path: root/src/retrace/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/retrace/')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/retrace/ b/src/retrace/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..ac2db9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/retrace/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# -*- coding:utf-8;mode:python -*-
+# Gets list of packages necessary for processing of a coredump.
+# Uses eu-unstrip and yum.
+import subprocess
+import yum
+import sys
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get packages for coredump processing.')
+parser.add_argument('--repos', default='*', metavar='WILDCARD',
+ help='Yum repository wildcard to be enabled')
+parser.add_argument('coredump', help='Coredump')
+parser.add_argument('--log', metavar='FILENAME',
+ help='Store debug output to a file')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.log:
+ log = open(args.log, "w")
+ log = open("/dev/null", "w")
+# Initialize yum, enable only repositories specified via command line
+# --repos option.
+stdout = sys.stdout
+sys.stdout = log
+yumbase = yum.YumBase()
+if not yumbase.setCacheDir():
+ exit(2)
+log.write("Closing all enabled repositories...\n")
+for repo in yumbase.repos.listEnabled():
+ log.write(" - {0}\n".format(
+ repo.close()
+ yumbase.repos.disableRepo(
+log.write("Enabling repositories matching \'{0}\'...\n".format(args.repos))
+for repo in yumbase.repos.findRepos(args.repos):
+ log.write(" - {0}\n".format(
+ repo.enable()
+ repo.skip_if_unavailable = True
+yumbase.repos.populateSack(mdtype='metadata', cacheonly=1)
+yumbase.repos.populateSack(mdtype='filelists', cacheonly=1)
+sys.stdout = stdout
+# Get eu-unstrip output, which contains build-ids and binary object
+# paths
+log.write("Running eu-unstrip...\n")
+unstrip_args = ['eu-unstrip', '--core={0}'.format(args.coredump), '-n']
+unstrip_proc = subprocess.Popen(unstrip_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+unstrip = unstrip_proc.communicate()[0]
+if not unstrip:
+ exit(1)
+def binary_packages_from_debuginfo_package(debuginfo_package, binobj_path):
+ """
+ Returns a list of packages corresponding to the provided debuginfo
+ package. One of the packages in the list contains the binary
+ specified in binobj_path; this is a list because if binobj_patch
+ is not specified (and sometimes it is not, binobj_path might
+ contain just '-'), we do not know which package contains the
+ binary, we know only packages from the same SRPM as the debuginfo
+ package.
+ """
+ package_list = []
+ if binobj_path == '-': # [exe] without binary name
+ log.write(" Yum search for [exe] without binary name, "
+ "packages with NVR {0}:{1}-{2}.{3}...\n".format(debuginfo_package.epoch,
+ debuginfo_package.ver,
+ debuginfo_package.rel,
+ debuginfo_package.arch))
+ # Append all packages with the same base package name.
+ # Other possibility is to download the debuginfo RPM,
+ # unpack it, and get the name of the binary from the
+ # /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/xx/yyyyyy symlink.
+ evra_list = yumbase.pkgSack.searchNevra(epoch=debuginfo_package.epoch,
+ ver=debuginfo_package.ver,
+ rel=debuginfo_package.rel,
+ arch=debuginfo_package.arch)
+ for package in evra_list:
+ log.write(" - {0}: base name \"{1}\"\n".format(str(package), package.base_package_name))
+ if package.base_package_name != debuginfo_package.base_package_name:
+ continue
+ package_list.append(package)
+ else:
+ log.write(" Yum search for {0}...\n".format(binobj_path))
+ binobj_package_list = yumbase.pkgSack.searchFiles(binobj_path)
+ for binobj_package in binobj_package_list:
+ log.write(" - {0}".format(str(binobj_package)))
+ if 0 != binobj_package.returnEVR().compare(debuginfo_package.returnEVR()):
+ log.write(": NVR doesn't match\n")
+ continue
+ log.write(": NVR matches\n")
+ package_list.append(binobj_package)
+ return package_list
+def process_unstrip_entry(build_id, binobj_path):
+ """
+ Returns a tuple of two items.
+ First item is a list of packages which we found to be associated
+ with the unstrip entry defined by build_id and binobj_path.
+ Second item is a list of package versions (same package name,
+ different epoch-version-release), which contain the binary object
+ (an executable or shared library) corresponding to this unstrip
+ entry. If this method failed to find an unique package name (with
+ only different versions), this list contains the list of base
+ package names. This item can be used to associate a coredump with
+ some crashing package.
+ """
+ package_list = []
+ coredump_package_list = []
+ coredump_base_package_list = []
+ # Ask for a known path from debuginfo package.
+ debuginfo_path = "/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/{0}/{1}.debug".format(build_id[:2], build_id[2:])
+ log.write("Yum search for {0}...\n".format(debuginfo_path))
+ debuginfo_package_list = yumbase.pkgSack.searchFiles(debuginfo_path)
+ # A problem here is that some libraries lack debuginfo. Either
+ # they were stripped during build, or they were not stripped by
+ # /usr/lib/rpm/ because of wrong permissions or
+ # something. The proper solution is to detect such libraries and
+ # fix the packages.
