path: root/contrib/zkt/CHANGELOG
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1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/zkt/CHANGELOG b/contrib/zkt/CHANGELOG
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+zkt 0.97 --
+* bug LG_* logging level wasn't mapped to syslog level in lg_mesg().
+ gettock() in ncparse.c did not recognize C single line comments "//"
+ (Thanks to Frank Behrens for finding this out)
+* misc dist_and_reload () now calls the "Distribute_Cmd" twice:
+ First with argument "distribute" for signed zone file distribution,
+ second with argument "reload" to initiate a reload.
+ Again see example/flat/ for an example script.
+* bug full KSK rollover will (mostly) also work for dynamic zones
+ This is a hack and requires further investigation. Currently
+ it will not work if someone is using non standard zone file
+ names.
+* misc default ZSK lifetime set to 3 month
+* misc get_mtime() renamed to file_mtime()
+* func is_exec_ok() added and called in dist_and_reload ()
+* func New parameter "Distribute_Cmd" added for specifing a user
+ defined distribution (and reload) command (See example/flat/
+* misc Changed wording to be a bit more consistent to
+ draft-gudmundsson-life-of-dnskey-00.txt
+ - State of published key will be print as "pub" instead of "pre"
+ by dnssec-zkt.
+ - Option --pre-publish of dnssec-zkt changed to --published.
+ - Changed wording in all comments and log message from "pre-publish"
+ to "published".
+* func Highly experimental code to do a full automatic ksk rollover
+ in hierachical mode.
+ ksk_rollover() added in rollover.c; parameter change for ksk_status()
+* misc Changed name of "dnssec-soaserial" to "zkt-soaserial"
+* bug Fixed verbose logging error if -N or -D option was used
+* func Some LG_INFO messages added about key status change
+* func Remove of function to register a new ksk (zktr.[ch])
+* misc Changed licence from GNU GPLv2 to BSD licence
+* bug Fixed bug in logging of ZSK rollover
+* misc Changed tar file to zipped one and archive the files with
+ toplevel directory
+* bug Fixed use of uninitialized vars in zconf.c (line)
+* port Preparation for use of autoconf
+ - config.h renamed to config_zkt.h and change of include directives
+ - conditional include of config.h
+ - ./configure script is able to determine BIND utility path
+ - compile time options are settable via configure script (--enable-xxx)
+ - For now, the configure script is not able to set the install dir.
+* bug ksk rollover phase2 did not trigger resigning of parent
+ (the parent file was copied to the parent directory only
+ after child zone resigning)
+* bug fixed bad notice message in zskstatus ()
+* func dnssec-zkt -Z print out syslog facility & level with
+ upper case letter and without quotation marks
+* func Syslog facility DAEMON added
+zkt 0.96 -- 19. June 2008
+* func Config file option "SIG_Parameter" added.
+* func Function verbmesg() added and used for verbose logging
+ to stdout and/or to syslog resp. file.
+ Config file parameter VerboseLog added to config file.
+* bug Option -O wasn't recognized by dnssec-signer
+* func Better support of initial setup of dynamic signed
+ zones (just create an empty "zone.db.dsigned" file
+ and run dnssec-signer with option -d).
+* func Improved error logging; incr_soa() errors are written
+ as clear text message instead of error number
+* func elog_mesg() function replaced by a more general
+ logging mechanism.
+ ErrorLog config parameter replaced by LogFile,
+ LogLevel and SyslogFacility, SyslogLevel parameter
+* func New function filesize() added
+* func dki_prt_trustedkey print out old key id if key
+ is revoked
+* func dki_new() writes gentime (GMT) and proposed key
+ lifetime (days) as comment into the *.key file
+* bug Doing some housekeeping
+zkt 0.95 -- 19. April 2008
+* misc This is not a public released version of zkt.
+* func All config file option are now settable via
+ commandline option -O (--option or --config-option)
+* misc Function fatal() now has an exit code of 127.
