration file %s", CONF_DIR"/abrt.conf"); if (err == 0) err = ParseCommon(); if (err == 0) err = ParseAnalyzerActionsAndReporters(); if (err == 0) err = ParseCron(); if (err == 0) { /* * loading gpg keys will invoke LoadOpenGPGPublicKey() from rpm.cpp * pgpReadPkts which makes nss to re-init and thus makes * bugzilla plugin work :-/ */ //FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME FIXME!!! //if(g_settings_bOpenGPGCheck) LoadGPGKeys(); } return err; } /* dbus call to retrieve .conf file data from daemon */ map_abrt_settings_t GetSettings() { map_abrt_settings_t ABRTSettings; ABRTSettings[SECTION_COMMON] = s_mapSectionCommon; ABRTSettings[SECTION_ANALYZER_ACTIONS_AND_REPORTERS] = s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters; ABRTSettings[SECTION_CRON] = s_mapSectionCron; return ABRTSettings; } /* dbus call to change some .conf file data */ void SetSettings(const map_abrt_settings_t& pSettings, const char *dbus_sender) { int polkit_result; polkit_result = polkit_check_authorization(dbus_sender, "org.fedoraproject.abrt.change-daemon-settings"); if (polkit_result != PolkitYes) { error_msg("user %s not authorized, returned %d", dbus_sender, polkit_result); return; } log("user %s succesfully authorized", dbus_sender); map_abrt_settings_t::const_iterator it = pSettings.find(SECTION_COMMON); map_abrt_settings_t::const_iterator end = pSettings.end(); if (it != end) { s_mapSectionCommon = it->second; ParseCommon(); } it = pSettings.find(SECTION_ANALYZER_ACTIONS_AND_REPORTERS); if (it != end) { s_mapSectionAnalyzerActionsAndReporters = it->second; ParseAnalyzerActionsAndReporters(); } it = pSettings.find(SECTION_CRON); if (it != end) { s_mapSectionCron = it->second; ParseCron(); } }