#!/bin/bash # Starts the abrt daemon # # chkconfig: 35 82 16 # description: Daemon to detect crashing apps # processname: abrtd ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: abrt # Required-Start: $syslog $local_fs # Required-Stop: $syslog $local_fs # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 # Default-Start: 3 5 # Short-Description: start and stop abrt daemon # Description: Listen to and dispatch crash events ### END INIT INFO # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ABRT_BIN="/usr/sbin/abrtd" LOCK="/var/lock/subsys/abrtd" RETVAL=0 # # Set these variables if you are behind proxy # #export http_proxy= #export https_proxy= # # See how we were called. # check() { # Check that we're a privileged user [ "`id -u`" = 0 ] || exit 4 # Check if abrt is executable test -x $ABRT_BIN || exit 5 } start() { check # Check if it is already running if [ ! -f $LOCK ]; then echo -n $"Starting abrt daemon: " daemon $ABRT_BIN RETVAL=$? [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $LOCK echo fi return $RETVAL } stop() { check echo -n $"Stopping abrt daemon: " killproc $ABRT_BIN RETVAL=$? [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $LOCK echo return $RETVAL } restart() { stop start } reload() { restart } case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; reload) reload ;; force-reload) echo "$0: Unimplemented feature." RETVAL=3 ;; restart) restart ;; condrestart) if [ -f $LOCK ]; then restart fi ;; status) status abrt RETVAL=$? ;; *) echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart|reload|force-reload}" RETVAL=2 esac exit $RETVAL