/* queue.c
* This file implements the queue object and its several queueing methods.
* File begun on 2008-01-03 by RGerhards
* There is some in-depth documentation available in doc/dev_queue.html
* (and in the web doc set on http://www.rsyslog.com/doc). Be sure to read it
* if you are getting aquainted to the object.
* Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
* This file is part of rsyslog.
* Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Rsyslog. If not, see .
* A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "rsyslog.h"
#include "syslogd.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "stringbuf.h"
#include "srUtils.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "wtp.h"
#include "wti.h"
/* static data */
/* forward-definitions */
rsRetVal queueChkPersist(queue_t *pThis);
static rsRetVal queueSetEnqOnly(queue_t *pThis, int bEnqOnly, int bLockMutex);
static int queueChkStopWrkrDA(queue_t *pThis);
static int queueIsIdleDA(queue_t *pThis);
static rsRetVal queueConsumerDA(queue_t *pThis, wti_t *pWti, int iCancelStateSave);
static rsRetVal queueConsumerCancelCleanup(void *arg1, void *arg2);
static rsRetVal queueUngetObj(queue_t *pThis, obj_t *pUsr, int bLockMutex);
/* methods */
/* --------------- code for disk-assisted (DA) queue modes -------------------- */
/* returns the number of workers that should be advised at
* this point in time. The mutex must be locked when
* ths function is called. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-25
static inline rsRetVal queueAdviseMaxWorkers(queue_t *pThis)
int iMaxWorkers;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(!pThis->bEnqOnly) {
if(pThis->bRunsDA) {
/* if we have not yet reached the high water mark, there is no need to start a
* worker. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-26
if(pThis->iQueueSize >= pThis->iHighWtrMrk || pThis->bQueueStarted == 0) {
wtpAdviseMaxWorkers(pThis->pWtpDA, 1); /* disk queues have always one worker */
} else {
if(pThis->qType == QUEUETYPE_DISK || pThis->iMinMsgsPerWrkr == 0) {
iMaxWorkers = 1;
} else {
iMaxWorkers = pThis->iQueueSize / pThis->iMinMsgsPerWrkr + 1;
wtpAdviseMaxWorkers(pThis->pWtpReg, iMaxWorkers); /* disk queues have always one worker */
/* Destruct DA queue. This is the last part of DA-to-normal-mode
* transistion. This is called asynchronously and some time quite a
* while after the actual transistion. The key point is that we need to
* do it at some later time, because we need to destruct the DA queue. That,
* however, can not be done in a thread that has been signalled
* This is to be called when we revert back to our own queue.
* This function must be called with the queue mutex locked (the wti
* class ensures this).
* rgerhards, 2008-01-15
static rsRetVal
queueTurnOffDAMode(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
/* at this point, we need a fully initialized DA queue. So if it isn't, we finally need
* to wait for its startup... -- rgerhards, 2008-01-25
while(pThis->bRunsDA != 2) {
d_pthread_cond_wait(&pThis->condDAReady, pThis->mut);
/* if we need to pull any data that we still need from the (child) disk queue,
* now would be the time to do so. At present, we do not need this, but I'd like to
* keep that comment if future need arises.
/* we need to check if the DA queue is empty because the DA worker may simply have
* terminated do to no new messages arriving. That does not, however, mean that the
* DA queue is empty. If there is still data in that queue, we do nothing and leave
* that for a later incarnation of this function (it will be called multiple times
* during the lifetime of DA-mode, depending on how often the DA worker receives an
* inactivity timeout. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-25
if(pThis->pqDA->iQueueSize == 0) {
pThis->bRunsDA = 0; /* tell the world we are back in non-DA mode */
/* we destruct the queue object, which will also shutdown the queue worker. As the queue is empty,
* this will be quick.
queueDestruct(&pThis->pqDA); /* and now we are ready to destruct the DA queue */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "disk-assistance has been turned off, disk queue was empty (iRet %d)\n",
/* now we need to check if the regular queue has some messages. This may be the case
* when it is waiting that the high water mark is reached again. If so, we need to start up
* a regular worker. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-26
if(pThis->iQueueSize > 0) {
/* check if we run in disk-assisted mode and record that
* setting for easy (and quick!) access in the future. This
* function must only be called from constructors and only
* from those that support disk-assisted modes (aka memory-
* based queue drivers).
* rgerhards, 2008-01-14
static rsRetVal
queueChkIsDA(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->pszFilePrefix != NULL) {
pThis->bIsDA = 1;
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "is disk-assisted, disk will be used on demand\n");
} else {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "is NOT disk-assisted\n");
/* Start disk-assisted queue mode. All internal settings are changed. This is supposed
* to be called from the DA worker, which must have been started before. The most important
* chore of this function is to create the DA queue object. If that function fails,
* the DA worker should return with an appropriate state, which in turn should lead to
* a re-set to non-DA mode in the Enq process. The queue mutex must be locked when this
* function is called, else a number of races will happen.
* Please note that this function may be called *while* we in DA mode. This is due to the
* fact that the DA worker calls it and the DA worker may be suspended (and restarted) due
* to inactivity timeouts.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-15
static rsRetVal
queueStartDA(queue_t *pThis)
uchar pszDAQName[128];
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->bRunsDA == 2) /* check if already in (fully initialized) DA mode... */
FINALIZE; /* ... then we are already done! */
/* create message queue */
CHKiRet(queueConstruct(&pThis->pqDA, QUEUETYPE_DISK , 1, 0, pThis->pConsumer));
/* give it a name */
snprintf((char*) pszDAQName, sizeof(pszDAQName)/sizeof(uchar), "%s[DA]", objGetName((obj_t*) pThis));
objSetName((obj_t*) pThis->pqDA, pszDAQName);
/* as the created queue is the same object class, we take the
* liberty to access its properties directly.
pThis->pqDA->pqParent = pThis;
CHKiRet(queueSetpUsr(pThis->pqDA, pThis->pUsr));
CHKiRet(queueSetMaxFileSize(pThis->pqDA, pThis->iMaxFileSize));
CHKiRet(queueSetFilePrefix(pThis->pqDA, pThis->pszFilePrefix, pThis->lenFilePrefix));
CHKiRet(queueSetiPersistUpdCnt(pThis->pqDA, pThis->iPersistUpdCnt));
CHKiRet(queueSettoActShutdown(pThis->pqDA, pThis->toActShutdown));
CHKiRet(queueSettoEnq(pThis->pqDA, pThis->toEnq));
CHKiRet(queueSetEnqOnly(pThis->pqDA, pThis->bDAEnqOnly, MUTEX_ALREADY_LOCKED));
CHKiRet(queueSetiHighWtrMrk(pThis->pqDA, 0));
CHKiRet(queueSetiDiscardMrk(pThis->pqDA, 0));
if(pThis->toQShutdown == 0) {
CHKiRet(queueSettoQShutdown(pThis->pqDA, 0)); /* if the user really wants... */
} else {
/* we use the shortest possible shutdown (0 is endless!) because when we run on disk AND
* have an obviously large backlog, we can't finish it in any case. So there is no point
* in holding shutdown longer than necessary. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-15
CHKiRet(queueSettoQShutdown(pThis->pqDA, 1));
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "queueStartDA pre start\n");
iRet = queueStart(pThis->pqDA);
/* file not found is expected, that means it is no previous QIF available */
if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && iRet != RS_RET_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
FINALIZE; /* something is wrong */
/* as we are right now starting DA mode because we are so busy, it is
* extremely unlikely that any regular worker is sleeping on empty queue. HOWEVER,
* we want to be on the safe side, and so we awake anyone that is waiting
* on one. So even if the scheduler plays badly with us, things should be
* quite well. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-15
wtpWakeupWrkr(pThis->pWtpReg); /* awake all workers, but not ourselves ;) */
pThis->bRunsDA = 2; /* we are now in DA mode, but not fully initialized */
pThis->bChildIsDone = 0;/* set to 1 when child's worker detect queue is finished */
pthread_cond_signal(&pThis->condDAReady); /* signal we are now initialized and ready to go ;) */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "is now running in disk assisted mode, disk queue 0x%lx\n",
if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) {
if(pThis->pqDA != NULL) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d creating disk queue - giving up.\n", iRet);
pThis->bIsDA = 0;
/* initiate DA mode
* param bEnqOnly tells if the disk queue is to be run in enqueue-only mode. This may
* be needed during shutdown of memory queues which need to be persisted to disk.
