/* obj.c * * This file implements a generic object "class". All other classes can * use the service of this base class here to include auto-destruction and * other capabilities in a generic manner. * * As of 2008-02-29, I (rgerhards) am adding support for dynamically loadable * objects. In essence, each object will soon be available via its interface, * only. Before any object's code is accessed (including global static methods), * the caller needs to obtain an object interface. To do so, it needs to provide * the object name and the file where the object is expected to reside in. A * file may not be given, in which case the object is expected to reside in * the rsyslog core. The caller than receives an interface pointer which can * be utilized to access all the object's methods. This method enables rsyslog * to load library modules on demand. In order to keep overhead low, callers * should request object interface only once in the object Init function and * free them when they exit. The only exception is when a caller needs to * access an object only conditional, in which case a pointer to its interface * shall be aquired as need first arises but still be released only on exit * or when there definitely is no further need. The whole idea is to limit * the very performance-intense act of dynamically loading an objects library. * Of course, it is possible to violate this suggestion, but than you should * have very good reasoning to do so. * * Please note that there is one trick we need to do. Each object queries * the object interfaces and it does so via objUse(). objUse, however, is * part of the obj object's interface (implemented via the file you are * just reading). So in order to obtain a pointer to objUse, we need to * call it - obviously not possible. One solution would be that objUse is * hardcoded into all callers. That, however, would bring us into slight * trouble with actually dynamically loaded modules, as we should NOT * rely on the OS loader to resolve symbols back to the caller (this * is a feature not universally available and highly importable). Of course, * we can solve this with a pHostQueryEtryPoint() call. It still sounds * somewhat unnatural to call a regular interface function via a special * method. So what we do instead is define a special function called * objGetObjInterface() which delivers our own interface. That function * than will be defined global and be queriable via pHostQueryEtryPoint(). * I agree, technically this is much the same, but from an architecture * point of view it looks cleaner (at least to me). * * Please note that there is another egg-hen problem: we use a linked list, * which is provided by the linkedList object. However, we need to * initialize the linked list before we can provide the UseObj() * functionality. That, in turn, would probably be required by the * linkedList object. So the solution is to use a backdoor just to * init the linked list and from then on use the usual interfaces. * * File begun on 2008-01-04 by RGerhards * * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH. * * This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library. * * The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see . * * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution. * A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* how many objects are supported by rsyslogd? */ #define OBJ_NUM_IDS 100 /* TODO change to a linked list? info: 16 were currently in use 2008-02-29 */ #include "rsyslog.h" #include "syslogd-types.h" #include "srUtils.h" #include "obj.h" #include "stream.h" #include "modules.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "cfsysline.h" #include "unicode-helper.h" #include "apc.h" /* static data */ DEFobjCurrIf(obj) /* we define our own interface, as this is expected by some macros! */ DEFobjCurrIf(var) DEFobjCurrIf(module) DEFobjCurrIf(errmsg) DEFobjCurrIf(strm) static objInfo_t *arrObjInfo[OBJ_NUM_IDS]; /* array with object information pointers */ /* cookies for serialized lines */ #define COOKIE_OBJLINE '<' #define COOKIE_PROPLINE '+' #define COOKIE_ENDLINE '>' #define COOKIE_BLANKLINE '.' /* forward definitions */ static rsRetVal FindObjInfo(cstr_t *pszObjName, objInfo_t **ppInfo); /* methods */ /* This is a dummy method to be used when a standard method has not been * implemented by an object. Having it allows us to simply call via the * jump table without any NULL pointer checks - which gains quite * some performance. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-04 */ static rsRetVal objInfoNotImplementedDummy(void __attribute__((unused)) *pThis) { return RS_RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* and now the macro to check if something is not implemented * must be provided an objInfo_t pointer. */ #define objInfoIsImplemented(pThis, method) \ (pThis->objMethods[method] != objInfoNotImplementedDummy) /* construct an object Info object. Each class shall do this on init. The * resulting object shall be cached during the lifetime of the class and each * object shall receive a reference. A constructor and destructor MUST be provided for all * objects, thus they are in the parameter list. * pszID is the identifying object name and must point to constant pool memory. It is never freed. */ static rsRetVal InfoConstruct(objInfo_t **ppThis, uchar *pszID, int iObjVers, rsRetVal (*pConstruct)(void *), rsRetVal (*pDestruct)(void *), rsRetVal (*pQueryIF)(interface_t*), modInfo_t *pModInfo) { DEFiRet; int i; objInfo_t *pThis; assert(ppThis != NULL); if((pThis = calloc(1, sizeof(objInfo_t))) == NULL) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY); pThis->pszID = pszID; pThis->lenID = ustrlen(pszID); pThis->pszName = ustrdup(pszID); /* it's OK if we have NULL ptr, GetName() will deal with that! */ pThis->iObjVers = iObjVers; pThis->QueryIF = pQueryIF; pThis->pModInfo = pModInfo; pThis->objMethods[0] = pConstruct; pThis->objMethods[1] = pDestruct; for(i = 2 ; i < OBJ_NUM_METHODS ; ++i) { pThis->objMethods[i] = objInfoNotImplementedDummy; } *ppThis = pThis; finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* destruct the objInfo object - must be done only when no more instances exist. * rgerhards, 2008-03-10 */ static rsRetVal InfoDestruct(objInfo_t **ppThis) { DEFiRet; objInfo_t *pThis; assert(ppThis != NULL); pThis = *ppThis; assert(pThis != NULL); free(pThis->pszName); free(pThis); *ppThis = NULL; RETiRet; } /* set a method handler */ static rsRetVal InfoSetMethod(objInfo_t *pThis, objMethod_t objMethod, rsRetVal (*pHandler)(void*)) { assert(pThis != NULL); assert(objMethod > 0 && objMethod < OBJ_NUM_METHODS); pThis->objMethods[objMethod] = pHandler; return RS_RET_OK; } /* destruct the base object properties. * rgerhards, 2008-01-29 */ static rsRetVal DestructObjSelf(obj_t *pThis) { DEFiRet; ISOBJ_assert(pThis); free(pThis->pszName); RETiRet; } /* --------------- object serializiation / deserialization support --------------- */ /* serialize the header of an object * pszRecType must be either "Obj" (Object) or "OPB" (Object Property Bag) */ static rsRetVal objSerializeHeader(strm_t *pStrm, obj_t *pObj, uchar *pszRecType) { DEFiRet; ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); ISOBJ_assert(pObj); assert(!strcmp((char*) pszRecType, "Obj") || !strcmp((char*) pszRecType, "OPB")); /* object cookie and serializer version (so far always 1) */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, COOKIE_OBJLINE)); CHKiRet(strm.Write(pStrm, (uchar*) pszRecType, 3)); /* record types are always 3 octets */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, '1')); /* object type, version and string length */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); CHKiRet(strm.Write(pStrm, pObj->pObjInfo->pszID, pObj->pObjInfo->lenID)); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); CHKiRet(strm.WriteLong(pStrm, objGetVersion(pObj))); /* record trailer */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, '\n')); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* begin serialization of an object * rgerhards, 2008-01-06 */ static rsRetVal BeginSerialize(strm_t *pStrm, obj_t *pObj) { DEFiRet; ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); ISOBJ_assert(pObj); CHKiRet(strm.RecordBegin(pStrm)); CHKiRet(objSerializeHeader(pStrm, pObj, (uchar*) "Obj")); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* begin serialization of an object's property bag * Note: a property bag is used to serialize some of an objects * properties, but not necessarily all. A good example is the queue * object, which at some stage needs to serialize a number of its * properties, but not the queue data itself. From the object point * of view, a property bag can not be used to re-instantiate an object. * Otherwise, the serialization is exactly the same. * rgerhards, 2008-01-11 */ static rsRetVal BeginSerializePropBag(strm_t *pStrm, obj_t *pObj) { DEFiRet; ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); ISOBJ_assert(pObj); CHKiRet(strm.RecordBegin(pStrm)); CHKiRet(objSerializeHeader(pStrm, pObj, (uchar*) "OPB")); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* append a property */ static rsRetVal SerializeProp(strm_t *pStrm, uchar *pszPropName, propType_t propType, void *pUsr) { DEFiRet; uchar *pszBuf = NULL; size_t lenBuf = 0; uchar szBuf[64]; varType_t vType = VARTYPE_NONE; ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); assert(pszPropName != NULL); /*dbgprintf("objSerializeProp: strm %p, propName '%s', type %d, pUsr %p\n", pStrm, pszPropName, propType, pUsr);*/ /* if we have no user pointer, there is no need