This document describes how to create your own plugin for abrt. Although a base abstract class CPlugin exists, you can't inherit directly from it. You must use one of the four subclasses, depending on what you want your plugin to do. The subclasses are: * Action plugin (CAction) * Analyzer plugin (CAnalyzer) * Reporter plugin (CReporter) * Database plugin (CDatabase) Each of them requires you to override a different set of methods. The pDebugDumpDir parameter is very common: it specifies the directory that is created to gather information of this specific crash. The files that were created when the application crashed (such as core dumps) are all stored here. In addition, the plugins can write their output files there, if any. Plugin types in detail: Analyzer Plugin --------------- Crashes differ, depending on where they occur, for example crashes in the kernel differ from crashes in userspace binaries, which differ from crashes in python scripts. Therefore, there is a plugin for each type of application that you want abrt to handle. You have to override these methods: virtual std::string GetLocalUUID(const char *pDebugDumpPath); - This method is invoked immediately after crash is detected and its data is saved by the corresponding hook. It needs to compute an unique hash (UUID) of the crash. When a crash occurs and abrt finds an earlier crash with the same UUID, new crash is discarded as a duplicate, it doesn't show up in abrt's crash list, but instead a crash count for the earlier crash is incremented. virtual void CreateReport(const char *pDebugDumpDir, int force) - This method is called when user wants to report a crash ([Reoprt] button in GUI, etc). Analyzer can perform additional, more CPU/disk intensive, or interactive processing at this point. For example, CCpp plugin's CreateReport() processes coredump file, produces a textual backtrace, and saves it to crash dump directory. virtual std::string GetGlobalUUID(const char *pDebugDumpPath); - This method computes a "duplicate hash" which is used search for duplicates in remote bug databases such as Bugzilla. They are "less unique" than LocalUUIDs: ideally, the same crash on different architecture or with slightly different backtrace will still have the same GlobalUUID. [TODO: renaming it to DUPHASH] Action Plugin ------------- This type of plugin is useful when you need some action to be performed. Action plugins can be invoked in three ways: * Immediately when a crash is encountered (using ActionsAndReporters = ... directive in abrt.conf). These action plugins are run on every crash (regardless of crash type). * After Analyzer plugin processed a crash (by specifying plugin in [AnalyzerActionsAndReporters] section, for example: "CCpp = AnActionPlugin"). In this case, action plugin's Run() method will be run after analyzer plugin's CreateReport() and GetGlobalUUID() methods have finished. * If you need some action to be performed periodically ([Cron] section in the same file). You have to override one method: virtual void Run(const char *dir, const char *args); The first argument is a directory that contains the current debug dump, or all debug dumps for periodic actions. The second argument is a string with arguments (specified in config file). Reporter Plugin --------------- This plugin receives the entire finished crash report and posts/reports it somewhere (e.g. logs it, mails it, posts it on some web tool...) You have to override this method: virtual void Report(const map_crash_data_t& pCrashData, const char *pArgs); - This method takes the report and presents it somewhere to the world. The second argument is a string with arguments specified for the reporter. Database Plugin --------------- This plugin is used to store the metadata about the crash. The metadata has to be in a database, to distinguish whether the current crash is or is not the same as some crash before. The database can be local, or in some centralized location on the network. You have to override these methods: virtual void Connect(); virtual void DisConnect(); - connect and disconnect from the database virtual void Insert(const std::string& pUUID, const std::string& pUID, const std::string& pDebugDumpPath, const std::string& pTime); - insert an entry into the database: you use both UID (user ID) and UUID (ID of the crash) virtual void Delete(const std::string& pUUID, const std::string& pUID); - delete an entry virtual void SetReported(const std::string& pUUID, const std::string& pUID); - insert information into the database to say that this bug was already reported (so for example the report plugins won't run several times for the same bug) virtual const vector_database_rows_t GetUIDData(const std::string& pUID); - get database rows for the specified user ID virtual const database_row_t GetUUIDData(const std::string& pUUID, const std::string& pUID); - get a database row for the specified user ID and UUID The macro PLUGIN_INFO --------------------- Use the macro PLUGIN_INFO in the *.cpp file of your plugin so that your subclass will be properly registered and treated as a plugin. This sets up all the lower-level and administrative details to fit your class into the plugin infrastructure. The syntax is: PLUGIN_INFO(type, plugin_class, name, version, description, email, www) - "type" is one of ANALYZER, ACTION, REPORTER, or DATABASE - "plugin_class" is the identifier of the class - "name" is a string with the name of the plugin - "version" is a string with the version of the plugin - "description" is a string with the summary of what the plugin does - "email" and "www" are strings with the contact info for the author For example: PLUGIN_INFO(REPORTER, CMailx, "Mailx", "0.0.1", "Sends an email with a report via mailx command", "", "");