/* Copyright (C) 2009 Jiri Moskovcak (jmoskovc@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #if HAVE_LOCALE_H #include #endif #if ENABLE_NLS #include #define _(S) gettext(S) #else #define _(S) (S) #endif #include "abrtlib.h" #include "ABRTException.h" #include "CrashWatcher.h" #include "Daemon.h" /* Daemon initializes, then sits in glib main loop, waiting for events. * Events can be: * - inotify: something new appeared under /var/cache/abrt * - DBus: dbus message arrived * - signal: we got SIGTERM or SIGINT * * DBus methods we have: * - GetCrashInfos(): returns a vector_crash_infos_t (vector_map_vector_string_t) * of crashes for given uid * v[N]["executable"/"uid"/"kernel"/"backtrace"][N] = "contents" * - CreateReport(UUID): starts creating a report for /var/cache/abrt/DIR with this UUID. * Returns job id (uint64). * Emits JobStarted(client_dbus_ID,job_id) dbus signal. * After it returns, when report creation thread has finished, * JobDone(client_dbus_ID,UUID) dbus signal is emitted. * - GetJobResult(UUID): returns map_crash_report_t (map_vector_string_t) * - Report(map_crash_report_t (map_vector_string_t[, map_map_string_t])): * "Please report this crash": calls Report() of all registered reporter plugins. * Returns report_status_t (map_vector_string_t) - the status of each call. * 2nd parameter is the contents of user's abrt.conf. * - DeleteDebugDump(UUID): delete corresponding /var/cache/abrt/DIR. Returns bool * - GetPluginsInfo(): returns vector_map_string_t * - GetPluginSettings(PluginName): returns map_plugin_settings_t (map_string_t) * - SetPluginSettings(PluginName, map_plugin_settings_t): returns void * - RegisterPlugin(PluginName): returns void * - UnRegisterPlugin(PluginName): returns void * - GetSettings(): returns map_abrt_settings_t (map_map_string_t) * - SetSettings(map_abrt_settings_t): returns void * * DBus signals we emit: * - Crash(progname,uid) - a new crash occurred (new /var/cache/abrt/DIR is found) * - JobStarted(client_dbus_ID,job_id) - see CreateReport above. * Sent as unicast to the client which did CreateReport. * - JobDone(client_dbus_ID,UUID) - see CreateReport above. * Sent as unicast to the client which did CreateReport. * - Warning(msg,job_id) * - Update(msg,job_id) * Both are sent as unicast to last client set by set_client_name(name). * If set_client_name(NULL) was done, they are not sent. * * TODO: * - API does not really need JobStarted dbus signal at all, and JobDone signal * does not need to pass any parameters - out clients never sent multiple * CreateReport's. */ #define VAR_RUN_LOCK_FILE VAR_RUN"/abrt.lock" #define VAR_RUN_PIDFILE VAR_RUN"/abrt.pid" //FIXME: add some struct to be able to join all threads! typedef struct cron_callback_data_t { std::string m_sPluginName; std::string m_sPluginArgs; unsigned int m_nTimeout; cron_callback_data_t( const std::string& pPluginName, const std::string& pPluginArgs, const unsigned int& pTimeout) : m_sPluginName(pPluginName), m_sPluginArgs(pPluginArgs), m_nTimeout(pTimeout) {} } cron_callback_data_t; static uint8_t s_sig_caught; static GMainLoop* g_pMainloop; CCommLayerServer* g_pCommLayer; pthread_mutex_t g_pJobsMutex; /* Is it "." or ".."? */ /* abrtlib candidate */ static bool dot_or_dotdot(const char *filename) { if (filename[0] != '.') return false; if (filename[1] == '\0') return true; if (filename[1] != '.') return false; if (filename[2] == '\0') return true; return false; } static double GetDirSize(const std::string &pPath, std::string *worst_dir = NULL, const char *excluded = NULL) { DIR *dp = opendir(pPath.c_str()); if (dp == NULL) return 0; struct dirent *ep; struct stat stats; double size = 0; double maxsz = 0; while ((ep = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (dot_or_dotdot(ep->d_name)) continue; std::string