/* SQLite3.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "abrtlib.h" #include "SQLite3.h" using namespace std; #define ABRT_TABLE_VERSION 4 #define ABRT_TABLE_VERSION_STR "4" #define ABRT_TABLE "abrt_v"ABRT_TABLE_VERSION_STR #define ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE "abrt_v"ABRT_TABLE_VERSION_STR"_reportresult" #define SQLITE3_MASTER_TABLE "sqlite_master" #define COL_UID "UID" #define COL_UUID "UUID" #define COL_INFORMALL "InformAll" #define COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH "DebugDumpPath" #define COL_COUNT "Count" #define COL_REPORTED "Reported" #define COL_TIME "Time" #define COL_MESSAGE "Message" #define COL_REPORTER "Reporter" #define NUM_COL 8 /* Is this string safe wrt SQL injection? * PHP's mysql_real_escape_string() treats \, ', ", \x00, \n, \r, and \x1a as special. * We are a bit more paranoid and disallow any control chars. */ static bool is_string_safe(const char *str) { // Apparently SQLite allows unescaped newlines. More surprisingly, // it does not unescape escaped ones - I see lines ending with \ when I do it. // I wonder whether this is a bug in SQLite, and whether using unescaped // newlines is a danger with other SQL servers. // For now, I disabled newline escaping, and also allowed double quote. const char *p = str; while (*p) { unsigned char c = *p; // if (c == '\\' && p[1] != '\0') // { // p += 2; // continue; // } if ((c < ' ' && c != '\n') || strchr("\\\'", c) //was: "\\\"\'" ) { error_msg("Probable SQL injection: '%s'", str); return false; } p++; } return true; } #ifdef UNUSED_FOR_NOW /* Escape \n */ static string sql_escape(const char *str) { const char *s = str; unsigned len = 0; do { if (*s == '\n') len++; len++; } while (*s++); char buf[len]; s = str; char *d = buf; do { if (*s == '\n') *d++ = '\\'; *d++ = *s; } while (*s++); return buf; } #endif /* Note: * expects "SELECT * FROM ...", not "SELECT FROM ..." */ static GList *vget_table(sqlite3 *db, const char *fmt, va_list p) { char *sql = xvasprintf(fmt, p); char **table; int ncol, nrow; char *err = NULL; int ret = sqlite3_get_table(db, sql, &table, &nrow, &ncol, &err); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { error_msg("Error in SQL:'%s' error: %s", sql, err); free(sql); sqlite3_free(err); return (GList*)ERR_PTR; } VERB2 log("%s: %d rows returned by SQL:%s", __func__, nrow, sql); free(sql); if (nrow > 0 && ncol < NUM_COL) error_msg_and_die("Unexpected number of columns: %d", ncol); GList *rows = NULL; int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < nrow; ii++) { int jj; struct db_row *row = (struct db_row*)xzalloc(sizeof(struct db_row)); for (jj = 0; jj < ncol; jj++) { char *val = table[jj + (ncol*ii) + ncol]; switch (jj) { case 0: row->db_uuid = xstrdup(val); break; case 1: row->db_uid = xstrdup(val); break; case 2: row->db_inform_all = xstrdup(val); break; case 3: row->db_dump_dir = xstrdup(val); break; case 4: row->db_count = xstrdup(val); break; case 5: row->db_reported = xstrdup(val); break; case 6: row->db_time = xstrdup(val); break; case 7: row->db_message = xstrdup(val); break; } } VERB3 log("%s: row->db_uuid = '%s'", __func__, row->db_uuid); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_uid = '%s'", __func__, row->db_uid); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_inform_all = '%s'", __func__, row->db_inform_all); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_dump_dir = '%s'", __func__, row->db_dump_dir); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_count = '%s'", __func__, row->db_count); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_reported = '%s'", __func__, row->db_reported); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_time = '%s'", __func__, row->db_time); VERB3 log("%s: row->db_message = '%s'", __func__, row->db_message); rows = g_list_append(rows, row); } sqlite3_free_table(table); return rows; } static GList *get_table_or_die(sqlite3 *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list p; va_start(p, fmt); GList *table = vget_table(db, fmt, p); va_end(p); if (table == (GList*)ERR_PTR) xfunc_die(); return table; } static int vexecute_sql(sqlite3 *db, const char *fmt, va_list p) { char *sql = xvasprintf(fmt, p); char *err = NULL; int ret = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, /*callback:*/ NULL, /*callback param:*/ NULL, &err); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { error_msg("Error in SQL:'%s' error: %s", sql, err); free(sql); sqlite3_free(err); return -1; } int affected = sqlite3_changes(db); VERB2 log("%d rows affected by SQL:%s", affected, sql); free(sql); return affected; } static int execute_sql_or_die(sqlite3 *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list p; va_start(p, fmt); int ret = vexecute_sql(db, fmt, p); va_end(p); if (ret < 0) xfunc_die(); return ret; } static bool exists_uuid_uid(sqlite3 *db, const char *UUID, const char *UID) { GList *table = get_table_or_die(db, "SELECT * FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", UUID, UID ); if (!table) return false; db_list_free(table); return true; } static void update_from_old_ver(sqlite3 *db, int old_version) { static const char *const update_sql_commands[] = { // v0 -> v1 NULL, // v1 -> v2 "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" "CREATE TABLE abrt_v2 (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_COUNT" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1," COL_REPORTED" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_TIME" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID"));" "INSERT INTO abrt_v2 " "SELECT "COL_UUID"," COL_UID"," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"," COL_COUNT"," COL_REPORTED"," COL_TIME"," COL_MESSAGE " FROM abrt;" "DROP TABLE abrt;" "COMMIT;", // v2 -> v3 "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" "CREATE TABLE abrt_v3 (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_COUNT" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1," COL_REPORTED" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_TIME" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID"));" "INSERT INTO abrt_v3 " "SELECT "COL_UUID"," COL_UID"," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"," COL_COUNT"," COL_REPORTED"," COL_TIME"," COL_MESSAGE " FROM abrt_v2;" "DROP TABLE abrt_v2;" "CREATE TABLE abrt_v3_reportresult (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_REPORTER" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID","COL_REPORTER"));" "COMMIT;", // v3-> v4 "BEGIN TRANSACTION;" "CREATE TABLE abrt_v4(" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_INFORMALL" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_COUNT" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1," COL_REPORTED" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_TIME" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID"));" "INSERT INTO abrt_v4 " "SELECT "COL_UUID"," COL_UID"," "0," /* COL_INFORMALL */ COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"," COL_COUNT"," COL_REPORTED"," COL_TIME"," COL_MESSAGE " FROM abrt_v3;" "DROP TABLE abrt_v3;" "UPDATE abrt_v4" " SET "COL_UID"='0', "COL_INFORMALL"=1" " WHERE "COL_UID"='-1';" "CREATE TABLE abrt_v4_reportresult (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_REPORTER" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID","COL_REPORTER"));" "INSERT INTO abrt_v4_reportresult " "SELECT * FROM abrt_v3_reportresult;" "DROP TABLE abrt_v3_reportresult;" "COMMIT;", }; while (old_version < ABRT_TABLE_VERSION) { execute_sql_or_die(db, update_sql_commands[old_version]); old_version++; } } static bool check_table(sqlite3 *db) { const char *command = "SELECT NAME FROM "SQLITE3_MASTER_TABLE" " "WHERE TYPE='table' AND NAME like 'abrt_v%';"; char **table; int ncol, nrow; char *err; int ret = sqlite3_get_table(db, command, &table, &nrow, &ncol, &err); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { /* Should never happen */ error_msg_and_die("SQLite3 database is corrupted"); } if (!nrow) { sqlite3_free_table(table); return false; } // table format: // table[0]:"NAME" // table[1]:"SQL" <== field