* If this function fails (should not happen), DA mode is not turned on.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-16
static inline rsRetVal
queueInitDA(queue_t *pThis, int bEnqOnly, int bLockMutex)
uchar pszBuf[64];
size_t lenBuf;
/* check if we already have a DA worker pool. If not, initiate one. Please note that the
* pool is created on first need but never again destructed (until the queue is). This
* is intentional. We assume that when we need it once, we may also need it on another
* occasion. Ressources used are quite minimal when no worker is running.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-24
if(pThis->pWtpDA == NULL) {
lenBuf = snprintf((char*)pszBuf, sizeof(pszBuf), "%s:DA", objGetName((obj_t*) pThis));
CHKiRet(wtpConstruct (&pThis->pWtpDA));
CHKiRet(wtpSetDbgHdr (pThis->pWtpDA, pszBuf, lenBuf));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfChkStopWrkr (pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, int)) queueChkStopWrkrDA));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfIsIdle (pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, int)) queueIsIdleDA));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfDoWork (pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, void *pWti, int)) queueConsumerDA));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerCancel (pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, void*pWti)) queueConsumerCancelCleanup));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerStartup (pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr)) queueStartDA));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerShutdown(pThis->pWtpDA, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr)) queueTurnOffDAMode));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpmutUsr (pThis->pWtpDA, pThis->mut));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpcondBusy (pThis->pWtpDA, &pThis->notEmpty));
CHKiRet(wtpSetiNumWorkerThreads (pThis->pWtpDA, 1));
CHKiRet(wtpSettoWrkShutdown (pThis->pWtpDA, pThis->toWrkShutdown));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpUsr (pThis->pWtpDA, pThis));
CHKiRet(wtpConstructFinalize (pThis->pWtpDA));
/* if we reach this point, we have a "good" DA worker pool */
/* indicate we now run in DA mode - this is reset by the DA worker if it fails */
pThis->bRunsDA = 1;
pThis->bDAEnqOnly = bEnqOnly;
/* now we must now adivse the wtp that we need one worker. If none is yet active,
* that will also start one up. If we forgot that step, everything would be stalled
* until the next enqueue request.
wtpAdviseMaxWorkers(pThis->pWtpDA, 1); /* DA queues alsways have just one worker max */
/* check if we need to start disk assisted mode and send some signals to
* keep it running if we are already in it. It also checks if DA mode is
* partially initialized, in which case it waits for initialization to
* complete.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-14
static inline rsRetVal
queueChkStrtDA(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
/* if we do not hit the high water mark, we have nothing to do */
if(pThis->iQueueSize != pThis->iHighWtrMrk)
if(pThis->bRunsDA) {
/* then we need to signal that we are at the high water mark again. If that happens
* on our way down the queue, that doesn't matter, because then nobody is waiting
* on the condition variable.
* (Remember that a DA queue stops draining the queue once it has reached the low
* water mark and restarts it when the high water mark is reached again - this is
* what this code here is responsible for. Please note that all workers may have been
* terminated due to the inactivity timeout, thus we need to advise the pool that
* we need at least one).
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "%d entries - passed high water mark in DA mode, send notify\n",
} else {
/* this is the case when we are currently not running in DA mode. So it is time
* to turn it back on.
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "%d entries - passed high water mark for disk-assisted mode, initiating...\n",
queueInitDA(pThis, QUEUE_MODE_ENQDEQ, MUTEX_ALREADY_LOCKED); /* initiate DA mode */
/* --------------- end code for disk-assisted queue modes -------------------- */
/* Now, we define type-specific handlers. The provide a generic functionality,
* but for this specific type of queue. The mapping to these handlers happens during
* queue construction. Later on, handlers are called by pointers present in the
* queue instance object.
/* -------------------- fixed array -------------------- */
static rsRetVal qConstructFixedArray(queue_t *pThis)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
if(pThis->iMaxQueueSize == 0)
if((pThis->tVars.farray.pBuf = malloc(sizeof(void *) * pThis->iMaxQueueSize)) == NULL) {
pThis->tVars.farray.head = 0;
pThis->tVars.farray.tail = 0;
static rsRetVal qDestructFixedArray(queue_t *pThis)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
if(pThis->tVars.farray.pBuf != NULL)
static rsRetVal qAddFixedArray(queue_t *pThis, void* in)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
pThis->tVars.farray.pBuf[pThis->tVars.farray.tail] = in;
if (pThis->tVars.farray.tail == pThis->iMaxQueueSize)
pThis->tVars.farray.tail = 0;
static rsRetVal qDelFixedArray(queue_t *pThis, void **out)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
*out = (void*) pThis->tVars.farray.pBuf[pThis->tVars.farray.head];
if (pThis->tVars.farray.head == pThis->iMaxQueueSize)
pThis->tVars.farray.head = 0;
/* -------------------- linked list -------------------- */
/* first some generic functions which are also used for the unget linked list */
static inline rsRetVal queueAddLinkedList(qLinkedList_t **ppRoot, qLinkedList_t **ppLast, void* pUsr)
qLinkedList_t *pEntry;
ASSERT(ppRoot != NULL);
ASSERT(ppLast != NULL);
if((pEntry = (qLinkedList_t*) malloc(sizeof(qLinkedList_t))) == NULL) {
pEntry->pNext = NULL;
pEntry->pUsr = pUsr;
if(*ppRoot == NULL) {
*ppRoot = *ppLast = pEntry;
} else {
(*ppLast)->pNext = pEntry;
*ppLast = pEntry;
static inline rsRetVal queueDelLinkedList(qLinkedList_t **ppRoot, qLinkedList_t **ppLast, obj_t **ppUsr)
qLinkedList_t *pEntry;
ASSERT(ppRoot != NULL);
ASSERT(ppLast != NULL);
ASSERT(ppUsr != NULL);
ASSERT(*ppRoot != NULL);
pEntry = *ppRoot;
*ppUsr = pEntry->pUsr;
if(*ppRoot == *ppLast) {
*ppRoot = NULL;
*ppLast = NULL;
} else {
*ppRoot = pEntry->pNext;
/* end generic functions which are also used for the unget linked list */
static rsRetVal qConstructLinkedList(queue_t *pThis)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot = 0;
pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast = 0;
static rsRetVal qDestructLinkedList(queue_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis)
/* with the linked list type, there is nothing to do here. The
* reason is that the Destructor is only called after all entries
* have bene taken off the queue. In this case, there is nothing
* dynamic left with the linked list.