dname = pPath + "/" + ep->d_name; if (lstat(dname.c_str(), &stats) != 0) continue; if (S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)) { double sz = GetDirSize(dname); size += sz; if (worst_dir && strcmp(excluded, ep->d_name) != 0) { /* Calculate "weighted" size and age /* w = sz_kbytes * age_mins */ sz /= 1024; long age = (time(NULL) - stats.st_mtime) / 60; if (age > 0) sz *= age; if (sz > maxsz) { maxsz = sz; *worst_dir = ep->d_name; } } } else if (S_ISREG(stats.st_mode)) { size += stats.st_size; } } closedir(dp); return size; } static void cron_delete_callback_data_cb(gpointer data) { cron_callback_data_t* cronDeleteCallbackData = static_cast(data); delete cronDeleteCallbackData; } static gboolean cron_activation_periodic_cb(gpointer data) { cron_callback_data_t* cronPeriodicCallbackData = static_cast(data); VERB1 log("Activating plugin: %s", cronPeriodicCallbackData->m_sPluginName.c_str()); RunAction(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, cronPeriodicCallbackData->m_sPluginName, cronPeriodicCallbackData->m_sPluginArgs); return TRUE; } static gboolean cron_activation_one_cb(gpointer data) { cron_callback_data_t* cronOneCallbackData = static_cast(data); VERB1 log("Activating plugin: %s", cronOneCallbackData->m_sPluginName.c_str()); RunAction(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, cronOneCallbackData->m_sPluginName, cronOneCallbackData->m_sPluginArgs); return FALSE; } static gboolean cron_activation_reshedule_cb(gpointer data) { cron_callback_data_t* cronResheduleCallbackData = static_cast(data); VERB1 log("Rescheduling plugin: %s", cronResheduleCallbackData->m_sPluginName.c_str()); cron_callback_data_t* cronPeriodicCallbackData = new cron_callback_data_t(cronResheduleCallbackData->m_sPluginName, cronResheduleCallbackData->m_sPluginArgs, cronResheduleCallbackData->m_nTimeout); g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cronPeriodicCallbackData->m_nTimeout, cron_activation_periodic_cb, static_cast(cronPeriodicCallbackData), cron_delete_callback_data_cb); return FALSE; } static void SetUpMW() { set_string_t::iterator it_k = g_settings_setOpenGPGPublicKeys.begin(); for (; it_k != g_settings_setOpenGPGPublicKeys.end(); it_k++) { LoadOpenGPGPublicKey(it_k->c_str()); } set_string_t::iterator it_b = g_settings_mapBlackList.begin(); for (; it_b != g_settings_mapBlackList.end(); it_b++) { g_setBlackList.insert(*it_b); } VERB1 log("Registering plugins"); set_string_t::iterator it_p = g_settings_setEnabledPlugins.begin(); for (; it_p != g_settings_setEnabledPlugins.end(); it_p++) { g_pPluginManager->RegisterPlugin(*it_p); } VERB1 log("Adding actions or reporters"); vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_ar = g_settings_vectorActionsAndReporters.begin(); for (; it_ar != g_settings_vectorActionsAndReporters.end(); it_ar++) { AddActionOrReporter(it_ar->first, it_ar->second); } VERB1 log("Adding analyzers, actions or reporters"); map_analyzer_actions_and_reporters_t::iterator it_aar = g_settings_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.begin(); for (; it_aar != g_settings_mapAnalyzerActionsAndReporters.end(); it_aar++) { vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_ar = it_aar->second.begin(); for (; it_ar != it_aar->second.end(); it_ar++) { AddAnalyzerActionOrReporter(it_aar->first, it_ar->first, it_ar->second); } } } static int SetUpCron() { map_cron_t::iterator it_c = g_settings_mapCron.begin(); for (; it_c != g_settings_mapCron.end(); it_c++) { std::string::size_type pos = it_c->first.find(":"); int timeout = 0; int nH = -1; int nM = -1; int nS = -1; if (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string sH = ""; std::string sM = ""; sH = it_c->first.substr(0, pos); nH = atoi(sH.c_str()); nH = nH > 23 ? 