# Test for disk-only queue mode # This test checks if queue files can be correctly written # and read back, but it does not test the transition from # memory to disk mode for DA queues. # added 2009-04-17 by Rgerhards # This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3 echo testing queue disk-only mode rm -rf test-spool mkdir test-spool rm -f work rsyslog.out.log rsyslog.out.log.save # work files ../tools/rsyslogd -c4 -u2 -n -irsyslog.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$srcdir/testsuites/diskqueue.conf & sleep 1 echo "rsyslogd started with pid " `cat rsyslog.pid` # 20000 messages should be enough - the disk test is slow enough ;) ./tcpflood 13514 1 20000 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "error during tcpflood! see rsyslog.out.log.save for what was written" cp rsyslog.out.log rsyslog.out.log.save fi sleep 4 # we need this so that rsyslogd can receive all outstanding messages kill `cat rsyslog.pid` rm -f work sort < rsyslog.out.log > work ./chkseq work 0 19999 if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then # rm -f work rsyslog.out.log echo "sequence error detected" exit 1 fi rm -f work rsyslog.out.log rm -rf test-spool