static rsRetVal qAddLinkedList(queue_t *pThis, void* pUsr)
iRet = queueAddLinkedList(&pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot, &pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast, pUsr);
#if 0
qLinkedList_t *pEntry;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
if((pEntry = (qLinkedList_t*) malloc(sizeof(qLinkedList_t))) == NULL) {
pEntry->pNext = NULL;
pEntry->pUsr = pUsr;
if(pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot == NULL) {
pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot = pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast = pEntry;
} else {
pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast->pNext = pEntry;
pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast = pEntry;
static rsRetVal qDelLinkedList(queue_t *pThis, obj_t **ppUsr)
iRet = queueDelLinkedList(&pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot, &pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast, ppUsr);
#if 0
qLinkedList_t *pEntry;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
ASSERT(pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot != NULL);
pEntry = pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot;
*ppUsr = pEntry->pUsr;
if(pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot == pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast) {
pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot = NULL;
pThis->tVars.linklist.pLast = NULL;
} else {
pThis->tVars.linklist.pRoot = pEntry->pNext;
/* -------------------- disk -------------------- */
static rsRetVal
queueLoadPersStrmInfoFixup(strm_t *pStrm, queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pStrm, strm);
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
CHKiRet(strmSetDir(pStrm, glblGetWorkDir(), strlen((char*)glblGetWorkDir())));
/* This method checks if we have a QIF file for the current queue (no matter of
* queue mode). Returns RS_RET_OK if we have a QIF file or an error status otherwise.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-15
static rsRetVal
queueHaveQIF(queue_t *pThis)
uchar pszQIFNam[MAXFNAME];
size_t lenQIFNam;
struct stat stat_buf;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->pszFilePrefix == NULL)
/* Construct file name */
lenQIFNam = snprintf((char*)pszQIFNam, sizeof(pszQIFNam) / sizeof(uchar), "%s/%s.qi",
(char*) glblGetWorkDir(), (char*)pThis->pszFilePrefix);
/* check if the file exists */
if(stat((char*) pszQIFNam, &stat_buf) == -1) {
if(errno == ENOENT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "no .qi file found\n");
} else {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d trying to access .qi file\n", errno);
/* If we reach this point, we have a .qi file */
/* The method loads the persistent queue information.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-11
static rsRetVal
queueTryLoadPersistedInfo(queue_t *pThis)
strm_t *psQIF = NULL;
uchar pszQIFNam[MAXFNAME];
size_t lenQIFNam;
struct stat stat_buf;
int iUngottenObjs;
obj_t *pUsr;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
/* Construct file name */
lenQIFNam = snprintf((char*)pszQIFNam, sizeof(pszQIFNam) / sizeof(uchar), "%s/%s.qi",
(char*) glblGetWorkDir(), (char*)pThis->pszFilePrefix);
/* check if the file exists */
if(stat((char*) pszQIFNam, &stat_buf) == -1) {
if(errno == ENOENT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "clean startup, no .qi file found\n");
} else {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d trying to access .qi file\n", errno);
/* If we reach this point, we have a .qi file */
CHKiRet(strmSetDir(psQIF, glblGetWorkDir(), strlen((char*)glblGetWorkDir())));
CHKiRet(strmSettOperationsMode(psQIF, STREAMMODE_READ));
CHKiRet(strmSetFName(psQIF, pszQIFNam, lenQIFNam));
/* first, we try to read the property bag for ourselfs */
CHKiRet(objDeserializePropBag((obj_t*) pThis, psQIF));
/* then the ungotten object queue */
iUngottenObjs = pThis->iUngottenObjs;
pThis->iUngottenObjs = 0; /* will be incremented when we add objects! */
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", iUngottenObjs);
while(iUngottenObjs > 0) {
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", iUngottenObjs);
/* fill the queue from disk */
CHKiRet(objDeserialize((void*) &pUsr, OBJmsg, psQIF, NULL, NULL));
queueUngetObj(pThis, pUsr, MUTEX_ALREADY_LOCKED);
--iUngottenObjs; /* one less */
/* and now the stream objects (some order as when persisted!) */
CHKiRet(objDeserialize(&pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, OBJstrm, psQIF,
(rsRetVal(*)(obj_t*,void*))queueLoadPersStrmInfoFixup, pThis));
CHKiRet(objDeserialize(&pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, OBJstrm, psQIF,
(rsRetVal(*)(obj_t*,void*))queueLoadPersStrmInfoFixup, pThis));
/* OK, we could successfully read the file, so we now can request that it be
* deleted when we are done with the persisted information.
pThis->bNeedDelQIF = 1;
if(psQIF != NULL)
if(iRet != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d reading .qi file - can not read persisted info (if any)\n",
/* disk queue constructor.
* Note that we use a file limit of 10,000,000 files. That number should never pose a
* problem. If so, I guess the user has a design issue... But of course, the code can
* always be changed (though it would probably be more appropriate to increase the
* allowed file size at this point - that should be a config setting...
* rgerhards, 2008-01-10
static rsRetVal qConstructDisk(queue_t *pThis)
int bRestarted = 0;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
/* and now check if there is some persistent information that needs to be read in */
iRet = queueTryLoadPersistedInfo(pThis);
if(iRet == RS_RET_OK)
bRestarted = 1;
else if(iRet != RS_RET_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
if(bRestarted == 1) {
} else {
CHKiRet(strmSetDir(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, glblGetWorkDir(), strlen((char*)glblGetWorkDir())));
CHKiRet(strmSetiMaxFiles(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, 10000000));
CHKiRet(strmSettOperationsMode(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, STREAMMODE_WRITE));
CHKiRet(strmSetsType(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, STREAMTYPE_FILE_CIRCULAR));
CHKiRet(strmSetbDeleteOnClose(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, 1));
CHKiRet(strmSetDir(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, glblGetWorkDir(), strlen((char*)glblGetWorkDir())));
CHKiRet(strmSetiMaxFiles(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, 10000000));
CHKiRet(strmSettOperationsMode(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, STREAMMODE_READ));
CHKiRet(strmSetsType(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, STREAMTYPE_FILE_CIRCULAR));
CHKiRet(strmSetFName(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, pThis->pszFilePrefix, pThis->lenFilePrefix));
CHKiRet(strmSetFName(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, pThis->pszFilePrefix, pThis->lenFilePrefix));
/* now we set (and overwrite in case of a persisted restart) some parameters which
* should always reflect the current configuration variables. Be careful by doing so,
* for example file name generation must not be changed as that would break the
* ability to read existing queue files. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-12
CHKiRet(strmSetiMaxFileSize(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, pThis->iMaxFileSize));
CHKiRet(strmSetiMaxFileSize(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, pThis->iMaxFileSize));
static rsRetVal qDestructDisk(queue_t *pThis)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
if(pThis->pszSpoolDir != NULL)
static rsRetVal qAddDisk(queue_t *pThis, void* pUsr)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
CHKiRet((objSerialize(pUsr))(pUsr, pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite));
static rsRetVal qDelDisk(queue_t *pThis, void **ppUsr)
return objDeserialize(ppUsr, OBJmsg, pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, NULL, NULL);
/* -------------------- direct (no queueing) -------------------- */
static rsRetVal qConstructDirect(queue_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis)
return RS_RET_OK;
static rsRetVal qDestructDirect(queue_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis)
return RS_RET_OK;
static rsRetVal qAddDirect(queue_t *pThis, void* pUsr)
rsRetVal iRetLocal;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
/* calling the consumer is quite different here than it is from a worker thread */
iRetLocal = pThis->pConsumer(pThis->pUsr, pUsr);
if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "Consumer returned iRet %d\n", iRetLocal);
--pThis->iQueueSize; /* this is kind of a hack, but its the smartest thing we can do given
* the somewhat astonishing fact that this queue type does not actually
* queue anything ;)
static rsRetVal qDelDirect(queue_t __attribute__((unused)) *pThis, __attribute__((unused)) void **out)
return RS_RET_OK;
/* --------------- end type-specific handlers -------------------- */
/* get the overall queue size, which includes ungotten objects. Must only be called
* while mutex is locked!
