# a simple RainerScript test result: 0 in: 'test 1' <> $var or /* some comment */($SEVERITY == -4 +5 -(3 * - 2) and $fromhost == '') then $$$ out: 00000000: PUSHCONSTANT test 1[cstr] 00000001: PUSHMSGVAR var[cstr] 00000002: != 00000003: PUSHMSGVAR severity[cstr] 00000004: PUSHCONSTANT 4[nbr] 00000005: UNARY_MINUS 00000006: PUSHCONSTANT 5[nbr] 00000007: + 00000008: PUSHCONSTANT 3[nbr] 00000009: PUSHCONSTANT 2[nbr] 00000010: UNARY_MINUS 00000011: * 00000012: - 00000013: == 00000014: PUSHMSGVAR fromhost[cstr] 00000015: PUSHCONSTANT[cstr] 00000016: == 00000017: and 00000018: or $$$