/* Authors: Martin Nagy * * Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LDAP_DEPRECATED 1 #include #include #include #include "str.h" #include "ldap_convert.h" #include "ldap_helper.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" /* * Consistency must be preserved in these tables. * ldap_dns_records[i] must always corespond to dns_records[i] */ const char *ldap_dns_records[] = { "ARecord", "AAAARecord", "A6Record", "NSRecord", "CNAMERecord", "PTRRecord", "SRVRecord", "TXTRecord", "MXRecord", "MDRecord", "HINFORecord", "MINFORecord", "AFSDBRecord", "SIGRecord", "KEYRecord", "LOCRecord", "NXTRecord", "NAPTRRecord", "KXRecord", "CERTRecord", "DNAMERecord", "DSRecord", "SSHFPRecord", "RRSIGRecord", "NSECRecord", NULL }; const char *dns_records[] = { "A", "AAAA", "A6", "NS", "CNAME", "PTR", "SRV", "TXT", "MX", "MD", "HINFO", "MINFO", "AFSDB", "SIG", "KEY", "LOC", "NXT", "NAPTR", "KX", "CERT", "DNAME", "DS", "SSHFP", "RRSIG", "NSEC", NULL }; static isc_result_t dn_to_text(const char *dn, ld_string_t *target); static isc_result_t explode_dn(const char *dn, char ***explodedp, int notypes); static isc_result_t explode_rdn(const char *rdn, char ***explodedp, int notypes); isc_result_t dn_to_dnsname(isc_mem_t *mctx, const char *dn, dns_name_t *target) { isc_result_t result; DECLARE_BUFFERED_NAME(name); ld_string_t *str = NULL; isc_buffer_t buffer; REQUIRE(mctx != NULL); REQUIRE(dn != NULL); INIT_BUFFERED_NAME(name); CHECK(str_new(mctx, &str)); CHECK(dn_to_text(dn, str)); str_to_isc_buffer(str, &buffer); CHECK(dns_name_fromtext(&name, &buffer, dns_rootname, 0, NULL)); cleanup: if (result != ISC_R_FAILURE) result = dns_name_dupwithoffsets(&name, mctx, target); str_destroy(&str); return result; } /* * Convert LDAP dn to DNS name. * * Example: * dn = "idnsName=foo, idnsName=bar, idnsName=example.org, cn=dns," * "dc=example, dc=org" * * The resulting string will be "foo.bar.example.org." */ static isc_result_t dn_to_text(const char *dn, ld_string_t *target) { isc_result_t result; char **exploded_dn = NULL; char **exploded_rdn = NULL; REQUIRE(dn != NULL); REQUIRE(target != NULL); result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; CHECK(explode_dn(dn, &exploded_dn, 0)); str_clear(target); for (unsigned int i = 0; exploded_dn[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strncasecmp(exploded_dn[i], "idnsName", 8) != 0) break; CHECK(explode_rdn(exploded_dn[i], &exploded_rdn, 1)); CHECK(str_cat_char(target, exploded_rdn[0])); CHECK(str_cat_char(target, ".")); ldap_value_free(exploded_rdn); exploded_rdn = NULL; } if (str_len(target) == 0) CHECK(str_init_char(target, ".")); cleanup: if (exploded_dn != NULL) ldap_value_free(exploded_dn); if (exploded_rdn != NULL) ldap_value_free(exploded_rdn); log_error("converted: %s", str_buf(target)); return result; } static isc_result_t explode_dn(const char *dn, char ***explodedp, int notypes) { char **exploded; REQUIRE(dn != NULL); REQUIRE(explodedp != NULL && *explodedp == NULL); exploded = ldap_explode_dn(dn, notypes); if (exploded == NULL) { if (errno == ENOMEM) { return ISC_R_NOMEMORY; } else { log_error("ldap_explode_dn(\"%s\") failed, " "error code %d", dn, errno); return ISC_R_FAILURE; } } *explodedp = exploded; return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } static isc_result_t explode_rdn(const char *rdn, char ***explodedp, int notypes) { char **exploded; REQUIRE(rdn != NULL); REQUIRE(explodedp != NULL && *explodedp == NULL); exploded = ldap_explode_rdn(rdn, notypes); if (exploded == NULL) { if (errno == ENOMEM) { return ISC_R_NOMEMORY; } else { log_error("ldap_explode_rdn(\"%s\") failed, " "error code %d", rdn, errno); return ISC_R_FAILURE; } } *explodedp = exploded; return ISC_R_SUCCESS; } isc_result_t dnsname_to_dn(ldap_db_t *ldap_db, dns_name_t *name, ld_string_t *target) { isc_result_t result; int label_count; const char *zone_dn = NULL; REQUIRE(ldap_db != NULL); REQUIRE(name != NULL); REQUIRE(target != NULL); /* Find the DN of the zone we belong to. */ { DECLARE_BUFFERED_NAME(zone); int dummy; unsigned int common_labels; INIT_BUFFERED_NAME(zone); CHECK(get_zone_dn(ldap_db, name, &zone_dn, &zone)); dns_name_fullcompare(name, &zone, &dummy, &common_labels); label_count = dns_name_countlabels(name) - common_labels; } str_clear(target); if (label_count > 0) { DECLARE_BUFFER(buffer, DNS_NAME_MAXTEXT); dns_name_t labels; INIT_BUFFER(buffer); dns_name_init(&labels, NULL); dns_name_getlabelsequence(name, 0, label_count, &labels); CHECK(dns_name_totext(&labels, ISC_TRUE, &buffer)); CHECK(str_cat_char(target, "idnsName=")); CHECK(str_cat_isc_buffer(target, &buffer)); CHECK(str_cat_char(target, ", ")); } CHECK(str_cat_char(target, zone_dn)); cleanup: return result; } isc_result_t ldap_record_to_rdatatype(const char *ldap_record, dns_rdatatype_t *rdtype) { isc_result_t result; unsigned i; isc_consttextregion_t region; for (i = 0; ldap_dns_records[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(ldap_record, ldap_dns_records[i])) break; } if (dns_records[i] == NULL) return ISC_R_NOTFOUND; region.base = dns_records[i]; region.length = strlen(region.base); result = dns_rdatatype_fromtext(rdtype, (isc_textregion_t *)®ion); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { log_error("dns_rdatatype_fromtext() failed"); } return result; } isc_result_t rdatatype_to_ldap_attribute(dns_rdatatype_t rdtype, const char **target) { unsigned i; char rdtype_str[DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE]; dns_rdatatype_format(rdtype, rdtype_str, DNS_RDATATYPE_FORMATSIZE); for (i = 0; dns_records[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp(rdtype_str, dns_records[i])) break; } if (ldap_dns_records[i] == NULL) return ISC_R_NOTFOUND; *target = ldap_dns_records[i]; return ISC_R_SUCCESS; }