.TH abrt "7" "1 Jun 2009" "" .SH NAME KerneloopsReporter plugin for abrt(8) .SH DESCRIPTION .P .I abrt is a daemon which watches for application crashes. When a crash occurs, it collects the crash data and performs some actions according to the configuration. This manual page describes the \fIKerneloopsReporter\fP plugin for \fIabrt\fP. .P This plugin is used to report the crash to the Kerneloops tracker. .SH INVOCATION The plugin is invoked in the \fIabrt.conf\fP configuration file. No parameters are necessary. .SH CONFIGURATION The \fIKerneloopsReporter.conf\fP configuration file contains one entry: .SS SubmitURL The URL of the kerneloops tracker, the default is .br SubmitURL = http://submit.kerneloops.org/submitoops.php .SH EXAMPLES .P This is a snippet from the \fIabrt.conf\fP configuration file. Each time a kernel oops is detected, run KerneloopsReporter: .P [common] .br ActionsAndReporters = Kerneloops, KerneloopsReporter .br [AnalyzerActionsAndReporters] .br Kerneloops = KerneloopsReporter .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR abrt (8), .IR abrt.conf (5), .IR abrt-plugins (7) .SH AUTHOR Written by Anton Arapov . Manual page by Daniel Novotny .