#include "abrtlib.h" #include "abrt_xmlrpc.h" #include "Catcut.h" #include "CrashTypes.h" #include "DebugDump.h" #include "ABRTException.h" #include "CommLayerInner.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif using namespace std; static int put_stream(const char *pURL, FILE* f, off_t content_length) { CURL* curl = xcurl_easy_init(); /* enable uploading */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L); /* specify target */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, pURL); /* file handle: passed to the default callback, it will fread() it */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, f); /* file size */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, (curl_off_t)content_length); /* everything is done here; result 0 means success */ int result = curl_easy_perform(curl); /* goodbye */ curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return result; } static void send_string(const char *pURL, const char *pContent, int retryCount, int retryDelaySeconds) { if (pURL[0] == '\0') { error_msg(_("send_string: URL not specified")); return; } size_t content_length = strlen(pContent); while (1) { FILE* f = fmemopen((void*)pContent, content_length, "r"); if (!f) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "send_string: can't open string stream"); } int result = put_stream(pURL, f, content_length); fclose(f); if (result == 0) return; update_client(_("Sending failed, try it again: %s"), curl_easy_strerror((CURLcode)result)); if (--retryCount <= 0) break; /* retry the upload if not succesful, wait a bit before next try */ sleep(retryDelaySeconds); } throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "send_string: can't send string"); } static void send_file(const char *pURL, const char *pFilename, int retryCount, int retryDelaySeconds) { if (pURL[0] == '\0') { error_msg(_("send_file: URL not specified")); return; } update_client(_("Sending file %s to %s"), pFilename, pURL); while (1) { FILE* f = fopen(pFilename, "r"); if (!f) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "send_file: can't open string stream"); } struct stat buf; fstat(fileno(f), &buf); /* can't fail */ int result = put_stream(pURL, f, buf.st_size); fclose(f); if (result == 0) return; update_client(_("Sending failed, try it again: %s"), curl_easy_strerror((CURLcode)result)); if (--retryCount <= 0) break; /* retry the upload if not succesful, wait a bit before next try */ sleep(retryDelaySeconds); } throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "send_file: can't send file"); } static string resolve_relative_url(const char *url, const char *base) { // if 'url' is relative (not absolute) combine it with 'base' // (which must be absolute) // Only works in limited cases: // 0) url is already absolute // 1) url starts with two slashes // 2) url starts with one slash const char *colon = strchr(url, ':'); const char *slash = strchr(url, '/'); if (colon && (!slash || colon < slash)) { return url; } const char *end_of_protocol = strchr(base, ':'); //TODO: why is this safe?!! string protocol(base, end_of_protocol - base); end_of_protocol += 3; /* skip "://" */ const char *end_of_host = strchr(end_of_protocol, '/'); string host(end_of_protocol, end_of_host - end_of_protocol); if (url[0] == '/') { if (url[1] == '/') { protocol += ':'; protocol += url; return protocol; } protocol += "://"; protocol += host; protocol += url; return protocol; } throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "resolve_relative_url: unhandled relative url"); } // // struct_find_XXXX // abstract all the busy work of getting a field's value from // a struct. XXXX is a type. // Return true/false = the field is in the struct // If true, return the field's value in 'value'. // // This function currently just assumes that the value in the // field can be read into the type of 'value'. This should probably // be fixed to either convert the fields value to the type of 'value' // or error specifically/usefully. // // This function probably should be converted to an overloaded function // (overloaded on the type of 'value'). It could also be a function // template. // static bool struct_find_int(xmlrpc_env* env, xmlrpc_value* result, const char* fieldName, int& value) { xmlrpc_value* an_xmlrpc_value; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(env, result, fieldName, &an_xmlrpc_value); if (env->fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(env); if (an_xmlrpc_value) { xmlrpc_read_int(env, an_xmlrpc_value, &value); if (env->fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(env); xmlrpc_DECREF(an_xmlrpc_value); return true; } return false; } static bool struct_find_string(xmlrpc_env* env, xmlrpc_value* result, const char* fieldName, string& value) { xmlrpc_value* an_xmlrpc_value; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(env, result, fieldName, &an_xmlrpc_value); if (env->fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(env); if (an_xmlrpc_value) { const char* value_s; xmlrpc_read_string(env, an_xmlrpc_value, &value_s); if (env->fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(env); value = value_s; xmlrpc_DECREF(an_xmlrpc_value); free((void*)value_s); return true; } return false; } /* * Static namespace for xmlrpc stuff. * Used mainly to ensure we always destroy xmlrpc client and server_info. */ namespace { struct ctx: public abrt_xmlrpc_conn { ctx(const char* url, bool no_ssl_verify): abrt_xmlrpc_conn(url, no_ssl_verify) {} string login(const char* login, const char* passwd); string new_bug(const char *auth_cookie, const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData); string request_upload(const char* auth_cookie, const char* pTicketName, const char* fileName, const char* description); void add_attachments(const char* xmlrpc_URL, const char* auth_cookie, const char* pTicketName, const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData, int retryCount, int retryDelaySeconds); }; string ctx::login(const char* login, const char* passwd) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); xmlrpc_value* param = xmlrpc_build_value(&env, "(ss)", login, passwd); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_value* result; xmlrpc_client_call2(&env, m_pClient, m_pServer_info, "Catcut.auth", param, &result); xmlrpc_DECREF(param); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_value *cookie_xml; const char *cookie; string cookie_str; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(&env, result, "cookie", &cookie_xml); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_read_string(&env, cookie_xml, &cookie); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); cookie_str = cookie; /* xmlrpc_read_string returns *malloc'ed ptr*. * doc is not very clear on it, but I looked in xmlrpc sources. */ free((void*)cookie); xmlrpc_DECREF(cookie_xml); xmlrpc_DECREF(result); return cookie_str; } string ctx::new_bug(const char *auth_cookie, const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); const string& package = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, FILENAME_PACKAGE); const string& component = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, FILENAME_COMPONENT); const string& release = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, FILENAME_RELEASE); const string& arch = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, FILENAME_ARCHITECTURE); const string& uuid = get_crash_data_item_content(pCrashData, CD_DUPHASH); string summary = "[abrt] crash in " + package; string status_whiteboard = "abrt_hash:" + uuid; string description = make_description_catcut(pCrashData); string product; string version; parse_release(release.c_str(), product, version); xmlrpc_value *param = xmlrpc_build_value(&env, "(s{s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s,s:s})", auth_cookie, "product", product.c_str(), "component", component.c_str(), "version", version.c_str(), "summary", summary.c_str(), "description", description.c_str(), "status_whiteboard", status_whiteboard.c_str(), "platform", arch.c_str() ); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_value *result; xmlrpc_client_call2(&env, m_pClient, m_pServer_info, "Catcut.createTicket", param, &result); xmlrpc_DECREF(param); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_value *bug_id_xml; const char *bug_id; string bug_id_str; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(&env, result, "ticket", &bug_id_xml); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_read_string(&env, bug_id_xml, &bug_id); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); bug_id_str = bug_id; log("New bug id: %s", bug_id); update_client(_("New bug id: %s"), bug_id); free((void*)bug_id); xmlrpc_DECREF(bug_id_xml); xmlrpc_DECREF(result); return bug_id_str; } string ctx::request_upload(const char* auth_cookie, const char* pTicketName, const char* fileName, const char* description) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); xmlrpc_value* param = xmlrpc_build_value(&env, "(ssss)", auth_cookie, pTicketName, fileName, description); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); xmlrpc_value* result = NULL; xmlrpc_client_call2(&env, m_pClient, m_pServer_info, "Catcut.requestUpload", param, &result); xmlrpc_DECREF(param); if (env.fault_occurred) throw_xml_fault(&env); string URL; bool has_URL = struct_find_string(&env, result, "uri", URL); if (!has_URL || URL == "") { int err; bool has_errno = struct_find_int(&env, result, "errno", err); if (has_errno && err) { string errmsg; bool has_errmsg = struct_find_string(&env, result, "errmsg", errmsg); if (has_errmsg) { log("error returned by requestUpload: %s", errmsg.c_str()); update_client(_("error returned by requestUpload: %s"), errmsg.c_str()); } else { log("error returned by requestUpload: %d", err); update_client(_("error returned by requestUpload: %d"), err); } } else { log("no URL returned by requestUpload, and no err"); update_client(_("no URL returned by requestUpload, and no errno")); } } log("requestUpload returned URL: %s", URL.c_str()); update_client(_("requestUpload returned URL: %s"), URL.c_str()); xmlrpc_DECREF(result); return URL; } void ctx::add_attachments(const char* xmlrpc_URL, const char* auth_cookie, const char* pTicketName, const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData, int retryCount, int retryDelaySeconds) { map_crash_data_t::const_iterator it = pCrashData.begin(); for (; it != pCrashData.end(); it++) { if (it->second[CD_TYPE] == CD_TXT && it->second[CD_TYPE].size() > CD_TEXT_ATT_SIZE) { update_client(_("Attaching (text): %s"), it->first.c_str()); string description = "File: " + it->first; string URL = request_upload(auth_cookie, pTicketName, it->first.c_str(), description.c_str()); URL = resolve_relative_url(URL.c_str(), xmlrpc_URL); log("rebased URL: %s", URL.c_str()); update_client(_("rebased URL: %s"), URL.c_str()); send_string(URL.c_str(), it->second[CD_CONTENT].c_str(), retryCount, retryDelaySeconds); } else if (it->second[CD_TYPE] == CD_BIN) { update_client(_("Attaching binary: %s"), it->first.c_str()); string description = "File: " + it->first; string URL = request_upload(auth_cookie, pTicketName, it->first.c_str(), description.c_str()); URL = resolve_relative_url(URL.c_str(), xmlrpc_URL); log("rebased URL: %s", URL.c_str()); update_client(_("rebased URL: %s"), URL.c_str()); send_file(URL.c_str(), it->second[CD_CONTENT].c_str(), retryCount, retryDelaySeconds); } } } } /* namespace */ /* * CReporterCatcut */ CReporterCatcut::CReporterCatcut() : m_sCatcutURL(""), m_bNoSSLVerify(false), m_nRetryCount(3), m_nRetryDelay(20) {} CReporterCatcut::~CReporterCatcut() {} string CReporterCatcut::Report(const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData, const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings, const char *pArgs) { update_client(_("Creating new bug...")); try { ctx catcut_server(m_sCatcutURL.c_str(), m_bNoSSLVerify); string auth_cookie = catcut_server.login(m_sLogin.c_str(), m_sPassword.c_str()); string message; if (auth_cookie != "") { string ticket_name = catcut_server.new_bug(auth_cookie.c_str(), pCrashData); if (ticket_name != "") { catcut_server.add_attachments( m_sCatcutURL.c_str(), auth_cookie.c_str(), ticket_name.c_str(), pCrashData, m_nRetryCount, m_nRetryDelay ); message = "New catcut bug ID: " + ticket_name; } else { message = "Error: can't create ticket"; } } else { message = "Error: can't create ticket"; } return message; } catch (CABRTException& e) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, e.what()); } } void CReporterCatcut::SetSettings(const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { m_pSettings = pSettings; map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator end = pSettings.end(); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it; it = pSettings.find("CatcutURL"); if (it != end) { m_sCatcutURL = it->second; } it = pSettings.find("Login"); if (it != end) { m_sLogin = it->second; } it = pSettings.find("Password"); if (it != end) { m_sPassword = it->second; } it = pSettings.find("NoSSLVerify"); if (it != end) { m_bNoSSLVerify = string_to_bool(it->second.c_str()); } it = pSettings.find("RetryCount"); if (it != end) { m_nRetryCount = xatoi_u(it->second.c_str()); } it = pSettings.find("RetryDelay"); if (it != end) { m_nRetryDelay = xatoi_u(it->second.c_str()); } } PLUGIN_INFO(REPORTER, CReporterCatcut, "Catcut", "0.0.1", "Reports bugs to catcut", "dvlasenk@redhat.com", "https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki", PLUGINS_LIB_DIR"/Catcut.GTKBuilder");