/* PluginManager.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include "abrtlib.h" #include "ABRTException.h" #include "CommLayerInner.h" #include "Polkit.h" #include "PluginManager.h" /** * Text representation of plugin types. */ static const char* const plugin_type_str[] = { "Analyzer", "Action", "Reporter", "Database" }; bool LoadPluginSettings(const std::string& pPath, map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { std::ifstream fIn; fIn.open(pPath.c_str()); if (fIn.is_open()) { std::string line; while (!fIn.eof()) { getline(fIn, line); int ii; bool is_value = false; bool valid = false; bool in_quote = false; std::string key = ""; std::string value = ""; for (ii = 0; ii < line.length(); ii++) { if (line[ii] == '\"') { in_quote = in_quote == true ? false : true; } if (isspace(line[ii]) && !in_quote) { continue; } if (line[ii] == '#' && !in_quote && key == "") { break; } if (line[ii] == '=' && !in_quote) { is_value = true; continue; } if (!is_value) { key += line[ii]; } else { valid = true; value += line[ii]; } } if (valid && !in_quote) { pSettings[key] = value; } } fIn.close(); return true; } return false; } /** * A function. It saves settings. On success it returns true, otherwise returns false. * @param path A path of config file. * @param settings Plugin's settings. * @return if it success it returns true, otherwise it returns false. */ static bool SavePluginSettings(const std::string& pPath, const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { FILE* fOut = fopen(pPath.c_str(), "w"); if (fOut) { fprintf(fOut, "# Settings were written by abrt\n"); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it = pSettings.begin(); for (; it != pSettings.end(); it++) { fprintf(fOut, "%s = %s\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } fclose(fOut); return true; } return false; } CPluginManager::CPluginManager() {} CPluginManager::~CPluginManager() {} void CPluginManager::LoadPlugins() { DIR *dir = opendir(PLUGINS_LIB_DIR); if (dir != NULL) { struct dirent *dent; while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (is_regular_file(dent, PLUGINS_LIB_DIR)) { std::string name = dent->d_name; std::string extension = name.substr(name.length() - sizeof(PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION) + 1); if (extension == PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION) { name.erase(0, sizeof(PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX) - 1); name.erase(name.length() - sizeof(PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION)); LoadPlugin(name); } } } closedir(dir); } } void CPluginManager::UnLoadPlugins() { map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator it_p; while ((it_p = m_mapABRTPlugins.begin()) != m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { std::string pluginName = it_p->first; UnLoadPlugin(pluginName); } } void CPluginManager::LoadPlugin(const std::string& pName) { if (m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName) == m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { CABRTPlugin* abrtPlugin = NULL; try { std::string libPath = PLUGINS_LIB_DIR"/"PLUGINS_LIB_PREFIX + pName + "."PLUGINS_LIB_EXTENSION; abrtPlugin = new CABRTPlugin(libPath.c_str()); if (abrtPlugin->GetMagicNumber() != PLUGINS_MAGIC_NUMBER || (abrtPlugin->GetType() < ANALYZER && abrtPlugin->GetType() > DATABASE)) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::LoadPlugin(): non-compatible plugin"); } log("Plugin %s (%s) succesfully loaded", pName.c_str(), abrtPlugin->GetVersion()); m_mapABRTPlugins[pName] = abrtPlugin; } catch (CABRTException& e) { delete abrtPlugin; error_msg("Failed to load plugin %s: %s", pName.c_str(), e.what()); } } } void CPluginManager::UnLoadPlugin(const std::string& pName) { map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName); if (abrt_plugin != m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { UnRegisterPlugin(pName); delete abrt_plugin->second; m_mapABRTPlugins.erase(abrt_plugin); log("Plugin %s successfully unloaded", pName.c_str()); } } void CPluginManager::RegisterPlugin(const std::string& pName) { map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName); if (abrt_plugin != m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { if (m_mapPlugins.find(pName) == m_mapPlugins.end()) { CPlugin* plugin = abrt_plugin->second->PluginNew(); map_plugin_settings_t pluginSettings; LoadPluginSettings(PLUGINS_CONF_DIR"/" + pName + "."PLUGINS_CONF_EXTENSION, pluginSettings); try { plugin->Init(); plugin->SetSettings(pluginSettings); } catch (CABRTException& e) { log("Can't initialize plugin %s(%s): %s", pName.c_str(), plugin_type_str[abrt_plugin->second->GetType()], e.what() ); UnLoadPlugin(pName); return; } m_mapPlugins[pName] = plugin; log("Registered plugin %s(%s)", pName.c_str(), plugin_type_str[abrt_plugin->second->GetType()]); } } } void CPluginManager::RegisterPluginDBUS(const std::string& pName, const char * pDBUSSender) { int polkit_result = polkit_check_authorization(pDBUSSender, "org.fedoraproject.abrt.change-daemon-settings"); if (polkit_result == PolkitYes) { RegisterPlugin(pName); } else { log("User %s not authorized, returned %d", pDBUSSender, polkit_result); } } void CPluginManager::UnRegisterPlugin(const std::string& pName) { map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName); if (abrt_plugin != m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin != m_mapPlugins.end()) { plugin->second->DeInit(); delete plugin->second; m_mapPlugins.erase(plugin); log("UnRegistered plugin %s(%s)", pName.c_str(), plugin_type_str[abrt_plugin->second->GetType()]); } } } void CPluginManager::UnRegisterPluginDBUS(const