names from SELECT // table[2]:"abrt_vNN" // table[3]:"sql" char *tableName = table[0 + ncol]; char *underscore = strchr(tableName, '_'); if (underscore) { // It can be "abrt_vNN_something", thus using atoi(), not xatoi() int tableVersion = atoi(underscore + 2); sqlite3_free_table(table); if (tableVersion < ABRT_TABLE_VERSION) { update_from_old_ver(db, tableVersion); } return true; } sqlite3_free_table(table); update_from_old_ver(db, 1); return true; } CSQLite3::CSQLite3() : m_sDBPath(LOCALSTATEDIR "/spool/abrt/abrt-db"), m_pDB(NULL) {} CSQLite3::~CSQLite3() { /* Paranoia. In C++, destructor will abort() if it was called while unwinding * the stack and it throws an exception. */ try { DisConnect(); m_sDBPath.clear(); } catch (...) { error_msg_and_die("Internal error"); } } void CSQLite3::DisConnect() { if (m_pDB) { sqlite3_close(m_pDB); m_pDB = NULL; } } void CSQLite3::Connect() { int ret = sqlite3_open_v2(m_sDBPath.c_str(), &m_pDB, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, NULL ); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { if (ret != SQLITE_CANTOPEN) { error_msg_and_die("Can't open database '%s': %s", m_sDBPath.c_str(), sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDB)); } ret = sqlite3_open_v2(m_sDBPath.c_str(), &m_pDB, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL ); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { error_msg_and_die("Can't create database '%s': %s", m_sDBPath.c_str(), sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDB)); } } if (!check_table(m_pDB)) { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "CREATE TABLE "ABRT_TABLE" (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_INFORMALL" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_COUNT" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1," COL_REPORTED" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_TIME" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID"));" ); execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "CREATE TABLE "ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE" (" COL_UUID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_UID" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_REPORTER" VARCHAR NOT NULL," COL_MESSAGE" VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," "PRIMARY KEY ("COL_UUID","COL_UID","COL_REPORTER"));" ); } } void CSQLite3::Insert_or_Update(const char *crash_id, bool inform_all_users, const char *pDebugDumpPath, const char *pTime) { const char *UUID = strchr(crash_id, ':'); if (!UUID || !is_string_safe(crash_id) || !is_string_safe(pDebugDumpPath) || !is_string_safe(pTime) ) { return; } /* Split crash_id into UID:UUID */ unsigned uid_len = UUID - crash_id; UUID++; char UID[uid_len + 1]; strncpy(UID, crash_id, uid_len); UID[uid_len] = '\0'; if (!exists_uuid_uid(m_pDB, UUID, UID)) { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "INSERT INTO "ABRT_TABLE" (" COL_UUID"," COL_UID"," COL_INFORMALL"," COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"," COL_TIME ")" " VALUES ('%s','%s',%u,'%s','%s');", UUID, UID, (unsigned)inform_all_users, pDebugDumpPath, pTime ); } else { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "UPDATE "ABRT_TABLE " SET "COL_COUNT"="COL_COUNT"+1,"COL_TIME"='%s'" " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", pTime, UUID, UID ); } } void CSQLite3::DeleteRow(const char *crash_id) { const char *UUID = strchr(crash_id, ':'); if (!UUID || !is_string_safe(crash_id) ) { return; } /* Split crash_id into UID:UUID */ unsigned uid_len = UUID - crash_id; UUID++; char UID[uid_len + 1]; strncpy(UID, crash_id, uid_len); UID[uid_len] = '\0'; if (exists_uuid_uid(m_pDB, UUID, UID)) { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "DELETE FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", UUID, UID ); execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "DELETE FROM "ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", UUID, UID ); } else { error_msg("crash_id %s is not found in DB", crash_id); } } void CSQLite3::DeleteRows_by_dir(const