# This is test driver for a pipe that has no reader. This mimics a usual # real-world scenario, the /dev/xconsole pipe. Some versions of rsyslog # were known to hang or loop on this pipe, thus we added this scenario # as a permanent testcase. For some details, please see bug tracker # http://bugzilla.adiscon.com/show_bug.cgi?id=186 # # added 2010-04-26 by Rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3 echo =============================================================================== echo TEST: \[pipe_noreader.sh\]: test for pipe writing without reader # uncomment for debugging support: export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nostdout noprintmutexaction" export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="log" source $srcdir/diag.sh init mkfifo ./rsyslog.pipe source $srcdir/diag.sh startup pipe_noreader.conf # we need to emit ~ 128K of data according to bug report source $srcdir/diag.sh tcpflood -m1000 -d500 source $srcdir/diag.sh shutdown-when-empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages source $srcdir/diag.sh wait-shutdown # and wait for it to terminate source $srcdir/diag.sh seq-check 0 999 source $srcdir/diag.sh exit