* rgerhards, 2008-01-29
static inline int
queueGetOverallQueueSize(queue_t *pThis)
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->iQueueSize);
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->iUngottenObjs);
return pThis->iQueueSize + pThis->iUngottenObjs;
/* unget a user pointer that has been dequeued. This functionality is especially important
* for consumer cancel cleanup handlers. To support it, a short list of ungotten user pointers
* is maintened in memory.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-20
static rsRetVal
queueUngetObj(queue_t *pThis, obj_t *pUsr, int bLockMutex)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "ungetting user object %s\n", objGetName(pUsr));
iRet = queueAddLinkedList(&pThis->pUngetRoot, &pThis->pUngetLast, pUsr);
++pThis->iUngottenObjs; /* indicate one more */
/* dequeues a user pointer from the ungotten queue. Pointers from there should always be
* dequeued first.
* This function must only be called when the mutex is locked!
* rgerhards, 2008-01-29
static rsRetVal
queueGetUngottenObj(queue_t *pThis, obj_t **ppUsr)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
ASSERT(ppUsr != NULL);
iRet = queueDelLinkedList(&pThis->pUngetRoot, &pThis->pUngetLast, ppUsr);
--pThis->iUngottenObjs; /* indicate one less */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "dequeued ungotten user object %s\n", objGetName(*ppUsr));
/* generic code to add a queue entry */
static rsRetVal
queueAdd(queue_t *pThis, void *pUsr)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
CHKiRet(pThis->qAdd(pThis, pUsr));
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "entry added, size now %d entries\n", pThis->iQueueSize);
/* generic code to remove a queue entry
* rgerhards, 2008-01-29: we must first see if there is any object in the
* ungotten list and, if so, dequeue it first.
static rsRetVal
queueDel(queue_t *pThis, void *pUsr)
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
/* we do NOT abort if we encounter an error, because otherwise the queue
* will not be decremented, what will most probably result in an endless loop.
* If we decrement, however, we may lose a message. But that is better than
* losing the whole process because it loops... -- rgerhards, 2008-01-03
if(pThis->iUngottenObjs > 0) {
iRet = queueGetUngottenObj(pThis, (obj_t**) pUsr);
} else {
iRet = pThis->qDel(pThis, pUsr);
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "entry deleted, state %d, size now %d entries\n",
iRet, pThis->iQueueSize);
/* This function shuts down all worker threads and waits until they
* have terminated. If they timeout, they are cancelled. Parameters have been set
* before this function is called so that DA queues will be fully persisted to
* disk (if configured to do so).
* rgerhards, 2008-01-24
* Please note that this function shuts down BOTH the parent AND the child queue
* in DA case. This is necessary because their timeouts are tightly coupled. Most
* importantly, the timeouts would be applied twice (or logic be extremely
* complex) if each would have its own shutdown. The function does not self check
* this condition - the caller must make sure it is not called with a parent.
static rsRetVal queueShutdownWorkers(queue_t *pThis)
struct timespec tTimeout;
rsRetVal iRetLocal;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
ASSERT(pThis->pqParent == NULL); /* detect invalid calling sequence */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "initiating worker thread shutdown sequence\n");
/* we reduce the low water mark in any case. This is not absolutely necessary, but
* it is useful because we enable DA mode at several spots below and so we do not need
* to think about the low water mark each time.
pThis->iHighWtrMrk = 1; /* if we do not do this, the DA queue will not stop! */
pThis->iLowWtrMrk = 0;
/* first try to shutdown the queue within the regular shutdown period */
BEGIN_MTX_PROTECTED_OPERATIONS(pThis->mut, LOCK_MUTEX); /* some workers may be running in parallel! */
if(pThis->iQueueSize > 0) {
if(pThis->bRunsDA) {
/* We may have waited on the low water mark. As it may have changed, we
* see if we reactivate the worker.
wtpAdviseMaxWorkers(pThis->pWtpDA, 1);
/* Now wait for the queue's workers to shut down. Note that we run into the code even if we just found
* out there are no active workers - that doesn't matter: the wtp knows about that and so will
* return immediately.
* We do not yet care about the DA worker - that will be handled down later in the process.
* Note that we must not request shutdown right now - that may introduce a race: if the regular queue
* still runs DA assisted and the DA worker gets scheduled first, it will terminate itself (if the DA
* queue happens to be empty at that instant). Then the regular worker enqueues messages, what will lead
* to a restart of the worker. Of course, everything will continue to run, but in a bit sub-optimal way
* (from a performance point of view). So we don't do anything right now. The DA queue will continue to
* process messages and shutdown itself in any case if there is nothing to do. So we don't loose anything
* by not requesting shutdown now.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-25
/* first calculate absolute timeout - we need the absolute value here, because we need to coordinate
* shutdown of both the regular and DA queue on *the same* timeout.
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->toQShutdown);
timeoutComp(&tTimeout, pThis->toQShutdown);
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "trying shutdown of regular workers\n");
iRetLocal = wtpShutdownAll(pThis->pWtpReg, wtpState_SHUTDOWN, &tTimeout);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_TIMED_OUT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "regular shutdown timed out on primary queue (this is OK)\n");
} else {
/* OK, the regular queue is now shut down. So we can now wait for the DA queue (if running DA) */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "regular queue workers shut down.\n");
BEGIN_MTX_PROTECTED_OPERATIONS(pThis->mut, LOCK_MUTEX); /* some workers may be running in parallel! */
if(pThis->bRunsDA) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "we have a DA queue (0x%lx), requesting its shutdown.\n",
/* we use the same absolute timeout as above, so we do not use more than the configured
* timeout interval!
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "trying shutdown of DA workers\n");
iRetLocal = wtpShutdownAll(pThis->pWtpDA, wtpState_SHUTDOWN, &tTimeout);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_TIMED_OUT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "shutdown timed out on DA queue (this is OK)\n");
} else {
/* when we reach this point, both queues are either empty or the regular queue shutdown timeout
* has expired. Now we need to check if we are configured to not loose messages. If so, we need
* to persist the queue to disk (this is only possible if the queue is DA-enabled). We must also
* set the primary queue to SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE, as it shall now terminate as soon as its consumer
* is done. This is especially important as we otherwise may interfere with queue order while the
* DA consumer is running. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-27
* Note: there was a note that we should not wait eternally on the DA worker if we run in
* enqueue-only note. I have reviewed the code and think there is no need for this check. Howerver,
* I'd like to keep this note in here should we happen to run into some related trouble.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-28
wtpSetState(pThis->pWtpReg, wtpState_SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE); /* set primary queue to shutdown only */
BEGIN_MTX_PROTECTED_OPERATIONS(pThis->mut, LOCK_MUTEX); /* some workers may be running in parallel! */
/* optimize parameters for shutdown of DA-enabled queues */
if(pThis->bIsDA && pThis->iQueueSize > 0 && pThis->bSaveOnShutdown) {
/* switch to enqueue-only mode so that no more actions happen */
if(pThis->bRunsDA == 0) {
queueInitDA(pThis, QUEUE_MODE_ENQONLY, MUTEX_ALREADY_LOCKED); /* switch to DA mode */
} else {
queueSetEnqOnly(pThis->pqDA, QUEUE_MODE_ENQONLY, MUTEX_ALREADY_LOCKED); /* switch to enqueue-only mode */
/* make sure we do not timeout before we are done */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "bSaveOnShutdown configured, eternal timeout set\n");
timeoutComp(&tTimeout, QUEUE_TIMEOUT_ETERNAL);
/* and run the primary queue's DA worker to drain the queue */
iRetLocal = wtpShutdownAll(pThis->pWtpDA, wtpState_SHUTDOWN, &tTimeout);
if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "unexpected iRet state %d after trying to shut down primary queue in disk save mode, "
"continuing, but results are unpredictable\n", iRetLocal);
} else {
/* now the primary queue is either empty, persisted to disk - or set to loose messages. So we
* can now request immediate shutdown of any remaining workers. Note that if bSaveOnShutdown was set,
* the queue is now empty. If regular workers are still running, and try to pull the next message,
* they will automatically terminate as there no longer is any message left to process.