char *dump_dir) { if (!is_string_safe(dump_dir)) { return; } /* Get UID:UUID pair(s) to delete */ GList *table = get_table_or_die(m_pDB, "SELECT * FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"='%s';", dump_dir ); if (!table) { return; } struct db_row *row = NULL; /* Delete from both tables */ for (GList *li = table; li != NULL; li = g_list_next(li)) { row = (struct db_row*)li->data; execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "DELETE FROM "ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", row->db_uuid, row->db_uid ); } execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "DELETE FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_DEBUG_DUMP_PATH"='%s'", dump_dir ); } void CSQLite3::SetReported(const char *crash_id, const char *pMessage) { const char *UUID = strchr(crash_id, ':'); if (!UUID || !is_string_safe(crash_id) || !is_string_safe(pMessage) ) { return; } /* Split crash_id into UID:UUID */ unsigned uid_len = UUID - crash_id; UUID++; char UID[uid_len + 1]; strncpy(UID, crash_id, uid_len); UID[uid_len] = '\0'; if (exists_uuid_uid(m_pDB, UUID, UID)) { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "UPDATE "ABRT_TABLE " SET "COL_REPORTED"=1" " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", UUID, UID ); execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "UPDATE "ABRT_TABLE " SET "COL_MESSAGE"='%s'" " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", pMessage, UUID, UID ); } else { error_msg("crash_id %s is not found in DB", crash_id); } } void CSQLite3::SetReportedPerReporter(const char *crash_id, const char *reporter, const char *pMessage) { const char *UUID = strchr(crash_id, ':'); if (!UUID || !is_string_safe(crash_id) || !is_string_safe(reporter) || !is_string_safe(pMessage) ) { return; } /* Split crash_id into UID:UUID */ unsigned uid_len = UUID - crash_id; UUID++; char UID[uid_len + 1]; strncpy(UID, crash_id, uid_len); UID[uid_len] = '\0'; int affected_rows = execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "UPDATE "ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE " SET "COL_MESSAGE"='%s'" " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s' AND "COL_REPORTER"='%s'", pMessage, UUID, UID, reporter ); if (!affected_rows) { execute_sql_or_die(m_pDB, "INSERT INTO "ABRT_REPRESULT_TABLE " ("COL_UUID","COL_UID","COL_REPORTER","COL_MESSAGE")" " VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s');", UUID, UID, reporter, pMessage ); } } GList *CSQLite3::GetUIDData(long caller_uid) { GList *table = NULL; if (caller_uid == 0) { table = get_table_or_die(m_pDB, "SELECT * FROM "ABRT_TABLE";"); } else { table = get_table_or_die(m_pDB, "SELECT * FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UID"='%ld' OR "COL_INFORMALL"=1;", caller_uid ); } return table; } struct db_row *CSQLite3::GetRow(const char *crash_id) { const char *UUID = strchr(crash_id, ':'); if (!UUID || !is_string_safe(crash_id) ) { return NULL; } /* Split crash_id into UID:UUID */ unsigned uid_len = UUID - crash_id; UUID++; char UID[uid_len + 1]; strncpy(UID, crash_id, uid_len); UID[uid_len] = '\0'; GList *table = get_table_or_die(m_pDB, "SELECT * FROM "ABRT_TABLE " WHERE "COL_UUID"='%s' AND "COL_UID"='%s';", UUID, UID ); if (!table) { return NULL; } GList *first = g_list_first(table); struct db_row *row = db_rowcpy_from_list(first); db_list_free(table); return row; } void CSQLite3::SetSettings(const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { m_pSettings = pSettings; map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator end = pSettings.end(); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it; it = pSettings.find("DBPath"); if (it != end) { m_sDBPath = it->second; } } //ok to delete? //const map_plugin_settings_t& CSQLite3::GetSettings() //{ // m_pSettings["DBPath"] = m_sDBPath; // // return m_pSettings; //} PLUGIN_INFO(DATABASE, CSQLite3, "SQLite3", "0.0.2", _("Keeps SQLite3 database about all crashes"), "zprikryl@redhat.com,jmoskovc@redhat.com", "https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki", "");