# we test the execonly if previous is suspended directive. # This test checks if, within the same rule, one action can be set # to emit only if the previous was suspended while the next action # always sends data. # rgerhards, 2010-06-24 echo =============================================================================== echo \[execonlywhenprevsuspended3.sh\]: test execonly...suspended functionality source $srcdir/diag.sh init source $srcdir/diag.sh startup execonlywhenprevsuspended3.conf source $srcdir/diag.sh injectmsg 0 1000 source $srcdir/diag.sh shutdown-when-empty # shut down rsyslogd when done processing messages source $srcdir/diag.sh wait-shutdown echo check file 1 source $srcdir/diag.sh seq-check 1 999 echo check file 2 source $srcdir/diag.sh seq-check2 0 999 source $srcdir/diag.sh exit