/* Authors: * Adam Young * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* REQUIRES: ipa.js */ /* CURRENTLY ALSO REQUIRES search.js, because it reuses it's code to create * the AssociationList elements; IT NEEDS IT'S OWN CODE! */ function ipa_associator(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = {}; that.entity_name = spec.entity_name; that.pkey = spec.pkey; that.other_entity = spec.other_entity; that.values = spec.values; that.method = spec.method; that.on_success = spec.on_success; that.on_error = spec.on_error; that.execute = function() { }; return that; } /** *This associator is built for the case where each association requires a separate rpc */ function serial_associator(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_associator(spec); that.execute = function() { if (!that.values || !that.values.length) { that.on_success(); return; } var value = that.values.shift(); if (!value) { that.on_success(); return; } var args = [value]; var options = {}; options[that.entity_name] = that.pkey; ipa_cmd( that.method, args, options, that.execute, that.on_error, that.other_entity ); }; return that; } /** *This associator is for the common case where all the asociations can be sent in a single rpc */ function bulk_associator(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_associator(spec); that.execute = function() { if (!that.values || !that.values.length) { that.on_success(); return; } var value = that.values.shift(); if (!value) { that.on_success(); return; } while (that.values.length > 0) { value += ',' + that.values.shift(); } var args = [that.pkey]; var options = { 'all': true }; options[that.other_entity] = value; ipa_cmd( that.method, args, options, that.on_success, that.on_error, that.entity_name ); }; return that; } /** * This dialog is used for adding associations between two entities. */ function ipa_association_adder_dialog(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_adder_dialog(spec); that.entity_name = spec.entity_name; that.pkey = spec.pkey; that.other_entity = spec.other_entity; that.init = function() { if (!that.columns.length) { var pkey_name = IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].primary_key; that.create_column({ name: pkey_name, label: IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label, primary_key: true, width: '200px' }); } that.adder_dialog_init(); }; that.search = function() { function on_success(data, text_status, xhr) { var results = data.result; that.clear_available_values(); for (var i=0; i', { 'type': 'button', 'name': 'remove', 'value': 'Remove' }).appendTo(buttons); $('', { 'type': 'button', 'name': 'add', 'value': 'Add' }).appendTo(buttons); }; that.setup = function(container) { that.table_setup(container); var button = $('input[name=remove]', container); button.replaceWith(IPA.action_button({ 'label': button.val(), 'icon': 'ui-icon-trash', 'click': function() { that.show_remove_dialog(); } })); button = $('input[name=add]', container); button.replaceWith(IPA.action_button({ 'label': button.val(), 'icon': 'ui-icon-plus', 'click': function() { that.show_add_dialog() } })); }; that.get_records = function(on_success, on_error) { if (!that.values.length) return; var batch = ipa_batch_command({ 'name': that.entity_name+'_'+that.name, 'on_success': on_success, 'on_error': on_error }); for (var i=0; i', { 'href': '#'+value, 'html': value, 'click': function (value) { return function() { var state = IPA.tab_state(that.other_entity); state[that.other_entity + '-facet'] = 'details'; state[that.other_entity + '-pkey'] = value; $.bbq.pushState(state); return false; } }(value) }).appendTo(container); }; } for (var i=0; i', { 'id': that.entity_name+'-'+that.other_entity, html: $('

',{ html: header_message }) }).appendTo(container); var span = $('', { 'name': 'association' }).appendTo(container); that.table.create(span); var action_panel = that.get_action_panel(); var li = $('.action-controls', action_panel); // creating generic buttons for layout $('', { 'type': 'button', 'name': 'remove', 'value': IPA.messages.button.remove }).appendTo(li); $('', { 'type': 'button', 'name': 'add', 'value': IPA.messages.button.enroll }).appendTo(li); }; that.setup = function(container) { that.facet_setup(container); var span = $('span[name=association]', that.container); that.table.setup(span); // replacing generic buttons with ipa_button and setting click handler var action_panel = that.get_action_panel(); var button = $('input[name=remove]', action_panel); button.replaceWith(IPA.action_button({ 'label': button.val(), 'icon': 'ui-icon-trash', 'click': function() { that.show_remove_dialog(); } })); button = $('input[name=add]', action_panel); button.replaceWith(IPA.action_button({ 'label': button.val(), 'icon': 'ui-icon-plus', 'click': function() { that.show_add_dialog() } })); }; that.show_add_dialog = function() { var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; var label = IPA.metadata[that.other_entity] ? IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label : that.other_entity; var title = 'Enroll '+that.entity_name+' '+pkey+' in '+label; var dialog = ipa_association_adder_dialog({ 'title': title, 'entity_name': that.entity_name, 'pkey': pkey, 'other_entity': that.other_entity }); if (that.adder_columns.length) { dialog.set_columns(that.adder_columns); } dialog.execute = function() { var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; var associator = that.associator({ 'entity_name': that.entity_name, 'pkey': pkey, 'other_entity': that.other_entity, 'values': dialog.get_selected_values(), 'method': that.add_method, 'on_success': function() { that.refresh(); dialog.close(); }, 'on_error': function() { that.refresh(); dialog.close(); } }); associator.execute(); }; dialog.init(); dialog.open(that.container); }; that.show_remove_dialog = function() { var label = IPA.metadata[that.other_entity] ? IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label : that.other_entity; var values = that.table.get_selected_values(); if (!values.length) { alert('Select '+label+' to be removed.'); return; } var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; var title = 'Remove '+label+' from '+that.entity_name+' '+pkey; var dialog = ipa_association_deleter_dialog({ 'title': title, 'entity_name': that.entity_name, 'pkey': pkey, 'other_entity': that.other_entity, 'values': values, 'associator': that.associator, 'method': that.remove_method, 'on_success': function() { that.refresh(); dialog.close(); }, 'on_error': function() { that.refresh(); dialog.close(); } }); dialog.init(); dialog.open(that.container); }; that.get_records = function(pkeys, on_success, on_error) { if (!pkeys.length) return; var batch = ipa_batch_command({ 'name': that.entity_name+'_'+that.name, 'on_success': on_success, 'on_error': on_error }); for (var i=0; iError: '+error_thrown.name+'

'); summary.append('


'); summary.append('


'); } var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; ipa_cmd('show', [pkey], {'rights': true}, on_success, on_error, that.entity_name); }; that.association_facet_init = that.init; return that; } function ipa_deleter_dialog_setup() { var that = this; var ul = $('
    '); ul.appendTo(that.dialog); for (var i=0; i',{ 'text': that.values[i] }).appendTo(ul); } $('

    ', { 'text': IPA.messages.search.delete_confirm }).appendTo(that.dialog); }