+ for debuginfo_package in debuginfo_package_list:
+ log.write(" - {0}\n".format(str(debuginfo_package)))
+ package_list.append(debuginfo_package)
+ binary_packages = binary_packages_from_debuginfo_package(debuginfo_package, binobj_path)
+ coredump_base_package_list.append(debuginfo_package.base_package_name)
+ if len(binary_packages) == 1:
+ coredump_package_list.append(str(binary_packages[0]))
+ package_list.extend(binary_packages)
+ if len(coredump_package_list) == len(coredump_base_package_list):
+ return package_list, coredump_package_list
+ else:
+ return package_list, coredump_base_package_list
+def process_unstrip_output():
+ """
+ Parse the eu-unstrip output, and search for packages via yum.
+ Returns a tuple containing three items:
+ - a list of package objects
+ - a list of missing buildid entries
+ - a list of coredump package adepts
+ """
+ # List of packages found in yum repositories and matching the
+ # coredump.
+ package_list = []
+ # List of pairs (library/executable path, build id) which were not
+ # found via yum.
+ missing_buildid_list = []
+ # coredump package adepts
+ coredump_package_list = []
+ first_entry = True
+ for line in unstrip.split('\n'):
+ parts = line.split()
+ if not parts or len(parts) < 3:
+ continue
+ build_id = parts[1].split('@')[0]
+ binobj_path = parts[2]
+ if binobj_path[0] != '/' and parts[4] != '[exe]':
+ continue
+ entry_package_list, entry_coredump_package_list = process_unstrip_entry(build_id, binobj_path)
+ if first_entry:
+ coredump_package_list = entry_coredump_package_list
+ first_entry = False
+ if len(entry_package_list) == 0:
+ missing_buildid_list.append([binobj_path, build_id])
+ else:
+ for entry_package in entry_package_list:
+ found = False
+ for package in package_list:
+ if str(entry_package) == str(package):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ package_list.append(entry_package)
+ return package_list, missing_buildid_list, coredump_package_list
+package_list, missing_buildid_list, coredump_package_list = process_unstrip_output()
+# The package list might contain multiple packages with the same name,
+# but different version. This happens because some binary had the same
+# build id over multiple package releases.
+def find_duplicates(package_list):
+ for p1 in range(0, len(package_list) - 1):
+ package1 = package_list[p1]
+ for p2 in range(p1 + 1, len(package_list)):
+ package2 = package_list[p2]
+ if ==
+ return package1, package2
+ return None, None
+def count_removals(package_list, base_package_name, epoch, ver, rel, arch):
+ count = 0
+ for package in package_list:
+ if package.base_package_name != base_package_name:
+ continue
+ if package.epoch != epoch or package.ver != ver or package.rel != rel or package.arch != arch:
+ continue
+ count += 1
+ return count
+log.write("Checking for duplicates...\n")
+while True:
+ package1, package2 = find_duplicates(package_list)
+ if package1 is None:
+ break
+ p1removals = count_removals(package_list,
+ package1.base_package_name,
+ package1.epoch,
+ package1.ver,
+ package1.rel,
+ package1.arch)
+ p2removals = count_removals(package_list,
+ package2.base_package_name,
+ package2.epoch,
+ package2.ver,
+ package2.rel,
+ package2.arch)
+ log.write(" - {0}".format(package1.base_package_name))
+ if package1.base_package_name != package2.base_package_name:
+ log.write(" {0}\n".format(package2.base_package_name))
+ else:
+ log.write("\n")
+ log.write(" - {0}:{1}-{2}.{3} ({4} dependent packages)\n".format(package1.epoch,
+ package1.ver,
+ package1.rel,
+ package1.arch,
+ p1removals))
+ log.write(" - {0}:{1}-{2}.{3} ({4} dependent packages)\n".format(package2.epoch,
+ package2.ver,
+ package2.rel,
+ package2.arch,
+ p2removals))
+ removal_candidate = package1
+ if p1removals == p2removals:
+ # Remove older if we can choose
+ if package1.returnEVR().compare(package2.returnEVR()) > 0:
+ removal_candidate = package2
+ log.write(" - decided to remove {0}:{1}-{2}.{3} because it's older\n".format(removal_candidate.epoch,
+ removal_candidate.ver,
+ removal_candidate.rel,
+ removal_candidate.arch))
+ else:
+ if p1removals > p2removals:
+ removal_candidate = package2
+ log.write(" - decided to remove {0}:{1}-{2}.{3} because has fewer dependencies\n".format(removal_candidate.epoch,
+ removal_candidate.ver,
+ removal_candidate.rel,
+ removal_candidate.arch))
+ # Remove the removal_candidate packages from the package list
+ for package in package_list[:]:
+ if package.base_package_name == removal_candidate.base_package_name and \
+ 0 == package.returnEVR().compare(removal_candidate.returnEVR()):
+ package_list.remove(package)
+# Clean coredump_package_list:
+for coredump_package in coredump_package_list[:]:
+ found = False
+ for package in package_list:
+ if str(package) == coredump_package or package.base_package_name == coredump_package:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ coredump_package_list.remove(coredump_package)
+# Print names of found packages first, then a newline separator, and
+# then objects for which the packages were not found.
+if len(coredump_package_list) == 1:
+ print coredump_package_list[0]
+ print "-"
+for package in sorted(package_list):
+ print str(package)
+for path, build_id in missing_buildid_list:
+ print "{0} {1}".format(path, build_id)