to write this property. * TODO: think if that's the righ point of view * rgerhards, 2008-01-06 */ if(pUsr == NULL) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); } /* TODO: use the stream functions for data conversion here - should be quicker */ switch(propType) { case PROPTYPE_PSZ: pszBuf = (uchar*) pUsr; lenBuf = ustrlen(pszBuf); vType = VARTYPE_STR; break; case PROPTYPE_SHORT: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), (long) *((short*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = ustrlen(szBuf); vType = VARTYPE_NUMBER; break; case PROPTYPE_INT: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), (long) *((int*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = ustrlen(szBuf); vType = VARTYPE_NUMBER; break; case PROPTYPE_LONG: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), *((long*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = ustrlen(szBuf); vType = VARTYPE_NUMBER; break; case PROPTYPE_INT64: CHKiRet(srUtilItoA((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), *((int64*) pUsr))); pszBuf = szBuf; lenBuf = ustrlen(szBuf); vType = VARTYPE_NUMBER; break; case PROPTYPE_CSTR: pszBuf = rsCStrGetSzStrNoNULL((cstr_t *) pUsr); lenBuf = rsCStrLen((cstr_t*) pUsr); vType = VARTYPE_STR; break; case PROPTYPE_SYSLOGTIME: lenBuf = snprintf((char*) szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%c:%d:%d", ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->timeType, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->year, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->month, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->day, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->hour, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->minute, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->second, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->secfrac, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->secfracPrecision, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->OffsetMode, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->OffsetHour, ((syslogTime_t*)pUsr)->OffsetMinute); if(lenBuf > sizeof(szBuf) - 1) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_PROVIDED_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); vType = VARTYPE_SYSLOGTIME; pszBuf = szBuf; break; default: dbgprintf("invalid PROPTYPE %d\n", propType); break; } /* cookie */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, COOKIE_PROPLINE)); /* name */ CHKiRet(strm.Write(pStrm, pszPropName, ustrlen(pszPropName))); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); /* type */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteLong(pStrm, (int) vType)); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); /* length */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteLong(pStrm, lenBuf)); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); /* data */ CHKiRet(strm.Write(pStrm, (uchar*) pszBuf, lenBuf)); /* trailer */ CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, ':')); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, '\n')); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* end serialization of an object. The caller receives a * standard C string, which he must free when no longer needed. */ static rsRetVal EndSerialize(strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; assert(pStrm != NULL); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, COOKIE_ENDLINE)); CHKiRet(strm.Write(pStrm, (uchar*) "End\n", sizeof("END\n") - 1)); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, COOKIE_BLANKLINE)); CHKiRet(strm.WriteChar(pStrm, '\n')); CHKiRet(strm.RecordEnd(pStrm)); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* define a helper to make code below a bit cleaner (and quicker to write) */ #define NEXTC CHKiRet(strm.ReadChar(pStrm, &c))/*;dbgprintf("c: %c\n", c)*/ /* de-serialize an embedded, non-octect-counted string. This is useful * for deserializing the object name inside the header. The string is * terminated by the first occurence of the ':' character. * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeEmbedStr(cstr_t **ppStr, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; uchar c; cstr_t *pStr = NULL; assert(ppStr != NULL); CHKiRet(rsCStrConstruct(&pStr)); NEXTC; while(c != ':') { CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pStr, c)); NEXTC; } CHKiRet(cstrFinalize(pStr)); *ppStr = pStr; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && pStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pStr); RETiRet; } /* de-serialize a number */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeNumber(number_t *pNum, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; number_t i; int bIsNegative; uchar c; assert(pNum != NULL); NEXTC; if(c == '-') { bIsNegative = 