std::string& pName, const char * pDBUSSender) { int polkit_result = polkit_check_authorization(pDBUSSender, "org.fedoraproject.abrt.change-daemon-settings"); if (polkit_result == PolkitYes) { UnRegisterPlugin(pName); } else { log("user %s not authorized, returned %d", pDBUSSender, polkit_result); } } CAnalyzer* CPluginManager::GetAnalyzer(const std::string& pName) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetAnalyzer():" "Analyzer plugin: '"+pName+"' is not registered."); } if (m_mapABRTPlugins[pName]->GetType() != ANALYZER) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetAnalyzer():" "Plugin: '"+pName+"' is not analyzer plugin."); } return (CAnalyzer*)(plugin->second); } CReporter* CPluginManager::GetReporter(const std::string& pName) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetReporter():" "Reporter plugin: '"+pName+"' is not registered."); } if (m_mapABRTPlugins[pName]->GetType() != REPORTER) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetReporter():" "Plugin: '"+pName+"' is not reporter plugin."); } return (CReporter*)(plugin->second); } CAction* CPluginManager::GetAction(const std::string& pName) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetAction():" "Action plugin: '"+pName+"' is not registered."); } if (m_mapABRTPlugins[pName]->GetType() != ACTION) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetAction():" "Plugin: '"+pName+"' is not action plugin."); } return (CAction*)(plugin->second); } CDatabase* CPluginManager::GetDatabase(const std::string& pName) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetDatabase():" "Database plugin: '"+pName+"' is not registered."); } if (m_mapABRTPlugins[pName]->GetType() != DATABASE) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetDatabase():" "Plugin: '"+pName+"' is not database plugin."); } return (CDatabase*)(plugin->second); } plugin_type_t CPluginManager::GetPluginType(const std::string& pName) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CPluginManager::GetPluginType():" "Plugin: '"+pName+"' is not registered."); } return m_mapABRTPlugins[pName]->GetType(); } vector_map_string_t CPluginManager::GetPluginsInfo() { vector_map_string_t ret; map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator it_abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.begin(); for (; it_abrt_plugin != m_mapABRTPlugins.end(); it_abrt_plugin++) { map_string_t plugin_info; plugin_info["Enabled"] = (m_mapPlugins.find(it_abrt_plugin->second->GetName()) != m_mapPlugins.end()) ? "yes" : "no"; plugin_info["Type"] = plugin_type_str[it_abrt_plugin->second->GetType()]; plugin_info["Name"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetName(); plugin_info["Version"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetVersion(); plugin_info["Description"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetDescription(); plugin_info["Email"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetEmail(); plugin_info["WWW"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetWWW(); plugin_info["GTKBuilder"] = it_abrt_plugin->second->GetGTKBuilder(); ret.push_back(plugin_info); } return ret; } void CPluginManager::SetPluginSettings(const std::string& pName, const std::string& pUID, const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName); if (abrt_plugin == m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { return; } map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin == m_mapPlugins.end()) { return; } plugin->second->SetSettings(pSettings); #if 0 /* Writing to ~user/.abrt/ is bad wrt security */ if (abrt_plugin->second->GetType() != REPORTER) { return; } std::string home = get_home_dir(atoi(pUID.c_str())); if (home == "") { return; } std::string confDir = home + "/.abrt"; std::string confPath = confDir + "/" + pName + "."PLUGINS_CONF_EXTENSION; uid_t uid = atoi(pUID.c_str()); struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(uid); gid_t gid = pw ? pw->pw_gid : uid; struct stat buf; if (stat(confDir.c_str(), &buf) != 0) { if (mkdir(confDir.c_str(), 0700) == -1) { perror_msg("Can't create dir '%s'", confDir.c_str()); return; } if (chmod(confDir.c_str(), 0700) == -1) { perror_msg("Can't change mod of dir '%s'", confDir.c_str()); return; } if (chown(confDir.c_str(), uid, gid) == -1) { perror_msg("Can't change '%s' ownership to %u:%u", confPath.c_str(), (int)uid, (int)gid); return; } } else if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { perror_msg("'%s' is not a directory", confDir.c_str()); return; } /** we don't want to save it from daemon if it's running under root but wi might get back to this once we make the daemon to not run with root privileges */ /* SavePluginSettings(confPath, pSettings); if (chown(confPath.c_str(), uid, gid) == -1) { perror_msg("Can't change '%s' ownership to %u:%u", confPath.c_str(), (int)uid, (int)gid); return; } */ #endif } map_plugin_settings_t CPluginManager::GetPluginSettings(const std::string& pName, const std::string& pUID) { map_plugin_settings_t ret; map_abrt_plugins_t::iterator abrt_plugin = m_mapABRTPlugins.find(pName); if (abrt_plugin != m_mapABRTPlugins.end()) { map_plugins_t::iterator plugin = m_mapPlugins.find(pName); if (plugin != m_mapPlugins.end()) { ret = plugin->second->GetSettings(); /** we don't want to load it from daemon if it's running under root but wi might get back to this once we make the daemon to not run with root privileges */ /* if (abrt_plugin->second->GetType() == REPORTER) { std::string home = get_home_dir(atoi(pUID.c_str())); if (home != "") { LoadPluginSettings(home + "/.abrt/" + pName + "."PLUGINS_CONF_EXTENSION, ret); } } */ return ret; } } return ret; }