/* CCpp.cpp Copyright (C) 2009 Zdenek Prikryl (zprikryl@redhat.com) Copyright (C) 2009 RedHat inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "abrtlib.h" #include "CCpp.h" #include "ABRTException.h" #include "DebugDump.h" #include "CommLayerInner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CORE_PATTERN_IFACE "/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern" #define CORE_PATTERN "|"CCPP_HOOK_PATH" "DEBUG_DUMPS_DIR" %p %s %u" #define FILENAME_COREDUMP "coredump" #define FILENAME_BACKTRACE "backtrace" #define FILENAME_MEMORYMAP "memorymap" static pid_t ExecVP(const char* pCommand, char* const pArgs[], uid_t uid, std::string& pOutput); CAnalyzerCCpp::CAnalyzerCCpp() : m_bMemoryMap(false), m_bInstallDebuginfo(true) {} static std::string CreateHash(const std::string& pInput) { std::string ret = ""; HASHContext* hc; unsigned char hash[SHA1_LENGTH]; unsigned int len; hc = HASH_Create(HASH_AlgSHA1); if (!hc) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CAnalyzerCCpp::CreateHash(): cannot initialize hash."); } HASH_Begin(hc); HASH_Update(hc, reinterpret_cast(pInput.c_str()), pInput.length()); HASH_End(hc, hash, &len, sizeof(hash)); HASH_Destroy(hc); char hash_str[SHA1_LENGTH*2 + 1]; char *d = hash_str; unsigned char *s = hash; while (len) { *d++ = "0123456789abcdef"[*s >> 4]; *d++ = "0123456789abcdef"[*s & 0xf]; s++; len--; } *d = '\0'; return hash_str; } static void InstallDebugInfos(const std::string& pPackage) { update_client(_("Searching for debug-info packages...")); std::string packageName = pPackage.substr(0, pPackage.rfind("-", pPackage.rfind("-")-1)); char buff[1024]; int pipein[2], pipeout[2]; pid_t child; xpipe(pipein); xpipe(pipeout); child = fork(); if (child < 0) { close(pipein[0]); close(pipeout[0]); close(pipein[1]); close(pipeout[1]); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CAnalyzerCCpp::InstallDebugInfos(): fork failed."); } if (child == 0) { close(pipein[1]); close(pipeout[0]); xmove_fd(pipein[0], STDIN_FILENO); xmove_fd(pipeout[1], STDOUT_FILENO); /* Not a good idea, we won't see any error messages */ /*close(STDERR_FILENO);*/ setsid(); execlp("debuginfo-install", "debuginfo-install", "-y", "--", pPackage.c_str(), NULL); exit(0); } close(pipein[0]); close(pipeout[1]); /* Should not be needed (we use -y option), but just in case: */ safe_write(pipein[1], "y\n", sizeof("y\n")-1); close(pipein[1]); update_client(_("Downloading and installing debug-info packages...")); FILE *pipeout_fp = fdopen(pipeout[0], "r"); if (pipeout_fp == NULL) /* never happens */ { close(pipeout[0]); wait(NULL); return; } /* glx-utils, for example, do not have glx-utils-debuginfo package. * Disabled code was causing failures in backtrace decoding. * This does not seem to be useful. */ #ifdef COMPLAIN_IF_NO_DEBUGINFO bool already_installed = false; #endif while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), pipeout_fp)) { int last = strlen(buff) - 1; if (last >= 0 && buff[last] == '\n') buff[last] = '\0'; /* log(buff); - update_client logs it too */ update_client(buff); /* maybe only if buff != ""? */ #ifdef COMPLAIN_IF_NO_DEBUGINFO if (already_installed == false) { /* "Package foo-debuginfo-1.2-5.ARCH already installed and latest version" */ char* pn = strstr(buff, packageName.c_str()); if (pn) { char* already_str = strstr(pn, "already installed and latest version"); if (already_str) { already_installed = true; } } } if (already_installed == false && (strstr(buff, "No debuginfo packages available to install") != NULL || strstr(buff, "Could not find debuginfo for main pkg") != NULL || strstr(buff, "Could not find debuginfo pkg for dependency package") != NULL)) { fclose(pipeout_fp); kill(child, SIGTERM); wait(NULL); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, std::string(__func__) + ": cannot install debuginfos for " + pPackage); } #endif } fclose(pipeout_fp); wait(NULL); } static void GetBacktrace(const std::string& pDebugDumpDir, std::string& pBacktrace) { update_client(_("Getting backtrace...")); std::string tmpFile = "/tmp/" + pDebugDumpDir.substr(pDebugDumpDir.rfind("/")); std::ofstream fTmp; std::string UID; fTmp.open(tmpFile.c_str()); if (fTmp.is_open()) { std::string executable; CDebugDump dd; dd.Open(pDebugDumpDir); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_EXECUTABLE, executable); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_UID, UID); dd.Close(); fTmp << "file " << executable << std::endl; fTmp << "core " << pDebugDumpDir << "/" << FILENAME_COREDUMP << std::endl; fTmp << "thread apply all backtrace full" << std::endl; fTmp << "q" << std::endl; fTmp.close(); } else { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, "CAnalyzerCCpp::GetBacktrace(): cannot create gdb script " + tmpFile); } char* command = (char*)"gdb"; char* args[5] = { (char*)"gdb", (char*)"-batch", (char*)"-x", NULL, NULL }; args[3] = (char*) tmpFile.c_str(); ExecVP(command, args, atoi(UID.c_str()), pBacktrace); } static void GetIndependentBacktrace(const std::string& pBacktrace, std::string& pIndependentBacktrace) { int ii = 0; std::string line; std::string header; bool in_bracket = false; bool in_quote = false; bool in_header = false; bool in_digit = false; bool has_at = false; bool has_filename = false; bool has_bracket = false; std::set set_headers; while (ii < pBacktrace.length()) { if (pBacktrace[ii] == '#' && !in_quote) { if (in_header && !has_filename) { header = ""; } in_header = true; } if (in_header) { if (isdigit(pBacktrace[ii]) && !in_quote && !has_at) { in_digit = true; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == '\\' && pBacktrace[ii + 1] == '\"') { ii++; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == '\"') { in_quote = in_quote == true ? false : true; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == '(' && !in_quote) { in_bracket = true; in_digit = false; header += '('; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == ')' && !in_quote) { in_bracket = false; has_bracket = true; in_digit = false; header += ')'; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == '\n' && has_filename) { set_headers.insert(header); in_bracket = false; in_quote = false; in_header = false; in_digit = false; has_at = false; has_filename = false; has_bracket = false; header = ""; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == ',' && !in_quote) { in_digit = false; } else if (isspace(pBacktrace[ii]) && !in_quote) { in_digit = false; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == 'a' && pBacktrace[ii + 1] == 't' && has_bracket && !in_quote) { has_at = true; header += 'a'; } else if (pBacktrace[ii] == ':' && has_at && isdigit(pBacktrace[ii + 1]) && !in_quote) { has_filename = true; } else if (in_header && !in_digit && !in_quote && !in_bracket) { header += pBacktrace[ii]; } } ii++; } pIndependentBacktrace = ""; std::set::iterator it; for (it = set_headers.begin(); it != set_headers.end(); it++) { pIndependentBacktrace += *it; } } static void GetIndependentBuildIdPC(const std::string& pBuildIdPC, std::string& pIndependentBuildIdPC) { int ii = 0; while (ii < pBuildIdPC.length()) { std::string line = ""; int jj = 0; while (pBuildIdPC[ii] != '\n' && ii < pBuildIdPC.length()) { line += pBuildIdPC[ii]; ii++; } while (line[jj] != '+' && jj < line.length()) { jj++; } jj++; while (line[jj] != '@' && jj < line.length()) { if (!isspace(line[jj])) { pIndependentBuildIdPC += line[jj]; } jj++; } ii++; } } static pid_t ExecVP(const char* pCommand, char* const pArgs[], uid_t uid, std::string& pOutput) { int pipeout[2]; char buff[1024]; pid_t child; struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(uid); if (!pw) { throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, std::string(__func__) + ": cannot get GID for UID."); } xpipe(pipeout); child = fork(); if (child == -1) { close(pipeout[0]); close(pipeout[1]); throw CABRTException(EXCEP_PLUGIN, std::string(__func__) + ": fork failed."); } if (child == 0) { close(pipeout[0]); /* read side of the pipe */ if (pipeout[1] != STDOUT_FILENO) { dup2(pipeout[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pipeout[1]); } /* Make sure stdin is safely open to nothing */ close(STDIN_FILENO); if (open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY)) if (open("/", O_RDONLY)) abort(); /* never happens */ /* Not a good idea, we won't see any error messages */ /* close(STDERR_FILENO); */ setgroups(1, &pw->pw_gid); setregid(pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid); setreuid(uid, uid); setsid(); execvp(pCommand, pArgs); exit(0); } close(pipeout[1]); /* write side of the pipe */ /* bool quit = false; while (!quit) { fd_set rsfd; FD_ZERO(&rsfd); FD_SET(pipeout[0], &rsfd); struct timeval delay; delay.tv_sec = 1; delay.tv_usec = 0; if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &rsfd, NULL, NULL, &delay) > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(pipeout[0], &rsfd)) { int r = read(pipeout[0], buff, sizeof(buff) - 1); if (r <= 0) { quit = true; } else { buff[r] = '\0'; pOutput += buff; } } } } I think the below code has absolutely the same effect: */ int r; while ((r = read(pipeout[0], buff, sizeof(buff) - 1)) > 0) { buff[r] = '\0'; pOutput += buff; } close(pipeout[0]); wait(NULL); /* why? */ return 0; } std::string CAnalyzerCCpp::GetLocalUUID(const std::string& pDebugDumpDir) { update_client(_("Getting local universal unique identification...")); std::string UID; std::string executable; std::string package; std::string buildIdPC; std::string independentBuildIdPC; std::string core = "--core=" + pDebugDumpDir + "/"FILENAME_COREDUMP; char* command = (char*)"eu-unstrip"; char* args[4] = { (char*)"eu-unstrip", NULL, (char*)"-n", NULL }; args[1] = (char*)core.c_str(); CDebugDump dd; dd.Open(pDebugDumpDir); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_UID, UID); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_EXECUTABLE, executable); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_PACKAGE, package); ExecVP(command, args, atoi(UID.c_str()), buildIdPC); dd.Close(); GetIndependentBuildIdPC(buildIdPC, independentBuildIdPC); return CreateHash(package + executable + independentBuildIdPC); } std::string CAnalyzerCCpp::GetGlobalUUID(const std::string& pDebugDumpDir) { update_client(_("Getting global universal unique identification...")); std::string backtrace; std::string executable; std::string package; std::string independentBacktrace; CDebugDump dd; dd.Open(pDebugDumpDir); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_BACKTRACE, backtrace); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_EXECUTABLE, executable); dd.LoadText(FILENAME_PACKAGE, package); dd.Close(); GetIndependentBacktrace(backtrace, independentBacktrace); return CreateHash(package + executable + independentBacktrace); } void CAnalyzerCCpp::CreateReport(const std::string& pDebugDumpDir) { update_client(_("Starting report creation...")); std::string package; std::string backtrace; CDebugDump dd; dd.Open(pDebugDumpDir); if (dd.Exist(FILENAME_BACKTRACE)) { dd.Close(); return; } dd.LoadText(FILENAME_PACKAGE, package); dd.Close(); map_plugin_settings_t settings = GetSettings(); if (settings["InstallDebuginfo"] == "yes") { InstallDebugInfos(package); } else { warn_client(ssprintf(_("Skip debuginfo installation for package %s"), package.c_str())); } GetBacktrace(pDebugDumpDir, backtrace); dd.Open(pDebugDumpDir); dd.SaveText(FILENAME_BACKTRACE, backtrace); if (m_bMemoryMap) { dd.SaveText(FILENAME_MEMORYMAP, "memory map of the crashed C/C++ application, not implemented yet"); } dd.Close(); } void CAnalyzerCCpp::Init() { std::ifstream fInCorePattern; fInCorePattern.open(CORE_PATTERN_IFACE); if (fInCorePattern.is_open()) { getline(fInCorePattern, m_sOldCorePattern); fInCorePattern.close(); } if (m_sOldCorePattern[0] == '|') { if (m_sOldCorePattern == CORE_PATTERN) { log("warning: %s already contains %s, " "did abrt daemon crash recently?", CORE_PATTERN_IFACE, CORE_PATTERN); /* There is no point in "restoring" CORE_PATTERN_IFACE * to CORE_PATTERN on exit. Will restore to a default value: */ m_sOldCorePattern = "core"; } else { log("warning: %s was already set to run a crash analyser (%s), " "abrt may interfere with it", CORE_PATTERN_IFACE, CORE_PATTERN); } } std::ofstream fOutCorePattern; fOutCorePattern.open(CORE_PATTERN_IFACE); if (fOutCorePattern.is_open()) { fOutCorePattern << CORE_PATTERN << std::endl; fOutCorePattern.close(); } } void CAnalyzerCCpp::DeInit() { std::ofstream fOutCorePattern; fOutCorePattern.open(CORE_PATTERN_IFACE); if (fOutCorePattern.is_open()) { fOutCorePattern << m_sOldCorePattern << std::endl; fOutCorePattern.close(); } } void CAnalyzerCCpp::SetSettings(const map_plugin_settings_t& pSettings) { map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator end = pSettings.end(); map_plugin_settings_t::const_iterator it = pSettings.find("MemoryMap"); if (it != end) { m_bMemoryMap = it->second == "yes"; } it = pSettings.find("DebugInfo"); if (it != end) { m_sDebugInfo = it->second; } it = pSettings.find("InstallDebuginfo"); if (it != end) { m_bInstallDebuginfo = it->second == "yes"; } } map_plugin_settings_t CAnalyzerCCpp::GetSettings() { map_plugin_settings_t ret; ret["MemoryMap"] = m_bMemoryMap ? "yes" : "no"; ret["DebugInfo"] = m_sDebugInfo; ret["InstallDebuginfo"] = m_bInstallDebuginfo ? "yes" : "no"; return ret; } PLUGIN_INFO(ANALYZER, CAnalyzerCCpp, "CCpp", "0.0.1", "Simple C/C++ analyzer plugin.", "zprikryl@redhat.com", "https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/wiki", "");