/* rsconf.c - the rsyslog configuration system. * * Module begun 2011-04-19 by Rainer Gerhards * * Copyright 2011 by Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library. * * The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. * A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "rsyslog.h" #include "obj.h" #include "srUtils.h" #include "ruleset.h" #include "modules.h" #include "conf.h" #include "rsconf.h" #include "cfsysline.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "unicode-helper.h" /* static data */ DEFobjStaticHelpers DEFobjCurrIf(ruleset) DEFobjCurrIf(module) DEFobjCurrIf(conf) DEFobjCurrIf(errmsg) /* exported static data */ rsconf_t *runConf = NULL;/* the currently running config */ rsconf_t *loadConf = NULL;/* the config currently being loaded (no concurrent config load supported!) */ /* Standard-Constructor */ BEGINobjConstruct(rsconf) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END macro! */ pThis->globals.bDebugPrintTemplateList = 1; pThis->globals.bDebugPrintModuleList = 1; pThis->globals.bDebugPrintCfSysLineHandlerList = 1; pThis->globals.bLogStatusMsgs = DFLT_bLogStatusMsgs; pThis->globals.bErrMsgToStderr = 1; pThis->templates.root = NULL; pThis->templates.last = NULL; pThis->templates.lastStatic = NULL; pThis->actions.nbrActions = 0; CHKiRet(llInit(&pThis->rulesets.llRulesets, rulesetDestructForLinkedList, rulesetKeyDestruct, strcasecmp)); finalize_it: ENDobjConstruct(rsconf) /* ConstructionFinalizer */ rsRetVal rsconfConstructFinalize(rsconf_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis) { DEFiRet; ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, rsconf); RETiRet; } /* destructor for the rsconf object */ BEGINobjDestruct(rsconf) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END and CODESTART macros! */ CODESTARTobjDestruct(rsconf) llDestroy(&(pThis->rulesets.llRulesets)); ENDobjDestruct(rsconf) /* DebugPrint support for the rsconf object */ BEGINobjDebugPrint(rsconf) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END and CODESTART macros! */ dbgprintf("configuration object %p\n", pThis); dbgprintf("Global Settings:\n"); dbgprintf(" bDebugPrintTemplateList.............: %d\n", pThis->globals.bDebugPrintTemplateList); dbgprintf(" bDebugPrintModuleList : %d\n", pThis->globals.bDebugPrintModuleList); dbgprintf(" bDebugPrintCfSysLineHandlerList.....: %d\n", pThis->globals.bDebugPrintCfSysLineHandlerList); dbgprintf(" bLogStatusMsgs : %d\n", pThis->globals.bLogStatusMsgs); dbgprintf(" bErrMsgToStderr.....................: %d\n", pThis->globals.bErrMsgToStderr); ruleset.DebugPrintAll(pThis); DBGPRINTF("\n"); if(pThis->globals.bDebugPrintTemplateList) tplPrintList(pThis); if(pThis->globals.bDebugPrintModuleList) module.PrintList(); if(pThis->globals.bDebugPrintCfSysLineHandlerList) dbgPrintCfSysLineHandlers(); CODESTARTobjDebugPrint(rsconf) ENDobjDebugPrint(rsconf) /* Activate an already-loaded configuration. The configuration will become * the new running conf (if successful). Note that in theory this method may * be called when there already is a running conf. In practice, the current * version of rsyslog does not support this. Future versions probably will. * Begun 2011-04-20, rgerhards */ rsRetVal activate(rsconf_t *cnf) { DEFiRet; runConf = cnf; dbgprintf("configuration %p activated\n", cnf); RETiRet; } /* intialize the legacy config system */ static inline rsRetVal initLegacyConf(void) { DEFiRet; ruleset_t *pRuleset; /* construct the default ruleset */ ruleset.Construct(&pRuleset); ruleset.SetName(loadConf, pRuleset, UCHAR_CONSTANT("RSYSLOG_DefaultRuleset")); ruleset.ConstructFinalize(loadConf, pRuleset); RETiRet; } /* Load a configuration. This will do all necessary steps to create * the in-memory representation of the configuration, including support * for multiple configuration languages. * Note that to support the legacy language we must provide some global * object that holds the currently-being-loaded config ptr. * Begun 2011-04-20, rgerhards */ rsRetVal load(rsconf_t **cnf, uchar *confFile) { rsRetVal localRet; int