# check if valgrind violations occur. Correct output is not checked. # added 2011-03-01 by Rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3 echo =============================================================================== echo \[udp-msgreduc-vg.sh\]: testing imtcp multiple listeners source $srcdir/diag.sh init source $srcdir/diag.sh startup-vg udp-msgreduc-vg.conf source $srcdir/diag.sh wait-startup ./tcpflood -t -m 4 -r -Tudp -M "<133>2011-03-01T11:22:12Z host tag msgh ..." ./tcpflood -t -m 1 -r -Tudp -M "<133>2011-03-01T11:22:12Z host tag msgh ...x" source $srcdir/diag.sh shutdown-when-empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages source $srcdir/diag.sh wait-shutdown-vg if [ "$RSYSLOGD_EXIT" -eq "10" ] then echo "udp-msgreduc-vg.sh FAILED" exit 1 fi source $srcdir/diag.sh exit