/* DebugDump.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "abrtlib.h" #include "DebugDump.h" #include "ABRTException.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CommLayerInner.h" // BUG? in C/C++, compiler may assume that function address is never NULL #pragma weak comm_layer_inner_debug #define comm_layer_inner_debug(msg) ({\ if (comm_layer_inner_debug)\ {\ comm_layer_inner_debug(msg);\ }}) #define PID_STR_MAX 16 /* Is it "." or ".."? */ /* abrtlib candidate */ static bool dot_or_dotdot(const char *filename) { if (filename[0] != '.') return false; if (filename[1] == '\0') return true; if (filename[1] != '.') return false; if (filename[2] == '\0') return true; return false; } static std::string RemoveBackSlashes(const std::string& pDir); static bool ExistFileDir(const std::string& pPath); static void LoadTextFile(const std::string& pPath, std::string& pData); CDebugDump::CDebugDump() : m_sDebugDumpDir(""), m_bOpened(false), m_bUnlock(true), m_pGetNextFileDir(NULL), m_nFD(-1) {} void CDebugDump::Open(const std::string& pDir) { if (m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "CDebugDump::CDebugDump(): DebugDump is already opened."); } m_sDebugDumpDir = RemoveBackSlashes(pDir); if (!ExistFileDir(m_sDebugDumpDir)) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::CDebugDump(): "+m_sDebugDumpDir+" does not exist."); } Lock(); m_bOpened = true; } bool CDebugDump::Exist(const std::string& pPath) { std::string fullPath = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + pPath; return ExistFileDir(fullPath); } static bool ExistFileDir(const std::string& pPath) { struct stat buf; if (stat(pPath.c_str(), &buf) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) || S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) { return true; } } return false; } bool CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(const std::string& pLockFile, const std::string& pPID) { int fd = open(pLockFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0640); if (fd == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): cannot create lock file"); } fd = open(pLockFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): cannot get lock status"); } char pid[PID_STR_MAX + 1]; int r = read(fd, pid, sizeof(pid) - 1); if (r == -1) { close(fd); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): cannot get a pid"); } pid[r] = '\0'; if (pid == pPID) { close(fd); m_bUnlock = false; comm_layer_inner_debug("Lock file '"+pLockFile+"' is locked by same process"); return true; } if (lockf(fd, F_TEST, 0) == 0) { close(fd); remove(pLockFile.c_str()); Delete(); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): dead lock found"); } comm_layer_inner_debug("Lock file '"+pLockFile+"' is locked by another process"); close(fd); return false; } if (write(fd, pPID.c_str(), pPID.length()) != pPID.length()) { close(fd); remove(pLockFile.c_str()); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): cannot write a pid"); } if (lockf(fd, F_LOCK, 0) == -1) { close(fd); remove(pLockFile.c_str()); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::GetAndSetLock(): cannot get lock file"); } m_nFD = fd; m_bUnlock = true; comm_layer_inner_debug("Locking '"+pLockFile+"'..."); return true; } void CDebugDump::Lock() { std::string lockFile = m_sDebugDumpDir + ".lock"; pid_t nPID = getpid(); std::stringstream ss; ss << nPID; while (!GetAndSetLock(lockFile, ss.str())) { usleep(500000); } } void CDebugDump::UnLock() { std::string lockFile = m_sDebugDumpDir + ".lock"; if (m_bUnlock) { comm_layer_inner_debug("UnLocking '"+lockFile+"'..."); close(m_nFD); m_nFD = -1; remove(lockFile.c_str()); } } void CDebugDump::Create(const std::string& pDir, uid_t uid) { if (m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, "CDebugDump::CDebugDump(): DebugDump is already opened."); } m_sDebugDumpDir = RemoveBackSlashes(pDir); if (ExistFileDir(m_sDebugDumpDir)) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::CDebugDump(): "+m_sDebugDumpDir+" already exists."); } Lock(); m_bOpened = true; if (mkdir(m_sDebugDumpDir.c_str(), 0700) == -1) { UnLock(); m_bOpened = false; throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::Create(): Cannot create dir: " + pDir); } if (chmod(m_sDebugDumpDir.c_str(), 0700) == -1) { UnLock(); m_bOpened = false; throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::Create(): Cannot change permissions, dir: " + pDir); } struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(uid); gid_t gid = pw ? pw->pw_gid : uid; if (chown(m_sDebugDumpDir.c_str(), uid, gid) == -1) { /* if /var/cache/abrt is writable by all, _aborting_ here is not useful */ /* let's just warn */ perror_msg("can't change '%s' ownership to %u:%u", m_sDebugDumpDir.c_str(), (int)uid, (int)gid); } SaveText(FILENAME_UID, ssprintf("%u", (int)uid)); SaveKernelArchitectureRelease(); SaveTime(); } static void DeleteFileDir(const std::string& pDir) { DIR *dir = opendir(pDir.c_str()); if (!dir) return; struct dirent *dent; while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (dot_or_dotdot(dent->d_name)) continue; std::string fullPath = pDir + "/" + dent->d_name; if (unlink(fullPath.c_str()) == -1) { if (errno != EISDIR) { closedir(dir); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_DELETE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot remove file: " + fullPath); } DeleteFileDir(fullPath); } } closedir(dir); if (remove(pDir.c_str()) == -1) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_DELETE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot remove dir: " + pDir); } } static bool IsTextFile(const std::string& pName) { magic_t m = magic_open(MAGIC_MIME_TYPE); if (m == NULL) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, std::string(__func__) + "Cannot