BEGIN_MTX_PROTECTED_OPERATIONS(pThis->mut, LOCK_MUTEX); /* some workers may be running in parallel! */
if(pThis->iQueueSize > 0) {
timeoutComp(&tTimeout, pThis->toActShutdown);
if(wtpGetCurNumWrkr(pThis->pWtpReg, LOCK_MUTEX) > 0) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "trying immediate shutdown of regular workers\n");
iRetLocal = wtpShutdownAll(pThis->pWtpReg, wtpState_SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE, &tTimeout);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_TIMED_OUT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "immediate shutdown timed out on primary queue (this is acceptable and "
"triggers cancellation)\n");
} else if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "unexpected iRet state %d after trying immediate shutdown of the primary queue "
"in disk save mode. Continuing, but results are unpredictable\n", iRetLocal);
if(pThis->bIsDA) {
/* we need to re-aquire the mutex for the next check in this case! */
BEGIN_MTX_PROTECTED_OPERATIONS(pThis->mut, LOCK_MUTEX); /* some workers may be running in parallel! */
if(pThis->bIsDA && wtpGetCurNumWrkr(pThis->pWtpDA, LOCK_MUTEX) > 0) {
/* and now the same for the DA queue */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "trying immediate shutdown of DA workers\n");
iRetLocal = wtpShutdownAll(pThis->pWtpDA, wtpState_SHUTDOWN_IMMEDIATE, &tTimeout);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_TIMED_OUT) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "immediate shutdown timed out on DA queue (this is acceptable and "
"triggers cancellation)\n");
} else if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "unexpected iRet state %d after trying immediate shutdown of the DA queue "
"in disk save mode. Continuing, but results are unpredictable\n", iRetLocal);
} else {
/* Now queue workers should have terminated. If not, we need to cancel them as we have applied
* all timeout setting. If any worker in any queue still executes, its consumer is possibly
* long-running and cancelling is the only way to get rid of it. Note that the
* cancellation handler will probably re-queue a user pointer, so the queue's enqueue
* function is still needed (what is no problem as we do not yet destroy the queue - but I
* thought it's a good idea to mention that fact). -- rgerhards, 2008-01-25
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "checking to see if we need to cancel any worker threads of the primary queue\n");
iRetLocal = wtpCancelAll(pThis->pWtpReg); /* returns immediately if all threads already have terminated */
if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "unexpected iRet state %d trying to cancel primary queue worker "
"threads, continuing, but results are unpredictable\n", iRetLocal);
/* TODO:
* If we cancelled some regular workers above, we need to think about where any "ungotten()" pUsr
* data elements need to go to. We need to make sure they are persisted. But this will be kept open
* until we finally code that part of the logic.
* To provide an early idea: the ungetObj() call should be a pointer. If running DA, it shall point
* to the DA queues ungetObj() and if we are running regular, it should point to the parent queues. The
* idea behind that logic is that if something is to be ungotten, it should normally go back to the top
* of the queue, which in that case is inside the DA queue... - but that idea needs to be verified once
* we reached that point.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-27
/* TODO: think: do we really need to do this here? Can't it happen on DA queue destruction? If we
* disable it, we get an assertion... I think this is OK, as we need to have a certain order and
* canceling the DA workers here ensures that order. But in any instant, we may have a look at this
* code after we have reaced the milestone. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-27
/* ... and now the DA queue, if it exists (should always be after the primary one) */
if(pThis->pqDA != NULL) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "checking to see if we need to cancel any worker threads of the DA queue\n");
iRetLocal = wtpCancelAll(pThis->pqDA->pWtpReg); /* returns immediately if all threads already have terminated */
if(iRetLocal != RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "unexpected iRet state %d trying to cancel DA queue worker "
"threads, continuing, but results are unpredictable\n", iRetLocal);
/* ... finally ... all worker threads have terminated :-)
* Well, more precisely, they *are in termination*. Some cancel cleanup handlers
* may still be running.
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "worker threads terminated, remaining queue size %d.\n", pThis->iQueueSize);
/* Constructor for the queue object
* This constructs the data structure, but does not yet start the queue. That
* is done by queueStart(). The reason is that we want to give the caller a chance
* to modify some parameters before the queue is actually started.
rsRetVal queueConstruct(queue_t **ppThis, queueType_t qType, int iWorkerThreads,
int iMaxQueueSize, rsRetVal (*pConsumer)(void*,void*))
queue_t *pThis;
ASSERT(ppThis != NULL);
ASSERT(pConsumer != NULL);
ASSERT(iWorkerThreads >= 0);
if((pThis = (queue_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(queue_t))) == NULL) {
/* we have an object, so let's fill the properties */
if((pThis->pszSpoolDir = (uchar*) strdup((char*)glblGetWorkDir())) == NULL)
pThis->lenSpoolDir = strlen((char*)pThis->pszSpoolDir);
pThis->iMaxFileSize = 1024 * 1024; /* default is 1 MiB */
pThis->iQueueSize = 0;
pThis->iMaxQueueSize = iMaxQueueSize;
pThis->pConsumer = pConsumer;
pThis->iNumWorkerThreads = iWorkerThreads;
pThis->pszFilePrefix = NULL;
pThis->qType = qType;
/* set type-specific handlers and other very type-specific things (we can not totally hide it...) */
switch(qType) {
pThis->qConstruct = qConstructFixedArray;
pThis->qDestruct = qDestructFixedArray;
pThis->qAdd = qAddFixedArray;
pThis->qDel = qDelFixedArray;
pThis->qConstruct = qConstructLinkedList;
pThis->qDestruct = qDestructLinkedList;
pThis->qAdd = qAddLinkedList;
pThis->qDel = (rsRetVal (*)(queue_t*,void**)) qDelLinkedList;
pThis->qConstruct = qConstructDisk;
pThis->qDestruct = qDestructDisk;
pThis->qAdd = qAddDisk;
pThis->qDel = qDelDisk;
/* special handling */
pThis->iNumWorkerThreads = 1; /* we need exactly one worker */
pThis->qConstruct = qConstructDirect;
pThis->qDestruct = qDestructDirect;
pThis->qAdd = qAddDirect;
pThis->qDel = qDelDirect;
/* cancellation cleanup handler for queueWorker ()
* Updates admin structure and frees ressources.
* Params:
* arg1 - user pointer (in this case a queue_t)
* arg2 - user data pointer (in this case a queue data element, any object [queue's pUsr ptr!])
* Note that arg2 may be NULL, in which case no dequeued but unprocessed pUsr exists!