23 : nH; nH = nH < 0 ? 0 : nH; nM = nM > 59 ? 59 : nM; nM = nM < 0 ? 0 : nM; timeout += nH * 60 * 60; sM = it_c->first.substr(pos + 1); nM = atoi(sM.c_str()); timeout += nM * 60; } else { std::string sS = ""; sS = it_c->first; nS = atoi(sS.c_str()); nS = nS <= 0 ? 1 : nS; timeout = nS; } if (nS != -1) { vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_ar = it_c->second.begin(); for (; it_ar != it_c->second.end(); it_ar++) { cron_callback_data_t* cronPeriodicCallbackData = new cron_callback_data_t(it_ar->first, it_ar->second, timeout); g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, timeout, cron_activation_periodic_cb, static_cast(cronPeriodicCallbackData), cron_delete_callback_data_cb); } } else { time_t actTime = time(NULL); struct tm locTime; localtime_r(&actTime, &locTime); locTime.tm_hour = nH; locTime.tm_min = nM; locTime.tm_sec = 0; time_t nextTime = mktime(&locTime); if (nextTime == ((time_t)-1)) { /* paranoia */ perror_msg("Can't set up cron time"); return -1; } if (actTime > nextTime) { timeout = 24*60*60 + (nextTime - actTime); } else { timeout = nextTime - actTime; } vector_pair_string_string_t::iterator it_ar = it_c->second.begin(); for (; it_ar != it_c->second.end(); it_ar++) { cron_callback_data_t* cronOneCallbackData = new cron_callback_data_t((*it_ar).first, (*it_ar).second, timeout); g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, timeout, cron_activation_one_cb, static_cast(cronOneCallbackData), cron_delete_callback_data_cb); cron_callback_data_t* cronResheduleCallbackData = new cron_callback_data_t((*it_ar).first, (*it_ar).second, 24 * 60 * 60); g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, timeout, cron_activation_reshedule_cb, static_cast(cronResheduleCallbackData), cron_delete_callback_data_cb); } } } return 0; } static void FindNewDumps(const char* pPath) { VERB1 log("Scanning for unsaved entries"); struct stat stats; DIR *dp; vector_string_t dirs; // get potential unsaved debugdumps dp = opendir(pPath); if (dp == NULL) { perror_msg("Can't open directory '%s'", pPath); return; } struct dirent *ep; while ((ep = readdir(dp))) { if (dot_or_dotdot(ep->d_name)) continue; std::string dname = ssprintf("%s/%s", pPath, ep->d_name); if (lstat(dname.c_str(), &stats) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode)) { dirs.push_back(dname); } } } closedir(dp); vector_string_t::iterator itt = dirs.begin(); for (; itt != dirs.end(); ++itt) { map_crash_info_t crashinfo; try { mw_result_t res; res = SaveDebugDump(*itt, crashinfo); switch (res) { case MW_OK: VERB1 log("Saving into database (%s)", itt->c_str()); RunActionsAndReporters(crashinfo[CD_MWDDD][CD_CONTENT]); break; case MW_IN_DB: VERB1 log("Already saved in database (%s)", itt->c_str()); break; case MW_REPORTED: case MW_OCCURED: case MW_BLACKLISTED: case MW_CORRUPTED: case MW_PACKAGE_ERROR: case MW_GPG_ERROR: case MW_FILE_ERROR: default: //Perhaps corrupted & bad needs to be logged unconditionally, //already saved one - only on VERB1 VERB1 log("Corrupted, bad or already saved crash, deleting"); DeleteDebugDumpDir(*itt); break; } } catch (CABRTException& e) { if (e.type() == EXCEP_FATAL) { throw e; } error_msg("%s", e.what().c_str()); } } } static int CreatePidFile() { int fd; /* JIC */ unlink(VAR_RUN_PIDFILE); /* open the pidfile */ fd = open(VAR_RUN_PIDFILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0644); if (fd >= 0) { /* write our pid to it */ char buf[sizeof(int)*3 + 2]; int len = sprintf(buf, "%u\n", (unsigned)getpid()); write(fd, buf, len); close(fd); return 0; } /* something went wrong */ perror_msg("Can't open '%s'", VAR_RUN_PIDFILE); return -1; } static int Lock() { int lfd = open(VAR_RUN_LOCK_FILE, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0640); if (lfd < 0) { perror_msg("Can't open '%s'", VAR_RUN_LOCK_FILE); return -1; } if (lockf(lfd, F_TLOCK, 0) < 0) { perror_msg("Can't lock file '%s'", VAR_RUN_LOCK_FILE); return -1; } return 0; /* we leak opened lfd intentionally */ } static void handle_fatal_signal(int signal) { s_sig_caught = signal; } /* One of our event sources is s_sig_caught when it becomes != 0. * glib machinery we need to hook it up to the main loop: * prepare(): * If the source can determine that it is ready here (without waiting * for the results of the poll() call) it should return TRUE. It can also * return a timeout_ value which should be the maximum timeout (in milliseconds) * which should be passed to the poll() call. * check(): * Called after all the file descriptors are polled. The source should * return TRUE if it is ready to be dispatched. * dispatch(): * Called to dispatch the event source, after it has returned TRUE * in either its prepare or its check function. The dispatch function * is passed in a callback function and data. The callback function * may be NULL if the source was never connected to a callback using * g_source_set_callback(). The dispatch function should * call the callback function with user_data and whatever additional * parameters are needed for this type of event source. */ static gboolean waitsignal_prepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout_) { /* We depend on the fact that in Unix, poll() is interrupted * by caught signals (in returns EINTR). Thus we do not need to set * a small timeout here: infinite timeout (-1) works too */ *timeout_ = -1; return s_sig_caught != 0; } static gboolean waitsignal_check(GSource *source) { return s_sig_caught != 0; } static gboolean waitsignal_dispatch(GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data) { g_main_quit(g_pMainloop); return 1; } /* Inotify handler */ static gboolean handle_event_cb(GIOChannel *gio, GIOCondition condition, gpointer ptr_unused) { /* 128 simultaneous actions */ #define INOTIFY_BUFF_SIZE ((sizeof(struct inotify_event) + FILENAME_MAX)*128) GIOError err; char *buf = new char[INOTIFY_BUFF_SIZE]; gsize len; gsize i = 0; errno = 0; err = g_io_channel_read(gio, buf, INOTIFY_BUFF_SIZE, &len); if (err != G_IO_ERROR_NONE) { perror_msg("Error reading inotify fd"); delete[] buf; return FALSE; } /* reconstruct each event and send message to the dbus */ while (i < len) { const char *name = NULL; struct inotify_event *event; event = (struct inotify_event *) &buf[i]; if (event->len) name = &buf[i] + sizeof (*event); i += sizeof (*event) + event->len; /* ignore lock files and such */ if (!(event->mask & IN_ISDIR)) { // Happens all the time during normal run //VERB3 log("File '%s' creation detected, ignoring", name); continue; } log("Directory '%s' creation detected", name); std::string worst_dir; while (g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize > 0 && GetDirSize(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, &worst_dir, name) / (1024*1024) >= g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize && worst_dir != "" ) { log("Size of '%s' >= %u MB, deleting '%s'", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, g_settings_nMaxCrashReportsSize, worst_dir.c_str()); g_pCommLayer->QuotaExceed(_("Report size exceeded the quota. Please check system's MaxCrashReportsSize value in abrt.conf.")); DeleteDebugDumpDir(std::string(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR) + "/" + worst_dir); worst_dir = ""; } map_crash_info_t crashinfo; try { mw_result_t res; res = SaveDebugDump(std::string(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR) + "/" + name, crashinfo); switch (res) { case MW_OK: log("New