+ This is neccessary because values from 1 to 64 are
+ reflecting the number of errors occured.
+* func Errorlog functionality added
+ All dnssec-signer errors will be logged in the file
+ specified by the Errorlog config file parameter or
+ specified by the command line option -L (--errorlog).
+ If a directory is given, then the logging will occur
+ in a file within this directory which is named
+ like "zkt-<current-date>.log".
+ The dnssec-signer command has an exit code of 0 if
+ no error occured, an exit code of 127 on fatal errors,
+ an exit code from 1 to 63 reflecting the number of errors
+ occured, or an exit code of 64 if more than 63 errors
+ occured.
+* func dnssec-signer: Introducing long options
+* bug New skript added to example/views directory to
+ read in the right config file
+* func New option -f (--lifetime) and -F (--setlifetime)
+ added to dnssec-zkt.
+* func New option -e (--expire) added to dnssec-zkt.
+ (Seems to be that the dnssec-zkt command is a little
+ bit overloaded with options.)
+* func dki.c and zkt.c supports storage of key lifetime,
+ generation time and expiration time as a comment in the
+ .key file. With this, it's possible to change the default
+ lifetime without any impact on already used keys.
+zkt 0.94 -- 6. Dec 2007
+* bug Case mismatch of zone name and key file name prevent
+ dki_read() from reading the key.
+ Thanks to Alan Clegg for finding this out.
+ Added some additional error processing and convert
+ zone name to lower case.
+* misc Builtin default for KSK_randfile changed
+ from NULL to "/dev/urandom".
+* bug dnssec-signer has to use private keys for signing
+ even if the revoke bit is set.
+ To achieve this the file pattern K*.private is added
+ to the dnssec-signzone run.
+* bug Uninitialized variable "len" in sign_zone().
+* func Default config file is settable via environment
+ variable ZKT_CONFFILE
+* func Support of views added
+ Link dnssec-zkt to dnssec-zkt-<view> and
+ dnssec-signer to dnssec-signer-<view>.
+ Option -V and --view added to dnssec-zkt.
+ Option -V added to dnssec-signer.
+ View support added to parse_namedconf().
+zkt 0.93 -- 1. Nov 2007
+* func The ksk registration mechanism is disabled by
+ default (see REG_URL in config.h).
+* func Basic support for revoke flag added (RFC5011).
+ Semantic of option -R of dnssec-zkt changed.
+* func Undocumented option -S changed to lower case.
+ Pre-pulished KSK will be shown as "standby" key.
+ New Option -S (standby) for pre-publish KSK.
+* func New command dnssec-soaserial added.
+* bug dnssec-signer do not print the incremented serial
+ number anymore.
+ time2str() fixed bug in time format (HAS_STRFTIME=0).
+* port New build dependencies "solaris", "macos" and "help"
+ added to Makefile.
+zkt 0.92 -- 1. Oct 2007
+* func Parameter "Serialformat" in dnssec.conf added .
+ Now it is possible to use the unixtime format for
+ the SOA serial number. If you use BIND 9.4 or
+ greater in conjunction with this, than there is no
+ need for the special SOA serial formating in
+ the zonefile. (Thanks to Jakob Schlyter for the
+ -N option of dnssec-signzone and the suggestion to
+ add the unixtime support to zkt)
+* func Option --ksk-roll-stat added.
+* port Added macro HAS_GETOPT_LONG to support OS with
+ lack of getopt_long() (e.g. solaris).
+ Options -[01239] added.
+* misc Unused macro HAS_ULONG removed from config.h.
+ Deklaration of unsigned types moved from dki.h to
+ config.h (so it will be available in _all_ source
+ files). Thanks to Mans Nilsson.
+ Unused macro isblank() (ncparse.c) removed.
+* bug In dosigning(): freeze the dynamic zone _before_ copying
+ the zone file.