* rgerhards, 2008-01-16
static rsRetVal
queueConsumerCancelCleanup(void *arg1, void *arg2)
queue_t *pThis = (queue_t*) arg1;
obj_t *pUsr = (obj_t*) arg2;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pUsr != NULL) {
/* make sure the data element is not lost */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "cancelation cleanup handler consumer called, we need to unget one user data element\n");
CHKiRet(queueUngetObj(pThis, pUsr, LOCK_MUTEX));
/* This function checks if the provided message shall be discarded and does so, if needed.
* In DA mode, we do not discard any messages as we assume the disk subsystem is fast enough to
* provide real-time creation of spool files.
* Note: cached copies of iQueueSize and bRunsDA are provided so that no mutex locks are required.
* The caller must have obtained them while the mutex was locked. Of course, these values may no
* longer be current, but that is OK for the discard check. At worst, the message is either processed
* or discarded when it should not have been. As discarding is in itself somewhat racy and erratic,
* that is no problems for us. This function MUST NOT lock the queue mutex, it could result in
* deadlocks!
* If the message is discarded, it can no longer be processed by the caller. So be sure to check
* the return state!
* rgerhards, 2008-01-24
static int queueChkDiscardMsg(queue_t *pThis, int iQueueSize, int bRunsDA, void *pUsr)
rsRetVal iRetLocal;
int iSeverity;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
RUNLOG_VAR("%p", pUsr);
if(pThis->iDiscardMrk > 0 && iQueueSize >= pThis->iDiscardMrk && bRunsDA == 0) {
iRetLocal = objGetSeverity(pUsr, &iSeverity);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_OK && iSeverity >= pThis->iDiscardSeverity) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "queue nearly full (%d entries), discarded severity %d message\n",
iQueueSize, iSeverity);
} else {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "queue nearly full (%d entries), but could not drop msg "
"(iRet: %d, severity %d)\n", iQueueSize, iRetLocal, iSeverity);
/* dequeue the queued object for the queue consumers.
* rgerhards, 2008-10-21
static rsRetVal
queueDequeueConsumable(queue_t *pThis, wti_t *pWti, int iCancelStateSave)
void *pUsr;
int iQueueSize;
int bRunsDA; /* cache for early mutex release */
/* dequeue element (still protected from mutex) */
iRet = queueDel(pThis, &pUsr);
iQueueSize = queueGetOverallQueueSize(pThis); /* cache this for after mutex release */
bRunsDA = pThis->bRunsDA; /* cache this for after mutex release */
pWti->pUsrp = pUsr; /* save it for the cancel cleanup handler */
pthread_setcancelstate(iCancelStateSave, NULL);
/* do actual processing (the lengthy part, runs in parallel)
* If we had a problem while dequeing, we do not call the consumer,
* but we otherwise ignore it. This is in the hopes that it will be
* self-healing. However, this is really not a good thing.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-03
if(iRet != RS_RET_OK)
/* we are running in normal, non-disk-assisted mode do a quick check if we need to drain the queue.
* In DA mode, we do not discard any messages as we assume the disk subsystem is fast enough to
* provide real-time creation of spool files.
* Note: It is OK to use the cached iQueueSize here, because it does not hurt if it is slightly wrong.
CHKiRet(queueChkDiscardMsg(pThis, iQueueSize, bRunsDA, pUsr));
if(iRet != RS_RET_OK && iRet != RS_RET_DISCARDMSG) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d dequeueing element - ignoring, but strange things "
"may happen\n", iRet);
/* This is the queue consumer in the regular (non-DA) case. It is
* protected by the queue mutex, but MUST release it as soon as possible.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-21
static rsRetVal
queueConsumerReg(queue_t *pThis, wti_t *pWti, int iCancelStateSave)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pWti, wti);
CHKiRet(queueDequeueConsumable(pThis, pWti, iCancelStateSave));
CHKiRet(pThis->pConsumer(pThis->pUsr, pWti->pUsrp));
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "regular consumer returns %d\n", iRet);
/* This is a special consumer to feed the disk-queue in disk-assited mode.
* When active, our own queue more or less acts as a memory buffer to the disk.
* So this consumer just needs to drain the memory queue and submit entries
* to the disk queue. The disk queue will then call the actual consumer from
* the app point of view (we chain two queues here).
* When this method is entered, the mutex is always locked and needs to be unlocked
* as part of the processing.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-14
static rsRetVal
queueConsumerDA(queue_t *pThis, wti_t *pWti, int iCancelStateSave)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pWti, wti);
CHKiRet(queueDequeueConsumable(pThis, pWti, iCancelStateSave));
CHKiRet(queueEnqObj(pThis->pqDA, pWti->pUsrp));
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "DAConsumer returns with iRet %d\n", iRet);
/* must only be called when the queue mutex is locked, else results
* are not stable!
* If we are a child, we have done our duty when the queue is empty. In that case,
* we can terminate.
* Version for the DA worker thread. NOTE: the pThis->bRunsDA is different from
* the DA queue
static int
queueChkStopWrkrDA(queue_t *pThis)
/* if our queue is in destruction, we drain to the DA queue and so we shall not terminate
* until we have done so.
int bStopWrkr;
if(pThis->bEnqOnly) {
bStopWrkr = 1;
} else {
if(pThis->bRunsDA) {
if(pThis->iQueueSize < pThis->iHighWtrMrk && pThis->bQueueStarted == 1) {
bStopWrkr = 1;
} else {
bStopWrkr = 0;
} else {
bStopWrkr = 1;
return bStopWrkr;
/* must only be called when the queue mutex is locked, else results
* are not stable!
* If we are a child, we have done our duty when the queue is empty. In that case,
* we can terminate.
* Version for the regular worker thread. NOTE: the pThis->bRunsDA is different from
* the DA queue
static int
queueChkStopWrkrReg(queue_t *pThis)
return pThis->bEnqOnly || pThis->bRunsDA || (pThis->pqParent != NULL && pThis->iQueueSize == 0);
/* must only be called when the queue mutex is locked, else results
* are not stable! DA queue version
static int
queueIsIdleDA(queue_t *pThis)
/* remember: iQueueSize is the DA queue size, not the main queue! */
/* TODO: I think we need just a single function for DA and non-DA mode - but I leave it for now as is */
return(queueGetOverallQueueSize(pThis) == 0 || (pThis->bRunsDA && queueGetOverallQueueSize(pThis) <= pThis->iLowWtrMrk));
/* must only be called when the queue mutex is locked, else results
* are not stable! Regular queue version
static int
queueIsIdleReg(queue_t *pThis)
return(queueGetOverallQueueSize(pThis) == 0 || (pThis->bRunsDA && queueGetOverallQueueSize(pThis) <= pThis->iLowWtrMrk));
/* This function is called when a worker thread for the regular queue is shut down.