crash, saving..."); RunActionsAndReporters(crashinfo[CD_MWDDD][CD_CONTENT]); /* Send dbus signal */ g_pCommLayer->Crash(crashinfo[CD_PACKAGE][CD_CONTENT], crashinfo[CD_UID][CD_CONTENT]); break; case MW_REPORTED: case MW_OCCURED: log("Already saved crash, deleting..."); /* Send dbus signal */ g_pCommLayer->Crash(crashinfo[CD_PACKAGE][CD_CONTENT], crashinfo[CD_UID][CD_CONTENT]); DeleteDebugDumpDir(std::string(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR) + "/" + name); break; case MW_BLACKLISTED: case MW_CORRUPTED: case MW_PACKAGE_ERROR: case MW_GPG_ERROR: case MW_IN_DB: case MW_FILE_ERROR: default: log("Corrupted or bad crash, deleting..."); DeleteDebugDumpDir(std::string(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR) + "/" + name); break; } } catch (CABRTException& e) { warn_client(e.what()); if (e.type() == EXCEP_FATAL) { delete[] buf; return -1; } } catch (...) { delete[] buf; throw; } } /* while */ delete[] buf; return TRUE; } static void start_syslog_logging() { /* Open stdin to /dev/null */ close(STDIN_FILENO); xopen("/dev/null", O_RDWR); /* We must not leave fds 0,1,2 closed. * Otherwise fprintf(stderr) dumps messages into random fds, etc. */ close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); xdup(0); xdup(0); openlog("abrtd", 0, LOG_DAEMON); logmode = LOGMODE_SYSLOG; } static void sanitize_dump_dir_rights() { struct stat sb; if (mkdir(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, 0755) != 0 && errno != EEXIST) perror_msg_and_die("Can't create '%s'", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); if (stat(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, &sb) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) error_msg_and_die("'%s' is not a directory", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); if (sb.st_uid != 0 || sb.st_gid != 0 || chown(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, 0, 0) != 0) perror_msg_and_die("Can't set owner 0:0 on '%s'", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); /* We can't allow anyone to create dumps: otherwise users can flood * us with thousands of bogus or malicious dumps */ /* 07000 bits are setuid, setgit, and sticky, and they must be unset */ /* 00777 bits are usual "rwx" access rights */ if ((sb.st_mode & 07777) != 0755 && chmod(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, 0755) != 0) perror_msg_and_die("Can't set mode rwxr-xr-x on '%s'", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool daemonize = true; int opt; int parent_pid = getpid(); setlocale(LC_ALL,""); #if ENABLE_NLS bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); #endif while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "dv")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd': daemonize = false; break; case 'v': g_verbose++; break; default: error_msg_and_die( "Usage: abrt [-dv]\n" "\nOptions:" "\n\t-d\tDo not daemonize" "\n\t-v\tVerbose" ); } } msg_prefix = "abrtd: "; /* for log(), error_msg() and such */ signal(SIGTERM, handle_fatal_signal); signal(SIGINT, handle_fatal_signal); /* Daemonize unless -d */ if (daemonize) { /* forking to background */ pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { perror_msg_and_die("Can't fork"); } if (pid > 0) { /* Parent */ /* Wait for child to notify us via SIGTERM that it feels ok */ int i = 20; /* 2 sec */ while (s_sig_caught == 0 && --i) { usleep(100 * 1000); } if (s_sig_caught == SIGTERM) { exit(0); } if (s_sig_caught) { error_msg_and_die("Failed to start: got sig %d", s_sig_caught); } error_msg_and_die("Failed to start: timeout waiting for child"); } /* Child (daemon) continues */ setsid(); /* never fails */ if (g_verbose == 0) start_syslog_logging(); } GIOChannel* pGio = NULL; bool lockfile_created = false; bool