+zkt 0.91 -- 1. Apr 2007
+* doc --ksk-rollover option added to usage().
+* func some experimental code for dynamic zones added.
+ new functions added: copyzonefile(), dyn_update_freeze().
+ New option "-d" added.
+zkt 0.90 -- 6. Dec 2006
+* func CHECK_RESIGN interval added to config.h.
+ This is the dnssec-signer calling interval (at least 1 day or 86400 sec).
+* func new function dki_destroy() added; semantic of dk_remove()
+ changed to rename the key files instead of physical deletion.
+* doc Setup of new example directory (flat and hierarchical).
+* doc dnssec-zkt man page updated.
+ Added some comments in misc.c
+* misc function strtaint() renamed to str_untaint(),
+ dki_keycmp() renamed to dki_tagcmp().
+* func New parameter key_ttl added to dnssec.conf.
+ New func dki_prt_dnskeyttl () added.
+ Now dnskey.db is written with key_ttl value.
+* func dnssec-signer: In hierarchical mode sign_zone() copies the
+ parent-file (if such a file exist) instead of the
+ keyset-file to the parent directory.
+* func dnssec-zkt: Option --ksk-roll-phase[123] and function
+ ksk_rollover() added.
+* misc zconf: default values for sigvalidity, resign_int etc. changed,
+ new dnssec.conf example file created.
+* func dnssec-zkt: Long option support added.
+zkt 0.83 -- 11. Sep 2006
+* bug dosigning(): Fixed bug in the bug fixing of printing undefined
+ serial number if incr_serial() failed. (Thanks to Randy McCasskill).
+zkt 0.82 -- 8. Sep 2006
+* bug Use option -e for dnssec-keygen calls in dki_new(), because
+ an RSA exponent of 3 is vulnerable.
+* bug dosigning(): Fixed bug in printing undefined serial
+ number if incr_serial() failed.
+ an RSA exponent of 3 is vulnerable.
+* bug dosigning(): Fixed bug in printing undefined serial
+ number if incr_serial() failed.
+zkt 0.81 -- 13. July 2006
+* bug The function ceatekey() won't work with USE_TREE.
+ Size of MAX_DNAME increased.
+zkt 0.8 -- 09. July 2006
+* func Now a hierarchical directory structure with subdomains stored in
+ subfolders of the parent domain are allowed. Added copyfile(),
+ cmpfile() and new_keysetfiles() for that.
+* func Config parameter added to choose if the domain name is
+ right or left justified listed by dnssec-zkt (printkeyinfo).
+* func New class of key added ("sep"). A SEP key is a (public) key file
+ without the private counterpart. So we could use the key solely
+ as an secure entry point. (dki.h, dki_read).
+zkt 0.70 -- 15. Sep 2005
+* func Experimental code added to use a binary search tree instead of a
+ single linked list. This is mainly for performance improvement for large
+ sites. If you don't want to use it, set USE_TREE in config.h to zero.
+ In the first step only dnssec-zkt use the new data structure.
+ The tree is build over the domain names and each node is the starting point
+ of a linked list of keys.
+ As a result, it's not possible anymore to search on key tags only. You have
+ to specify the domain name plus the tag. :-(
+* func Function parseurl added.
+* func Experimental code to register a new ksk. Currently it's more like
+ a key announcement because of the lack of identification and
+ authentication.
+zkt 0.65 -- 22. Aug 2005
+* misc Rewrite of the domaincmp() function. Now it's round about 2 times faster.
+ After some additional changes and the compiler option -O3 the dnssec-zkt
+ on the ~ 12000 zones requires only a minute
+ $ time dnssec-zkt -z -r sec > /dev/null
+ real 0m58.287s
+ user 0m54.610s
+ sys 0m3.680s
+* func A keyset directory is introduced (experimental)
+ The parameter -d is added to the call of the dnssec-signzone command
+ if the config option KeySetDir is set.