* If we are the primary queue, this is not really interesting to us. If, however,
* we are the DA (child) queue, that means the DA queue is empty. In that case, we
* need to signal the parent queue's DA worker, so that it can terminate DA mode.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-26
static rsRetVal
queueRegOnWrkrShutdown(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->pqParent != NULL) {
RUNLOG_VAR("%p", pThis->pqParent);
RUNLOG_VAR("%p", pThis->pqParent->pWtpDA);
ASSERT(pThis->pqParent->pWtpDA != NULL);
pThis->pqParent->bChildIsDone = 1; /* indicate we are done */
wtpAdviseMaxWorkers(pThis->pqParent->pWtpDA, 1); /* reactivate DA worker (always 1) */
/* The following function is called when a regular queue worker starts up. We need this
* hook to indicate in the parent queue (if we are a child) that we are not done yet.
static rsRetVal
queueRegOnWrkrStartup(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->pqParent != NULL) {
pThis->pqParent->bChildIsDone = 0;
/* start up the queue - it must have been constructed and parameters defined
* before.
rsRetVal queueStart(queue_t *pThis) /* this is the ConstructionFinalizer */
rsRetVal iRetLocal;
int bInitialized = 0; /* is queue already initialized? */
uchar pszBuf[64];
size_t lenBuf;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
/* finalize some initializations that could not yet be done because it is
* influenced by properties which might have been set after queueConstruct ()
if(pThis->pqParent == NULL) {
pThis->mut = (pthread_mutex_t *) malloc (sizeof (pthread_mutex_t));
pthread_mutex_init(pThis->mut, NULL);
} else {
/* child queue, we need to use parent's mutex */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "I am a child\n");
pThis->mut = pThis->pqParent->mut;
pthread_mutex_init(&pThis->mutThrdMgmt, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&pThis->condDAReady, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&pThis->notFull, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&pThis->notEmpty, NULL);
/* call type-specific constructor */
CHKiRet(pThis->qConstruct(pThis)); /* this also sets bIsDA */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "type %d, enq-only %d, disk assisted %d, maxFileSz %ld, qsize %d, child %d starting\n",
pThis->qType, pThis->bEnqOnly, pThis->bIsDA, pThis->iMaxFileSize,
pThis->iQueueSize, pThis->pqParent == NULL ? 0 : 1);
if(pThis->qType == QUEUETYPE_DIRECT)
FINALIZE; /* with direct queues, we are already finished... */
/* create worker thread pools for regular operation. The DA pool is created on an as-needed
* basis, which potentially means never under most circumstances.
lenBuf = snprintf((char*)pszBuf, sizeof(pszBuf), "%s:Reg", objGetName((obj_t*) pThis));
CHKiRet(wtpConstruct (&pThis->pWtpReg));
CHKiRet(wtpSetDbgHdr (pThis->pWtpReg, pszBuf, lenBuf));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfChkStopWrkr (pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, int)) queueChkStopWrkrReg));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfIsIdle (pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, int)) queueIsIdleReg));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfDoWork (pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, void *pWti, int)) queueConsumerReg));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerCancel (pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr, void*pWti))queueConsumerCancelCleanup));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerStartup (pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr)) queueRegOnWrkrStartup));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpfOnWorkerShutdown(pThis->pWtpReg, (rsRetVal (*)(void *pUsr)) queueRegOnWrkrShutdown));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpmutUsr (pThis->pWtpReg, pThis->mut));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpcondBusy (pThis->pWtpReg, &pThis->notEmpty));
CHKiRet(wtpSetiNumWorkerThreads (pThis->pWtpReg, pThis->iNumWorkerThreads));
CHKiRet(wtpSettoWrkShutdown (pThis->pWtpReg, pThis->toWrkShutdown));
CHKiRet(wtpSetpUsr (pThis->pWtpReg, pThis));
CHKiRet(wtpConstructFinalize (pThis->pWtpReg));
/* initialize worker thread instances */
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->bIsDA);
if(pThis->bIsDA) {
/* If we are disk-assisted, we need to check if there is a QIF file
* which we need to load. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-15
iRetLocal = queueHaveQIF(pThis);
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", iRetLocal);
if(iRetLocal == RS_RET_OK) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "on-disk queue present, needs to be reloaded\n");
queueInitDA(pThis, QUEUE_MODE_ENQDEQ, LOCK_MUTEX); /* initiate DA mode */
bInitialized = 1; /* we are done */
} else {
/* TODO: use logerror? -- rgerhards, 2008-01-16 */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d trying to access on-disk queue files, starting without them. "
"Some data may be lost\n", iRetLocal);
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", bInitialized);
if(!bInitialized) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "queue starts up without (loading) any DA disk state (this is normal for the DA "
"queue itself!)\n");
/* if the queue already contains data, we need to start the correct number of worker threads. This can be
* the case when a disk queue has been loaded. If we did not start it here, it would never start.
pThis->bQueueStarted = 1;
/* persist the queue to disk. If we have something to persist, we first
* save the information on the queue properties itself and then we call
* the queue-type specific drivers.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-10
static rsRetVal queuePersist(queue_t *pThis)
strm_t *psQIF = NULL; /* Queue Info File */
uchar pszQIFNam[MAXFNAME];
size_t lenQIFNam;
obj_t *pUsr;
ASSERT(pThis != NULL);
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DISK) {
if(pThis->iQueueSize > 0) {
/* This error code is OK, but we will probably not implement this any time
* The reason is that persistence happens via DA queues. But I would like to
* leave the code as is, as we so have a hook in case we need one.
* -- rgerhards, 2008-01-28
} else
FINALIZE; /* if the queue is empty, we are happy and done... */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "persisting queue to disk, %d entries...\n", pThis->iQueueSize);
/* Construct file name */
lenQIFNam = snprintf((char*)pszQIFNam, sizeof(pszQIFNam) / sizeof(uchar), "%s/%s.qi",
(char*) glblGetWorkDir(), (char*)pThis->pszFilePrefix);
if(pThis->iQueueSize == 0) {
if(pThis->bNeedDelQIF) {
pThis->bNeedDelQIF = 0;
/* indicate spool file needs to be deleted */
CHKiRet(strmSetbDeleteOnClose(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, 1));
FINALIZE; /* nothing left to do, so be happy */
CHKiRet(strmSetDir(psQIF, glblGetWorkDir(), strlen((char*)glblGetWorkDir())));
CHKiRet(strmSettOperationsMode(psQIF, STREAMMODE_WRITE));
CHKiRet(strmSetiAddtlOpenFlags(psQIF, O_TRUNC));
CHKiRet(strmSetFName(psQIF, pszQIFNam, lenQIFNam));
/* first, write the property bag for ourselfs
* And, surprisingly enough, we currently need to persist only the size of the
* queue. All the rest is re-created with then-current config parameters when the
* queue is re-created. Well, we'll also save the current queue type, just so that
* we know when somebody has changed the queue type... -- rgerhards, 2008-01-11
CHKiRet(objBeginSerializePropBag(psQIF, (obj_t*) pThis));
objSerializeSCALAR(psQIF, iQueueSize, INT);
objSerializeSCALAR(psQIF, iUngottenObjs, INT);
/* now we must persist all objects on the ungotten queue - they can not go to
* to the regular files. -- rgerhards, 2008-01-29
while(pThis->iUngottenObjs > 0) {
CHKiRet(queueGetUngottenObj(pThis, &pUsr));
CHKiRet((objSerialize(pUsr))(pUsr, psQIF));
/* now persist the stream info */
CHKiRet(strmSerialize(pThis->tVars.disk.pWrite, psQIF));
CHKiRet(strmSerialize(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, psQIF));
/* tell the input file object that it must not delete the file on close if the queue is non-empty */
CHKiRet(strmSetbDeleteOnClose(pThis->tVars.disk.pRead, 0));
/* we have persisted the queue object. So whenever it comes to an empty queue,
* we need to delete the QIF. Thus, we indicte that need.
pThis->bNeedDelQIF = 1;
if(psQIF != NULL)
/* check if we need to persist the current queue info. If an
* error occurs, thus should be ignored by caller (but we still
* abide to our regular call interface)...