1; NEXTC; } else { bIsNegative = 0; } /* we check this so that we get more meaningful error codes */ if(!isdigit(c)) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_NUMBER); i = 0; while(isdigit(c)) { i = i * 10 + c - '0'; NEXTC; } if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_DELIMITER); if(bIsNegative) i *= -1; *pNum = i; finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* de-serialize a string, length must be provided but may be 0 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeStr(cstr_t **ppCStr, int iLen, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; int i; uchar c; cstr_t *pCStr = NULL; assert(ppCStr != NULL); assert(iLen >= 0); CHKiRet(rsCStrConstruct(&pCStr)); NEXTC; for(i = 0 ; i < iLen ; ++i) { CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pCStr, c)); NEXTC; } CHKiRet(cstrFinalize(pCStr)); /* check terminator */ if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_DELIMITER); *ppCStr = pCStr; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && pCStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pCStr); RETiRet; } /* de-serialize a syslogTime -- rgerhards,2008-01-08 */ #define GETVAL(var) \ CHKiRet(objDeserializeNumber(&l, pStrm)); \ pTime->var = l; static rsRetVal objDeserializeSyslogTime(syslogTime_t *pTime, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; number_t l; uchar c; assert(pTime != NULL); GETVAL(timeType); GETVAL(year); GETVAL(month); GETVAL(day); GETVAL(hour); GETVAL(minute); GETVAL(second); GETVAL(secfrac); GETVAL(secfracPrecision); /* OffsetMode is a single character! */ NEXTC; pTime->OffsetMode = c; NEXTC; if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_DELIMITER); GETVAL(OffsetHour); GETVAL(OffsetMinute); finalize_it: RETiRet; } #undef GETVAL /* de-serialize an object header * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeHeader(uchar *pszRecType, cstr_t **ppstrID, int* poVers, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; number_t oVers; uchar c; assert(ppstrID != NULL); assert(poVers != NULL); assert(!strcmp((char*) pszRecType, "Obj") || !strcmp((char*) pszRecType, "OPB")); /* check header cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_OBJLINE) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != pszRecType[0]) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_RECTYPE); NEXTC; if(c != pszRecType[1]) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_RECTYPE); NEXTC; if(c != pszRecType[2]) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_RECTYPE); NEXTC; if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER); NEXTC; if(c != '1') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_VERS); NEXTC; if(c != ':') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_HEADER_VERS); /* object type and version */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeEmbedStr(ppstrID, pStrm)); CHKiRet(objDeserializeNumber(&oVers, pStrm)); /* and now we skip over the rest until the delemiting \n */ NEXTC; while(c != '\n') { NEXTC; } *poVers = oVers; finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* Deserialize a single property. Pointer must be positioned at begin of line. Whole line * up until the \n is read. */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeProperty(var_t *pProp, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; number_t i; number_t iLen; uchar c; assert(pProp != NULL); /* check cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_PROPLINE) { /* oops, we've read one char that does not belong to use - unget it first */ CHKiRet(strm.UnreadChar(pStrm, c)); ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_NO_PROPLINE); } /* get the property name first */ CHKiRet(rsCStrConstruct(&pProp->pcsName)); NEXTC; while(c != ':') { CHKiRet(rsCStrAppendChar(pProp->pcsName, c)); NEXTC; } CHKiRet(cstrFinalize(pProp->pcsName)); /* property type */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeNumber(&i, pStrm)); pProp->varType = i; /* size (needed for strings) */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeNumber(&iLen, pStrm)); /* we now need to deserialize the value */ switch(pProp->varType) { case VARTYPE_STR: CHKiRet(objDeserializeStr(&pProp->val.pStr, iLen, pStrm)); break; case VARTYPE_NUMBER: CHKiRet(objDeserializeNumber(&pProp->val.num, pStrm)); break; case VARTYPE_SYSLOGTIME: CHKiRet(objDeserializeSyslogTime(&pProp->val.vSyslogTime, pStrm)); break; default: dbgprintf("invalid VARTYPE %d\n", pProp->varType); break; } /* we should now be at the end of the line. So the next char must be \n */ NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_PROPFRAME); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* de-serialize an object trailer. This does not get any data but checks if the * format is ok. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeTrailer(strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; uchar c; /* check header cookie */ NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_ENDLINE) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'E') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != 'd') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != COOKIE_BLANKLINE) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); NEXTC; if(c != '\n') ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_TRAILER); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* This method tries to recover a serial store if it got out of sync. * To do so, it scans the line beginning cookies and waits for the object * cookie. If that is found, control is returned. If the store is exhausted, * we will receive an RS_RET_EOF error as part of NEXTC, which will also * terminate this function. So we may either return with somehting that * looks like a valid object or end of store. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeTryRecover(strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; uchar c; int bWasNL; int bRun; assert(pStrm != NULL); bRun = 1; bWasNL = 0; while(bRun) { NEXTC; if(c == '\n') bWasNL = 1; else { if(bWasNL == 1 && c == COOKIE_OBJLINE) bRun = 0; /* we found it! */ else bWasNL = 0; } } CHKiRet(strm.UnreadChar(pStrm, c)); finalize_it: dbgprintf("deserializer has possibly been able to re-sync and recover, state %d\n", iRet); RETiRet; } /* De-serialize the properties of an object. This includes processing * of the trailer. Header must already have been processed. * rgerhards, 2008-01-11 */ static rsRetVal objDeserializeProperties(obj_t *pObj, objInfo_t *pObjInfo, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; var_t *pVar = NULL; ISOBJ_assert(pObj); ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); ASSERT(pObjInfo != NULL); CHKiRet(var.Construct(&pVar)); CHKiRet(var.ConstructFinalize(pVar)); iRet = objDeserializeProperty(pVar, pStrm); while(iRet == RS_RET_OK) { CHKiRet(pObjInfo->objMethods[objMethod_SETPROPERTY](pObj, pVar)); /* re-init var object - TODO: method of var! */ rsCStrDestruct(&pVar->pcsName); /* no longer needed */ if(pVar->varType == VARTYPE_STR) { if(pVar->val.pStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pVar->val.pStr); } iRet = objDeserializeProperty(pVar, pStrm); } if(iRet != RS_RET_NO_PROPLINE) FINALIZE; CHKiRet(objDeserializeTrailer(pStrm)); /* do trailer checks */ finalize_it: if(pVar != NULL) var.Destruct(&pVar); RETiRet; } /* De-Serialize an object. * Params: Pointer to object Pointer (pObj) (like a obj_t**, but can not do that due to compiler warning) * expected object ID (to check against), a fixup function that can modify the object before it is finalized * and a user pointer that is to be passed to that function in addition to the object. The fixup function * pointer may be NULL, in which case none is called. * The caller must destruct the created object. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal Deserialize(void *ppObj, uchar *pszTypeExpected, strm_t *pStrm, rsRetVal (*fFixup)(obj_t*,void*), void *pUsr) { DEFiRet; rsRetVal iRetLocal; obj_t *pObj = NULL; int oVers = 0; /* keep compiler happy, but it is totally useless but takes up some execution time... */ cstr_t *pstrID = NULL; objInfo_t *pObjInfo; assert(ppObj != NULL); assert(pszTypeExpected != NULL); ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); /* we de-serialize the header. if all goes well, we are happy. However, if * we experience a problem, we try to recover. We do this by skipping to * the next object header. This is defined via the line-start cookies. In * worst case, we exhaust the queue, but then we receive EOF return state, * from objDeserializeTryRecover(), what will cause us to ultimately give up. * rgerhards, 2008-07-08 */ do { iRetLocal = objDeserializeHeader((uchar*) "Obj", &pstrID, &oVers, pStrm); if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) { dbgprintf("objDeserialize error %d during header processing - trying to recover\n", iRetLocal); CHKiRet(objDeserializeTryRecover(pStrm)); } } while(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK); if(rsCStrSzStrCmp(pstrID, pszTypeExpected, ustrlen(pszTypeExpected))) /* TODO: optimize strlen() - caller shall provide */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); CHKiRet(FindObjInfo(pstrID, &pObjInfo)); CHKiRet(pObjInfo->objMethods[objMethod_CONSTRUCT](&pObj)); /* we got the object, now we need to fill the properties */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeProperties(pObj, pObjInfo, pStrm)); /* check if we need to call a fixup function that modifies the object * before it is finalized. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-13 */ if(fFixup != NULL) CHKiRet(fFixup(pObj, pUsr)); /* we have a valid object, let's finalize our work and return */ if(objInfoIsImplemented(pObjInfo, objMethod_CONSTRUCTION_FINALIZER)) CHKiRet(pObjInfo->objMethods[objMethod_CONSTRUCTION_FINALIZER](pObj)); *((obj_t**) ppObj) = pObj; finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && pObj != NULL) free(pObj); /* TODO: check if we can call destructor 2008-01-13 rger */ if(pstrID != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pstrID); RETiRet; } /* De-Serialize an object, but treat it as property bag. * rgerhards, 2008-01-11 */ rsRetVal objDeserializeObjAsPropBag(obj_t *pObj, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; rsRetVal iRetLocal; cstr_t *pstrID = NULL; int oVers = 0; /* after all, it is totally useless but takes up some execution time... */ objInfo_t *pObjInfo; ISOBJ_assert(pObj); ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); /* we de-serialize the header. if all goes well, we are happy. However, if * we experience a problem, we try to recover. We do this by skipping to * the next object header. This is defined via the line-start cookies. In * worst case, we exhaust the queue, but then we receive EOF return state * from objDeserializeTryRecover(), what will cause us to ultimately give up. * rgerhards, 2008-07-08 */ do { iRetLocal = objDeserializeHeader((uchar*) "Obj", &pstrID, &oVers, pStrm); if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) { dbgprintf("objDeserializeObjAsPropBag error %d during header - trying to recover\n", iRetLocal); CHKiRet(objDeserializeTryRecover(pStrm)); } } while(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK); if(rsCStrSzStrCmp(pstrID, pObj->pObjInfo->pszID, pObj->pObjInfo->lenID)) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); CHKiRet(FindObjInfo(pstrID, &pObjInfo)); /* we got the object, now we need to fill the properties */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeProperties(pObj, pObjInfo, pStrm)); finalize_it: if(pstrID != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pstrID); RETiRet; } /* De-Serialize an object property bag. As a property bag contains only partial properties, * it is not instanciable. Thus, the caller must provide a pointer of an already-instanciated * object of the correct type. * Params: Pointer to object (pObj) * Pointer to be passed to the function * The caller must destruct the created object. * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 */ static rsRetVal DeserializePropBag(obj_t *pObj, strm_t *pStrm) { DEFiRet; rsRetVal iRetLocal; cstr_t *pstrID = NULL; int oVers; objInfo_t *pObjInfo; ISOBJ_assert(pObj); ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm); /* we de-serialize the header. if all goes well, we are happy. However, if * we experience a problem, we try to recover. We do this by skipping to * the next object header. This is defined via the line-start cookies. In * worst case, we exhaust the queue, but then we receive EOF return state * from objDeserializeTryRecover(), what will cause us to ultimately give up. * rgerhards, 2008-07-08 */ do { iRetLocal = objDeserializeHeader((uchar*) "OPB", &pstrID, &oVers, pStrm); if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) { dbgprintf("objDeserializePropBag error %d during header - trying to recover\n", iRetLocal); CHKiRet(objDeserializeTryRecover(pStrm)); } } while(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK); if(rsCStrSzStrCmp(pstrID, pObj->pObjInfo->pszID, pObj->pObjInfo->lenID)) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INVALID_OID); CHKiRet(FindObjInfo(pstrID, &pObjInfo)); /* we got the object, now we need to fill the properties */ CHKiRet(objDeserializeProperties(pObj, pObjInfo, pStrm)); finalize_it: if(pstrID != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pstrID); RETiRet; } #undef NEXTC /* undef helper macro */ /* --------------- end object serializiation / deserialization support --------------- */ /* set the object (instance) name * rgerhards, 2008-01-29 * TODO: change the naming to a rsCStr obj! (faster) */ static rsRetVal SetName(obj_t *pThis, uchar *pszName) { DEFiRet; free(pThis->pszName); CHKmalloc(pThis->pszName = ustrdup(pszName)); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* get the object (instance) name * Note that we use a non-standard calling convention. Thus function must never * fail, else we run into real big problems. So it must make sure that at least someting * is returned. * rgerhards, 2008-01-30 */ static uchar * GetName(obj_t *pThis) { uchar *ret; uchar szName[128]; BEGINfunc ISOBJ_assert(pThis); if(pThis->pszName == NULL) { snprintf((char*)szName, sizeof(szName)/sizeof(uchar), "%s %p", objGetClassName(pThis), pThis); SetName(pThis, szName); /* looks strange, but we NEED to re-check because if there was an * error in objSetName(), the pointer may still be NULL */ if(pThis->pszName == NULL) { ret = objGetClassName(pThis); } else { ret = pThis->pszName; } } else { ret = pThis->pszName; } ENDfunc return ret; } /* Find the objInfo object for the current object * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ static rsRetVal FindObjInfo(cstr_t *pstrOID, objInfo_t **ppInfo) { DEFiRet; int bFound; int i; assert(pstrOID != NULL); assert(ppInfo != NULL); bFound = 0; i = 0; while(!bFound && i < OBJ_NUM_IDS) { if(arrObjInfo[i] != NULL && !rsCStrSzStrCmp(pstrOID, arrObjInfo[i]->pszID, arrObjInfo[i]->lenID)) { bFound = 1; break; } ++i; } if(!bFound) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_NOT_FOUND); *ppInfo = arrObjInfo[i]; finalize_it: if(iRet == RS_RET_OK) { /* DEV DEBUG ONLY dbgprintf("caller requested object '%s', found at index %d\n", (*ppInfo)->pszID, i);*/ /*EMPTY BY INTENSION*/; } else { dbgprintf("caller requested object '%s', not found (iRet %d)\n", rsCStrGetSzStr(pstrOID), iRet); } RETiRet; } /* register a classes' info pointer, so that we can reference it later, if needed to * (e.g. for de-serialization support). * rgerhards, 2008-01-07 * In this function, we look for a free space in the object table. While we do so, we * also detect if the same object has already been registered, which is not valid. * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ static rsRetVal RegisterObj(uchar *pszObjName, objInfo_t *pInfo) { DEFiRet; int bFound; int i; assert(pszObjName != NULL); assert(pInfo != NULL); bFound = 0; i = 0; while(!bFound && i < OBJ_NUM_IDS && arrObjInfo[i] != NULL) { if( arrObjInfo[i] != NULL && !ustrcmp(arrObjInfo[i]->pszID, pszObjName)) { bFound = 1; break; } ++i; } if(bFound) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OBJ_ALREADY_REGISTERED); if(i >= OBJ_NUM_IDS) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OBJ_REGISTRY_OUT_OF_SPACE); arrObjInfo[i] = pInfo; /* DEV debug only: dbgprintf("object '%s' successfully registered with index %d, qIF %p\n", pszObjName, i, pInfo->QueryIF); */ finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) { errmsg.LogError(0, NO_ERRCODE, "registering object '%s' failed with error code %d", pszObjName, iRet); } RETiRet; } /* deregister a classes' info pointer, usually called because the class is unloaded. * After deregistration, the class can no longer be accessed, except if it is reloaded. * rgerhards, 2008-03-10 */ static rsRetVal UnregisterObj(uchar *pszObjName) { DEFiRet; int bFound; int i; assert(pszObjName != NULL); bFound = 0; i = 0; while(!bFound && i < OBJ_NUM_IDS) { if( arrObjInfo[i] != NULL && !ustrcmp(arrObjInfo[i]->pszID, pszObjName)) { bFound = 1; break; } ++i; } if(!bFound) ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OBJ_NOT_REGISTERED); InfoDestruct(&arrObjInfo[i]); /* DEV debug only: dbgprintf("object '%s' successfully unregistered with index %d\n", pszObjName, i); */ finalize_it: if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) { dbgprintf("unregistering object '%s' failed with error code %d\n", pszObjName, iRet); } RETiRet; } /* This function shall be called by anyone who would like to use an object. It will * try to locate the object, load it into memory if not already present and return * a pointer to the objects interface. * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ static rsRetVal UseObj(char *srcFile, uchar *pObjName, uchar *pObjFile, interface_t *pIf) { DEFiRet; cstr_t *pStr = NULL; objInfo_t *pObjInfo; /* DEV debug only: dbgprintf("source file %s requests object '%s', ifIsLoaded %d\n", srcFile, pObjName, pIf->ifIsLoaded); */ if(pIf->ifIsLoaded == 1) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); /* we are already set */ } if(pIf->ifIsLoaded == 2) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_LOAD_ERROR); /* we had a load error and can not continue */ } /* we must be careful that we do not enter in infinite loop if an error occurs during * loading a module. ModLoad emits an error message in such cases and that potentially * can trigger the same code here. So we initially set the module state to "load error" * and set it to "fully initialized" when the load succeeded. It's a bit hackish, but * looks like a good solution. -- rgerhards, 2008-03-07 */ pIf->ifIsLoaded = 2; CHKiRet(rsCStrConstructFromszStr(&pStr, pObjName)); iRet = FindObjInfo(pStr, &pObjInfo); if(iRet == RS_RET_NOT_FOUND) { /* in this case, we need to see if we can dynamically load the object */ if(pObjFile == NULL) { FINALIZE; /* no chance, we have lost... */ } else { CHKiRet(module.Load(pObjFile)); /* NOW, we must find it or we have a problem... */ CHKiRet(FindObjInfo(pStr, &pObjInfo)); } } else if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) { FINALIZE; /* give up */ } /* if we reach this point, we have a valid pObjInfo */ if(pObjFile != NULL) { /* NULL means core module */ module.Use(srcFile, pObjInfo->pModInfo); /* increase refcount */ } CHKiRet(pObjInfo->QueryIF(pIf)); pIf->ifIsLoaded = 1; /* we are happy */ finalize_it: if(pStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pStr); RETiRet; } /* This function shall be called when a caller is done with an object. Its primary * purpose is to keep the reference count correct, which is highly important for * modules residing in loadable modules. * rgerhards, 2008-03-10 */ static rsRetVal ReleaseObj(char *srcFile, uchar *pObjName, uchar *pObjFile, interface_t *pIf) { DEFiRet; cstr_t *pStr = NULL; objInfo_t *pObjInfo; /* dev debug only dbgprintf("source file %s releasing object '%s', ifIsLoaded %d\n", srcFile, pObjName, pIf->ifIsLoaded); */ if(pObjFile == NULL) FINALIZE; /* if it is not a lodable module, we do not need to do anything... */ if(pIf->ifIsLoaded == 0) { ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); /* we are not loaded - this is perfectly OK... */ } else if(pIf->ifIsLoaded == 2) { pIf->ifIsLoaded = 0; /* clean up */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_OK); /* we had a load error and can not continue */ } CHKiRet(rsCStrConstructFromszStr(&pStr, pObjName)); CHKiRet(FindObjInfo(pStr, &pObjInfo)); /* if we reach this point, we have a valid pObjInfo */ module.Release(srcFile, &pObjInfo->pModInfo); /* decrease refcount */ pIf->ifIsLoaded = 0; /* indicated "no longer valid" */ finalize_it: if(pStr != NULL) rsCStrDestruct(&pStr); RETiRet; } /* queryInterface function * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ BEGINobjQueryInterface(obj) CODESTARTobjQueryInterface(obj) if(pIf->ifVersion != objCURR_IF_VERSION) { /* check for current version, increment on each change */ ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED); } /* ok, we have the right interface, so let's fill it * Please note that we may also do some backwards-compatibility * work here (if we can support an older interface version - that, * of course, also affects the "if" above). */ pIf->UseObj = UseObj; pIf->ReleaseObj = ReleaseObj; pIf->InfoConstruct = InfoConstruct; pIf->DestructObjSelf = DestructObjSelf; pIf->BeginSerializePropBag = BeginSerializePropBag; pIf->InfoSetMethod = InfoSetMethod; pIf->BeginSerialize = BeginSerialize; pIf->SerializeProp = SerializeProp; pIf->EndSerialize = EndSerialize; pIf->RegisterObj = RegisterObj; pIf->UnregisterObj = UnregisterObj; pIf->Deserialize = Deserialize; pIf->DeserializePropBag = DeserializePropBag; pIf->SetName = SetName; pIf->GetName = GetName; finalize_it: ENDobjQueryInterface(obj) /* This function returns a pointer to our own interface. It is used as the * hook that every object (including dynamically loaded ones) can use to * obtain a pointer to our interface which than can be used to obtain * pointers to any other interface in the system. This function must be * externally visible because of its special nature. * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 [nice - will have that date the next time in 4 years ;)] */ rsRetVal objGetObjInterface(obj_if_t *pIf) { DEFiRet; assert(pIf != NULL); objQueryInterface(pIf); RETiRet; } /* exit our class * rgerhards, 2008-03-11 */ rsRetVal objClassExit(void) { DEFiRet; /* release objects we no longer need */ objRelease(strm, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(var, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(module, CORE_COMPONENT); objRelease(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT); /* TODO: implement the class exits! */ #if 0 cfsyslineExit(pModInfo); varClassExit(pModInfo); #endif errmsgClassExit(); moduleClassExit(); RETiRet; } /* initialize our own class * Please note that this also initializes those classes that we rely on. * Though this is a bit dirty, we need to do it - otherwise we can't get * around that bootstrap problem. We need to face the fact the the obj * class is a little different from the rest of the system, as it provides * the core class loader functionality. * rgerhards, 2008-02-29 */ rsRetVal objClassInit(modInfo_t *pModInfo) { DEFiRet; int i; /* first, initialize the object system itself. This must be done * before any other object is created. */ for(i = 0 ; i < OBJ_NUM_IDS ; ++i) { arrObjInfo[i] = NULL; } /* request objects we use */ CHKiRet(objGetObjInterface(&obj)); /* get ourselves ;) */ /* init classes we use (limit to as few as possible!) */ CHKiRet(apcClassInit(pModInfo)); CHKiRet(errmsgClassInit(pModInfo)); CHKiRet(cfsyslineInit()); CHKiRet(varClassInit(pModInfo)); CHKiRet(moduleClassInit(pModInfo)); CHKiRet(strmClassInit(pModInfo)); CHKiRet(objUse(var, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(module, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(errmsg, CORE_COMPONENT)); CHKiRet(objUse(strm, CORE_COMPONENT)); finalize_it: RETiRet; } /* vi:set ai: */