Planned changes to crash_data and dump_dir structures Time field(s) Need to add CD_FLAG_UNIXTIME bit for struct crash_item's flags field. It should be set on cd["time"] item when we do cd = call create_crash_data_from_dump_dir(dd); Note that later we may add other elements beside "time" which contain unix time. Need to add a function which formats time elements for printing. Something like this: const char *printable_form_of_crash_item(const char *content, unsigned flags); For most fields it should return them as-is, for CD_FLAG_UNIXTIME fields it should return malloced "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" string. Later, if/when we will get more CD_FLAG_FOO flags, some of them also may need special formatting, and this function can deal with them too. [Implementation note: use the following trick to avoid needing to return malloced data (which isn't convenient for caller, it needs to free it): printable_form_of_crash_item(...) { ... if (need to use malloced string) { s = malloc_and_format_string(); static unsigned malloced_idx = 0; static char *malloced_vec[8]; malloced_idx = (malloced_idx+1) % 8; free(malloced_vec[malloced_idx]); malloced_vec[malloced_idx] = s; } else s = some_non_malloced_string; ... return s; } ] dd_load_text_ext(dd, "time", flags) may benefit from a new flag DD_LOAD_TEXT_PRINTABLE, which makes it generate printable representation of fields. Reduce amount of special-casing in the code which works with crash_data Examples: Reporters use something like this to exclude "non-interesting" fields: for (each crash_data element) { if (strcmp(short_name, FILENAME_COUNT) == 0) goto next; if (strcmp(short_name, CD_DUMPDIR) == 0) goto next; if (strcmp(short_name, FILENAME_INFORMALL) == 0) goto next; if (strcmp(short_name, FILENAME_MESSAGE) == 0) goto next; // plugin's status message (if we already reported it yesterday) ... } write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_COMMENT, _("# Describe the circumstances of this crash below")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_REPRODUCE, _("# How to reproduce the crash?")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_BACKTRACE, _("# Backtrace\n# Check that it does not contain any sensitive data (passwords, etc.)")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_DUPHASH, "# DUPHASH"); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_ARCHITECTURE, _("# Architecture")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_CMDLINE, _("# Command line")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_COMPONENT, _("# Component")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_COREDUMP, _("# Core dump")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_EXECUTABLE, _("# Executable")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_KERNEL, _("# Kernel version")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_PACKAGE, _("# Package")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_REASON, _("# Reason of crash")); write_crash_report_field(fp, report, FILENAME_OS_RELEASE, _("# Release string of the operating system")); printf(_("Dump directory: %s\n" "Last crash: %s\n" "Analyzer: %s\n" "Component: %s\n" "Package: %s\n" "Command: %s\n" "Executable: %s\n" "System: %s, kernel %s\n" "Reason: %s\n"), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, CD_DUMPDIR), timeloc, get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_ANALYZER), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_COMPONENT), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_PACKAGE), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_CMDLINE), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_EXECUTABLE), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_OS_RELEASE), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_KERNEL), get_crash_item_content_or_die(crash_data, FILENAME_REASON) ); Can it be done better, so that we dont need to rewrite each of these places every time we add a new field? "log" element Currently, we only save last reporter's message into "message" element. Is there a value in replacing/extending this functionality with multi-line, timestamped log saved in dump dir? Something along the lines of: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss is output lines of run_event_on_FOO() calls. One special case is when reporter exits (or dies from signal like SIGSEGV) without producing any output. In this case, we ourself may generate a message like "abrt-action-bugzilla: killed byu SIGSEGV". is a failure indicator. We already consider last line logged from event processing as its success/failure message, but we don't save success/failure status per se. is this place. In the most simple case it may be a '+' or '-' char, or space for non-final log messages. In order to not overflow the log, I propose to delete oldest lines when we reach, say, 10000 lines (which limits it to ~100k).