open magic cookie: " + magic_error(m)); } int r = magic_load(m, NULL); if (r == -1) { magic_close(m); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, std::string(__func__) + "Cannot load magic db: " + magic_error(m)); } char* ch = (char *) magic_file(m, pName.c_str()); if (ch == NULL) { magic_close(m); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_ERROR, std::string(__func__) + "Cannot determine file type: " + magic_error(m)); } bool isText = (strncmp(ch, "text", 4) == 0); magic_close(m); return isText; } static std::string RemoveBackSlashes(const std::string& pDir) { std::string ret = pDir; while (ret[ret.length() - 1] == '/') { ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length() - 2); } return ret; } void CDebugDump::Delete() { if (!ExistFileDir(m_sDebugDumpDir)) { return; } DeleteFileDir(m_sDebugDumpDir); } void CDebugDump::Close() { UnLock(); m_bOpened = false; } void CDebugDump::SaveKernelArchitectureRelease() { struct utsname buf; if (uname(&buf) == 0) { SaveText(FILENAME_KERNEL, buf.release); SaveText(FILENAME_ARCHITECTURE, buf.machine); } std::string release; LoadTextFile("/etc/redhat-release", release); SaveText(FILENAME_RELEASE, release); } void CDebugDump::SaveTime() { std::stringstream ss; time_t t = time(NULL); ss << t; SaveText(FILENAME_TIME, ss.str()); } static void LoadTextFile(const std::string& pPath, std::string& pData) { std::ifstream fIn; pData = ""; fIn.open(pPath.c_str()); if (fIn.is_open()) { // TODO: rewrite this int ch; while ((ch = fIn.get())!= EOF) { if (ch == 0) { pData += " "; } else if (isspace(ch) || (isascii(ch) && !iscntrl(ch))) { pData += ch; } } fIn.close(); } else { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_LOAD, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot open file " + pPath); } } static void LoadBinaryFile(const std::string& pPath, char** pData, unsigned int* pSize) { std::ifstream fIn; fIn.open(pPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); unsigned int size; if (fIn.is_open()) { size = fIn.tellg(); char *data = new char [size]; fIn.read(data, size); *pData = data; *pSize = size; fIn.close(); } else { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_LOAD, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot open file " + pPath); } } static void SaveTextFile(const std::string& pPath, const std::string& pData) { std::ofstream fOut; fOut.open(pPath.c_str()); if (fOut.is_open()) { fOut << pData; if (!fOut.good()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_SAVE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot save file " + pPath); } fOut.close(); } else { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_SAVE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot open file " + pPath); } } static void SaveBinaryFile(const std::string& pPath, const char* pData, const unsigned pSize) { std::ofstream fOut; fOut.open(pPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (fOut.is_open()) { fOut.write(pData, pSize); if (!fOut.good()) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_SAVE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot save file " + pPath); } fOut.close(); } else { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_SAVE, std::string(__func__) + ": Cannot open file " + pPath); } } void CDebugDump::LoadText(const std::string& pName, std::string& pData) { if (!m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::LoadText(): DebugDump is not opened."); } std::string fullPath = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + pName; LoadTextFile(fullPath, pData); } void CDebugDump::LoadBinary(const std::string& pName, char** pData, unsigned int* pSize) { if (!m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::LoadBinary(): DebugDump is not opened."); } std::string fullPath = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + pName; LoadBinaryFile(fullPath, pData, pSize); } void CDebugDump::SaveText(const std::string& pName, const std::string& pData) { if (!m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::SaveText(): DebugDump is not opened."); } std::string fullPath = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + pName; SaveTextFile(fullPath, pData); } void CDebugDump::SaveBinary(const std::string& pName, const char* pData, const unsigned int pSize) { if (!m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::SaveBinary(): DebugDump is not opened."); } std::string fullPath = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + pName; SaveBinaryFile(fullPath, pData, pSize); } void CDebugDump::InitGetNextFile() { if (!m_bOpened) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::InitGetNextFile(): DebugDump is not opened."); } if (m_pGetNextFileDir != NULL) { closedir(m_pGetNextFileDir); m_pGetNextFileDir= NULL; } m_pGetNextFileDir = opendir(m_sDebugDumpDir.c_str()); if (m_pGetNextFileDir == NULL) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_DD_OPEN, "CDebugDump::InitGetNextFile(): Cannot open dir " + m_sDebugDumpDir); } } bool CDebugDump::GetNextFile(std::string& pFileName, std::string& pContent, bool& pIsTextFile) { struct dirent *dent; if (m_pGetNextFileDir == NULL) { return false; } while ((dent = readdir(m_pGetNextFileDir)) != NULL) { struct stat statbuf; std::string fullname = m_sDebugDumpDir + "/" + dent->d_name; /* some filesystems do not report the type! they report DT_UNKNOWN */ if (dent->d_type == DT_REG || (dent->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN && lstat(fullname.c_str(), &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ) ) { pFileName = dent->d_name; if (IsTextFile(fullname)) { LoadText(pFileName, pContent); pIsTextFile = true; } else { pContent = ""; pIsTextFile = false; } return true; } } return false; }