/* The vmop object. * * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of rsyslog. * * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Rsyslog. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. */ #ifndef INCLUDED_VMOP_H #define INCLUDED_VMOP_H #include "ctok_token.h" /* machine instructions types */ typedef enum { /* do NOT start at 0 to detect uninitialized types after calloc() */ opcode_INVALID = 0, /* for simplicity of debugging and reading dumps, we use the same IDs * that the tokenizer uses where this applicable. */ opcode_OR = ctok_OR, opcode_AND = ctok_AND, opcode_PLUS = ctok_PLUS, opcode_MINUS = ctok_MINUS, opcode_TIMES = ctok_TIMES, /* "*" */ opcode_DIV = ctok_DIV, opcode_MOD = ctok_MOD, opcode_NOT = ctok_NOT, opcode_CMP_EQ = ctok_CMP_EQ, /* all compare operations must be in a row */ opcode_CMP_NEQ = ctok_CMP_NEQ, opcode_CMP_LT = ctok_CMP_LT, opcode_CMP_GT = ctok_CMP_GT, opcode_CMP_LTEQ = ctok_CMP_LTEQ, opcode_CMP_CONTAINS = ctok_CMP_CONTAINS, opcode_CMP_STARTSWITH = ctok_CMP_STARTSWITH, opcode_CMP_GTEQ = ctok_CMP_GTEQ, /* end compare operations */ /* here we start our own codes */ opcode_PUSH = 1000, /* requires var operand */ opcode_POP = 1001, /* requires var operand to receive result */ } opcode_t; /* the vmop object */ typedef struct vmop_s { BEGINobjInstance; /* Data to implement generic object - MUST be the first data element! */ opcode_t opcode; union { var_t *pVar; /* TODO: add function pointer */ } operand; struct vmop_s *pNext; /* next operation or NULL, if end of program (logically this belongs to vmprg) */ } vmop_t; /* prototypes */ rsRetVal vmopConstruct(vmop_t **ppThis); rsRetVal vmopConstructFinalize(vmop_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis); rsRetVal vmopDestruct(vmop_t **ppThis); rsRetVal vmopSetOpcode(vmop_t *pThis, opcode_t opcode); rsRetVal vmopSetVar(vmop_t *pThis, var_t *pVar); PROTOTYPEObjClassInit(vmop); #endif /* #ifndef INCLUDED_VMOP_H */