#!/usr/bin/python # -*- mode:python -*- # # Finds bugs with incomplete backtraces in Buzilla. # Incomplete backtraces are caused by missing debuginfo. # # Please do not run this script unless it's neccessary to do so. # It forces Bugzilla to send data related to thousands of bug reports. from bugzilla import RHBugzilla from optparse import OptionParser import sys import os.path import subprocess import cPickle import urllib import json # # Parse command line options. # Exit if mandatory options are missing. # parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 1.0") parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Bugzilla user name (REQUIRED)", metavar="USERNAME") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="Bugzilla password (REQUIRED)", metavar="PASSWORD") parser.add_option("-b", "--bugzilla", dest="bugzilla", default="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi", help="Bugzilla URL (defaults to Red Hat Bugzilla)", metavar="URL") parser.add_option("-i", "--wiki", help="Generate output in wiki syntax", action="store_true", default=False, dest="wiki") parser.add_option("-c", "--close", help="Close some of the bugs in Bugzilla (DANGEROUS)", action="store_true", default=False, dest="close") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.user or len(options.user) == 0: parser.error("User name is required.\nTry {0} --help".format(sys.argv[0])) if not options.password or len(options.password) == 0: parser.error("Password is required.\nTry {0} --help".format(sys.argv[0])) # # Connect to the Bugzilla and get all bugs reported by ABRT # bz = RHBugzilla() bz.connect(options.bugzilla) bz.login(options.user, options.password) buginfos = bz.query({'status_whiteboard_type':'allwordssubstr','status_whiteboard':'abrt_hash'}) print "{0} bugs found.".format(len(buginfos)) # # Load cache from previous run. It speeds up the case Bugzilla closes connection. # The cache should be manually removed after a day or so, because the data in it # are no longer valid. # ids = {} CACHE_FILE = "abrt-bz-ratingfixer-cache.tmp" if os.path.isfile(CACHE_FILE): f = open(CACHE_FILE, 'r') ids = cPickle.load(f) f.close() def save_to_cache(): global database f = open(CACHE_FILE, 'w') cPickle.dump(ids, f, 2) f.close() # # Go through all bugs, and get the rating for their backtraces. # The result is stored into ids map. # count = 0 for buginfo in buginfos: # The progress indicator. count += 1 print "{0}/{1}".format(count, len(buginfos)) # Save to cache for the case the connection will be closed by the Bugzilla. # This happens pretty often. if count % 100 == 0: save_to_cache() # Skip the bugs already loaded from cache. if ids.has_key(buginfo.bug_id): continue # We handle only unprocessed bugs. if not buginfo.bug_status in ["NEW", "ASSIGNED"]: continue # By default: rating 4, no comments. Do not touch strange bugs. ids[buginfo.bug_id] = { 'rating': 4, 'comment_count': 0, 'component': buginfo.component } # Skip bugs with already downloaded backtraces. filename = "{0}.bt".format(buginfo.bug_id) if not os.path.isfile(filename): # Get backtrace from bug and store it as a file. downloaded = False bug = bz.getbug(buginfo.bug_id) for attachment in bug.attachments: if attachment['filename'] == 'backtrace': data = bz.openattachment(attachment['id']) f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(data.read()) f.close() downloaded = True # Silently skip bugs without backtrace. # Those are usually duplicates of bugs; the duplication copies # abrt_hash, but it does not copy the attachment. if not downloaded: continue # Rate the backtrace using external program. command = ["./abrt-rate-backtrace"] command.append(filename) helper = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) rating, err = helper.communicate() helper.wait() if helper.returncode != 0: print "Problems with rating {0}".format(filename) continue # Get the comment count. We do not want to close bugs which # are in the middle of a discussion. bug = bz.getbug(buginfo.bug_id) comment_count = 0 for comment in bug.longdescs: # Do not count "rawhide" comments from Bug Zappers if comment["body"].find("against 'rawhide' during") > 0: continue comment_count += 1 # Put the result to the database. ids[buginfo.bug_id] = { 'rating': int(rating), 'comment_count': comment_count, 'component': buginfo.component } # Close the bug if it's appropriate. if options.close and comment_count <= 2 and int(rating) < 3: print "Closing bug #{0} with {1} comments and rating {2}/4.".format(buginfo.bug_id, comment_count, int(rating)) bug.close("INSUFFICIENT_DATA", 0, "", "This bug appears to have been filled using a buggy version of ABRT, because\n" + "it contains unusable backtrace. Sorry for the inconvenience.\n\n" + "Closing as INSUFFICIENT_DATA.") bz.logout() print "============= SUMMARY" count = 0 closedcount = 0 bugids = ids.keys() bugids.sort() if options.wiki: print "{|" print " ! Bug !! Backtrace rating !! Comment count !! Component !! Owner" print " |-" for bugid in bugids: bug = ids[bugid] if bug['rating'] < 3: count += 1 if bug['comment_count'] <= 2: closedcount += 1 # Get the component owner owner = "Failed to get component owner" try: component_info = json.load(urllib.urlopen("https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packages/name/{0}?tg_format=json".format(bug['component']))) component_packages = component_info['packageListings'] component_f12 = filter(lambda x:x["collection"]["version"]=="12", component_packages) if len(component_f12) == 1: owner = component_f12[0]["owner"] except KeyError: pass if options.wiki: print " | #[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id={0} {0}] || {1}/4 || {2} || {3} || {4}".format(bugid, bug['rating'], bug['comment_count'], bug['component'], owner) print " |-" else: print "#{0} has a backtrace with rating {1}/4 and {2} comments, component {3}, owner {4}".format(bugid, bug['rating'], bug['comment_count'], bug['component'], owner) if options.wiki: print " |}" print "{0} bugs are included.".format(count) print "{0} bugs should be closed.".format(closedcount)