pidfile_created = false; CCrashWatcher watcher; /* Initialization */ try { pthread_mutex_init(&g_pJobsMutex, NULL); /* never fails */ init_daemon_logging(&watcher); VERB1 log("Creating glib main loop"); g_pMainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); /* Watching DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR for new files... */ VERB1 log("Initializing inotify"); /*FIXME: python hook runs with ordinary user privileges, so it fails if everyone doesn't have write acces to DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR */ //sanitize_dump_dir_rights(); errno = 0; int inotify_fd = inotify_init(); if (inotify_fd == -1) perror_msg_and_die("inotify_init failed"); if (inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR, IN_CREATE) == -1) perror_msg_and_die("inotify_add_watch failed on '%s'", DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); VERB1 log("Loading settings"); LoadSettings(); VERB1 log("Loading plugins"); g_pPluginManager = new CPluginManager(); g_pPluginManager->LoadPlugins(); SetUpMW(); /* logging is inside */ if (SetUpCron() != 0) throw 1; #ifdef ENABLE_DBUS VERB1 log("Initializing dbus"); g_pCommLayer = new CCommLayerServerDBus(); #elif ENABLE_SOCKET g_pCommLayer = new CCommLayerServerSocket(); #endif if (g_pCommLayer->m_init_error) throw 1; VERB1 log("Adding inotify watch to glib main loop"); pGio = g_io_channel_unix_new(inotify_fd); g_io_add_watch(pGio, G_IO_IN, handle_event_cb, NULL); /* Add an event source which waits for INT/TERM signal */ VERB1 log("Adding signal watch to glib main loop"); GSourceFuncs waitsignal_funcs; memset(&waitsignal_funcs, 0, sizeof(waitsignal_funcs)); waitsignal_funcs.prepare = waitsignal_prepare; waitsignal_funcs.check = waitsignal_check; waitsignal_funcs.dispatch = waitsignal_dispatch; /*waitsignal_funcs.finalize = NULL; - already done */ GSource *waitsignal_src = (GSource*) g_source_new(&waitsignal_funcs, sizeof(*waitsignal_src)); g_source_attach(waitsignal_src, g_main_context_default()); /* Mark the territory */ VERB1 log("Creating lock file"); if (Lock() != 0) throw 1; lockfile_created = true; VERB1 log("Creating pid file"); if (CreatePidFile() != 0) throw 1; pidfile_created = true; } catch (...) { /* Initialization error */ error_msg("Error while initializing daemon"); /* Inform parent that initialization failed */ if (daemonize) kill(parent_pid, SIGINT); goto cleanup; } /* Inform parent that we initialized ok */ if (daemonize) { VERB1 log("Signalling parent"); kill(parent_pid, SIGTERM); if (logmode != LOGMODE_SYSLOG) start_syslog_logging(); } /* Enter the event loop */ try { /* This may take a while, therefore we don't do it in init section */ FindNewDumps(DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR); log("Running..."); g_main_run(g_pMainloop); } catch (CABRTException& e) { error_msg("Error: %s", e.what().c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { error_msg("Error: %s", e.what()); } cleanup: /* Error or INT/TERM. Clean up, in reverse order. * Take care to not undo things we did not do. */ if (pidfile_created) unlink(VAR_RUN_PIDFILE); if (lockfile_created) unlink(VAR_RUN_LOCK_FILE); if (pGio) g_io_channel_unref(pGio); delete g_pCommLayer; if (g_pPluginManager) { /* This restores /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern, among other things: */ g_pPluginManager->UnLoadPlugins(); delete g_pPluginManager; } if (g_pMainloop) g_main_loop_unref(g_pMainloop); if (pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_pJobsMutex) != 0) error_msg("Threading error: job mutex locked"); /* Exiting */ if (s_sig_caught) { error_msg_and_die("Got signal %d, exiting", s_sig_caught); signal(s_sig_caught, SIG_DFL); raise(s_sig_caught); } error_msg_and_die("Exiting"); }