* rgerhards, 2008-01-13
rsRetVal queueChkPersist(queue_t *pThis)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(pThis->iPersistUpdCnt && ++pThis->iUpdsSincePersist >= pThis->iPersistUpdCnt) {
pThis->iUpdsSincePersist = 0;
/* destructor for the queue object */
BEGINobjDestruct(queue) /* be sure to specify the object type also in END and CODESTART macros! */
pThis->bQueueInDestruction = 1; /* indicate we are in destruction (modifies some behaviour) */
/* shut down all workers (handles *all* of the persistence logic)
* See function head comment of queueShutdownWorkers () on why we don't call it
* We also do not need to shutdown workers when we are in enqueue-only mode or we are a
* direct queue - because in both cases we have none... ;)
* with a child! -- rgerhards, 2008-01-28
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DIRECT && !pThis->bEnqOnly && pThis->pqParent == NULL)
/* finally destruct our (regular) worker thread pool
* Note: currently pWtpReg is never NULL, but if we optimize our logic, this may happen,
* e.g. when they are not created in enqueue-only mode. We already check the condition
* as this may otherwise be very hard to find once we optimize (and have long forgotten
* about this condition here ;)
* rgerhards, 2008-01-25
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DIRECT && pThis->pWtpReg != NULL) {
/* Now check if we actually have a DA queue and, if so, destruct it.
* Note that the wtp must be destructed first, it may be in cancel cleanup handler
* *right now* and actually *need* to access the queue object to persist some final
* data (re-queueing case). So we need to destruct the wtp first, which will make
* sure all workers have terminated.
if(pThis->pWtpDA != NULL) {
if(pThis->pqDA != NULL) {
/* persist the queue (we always do that - queuePersits() does cleanup if the queue is empty)
* This handler is most important for disk queues, it will finally persist the necessary
* on-disk structures. In theory, other queueing modes may implement their other (non-DA)
* methods of persisting a queue between runs, but in practice all of this is done via
* disk queues and DA mode. Anyhow, it doesn't hurt to know that we could extend it here
* if need arises (what I doubt...) -- rgerhards, 2008-01-25
CHKiRet_Hdlr(queuePersist(pThis)) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "error %d persisting queue - data lost!\n", iRet);
/* finally, clean up some simple things... */
if(pThis->pqParent == NULL) {
/* if we are not a child, we allocated our own mutex, which we now need to destroy */
/* type-specific destructor */
iRet = pThis->qDestruct(pThis);
if(pThis->pszFilePrefix != NULL)
/* set the queue's file prefix
* The passed-in string is duplicated. So if the caller does not need
* it any longer, it must free it.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-09
queueSetFilePrefix(queue_t *pThis, uchar *pszPrefix, size_t iLenPrefix)
if(pThis->pszFilePrefix != NULL)
if(pszPrefix == NULL) /* just unset the prefix! */
if((pThis->pszFilePrefix = malloc(sizeof(uchar) * iLenPrefix + 1)) == NULL)
memcpy(pThis->pszFilePrefix, pszPrefix, iLenPrefix + 1);
pThis->lenFilePrefix = iLenPrefix;
/* set the queue's maximum file size
* rgerhards, 2008-01-09
queueSetMaxFileSize(queue_t *pThis, size_t iMaxFileSize)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
if(iMaxFileSize < 1024) {
pThis->iMaxFileSize = iMaxFileSize;
/* enqueue a new user data element
* Enqueues the new element and awakes worker thread.
* TODO: this code still uses the "discard if queue full" approach from
* the main queue. This needs to be reconsidered or, better, done via a
* caller-selectable parameter mode. For the time being, I leave it in.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-03
queueEnqObj(queue_t *pThis, void *pUsr)
int iCancelStateSave;
int i;
struct timespec t;
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->bRunsDA);
/* Please note that this function is not cancel-safe and consequently
* sets the calling thread's cancelibility state to PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE
* during its execution. If that is not done, race conditions occur if the
* thread is canceled (most important use case is input module termination).
* rgerhards, 2008-01-08
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DIRECT) {
pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &iCancelStateSave);
/* first check if we need to discard this message (which will cause CHKiRet() to exit) */
CHKiRet(queueChkDiscardMsg(pThis, pThis->iQueueSize, pThis->bRunsDA, pUsr));
/* then check if we need to add an assistance disk queue */
/* wait for the queue to be ready... */
while(pThis->iMaxQueueSize > 0 && pThis->iQueueSize >= pThis->iMaxQueueSize) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "enqueueMsg: queue FULL - waiting to drain.\n");
timeoutComp(&t, pThis->toEnq);
if(pthread_cond_timedwait(&pThis->notFull, pThis->mut, &t) != 0) {
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "enqueueMsg: cond timeout, dropping message!\n");
/* and finally enqueue the message */
RUNLOG_VAR("%p", pThis);
RUNLOG_VAR("%d", pThis->bRunsDA);
CHKiRet(queueAdd(pThis, pUsr));
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DIRECT) {
i = pthread_cond_signal(&pThis->notEmpty);
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "EnqueueMsg signaled condition (%d)\n", i);
pthread_setcancelstate(iCancelStateSave, NULL);
/* make sure at least one worker is running. */
if(pThis->qType != QUEUETYPE_DIRECT) {
/* set queue mode to enqueue only or not
* There is one subtle issue: this method may be called during queue
* construction or while it is running. In the former case, the queue
* mutex does not yet exist (it is NULL), while in the later case it
* must be locked. The function detects the state and operates as
* required.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-16
static rsRetVal
queueSetEnqOnly(queue_t *pThis, int bEnqOnly, int bLockMutex)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
/* for simplicity, we do one big mutex lock. This method is extremely seldom
* called, so that doesn't matter... -- rgerhards, 2008-01-16
if(pThis->mut != NULL) {
if(bEnqOnly == pThis->bEnqOnly)
FINALIZE; /* no change, nothing to do */
if(pThis->bQueueStarted) {
/* we need to adjust queue operation only if we are not during initial param setup */
if(bEnqOnly == 1) {
/* switch to enqueue-only mode */
/* this means we need to terminate all workers - that's it... */
dbgoprint((obj_t*) pThis, "switching to enqueue-only mode, terminating all worker threads\n");
if(pThis->pWtpReg != NULL)
if(pThis->pWtpDA != NULL)
} else {
/* switch back to regular mode */
ABORT_FINALIZE(RS_RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); /* we don't need this so far... */
pThis->bEnqOnly = bEnqOnly;
if(pThis->mut != NULL) {
/* some simple object access methods */
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iPersistUpdCnt, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, toQShutdown, long);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, toActShutdown, long);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, toWrkShutdown, long);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, toEnq, long);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iHighWtrMrk, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iLowWtrMrk, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iDiscardMrk, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iDiscardSeverity, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, bIsDA, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, iMinMsgsPerWrkr, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, bSaveOnShutdown, int);
DEFpropSetMeth(queue, pUsr, void*);
/* This function can be used as a generic way to set properties. Only the subset
* of properties required to read persisted property bags is supported. This
* functions shall only be called by the property bag reader, thus it is static.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-11
#define isProp(name) !rsCStrSzStrCmp(pProp->pcsName, (uchar*) name, sizeof(name) - 1)
static rsRetVal queueSetProperty(queue_t *pThis, property_t *pProp)
ISOBJ_TYPE_assert(pThis, queue);
ASSERT(pProp != NULL);
if(isProp("iQueueSize")) {
pThis->iQueueSize = pProp->val.vInt;
} else if(isProp("iUngottenObjs")) {
pThis->iUngottenObjs = pProp->val.vInt;
} else if(isProp("qType")) {
if(pThis->qType != pProp->val.vLong)
#undef isProp
/* Initialize the stream class. Must be called as the very first method
* before anything else is called inside this class.
* rgerhards, 2008-01-09
BEGINObjClassInit(queue, 1)
OBJSetMethodHandler(objMethod_SETPROPERTY, queueSetProperty);
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