iNbrActions; int bHadConfigErr = 0; char cbuf[BUFSIZ]; DEFiRet; CHKiRet(rsconfConstruct(&loadConf)); ourConf = loadConf; // TODO: remove, once ourConf is gone! CHKiRet(initLegacyConf()); #if 0 dbgprintf("XXXX: 2, conf=%p\n", conf.processConfFile); /* open the configuration file */ localRet = conf.processConfFile(loadConf, confFile); CHKiRet(conf.GetNbrActActions(loadConf, &iNbrActions)); dbgprintf("XXXX: 4\n"); if(localRet != RS_RET_OK) { errmsg.LogError(0, localRet, "CONFIG ERROR: could not interpret master config file '%s'.", confFile); bHadConfigErr = 1; } else if(iNbrActions == 0) { errmsg.LogError(0, RS_RET_NO_ACTIONS, "CONFIG ERROR: there are no active actions configured. Inputs will " "run, but no output whatsoever is created."); bHadConfigErr = 1; } dbgprintf("XXXX: 10\n"); if((localRet != RS_RET_OK && localRet != RS_RET_NONFATAL_CONFIG_ERR) || iNbrActions == 0) { dbgprintf("XXXX: 20\n"); /* rgerhards: this code is executed to set defaults when the * config file could not be opened. We might think about * abandoning the run in this case - but this, too, is not * very clever... So we stick with what we have. * We ignore any errors while doing this - we would be lost anyhow... */ errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "EMERGENCY CONFIGURATION ACTIVATED - fix rsyslog config file!"); /* note: we previously used _POSIY_TTY_NAME_MAX+1, but this turned out to be * too low on linux... :-S -- rgerhards, 2008-07-28 */ char szTTYNameBuf[128]; rule_t *pRule = NULL; /* initialization to NULL is *vitally* important! */ conf.cfline(loadConf, UCHAR_CONSTANT("*.ERR\t" _PATH_CONSOLE), &pRule); conf.cfline(loadConf, UCHAR_CONSTANT("syslog.*\t" _PATH_CONSOLE), &pRule); conf.cfline(loadConf, UCHAR_CONSTANT("*.PANIC\t*"), &pRule); conf.cfline(loadConf, UCHAR_CONSTANT("syslog.*\troot"), &pRule); if(ttyname_r(0, szTTYNameBuf, sizeof(szTTYNameBuf)) == 0) { snprintf(cbuf,sizeof(cbuf), "*.*\t%s", szTTYNameBuf); conf.cfline(loadConf, (uchar*)cbuf, &pRule); } else { DBGPRINTF("error %d obtaining controlling terminal, not using that emergency rule\n", errno); } ruleset.AddRule(loadConf, ruleset.GetCurrent(loadConf), &pRule); } #endif /* all OK, pass loaded conf to caller */ *cnf = loadConf; loadConf = NULL; dbgprintf("rsyslog finished loading initial config %p\n", loadConf); // rsconfDebugPrint(loadConf); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* queryInterface function */ BEGINobjQueryInterface(rsconf) CODESTARTobjQueryInterface(rsconf) if(pIf->ifVersion != rsconfCURR_IF_VERSION) { /* check for current version, increment on each change */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } /* ok, we have the right interface, so let's fill it * Please note that we may also do some backwards-compatibility * work here (if we can support an older interface version - that, * of course, also affects the "if" above). */ pIf->Construct = rsconfConstruct; pIf->ConstructFinalize = rsconfConstructFinalize; pIf->Destruct = rsconfDestruct; pIf->DebugPrint = rsconfDebugPrint; pIf->Load = load; pIf->Activate = activate; finalize_it: ENDobjQueryInterface(rsconf) /* Initialize the rsconf class. Must be called as the very first method * before anything else is called inside this class. */ BEGINObjClassInit(rsconf, 1, OBJ_IS_CORE_MODULE) /* class, version */ /* request objects we use */ CHKiRet(objUse(ruleset, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(module, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(conf, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT)); /* now set our own handlers */ OBJSetMethodHandler(objMethod_DEBUGPRINT, rsconfDebugPrint); OBJSetMethodHandler(objMethod_CONSTRUCTION_FINALIZER, rsconfConstructFinalize); ENDObjClassInit(rsconf) /* De-initialize the rsconf class. */ BEGINObjClassExit(rsconf, OBJ_IS_CORE_MODULE) /* class, version */ objRelease(ruleset, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(module, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(conf, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT); ENDObjClassExit(rsconf) /* vi:set ai: */