+ As a result, all dsset-, keyset- and dlvset- files are stored in one directory.
+ The advantage is, that the chain of trust of all local subzone is build
+ automatically (This is the reason why we sort the zones with the child zones
+ first).
+ The disadvantage is that we store many files in single directory (3 files
+ per zone).
+zkt 0.64 -- 1. Aug 2005
+* bug The code for option -Z of dnssec-zkt should be executed before we read the
+ complete directory tree. This is usefull if we have a very deep directory
+ structure and the recursive flag is switched on.
+* func SIG_Pseudorand parameter added.
+* func ([KZ]SK)|(SIG)_randfile parameter added.
+* func measure the time used for signing of each zone.
+* bug function logflush() added to misc.c and called by dosigning().
+* misc some perfomance test made:
+ - Directory structure "sec/<firstletter>/domain" with round about 12200 domains
+ - One of the domain is a big one (~ 820000 RRs), the others are mostly very small ones
+ - We use a dsa with 704 bits as ksk and a rsamd5 with 512 bits as zsk on each domain.
+ - All test made on Sun Fire V440 with 4 CPU and 4x2GB main memory
+ # sequential signing of all zones
+ $ time dnssec-signer -v -v -f -D sec
+ real 434m (~ 7h 14min)
+ user 188
+ sys 175
+ # with option -p and -r /dev/urandom
+ $ time dnssec-signer -v -v -f -D sec > log
+ real 96m28.306s
+ user 290m41.980s
+ sys 6m13.790s
+ # one process for each firstletter subdirectory
+ $ time
+ real 394m12.334s
+ user 295m58.390s
+ sys 786m42.479s
+ # with option -p and -r /dev/urandom
+ $ time
+ real 78m49.323s
+ user 284m58.350s
+ sys 5m39.340s
+ $ time dnssec-zkt -z -r sec > /dev/null
+ real 2m5.722s
+ user 2m0.060s
+ sys 0m4.510s
+ # signing the big (820000 RR) domain only
+ $ time dnssec-signer -v -v -f -D sec/b/big-domain
+ real 196m23.165 (~ 3h 16min)
+ user 176m57.610
+ sys 167m27.570
+ # with option -p and -r /dev/urandom
+ $ time dnssec-signer -v -v -f -D sec/b/big-domain
+ real 49m53.152
+ user 173m59.520
+ sys 1m40.150
+zkt 0.63 -- 14. June 2005
+* bug allow TTL value in keyfiles (see TTL_IN_KEYFILES_ALLOWED
+ in dki_readfile()).
+* misc function strchop() added to misc.c.
+zkt 0.62 -- 13. May 2005
+* func dnssec-signer: Option -o added.
+ Now it works a little bit more like dnssec-signzone.
+* func strlist.c: prepstrlist and unprepstrlist functions get a
+ second parameter for the delimiter.
+* bug fixed some typos and inaccurate usage of symbolic constants.
+ Doing some housekeeping.
+zkt 0.61 -- 3. May 2005
+* bug local config file will not be mentioned if -N switch is used.
+zkt 0.6 -- 1. May 2005
+* doc dnssec-signer: man page added.
+* func dnssec-signer: Print out a warning message if ksk lifetime is exceeded.
+* func dnssec-signer: Remaining arguments will be interpreted as zone names
+ (in_strarr () added).
+* func dnssec-signer: Option -D added.
+zkt 0.51 -- 8. April 2005
+* func dnssec-signer: Option -N added.
+* func dnssec-signer: change of keystatus from pre-published to active
+ resets timestamp of key, thus age of active key counts 0.
+* bug prepstrlist: resulting string was not terminated with '\0'.
+* bug dnssec-signer: do signing if there are additional keys, or the
+ status of any key is changed (function check_keytimestamp).
+* func dnssec-zkt: -l <list> option added.
+* func dnssec-zkt: -p flag defaults to on in key creation mode (-C).