# Test for the pipe output action. # will create a fifo in the current directory, write to it and # then do the usual sequence checks. # added 2009-11-05 by RGerhards echo =============================================================================== echo \[pipeaction.sh\]: testing pipe output action # create the pipe and start a background process that copies data from # it to the "regular" work file source $srcdir/diag.sh init rm -f rsyslog-testbench-fifo mkfifo rsyslog-testbench-fifo cp rsyslog-testbench-fifo rsyslog.out.log & CPPROCESS=$! echo background cp process id is $CPPROCESS # now do the usual run source $srcdir/diag.sh startup pipeaction.conf # 20000 messages should be enough #source $srcdir/diag.sh tcpflood 13514 1 20000 source $srcdir/diag.sh injectmsg 0 20000 source $srcdir/diag.sh shutdown-when-empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages source $srcdir/diag.sh wait-shutdown # wait for the cp process to finish, do pipe-specific cleanup echo waiting for background cp to terminate... wait $CPPROCESS rm -f rsyslog-testbench-fifo echo background cp has terminated, continue test... # and continue the usual checks source $srcdir/diag.sh seq-check 0 19999 source $srcdir/diag.sh exit